How to create engaging Steemit Posts!

in steemit •  7 years ago  (edited)

So you want to create great steemit blog posts?

Look no further…

...I have been researching and researching and compiled some tips to help you.


After reading this post there is no reason why you can’t blog everyday with more confidence and do it quickly..


So, this is admittedly one of the hardest parts of writing a post. That’s because the first sentence should be able to reel in the reader, and at the same time, give them an idea what your post will be all about.

You could do one of many opening sentences:

  • Question - “Do you want to earn a million £?”

  • Quote - ““A picture is a secret about a secret, the more it tells you the less you know.”
    ― Diane Arbus ”

  • Story - “The other day, I finally realised what was happening. That is, when the penny dropped.”

  • Stats - “According to the Official Federation of Bloggers*, 99.9 percent of bloggers experience writer’s block.”


It is proven that the internet users’ attention spans are shrinking daily, you as a content creator have to work harder than ever to hold their attention from the start to finish of your post. To do that, every word, phrase, sentence, and even punctuation mark must add something to your piece.

A pretty useful tip is to read your draft out loud. If it feels like you’re explaining things too slowly, or you’re falling asleep to your own voice (:o), you may need to edit the tedious bits.


Keeping hold of the reader's attention is admittingly the biggest hurdle to blogging. The attention span of the average internet user is considerably low. You need to keep the reader reading, and long drawn out sentences will deter that.

Do your eyes glaze over while reading a sentence? Do you read a sentence out loud, and lose your breath by the end of it? Do you see too many adjectives, adverbs, and other words that don’t add anything to a sentence?
If any of these happen, shorten it!


Okay, so your English teacher would probably hate me for saying this but readers hate to be bombarded with over complex jargon.. Not only do these words spoil our reading experience, but they make your blog posts seems pretentious.

Instead of trying to sound smart, try and sound sensible. Use words that can be understood by everybody. For example, “to utilize resources” can be shortened as “to use resources”.


Blogging is like dating. It’s not enough that you make a great impression on the first date. You also have to show, again and again on your following dates, that you’re a person worth someone’s time, commitment, and love.

See how this works?


I’m sure you’ll all agree, coming up with 100% original blog post ideas is anything but easy. If you run your topic through a quick Google search, chances are someone else has already written about it.

So, what should a blogger do in this scenario?
It’s simple, really...

Find a new angle.
If someone already came up with “8 Reasons to start a Youtube channel “, you can write a post about the darker side of Youtube like “10 Reasons To Say ‘No’ To being a Youtuber“. Or you can run with “5 More Reasons Why You Should Try Youtube”.


So, you’re done with your introduction and body. Now, it’s time to write the conclusion, which is just as hard to write as (if not harder than) the introduction. The easiest way out of your dilemma is to summarise all your points in the conclusion. Then again, that would be boring, since that’s what most bloggers do.
Instead, you can either end with a thought-provoking question or a call-to-action; or restate your main point, and persuade your reader to care about your point.

Hopefully you took something from this post and have learnt a thing or two. If you have then an upvote and Resteem would be appreciated.

Have you got any tips i have not mentioned then please feel free to share below.

Follow for more tips :)

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Thanks you for sharing your knowledge :D!

Thank you, I'm so happy you enjoyed the post. Hopefully you've taken something away from it :)

Yes, I will be trying out some of your tips over the next few days

I've followed i'll keep an eye out :)

Great tips for those looking to get more engagement on their posts. Upvoted!


following... as I am a new member, trying to find my way through the Steem wilderness :)

Welcome :) Steemit is amazing and I hope you really enjoy your time here.

Resteemed and upvoted.

Thank you means the world :)

Being a blogger, I will totally agree and encourage readers to follow these awesome tips. Always organize your content neatly as you can see in this post. Amazing guide. Upvoted and resteemed!

:) Hey @ilyastarar, thank you for the kind words. I'm glad we share a common idea on Blogging :)

You're welcome @slayerkm
Had to follow you after our first interaction. Hoping to have more.

:) I'm sure we will. I look forward to it.

Excellent Post & Thanks for the tips.

Followed and Upvoted. Was doing most of these things naturally, but always room for improvement.

thank you and i agree we can all improve :)

good post thanks for sharing this!

Thank you for your kind words.

You're very welcome :)


Thank u for this helpful post. Will definitely follow ur tips while creating content.
Resteemed n upvoted!
Following u. Would love to be followed back. :)

Thank you so much :):)

Great post, on point, easy to read, Following and Upvoting for more similar content in future. Thank you for sharing @slayerkm

:), I love Steemit as it allows everyone to share experiences and knowledge :) Thank you for your kind words

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Thank you for taking the time to gather these tips @slayerkm. They will be very helpful. I think we need the option to save articles, which we want to read later again and again, just like FB does have a Save button.

That is a very good idea. i think that would be mega handy!!

At the end you applied number 7 :D

Hahah got to live by your own words hey ahaha

short and sweet......


Thanks for the tips, I'm not a very good writer as I Was born in Korea and it seems like my sentences don't make much sense it ya know what, I keep getting better 😂🙌🏼

Your English seems really good. Keep it up. :)

Great, points, I'll see what I can apply, thanks for sharing.

Thank you :)

Buenisimo! lo voy a tener en cuenta. Upvote!


Nice! The fundamentals of writing a piece that hooks ya just don't change, dig it!

Cheers pal :)

To build on those fundamentals and think of it from a different perspective, I just put up this Steemit Guide To Victory, I think you'll dig it. Maybe we should figure out a way to put all this together?

Hey @paleotreats sounds like a good idea.

Interesting post, thanks :)

:) xx

Thank you! It's valuable information

Im glad you liked it, hope it helps :)

Great post dude,you make it sound so simple!
You should tag it with minnowsupportproject to help the minnows.
Followed as I need your knowledge too ;-))
Check me out at @tremendospercy

:) Thanks for the kind comments pal. I'm always glad to help the Minnows!!!! Of course I will pal.

Thanks for this good explaining article... i will try to make golden rules of you advices.


Good job, slayerkm. There have been many threads like this... how to write these to captivate an audience... Yours is new and fresh, and appreciated.

Yeah I thought i'd share my spin on it :) thank you :)

What a great post! As a new member to the SteemIt Community I am really appreciative when people share their knowledge.

I am also a fan of the way you write, you have definitely gained a new follower!

Thank you so much :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Makes alot of sense. Thank you for sharing.


Great post about posting.

I'm thrilled you enjoyed.

@slayerkm good one upvoted and following you
wrote a story after reading these tips you can check it out

I checked it out, very nice well done :)

can you please resteem and upvote thanks for checking out


Thanks for the tips, i am still pretty new and have been enjoying posting my photos to steemit. Thanks for the help!

Welcome, I hope you enjoy Steemit :) Thanks for your post.

Nice post and guidelines. I like the way you used Steemit logo and colors in each of your headings, perhaps you made a picture of the logo and added it to your post for each heading as an image?

Yes they are all done in Photoshop :). Thank you

Caught my attention scrolling through the feed when you had a pic to say Engaging then saw the nifty title.

I'm glad it worked :) haha

Thanks for the tips!

:) thanks for the comments, glad you enjoyed them

words of wisdom :) looking forward to get more of them from you :) stay blessed

Thank you for the kind words.

Useful. Resteemed and shared for my followers new to how blogs need to work.

:) thank you

You are quite welcome!

I like good posts. Thank you.

Thank you

Thank you for posting this! I am new to bloging and this is very helpful. I cant wait till i can really get started.

I look forward to it :)

You're absolutely right! Blogging in general can absolutely be intimidating, and then to add on this financial incentive... it can be downright daunting! Posts like yours are very helpful and encouraging! Thank you for taking the time to share!

Thank you for your very kind words, im glad you fund this helpful :):) thank you for taking time in commenting. :)



Excellent and upvote.

thank you

A few good pointers for everyone to keep in mind.

:) Glad I can help.