The Death Of Youtube, Is Steemit Next?

in steemit •  9 years ago  (edited)

We are witnessing the death of twitter and youtube. Maybe we should learn from what is going around so it doesn't happen with steemit? Giving the SJW's the ability to flag people they disagree with will kill steemit. I watched someone that has over 50k followers on youtube yesterday come to steemit and leave less then 2 hours after because of the flagging.

Here is an awesome video talking about what is going on with youtube right now. I feel like what is killing twitter and youtube is getting supported here on steemit and I see it as the death of social media.

People who create their own drama deserve their own karma.

I hope we as a community at some point can put a stop to the people trying to stop free speech. Free speech is the right to offend. #istandwithhatespeach

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  ·  9 years ago (edited)

But there is no central authority on Steemit. SJWs do, and will most definitely flag for personal reasons, but they will also receive revenge flags.

I've seen plenty of SJW/feminist content without flags here on Steemit, and likewise, some "based"/gamergate kinda stuff, again, without flags. (I fall in neither camp)

So I don't think there is a risk of general censorship, nor a huge flag war happening.

If you want to discuss controversial matters without getting attacked with flags, look at how @sean-king gets away with being highly critical of feminism. He tends to be very polite, even when deconstructing his opponents beyond repair.

My 2 cents anyway.

I will not flag people because I feel censorship is wrong. so their is no flag war that I am a part of. so they do flag and do not receive revenge flagging from me. I will leave them a comment asking why they are censoring me or write up a post about it.

you obviously aren't dealing with the people flagging me. lol I even have one going at it today.

I do not see acting rude as a reason to flag. so even if I call someone a cunt it is wrong to censor me. imo at least.

thank you for your comment. I appericate you trying to help.

I see me changing my actions so I don't get flagged as a show that I have been censored. that is wrong. I really wish the seemit community would stand up to the flaggers and try to find a soulution before everyone leaves steemit. im also starting to feel that the steemit community support actions like this.

I feel we are all trying to ignore the elephant in the room on why steem value is dropping so fast. the more people leave and spread the word that the SJW's are in control of this site the less people will join and steemit will die. I know I cant be the only person trying to fix this.