So the view counter has been removed?

in steemit •  7 years ago  (edited)

I guess they didnt like people pointing out they were getting 9 views with 138 upvotes and a pay out of 9+ bucks.

None of the problems ever get fixed, just hidden. Just like the flag counter and everything else.

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Yes that is annoying for authors that want to know if they are getting more exposure or want to know if people is interested in the topic... But I noticed for the single video posts most of them can be watched without "opening" the post but on the browse list screen so the view counter isn't going up. Esp on dlive links can be watched without opening the full post... So the view number on those can be a lot lower than actual...

sounds like a problem with busy not a problem with steemit though.
any time i look at a post the view counter would go up.

Why would they remove it though? it was brought into the system to show accounts that were getting upvotes without views. i cant think of a single reason to remove it unless they are trying to hide the view to upvote ratio of the high paying accounts.


Last time they removed the flag counter, the flagging problem did not get better. now they are removing the view counter, it is not going to make the problem of vote bots, allt accounts and circle jerking stop its only going to hide it.

Took another look and view count is still on so if anyone do want to see the number it is quite simple to replace with in the url.

I went to it and the counter on that site only shows the views from cnsteem. i looked at my old posts and they only said 1 view when i know they had over 100 on steemit last week showing.
Thanks for the info though, got excited about being able to see views for a min but then was smacked back to reality.

if the old view counts from posts in the past show up on cnsteem as 1 view could that mean all the view counts in the past are erased from the chain?
I thought nothing could be removed from the chain.
the rabbit hole gets deeper i guess.

this kind of things making me we are running from decentralized to centralized community. this is really sick . we should progress forward but we are progressing backward here.

I dont understand it all as the view counter was brought into the system to be able to tell who was getting bot votes because the number of upvotes would be way higher then the view count. most my posts had double or more of the views compared to upvotes and it seamed normal as you cant expect everyone to like every post they look at but when someone would have 6 views and 300 upvotes it was obvious to tell it was a scam.
Why remove it if it was put in place to show the scamming, well unless they are trying to hide the coruption from investors like they did with removing the flag counter so people wouldnt see the flagging abuse problem.
Wish a bunch of people were talking about it but most the people making good money on this site are the ones with no views and large upvote numbers and pay outs.

Yes I totally agree with you @skeptic sir no one fix such serious problems. Many bots operate and that is why this scene is happening

really sux, it took so many people speaking up to get the view counter to stop bot voting in the first place. now when it does its job and we can call out bot votes by looking at the views to upvote raito nothing gets done and insted they remove the counter.
every improvement seems to be a step backwards. hell my rep shows 25 when i go to my wallet and its been like that for months but they have the time to hide the views.


Im honestly thinking that we need to just fork the steem blockchain and add cash to the name once SMTs come out.

Everyone will understand that the fork is teh real steemit

it needs to be made over from the begining, the premining and centralized power of corrput people that had access to the mining of steempower before all mining stopped and the public got access to the platform have destroyed this place.
Start over, all premined coins should be put into an account that distruitates them to new accounts when opened.
main problem is figuriging out a way to insure there is only one account per person. otherwise you have people making a bunch of accounts and self upvoting and then have to bring in the flag ect.
If the preminers and the people in power wernt corrupt to the core comminting the biggest scams on the platform while destroying others accounts for doing the same whikle pretending they are doing it for the good of steemit this site might have a chance. but the reality is the account thats the cleaner and suposta patrol this site is one of the biggest copy pasta accounts out there with his multi accounts and bots.
I provided links to it all in the past and was only flagged to shit for it.
No one cares imo, they are just trying to get as much out of the system as quick as possible before it all drops to nothing.

They removed the view counter, why? can anyone give me a good reason for removing it?

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

how does your discord group fix the problems on steemit?

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

Says the one who downvotes and attacks.

The irony is delicious. You play the victim well.

thats fucked your getting flagged.
i upvoted the comments in hopes the become visible again.

This encourages me to think that we are seeing a "take the money and run" exit strategy by the whales and other powers that be. They know that the software won't scale and that new users are not retained, and so they've decide to kill the cow and eat it rather than continue to milk it for long term returns.

Thats what i been wondering, if they are trying to make the platform better of just get as much money out of it as fast as possible.

I seriously cant think of a single reason to remove the view counter, it was put in place to combat self upvoting sock puppet account bots.

The fundamental problem with paying people for content is that it turns everyone into spammers and advertisers. I've been toying with using my software to throw together a simple chat platform. I'm tired of the idiots who lead this industry.

Just seems like steps backwards to me tbh.

Every system can be gamed. Selfishness ruins everything. The stupid thing about this platform is that it actually pays people to be selfish during their basic interactions, such as this conversation. For any social system to work, you just gotta start with unselfish people, people who will say to themselves, "Sure, I could game this system. But that's not the kind of person I am."

USENET and SMTP (email) worked just fine for many many years while it was accessible only by academics and military people. These people behaved themselves, partly because they had a high education level, and partly because it was a small community and there would be consequences for misbehavior.

But when USENET and SMTP became accessible to the general population, it didn't take attorneys (scum of the society) long to invent email spam. For then on, everyone has been trying to solve the problem using technology.

The only solution that will work is for unselfish people to separate themselves from the selfish people and not let them ruin everything.

Unfornatly assholes gona act like assholes.

It's crazy man. With all the talk of, "decentralized" and, "community" and, "personal freedom" of crypto and blockchain to bring us into a new age, in the end, it is run by people, regular old shitty selfish people. (sigh)

Yeah, guess it could always be worse though.
jhon bobbit and all, lol

Yeah, you are right. It could be worse. Dang, John Bobbit...

That gif with the words bobbit above it is on a whole new meta level!