Cryptocurrency Highlights Of The Week Steemit Hack

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Cryptocurrency Highlights Of The Week

 Digiconomist  July 16, 2016  Latest, Other  No Comments A date has been set for the Ethereum hard-fork, and Mark Karpeles has been released on bail. Here are the cryptocurrency hightlights of week 28:

  • A date for the Ethereum hard-fork implementation to dismantle The DAO and turn it into a refund contract have finally been set.  Both the Geth and Parity clients have the date of the hard-fork set at  block number 1,920,000. This block is expected to be mined on July 20,  2016. This is the day before the attacker DAO becomes able to split.  Once implemented, DAO token holders will be able to reclaim 1 ether for  every 100 tokens held. It is still uncertain if the hard-fork will gain  sufficient support. A community vote held by among ether  holders showed around 85% support, but only 5.5% off all ether  participated and a significant portion off all ether was actually  blocked from voting at all. It’s thus now up to the network to decide on  the fate of the investors in The DAO, by either running the software  with the implemented hard-fork or alternative software that doesn’t  include this code.
  • Former Mt.Gox CEO Mark Karpeles has been released  on bail 10 months after being charged with embezzlement. It has been  reported that Karpeles embezzled a total amount of around $3 million  from the bankrupted exchange, which also lost hundreds of millions of  dollars worth of customers’ Bitcoin. It is also reported Karpeles had to  pay around $100 thousand to be released, and that he is still  prohibited from leaving Japan. The collapse of Mt.Gox already more than  two years ago sparked a global effort to regulate Bitcoin (platforms)  which continues to this day. One of the most recent examples of this is  the European proposal to bring virtual currency exchanges on the  supervision of the European Union’s Anti-Money Laundering Directive,  which was adopted by the EU just one week ago.
  • The  Bitcoin block reward halving has had a limited impact on Bitcoin’s  total network computation power. The network is currently running at  about 1.48 exahashes per second, which is roughly seven percent below  the total hashrate at the time of the halving. As a result, block times  have not experienced any significant delays, as they were still mined  every 10 minutes on average (normally blocks are mined slightly faster  due to constantly increasing hashrates). It can thus be concluded that  Bitcoin’s price increase over the past months was sufficient to offset  the income loss for miners as a result of the reward halving.
  • Social media platform Steemit became the subject of a cyber attack, as 260 user accounts were compromised  and around $85 thousand of Steem Dollars were lost. Steemit had  recently gained a lot a popularity, strongly supported by making $1.3  million in digital currency available for its users. In the week before  the hack Steem even managed to become the third largest cryptocurrency  behind Bitcoin and Ethereum, seeing its value go up tenfold to give the  digital currency a total market capitalization of more then $300  million. Digital currency Steem itself wasn’t affected by the hack.
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