3 Weeks of not using upvoting bot's - My account is crippled and so im I

in steemit •  7 years ago 

A few weeks back, i decided to stop using all upvoting bots and only use @ssg-community which is paid by the month. When i posting stopped upvoting bot's around 3 weeks back i can see a huge drop in my post payouts. Before i decided to give this try, i was getting paid out around 8-12 SBD's in post rewards and saving 3-4 SP per day. I converted around 3-4 SBD a day into steem from saving and spent the remaining 5-6 SBD's on minnow booster. I had projected to have around 120 steem in my account by the end of the month but as it stands I only have around 50 with 4 days left to this month. I guess i will collect another 6 steem in total meaning i will be lucky to hit 60 steem by the 30th. My plan in the begaining was to pay my @ssg-community membership and divide what was left over by 7 and start using upvoting bots again. I tried this as an experiment but it has back fired epicly and will likely take me a few months to rebuild to where i was.

What happened?

The ratio got reversed and the dollar price of SBD has been slowly in decline seen ''this happened'' and has been falling faster than Steem hence the ratio reverse. I really picked a bad month to try my experiment at least now i know it was a bad idea and i should have just kept on doing what i was doing already but hey.... I'd been thinking about it for a few months and now i know it is a bullshit idea i should has dismissed. Of course, with the market sort of crashing and steemit payout's changing a little bit with them adding in Steem and a few other smaller things, what can i do? I tried, i failed.

New Plan

Power on to hell. I will just go back to doing what i used to always do and upvote the shit of my every post with ever cent of SBD i have. I dont really care for the post payouts are higher ranking in the trending section, not that they are not nice bonuses. I re-use my payouts and i have 700 followers when i only care about 150 of them so visibility should be ok. Ohhh noo..... Im it for the SP you earn on post payouts. It is 100% the best way to lock $ away for a while and grow your account value (for me anyways). I have always avg for the past 5-6 months aroun 120 SP per month and this month is way, way down so im back into old habits.

The way i think is if you have 70 Steem you can buy 70 SP once but with 70 steem you upvote 10 Steem per day for a week and rise and repeat the process as posts are paid out. Based on some rough break even numbers, you would earn around 14 SP extra per week from posts you upvoted. It would take you a perfect 5 weeks to gain your 70SP while still rising your 70 Steem every week. If you could run this at break even upvotes, you would earn 658 SP for the first year whiling still rising your 70 Steem. It is a pain having to hunt down upvoting bots and then wait for them but it can be worth.

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Hey - I know SmartSteem has upped their ROI to 25% with the price decrease. They have seen fewer vote buyers and keep upping the ROI to match demand. Even in the falling prices I think I have been coming out ahead buying votes ( not bidding), typically doesn't fall 25% in 7 days.

SmartSteem is my second to go guy. I got onto the whitelist but only 1 star.

Thanks man

Me too - I want to know who got 2 and 3 stars.....

I'm with you. I pushed pause on buying votes, and my payouts totally suck. Taking a look at what tokens I could maybe sell to buy enough STEEM to get a decent start again with buying the votes to increase my holdings. We'll see. Everything is so red right now.

We'll get there eventually!

Dont even talk about red, im looking through my blockfolio app and my bitclave and fun tokens and a few others are worthless, :'(

I think this could be one of the last big dips then it'll be sideways for a year are 2 until it all pops off again. Steemit is strong enough to survive a few years and then BOOM. Bull time again and it'll be our time to enjoy the fruits of our work.

Steem On !!

Cool. thanks for the info. I have been trying a few experiments with upvoting bots too, and the past week sucked not using them. I will save a little and try a new strategy next month. hopefully the price of SBD picks up.

That sucks, man. Sorry about that. On the bright side, a downward market is the worst time to be buying votes since you pay a higher price for the vote, but it diminishes as the price of Steem drops. Then you get hosed when it pays out if the price keeps going down, you get paid out the lower amount, but the internal price is higher (because of the three day trailing average) so you get fewer SP than you should.

So even though you didn't do as great because you weren't buying votes, you could have lost money if you had been buying votes through the big dips. Hopefully that helps you feel better about the experiment.

I have been thinking about investing in vote bots, but it seems like every time I would do it I would not completely get my investment back. Maybe I should check back again since it seems like the entire platform activity is down a little and I could have better luck. I am hoping by the end to the year things will pick up a little bit :)