My Sisyphean Steemit Life

in steemit •  7 years ago  (edited)

Let me know what you think of the new gif i made.

Cheers Steemit!


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I like the meme.

At least it's not Prometheus, chained to a rock, having the steem torn from his abdomen by a great bird of prey, only to have it resteem, and then doing it all again.

Thank you, i cant remember the dudes name but i want to do one of the guy that is stuck in watter up to his chin and has fruit dangling over his head, but any time he tilts his head down to drink the water level receds and when he reaches up for fruit the branches move just out of his reach. greek mythology is some messed up shit. lol
Prometheus would have been more fitting for me when i was having my account flagged to shit constantly for all to see.

I think it was Tantalus. It's where we get the word 'tantalize'.

There is lots of twisted tragedy in Greek myth.

Perfect for bed time storys with the kids. LOL

I mean cant be any worse then reading bible storys about how a father was gona kill his son till god steped in and said he was just joking and he never wanted it to go this far in the original planning of the prank.

LMAO. It looks like your reputation. Push it up the hill just to have it knocked back down. Glad you back to 50, let's hope it holds.

IM hoping it holds.

it gets knocked down then i build it back up only to repete the process again and again for ever.

Is it like a sad sisyphus ? xD

well thats who it is but more as a methapore for how i feel about my steemit life.

I might say my steemit life is Sisyphean, or thats how im feeling latley.

I hear ya. Seems like every time I feel like I'm getting ahead, the value of STEEM goes down.

It will go up at some point and hopefully all the work and effort will be paid off.

Skeptic, you are not really Skeptical are you? LOL


Because i said price will go up sooner or later?

How can Steem not go up. So many Alt coins are with over $100 and they are not used for anything really. Like Monero for example. If you check the profiles of most of memebers here ,yes our fellow Steemians most joined recently. So imagine a few years from now.

I hope you are right.
At some point some major issues need to be adressed on this site, so far i have seen nothing but trying to cover up the issues and censorship of anyone that tries to talk about them.
honstly though, i stuck around when steem was below 10 cents and i dont see myself leaving anytime soon.
even 5 bucks a coin would be amazing imo!

Well I guess Steemit isn't yet the crowded media but it will surely get more interesting when online communities will take shape around. I don't know. What are you fields of interests ?

Interesting is for sure.
Im interested in alot but try to avoid falling into a community.
Prefer to be an individual.

Add me up. That's gonna make some additional folk to build stuff around if there's anything .

Most important IMO is keeping new users, the rate people leave is faster then they arrive and thats scary to me.

Look at you, your 50, congratulations lololol tip! .50

Yeah its amazing!
Thank you for the tip, thats awesome.

You are so stubborn, I admire that quality and I have finally accept the bots! lolololol

Im still on the fence about them.
some i like and some i dont.

I happen to like it and eventually Steemit will reach the top!

Thank you and it sure would be nice.

I was going to add you to my voter bot but what is your name Reality or Skeptic ? I'm confused!

account name is @skeptic
the name on the main page has changed a couple times for me.
will prolly stay how it is for a bit though.