YouTube will dominate steemit.

in steemit •  9 years ago  (edited)

What if big time -- or even marginally popular -- YouTubers directed their audience towards steemit posts of their content? Or even offered exclusive content?

Well, domination. That's what would happen. Complete and total domination.

I have a YouTube channel that is working its way up to 4,000 subscribers in about 2 months. How much have I made in that time, with 17 monetized videos?

Less than a dollar from their ad service. That's it. It's sad.

And, see, I've known about steemit for about a week, made a few posts, a few comments, upvoted a few articles. Blah blah blah.

And how much have I made from steemit? $55.

Now, if a YouTuber with a really big channel directs their audience to stemit, they'll be able to increase their potential revenue by massive margins. And the first big early adopters to do this will see huge payouts. And I mean massively huge. Like, hundreds of thousands of dollars per post, huge.

We will see a massive exodus from YouTube to the promised land of steemit. And they will bring their multi-million-numbered audiences to this platform.

And this site will change massively.

Can steemit handle this eventuality? Will the system break down and collapse? Or will this be the proving-ground for a new, blockchain-based economy that will expand to all casual media?

Gimme your thoughts!

And, if you're interested, check out my YouTube channel, and also get my popular indie game Blobfish Evolution on iOS and Android.

Peace out!!

#steemit #YouTube

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Steemit is how people will get around YouTubes stupid monetization rules. The very concept of so-called "intellectual property" might finally be killed off for good... you know, eventually. ;)

would love to see video hosting directly on Steemit..

Hell yeah. I bet it will happen. They just have to secure an epic datacenter first :)

Yes. I think that right now they are waiting to see if this will become Facebook or YouTube. Since YouTube has the personality power value, it will dominate over the Facebook-type social network. My guess is that steemit will orient itself to be somewhere in between YouTube and Facebook: it will use personality power videos with a strong blogging element.

I say, why not both?

LBRY Credits would be great as a backoffice to this. LBRY secures the content providers and artists while Steemit brings in the crowd...splitting....ahhmmmm....somehow....

This is exactly it, when we start getting big name youtubers then I figure we can consider steemit "mainstream" lol. At that point how many are beginning to understand and hold crypto's? How many millions (potentially billions) now have the same currency that can be traded in between each other? How does this effect The current momentary systems in power across the globe? How will things change...

These are exciting times, steemit could very well be that bridge we need to branch out and entice mainstream adoption. Or at least be the start of it and if that happens I truly wonder how the financial systems throughout the world will change.

It will indeed be good for cryptos in general and Bitcoin in particular if the site succeeds.

I've got a video I'm going to make about this, but the preview would be that this sort of system could turn most media interactions in to income generation streams, which makes the increasingly inevitable automation of labor not really scary because you can make money writing posts, playing games, and liking and sharing content.

Exactly, we either need to move past this monentary for profit style system, or we need to figure out a way people can still get paid.

You hit the nail on the head eventually machines will be completing most manual labour jobs. Hell they may be completing most jobs in general, so if we wanna keep the same style of for profit system we need new ways for people to generate an income in ways a machine can't or "isn't allowed".

Thinking about this topic inspired me to invite a guest to my YouTube channel to discuss it. Here's the video!

Same videos...same content. They just get paid now to comment and upvote. Why wouldn't they come? Love this stuff!


This will happen. :-)

Oh, I agree. With the success of this makup tutorial business, YouTubers ARE GOING TO TAKE NOTICE. This, I think, will be a good thing for steemit overall, as the most popular content will shift from steemit-oriented posts to diversified content that reflects a true social media platform. If the platform can handle it, the big names will come, and this whole thing will change.

It's scary but I don't know why and you are right.

it's ok to make a mistake a write a sentence the other way round ok. It's fine don't worry. The correct statement is "Steemit will dominate Youtube" :)

Right. I addressed this notion already. Steemit may overtake YouTube in some way, but right now it is not an audience-building or discovery platform. YouTube has finely-crafted metrics that make it easy to consume hours being lost in amusement. It's easy to connect on a personal level with content creators. It's not like that here -- yet. I'm curious to see how steemit will change when this stress is placed on it, because I have some ideas of my own.

Excellent post! The brilliance of Steem's architecture is going to unfold over the next few months and there will be a be a giant sucking sound heard across the web. I had never thought about the YouTube crowd but it makes perfect sense - post your video, send your traffic, profit! I wonder how long it will take them?


My guess? Not long. A few weeks, maybe. The biggish names who are willing to learn about Bitcoin and this platform will adopt early for massive profits. Big youtubers pay attention to biggish youtubes, so they'll look into it, too. Then you'll see YouTube be forced to change its monitization models or die.

Hmm… steemit better be ready for this. If the big names choose to monetize over here, the platform will have to make big changes.

I don't want steemit to kill YouTube. At least not before it can handle the coup!

Just thinking about it: someone like Matthias, with 1.5m subscribers, might make $1000/video. Now, that's not bad money overall, but if he had a fraction of that traffic engaging him over here???? Hundreds of thousands per post. Someone like PewDiePie? Millions per post. It's… going to be a stress test.

It's going to be a trickle that suddenly turns into a flood, like a dam bursting, and I agree it will be a serious test of the platform. Given how well the Steemit is performing as a beta release with the exponential adoption that has happened over the past two weeks I think the devs are have prepared for a tsunami, but time will tell.

The site needs to be more friendly and convenient for subscribers/followers (notifications, profile walls, etc). If it can do this and beef up security, I think steemit might have a chance! I'm near investing, myself.

Yes, agree on all points and I'm sure all of that functionality will be in the final release (this is just a beta). The dev team is really top notch, one of if not the best in the industry.

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

The entry level in terms of cryptocurrencies might still put a good portion off from ever entering - though Steemit could most definitely also be a good way in for many newcomers. If we have large YouTube channels enter the scene we would moreover experience a surge of new users - and thus an increase in content created, comments and upvotes. I can only think of this as a good thing, really!

Right! In addition to your points, we can also predict that with all of these people coming into steem and earning funds, they'll want to trade out into Bitcoin. Being invested in Bitcoin myself, these newcomers who were able to bypass the challenges of entry will rally the price and increase innovation.

Steem Power was the first thing I've traded Bitcoin for. Ever. When the Bitcoin crowd figures this out the stampede will be something to watch.

Are you suggesting that current Bitcoin investors and speculators will shift to steem power?

Good investors will recognize the opportunity in the Steemit platform very quickly, and the best way for an investor to invest is by converting Bitcoins to Steem Power. Crypto investors are starved for yield and exhausted by volatility. I have been trading crypto markets for four years, give or take, and am more than ready to sit back and collect dividends/interest/yield. Steem Power provides this opportunity, along with massive upside potential. So yes, I think a lot of Bitcoin is going to be traded for Steem Power in the coming months.

Nice backwards title.

Not really. You don't build an audience with steemit -- yet. For now, youtube is excellent for exposure and subscriber building but terrible for making any money. I predict that if steemit can handle the pressure, it will become the payout system that youtubers use to monetize their audiences in a way that is extremely ethical and very low pressure.

For me, I have had a hard time getting YouTube subscribers so I truly have nothing to loose. I got a few views by posting here but the posts get buried quickly now so I can't imagine what will happen when the user-base grows even more. There is also the matter of paying for exposure here which I'm not yet sure how well that works...

What's your channel?

Edouard Beaudry

Interesting post here!
I think that many youtubers still need to understand Steemit potential (and crypto potential too).
Don't know if everything will escalate so quick, I imagine that many youtubers are still "too mainstream" to come here and become whales :)

Yes, many are quite mainstream, and have agents and handlers that would advise them not to innovate, but there are quite a few who are mid-level who would be totally free to innovate here, and likely will when they see the potential profits. Because the YouTube monitization system is piss-poor compared to something like Steemit.

Youtume monetization (like Adsense) is not really satisfying... That's true, unfortunately, except for ultra-mainstream youtubers who have millions views.

Yeah, it's for sure a snowball over there. More views = higher quality ads with better payout = easier to grow audience = more views = …

The Steem blockchain can handle the load. It is matter of the Steemit website can keep up with the growth. It will to have a support system in place. I am pretty sure they are in process of building up the backend.

For sure. And lone individuals are creating their own systems, as well. I'm excited to see how things will improve in the near future. The potential for this protocol is massive.

What if Steemit adds a video hosting service (maybe powered by Amazon WS)? Then steemit will disrupt Youtube. ;-)

Well, only if we get a working "follow" button, notifications, and an app! Then steemit video hosting would kill.