People I Reachd Out To Today About Steemit

in steemit •  7 years ago 

I am on a invite spree this sunday and to tell the truth I kind of feel like a jehovah's witnesses or a door to door sales man (or person if you want to throw a fit). while at work today I basically went around to people on youtube talking about getting demonetized and left them a simple comment saying to come check out steemit, it pays in crypto currency for upvotes and that is has a new video platform. Normally I just watch videos when its slow at work but might as well try to contact the people too, right?

Hopefully I can get them to do more then just make an account. Im am still waiting for suit to post but I'm sure he will do it when h is ready and I don't want to annoy him with a bunch of questions on why he hasn't posted and stuff.

I just wanted to share who I invited and what I said to them, also the videos the posted that got my attention and why I thought they should check out steemit. The main reason is they have been demonetized, go figure right?

First was

Independent Man

His just got demonetized and is searching for a new platform to take the place of youtube. This is the video he put out today about it.
YouTube & Those Little Yellow Dollar Signs

Go check out his youtube page and follow him if you like his work. Would also be really cool if you left him a comment saying you learned about his account from someone talking about him on steemit. He has over 63k subs and if he even gets a quarter of his users to show up he should be able to do well on this platform.
This is the comment I left
independent man

Next person I reached out to was


Andy and Chris were just hit recently with demonization, its messed up. They have 256k subs and for the amount of views they get per video is amazing. If you think about it they have more followers on youtube alone then active users of steemit. If they sowed up and liked it and spread the word think of the change it would create. I could see that being the first step in Steemit and dtube killing youtube.
This is their video on getting demonetized.

Demonitized: You Thought I Was Offensive Before?

Again go check out their youtube and follow them if you like their work. Don't forget to tell them you heard about them from steemit and that they should join up. Here is the comment I left them.

ok guys I hit up the one and only, the king.


Now I already know he will prolly never see my comment but I thought it would be worth a try. I mean 57million subs, if we could even get him to check it out and talk about it would be amazing. He is outspoken about how youtube is fucking him so maybe Steemit is what he is looking for to fix the shit he is dealing with. Bug the shit out of him saying you want him to join steemit. maybe if enough of us leave comments he will see one of them and get interested enough to check it out.

I tried to keep this comment short because with the amount of messages he must get I doubt he sees more then the first line if even that of 80% of the comments he gets.


I think that might be the new comment I leave to everyone. Get paid for upvotes not add views.

I have left a bunch of invites so far but I am now realizing that the time getting spent on this post I could have invited 3 or 4 more people.

Im going to get back to inviting people and later tonight ill make a list of everyone I invited and hopefully all those people will get flooded with comments telling them to come check out steemit.

Gotta step back away from computer to do second job of the day (and plugging steemit on youtube with my phone) but I should be back in about 4-5 hours to reply to everyone and to post about all the people I tried to invite. Prolly some normal crap too. lol got 2 memes I made last night that I will post too.

Well must run before im late, cheers steemit and fux wit u in ah bit!

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This is really good stuff to be doing right now. I know many big Youtubers who are talking about having to find options for monitization but they wont even really talk about Steemit to any real extent. StyxHexenHammer666 and Sargon have definitely mentioned Steemit multiple times but have yet to really even make accounts here.

@lukewearechange is the only person I know who has made the jump to Steemit from youTube and he doesn't seem to be doing super badly either.

But yeah, the Jehovah's witness thing rings really true when you try to explain Steemit to people lol.

I hit up a bunch more but am out of steempower from answering my comments. I'm just going to keep telling people about it. my new comment is get paid for upvotes not add views.
I feel bad though cause the flag bullshit has still not been address so its shitty I am telling them to come here to a place with just as many demonetization problems and censorship problems as he places they are trying to leave.
I myself is still looking for that freespeech platform everyone claims they have.
I gurentee this, even if steemit doesn't get their shit together. the actul freespeech platform that arrives that doest the sae function as youtube, facebook and twitter will win. the rest is semantics. people want to be able to voice their opinion and not have to deal with some stupid thin skinned twat having he ability to remove payout and censor stuff because they got their fellings hurt.

I Kind of feel that steemit is a cult/religion so it does feel like that. also a little like door to door sales cause its like im trying to sale a product.

Im going to keep it up though, if we can get enough people wanting freespeech maybe the threat of everyone leaving steemit will be enough for them to get their shit together and fix the main problems we have had from the very beginging.

Resteemed this for visibility. :) I'm also going to spread the word. I have some followers on Twitter, Diaspora and G+ so I'm planning to do some promoting as well.

sweet, thank you very much.
Yeah I think im just going to continue hitting people up.
Even if a tenth of the people I try to contact show up and give it a try I will feel like I am making progress.

Now we have Dtube, it seems that demonetized YouTubers would be some super "fertile ground" in which to pitch Steemit...

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

yeah, hopefully.
thanks for the comment.