RE: [Notice] The TRX Distribution Code has been removed.

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[Notice] The TRX Distribution Code has been removed.

in steemit •  4 months ago 

Hi @ety001 I have a issue, now that the TRX wallet as been removed "but hopefully will be reconsidered placed back" from the SteemitWallet how do I excess those funds that I had there without a password to excess it from TronScan?? There should of at least been some kind of warning period or something for people to be able to move their earned TRX before this removal.

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I was able to import my TRX wallet into TronLink yesterday, so I can verify that the suggestion from @ety001 does work.

But yeah, some advance warning and published instructions would have been ideal. That was a bit of a scare. On the plus side, once you get the wallet imported, you can do staking and voting and begin earning interest.

Thank you @remlaps for trying this and for verifying that this is thankfully possible, it was indeed quite the scare 😵. What are your thoughts on it's removal? I still think it would be of more value if SteemitWallet had a Tron Wallet I even managed to get a few users on Steemit just for that reason alone.

What are your thoughts on it's removal?

Personally, I hardly ever used it, so I'm content to hardly ever use TronLink in the future😉.

As a feature for the web site: I could argue for keeping it or removing it. I don't really have a strong preference. On one hand, you're right that it might attract a few new users - and the development cost was already spent. But, on the other hand, Steemit doesn't seem to have a deep developer pool, so it makes sense for them to focus on their core capabilities. After TRX rewards were disabled, the Tron wallet adds unnecessary complexity, because it isn't really a core function any more.

An open question is whether Steemit has development plans, and whether that additional complexity was slowing/blocking them from moving forward on something else. History would suggest that this is unlikely, but there has been some sort of recent github activity relating to bringing back a testnet, so it's not impossible.

Yes, we should give more information about this.

I suggest you could use TronLink. That is the profressional wallet tool on TRON blockchain.

Thank you @ety001 for sharing that solution and for adding the "FAQ section" here I think that will really help a lot who are going to be in for a scare. However I feel sorry for those who will return and not see their TRX, some will be angry and some will forget they even had any which feels a bit wrong. I think we can all agree that the removal of the rewards was a great move for Steemit's users, however like I said myself I'm seeing mostly users saying we should keep the TRX wallet functional.