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Any time there is any sort of financial incentive, it's going to be ripe with abuse for every direction. I just flag abuse as I end up seeing it, I don't bother searching it out. I regularly read a lot of content since video is usually out the question for me being deaf.

This is the most accurate explanation. As long as a system distributes other people's money, there will be abuse. The only way to overcome it is to stop distributing other people's money and let the people decide on which content to tip and how much.

That wouldn't stop the abuse either. If you remove the financial incentive from steemit all you'd really end up doing is getting them to change their tactics. They'd go from abusing Steemit itself for money from itself, to using Steemit to promote affiliate links, building link wheels and overall just trying to leech.

Actually, the financial incentive will stay in Steemit. Instead of the system distributing investor money as rewards to the authors and curators, the investors themselves will distribute their own money to the authors and curators.

The investors have all the incentive to do so. They are the "owner" of Steemit and they are paying people to create content for "their website."

The amount of tips received by a post will also act as a rating mechanism. Those posts with spam content won't receive any tips and they won't be featured anywhere.

I explained this solution proposal in greater detail in a post with the title How to Solve the Reward Pool Abuse Problem Once and For All.

I see what you're saying, but the problem with it is "Lowest Common Denominator". Sadly people will still be attracted highly to content that's just crap to begin with, which is why short little quips or a reposted meme from Reddit gets up there so easily.

Do keep in mind that any cryptocurrency, while they do have investors, the investors aren't the sole people nor source that gives the currency any value. There's multitudes of factors at play in it's valuation, such as energy consumption for sake of example.

You could argue that I'm also an investor, since I have hardware in the IPFS system allocating 100 gigs of storage space. Then again Freenet Project has 150 gigs on my node as well. =\

It's just rather complicated how to resolve the abuse "once and for all" because those abusers will still come in with the hopes of getting noticed. It's just how greed works sadly. :(

[edit] Take for example, you still had spammers on and they didn't have ads at the time and still had abuse in a similar regard. Even with Tipping like a competition with Patreon built into the system, it didn't stop the abuse.

What had to be done was verification and limiting those who aren't verified to prevent rampant abuse.

I see what you're saying, but the problem with it is "Lowest Common Denominator". Sadly people will still be attracted highly to content that's just crap to begin with, which is why short little quips or a reposted meme from Reddit gets up there so easily.

If this is what brings in more eyeballs and increases the value of the system, so be it. As long as the content is legal of course.

Do keep in mind that any cryptocurrency, while they do have investors, the investors aren't the sole people nor source that gives the currency any value. There's multitudes of factors at play in it's valuation, such as energy consumption for sake of example.

You could argue that I'm also an investor, since I have hardware in the IPFS system allocating 100 gigs of storage space. Then again Freenet Project has 150 gigs on my node as well. =\

Yep, I agree with that. That's why I'm advocating the abolishment of the rewards for the authors and curators only. Witness rewards will remain.

It's just rather complicated how to resolve the abuse "once and for all" because those abusers will still come in with the hopes of getting noticed. It's just how greed works sadly. :(

By "once and for all," I meant the reward pool abuse. Yes, people will find a way to abuse any system. Our goal is to minimize it or to solve the largest scale abuse that exists in this system at the moment.

[edit] Take for example, you still had spammers on and they didn't have ads at the time and still had abuse in a similar regard. Even with Tipping like a competition with Patreon built into the system, it didn't stop the abuse.

What had to be done was verification and limiting those who aren't verified to prevent rampant abuse.

Unfortunately, I can't verify this anymore, because appearantly has stopped their operations. Steemit is already verifying their users, no?

I'm not actually sure if Steemit verifies users or not =\ I don't recall going through any sort of verification process. I could easily create a new account and wait a week for it to get approved and spam the hell out of it and abuse the system.

I see where you're getting at though.

I'm referring to that one week approval process. I had to verify my phone number in addition to my email and I was assuming that they were verifying me during that week.

I'm not sure, what their approval process consists of. I'd expect some verification process, but I could be wrong.

All I see here is the normalization, acceptance, and even glorification of greed. Don't worry though. Because "Steemit is awesome and it's gonna bring the banks down, man!"

I'm not one of those people that even remotely think that any cryptocurrency would be able to de-establish the banking system. Banks will likely end up adopting and accepting crypto in the future, even near future, but to completely smash the banks would be a farse, that's just never going to happen.

I think a lot of people have pie in the sky kind of unrealistic hopes and expectations of the platform and of cryptocurrencies in general. The only real way to make a ton would be to start your own cryptocurrency, pre-mine it, then crash it.

Well that was timing ;)

And this is sadly accurate. Though there are still lots of people in the spaces between, not abusing :)

Yes, you are right. I try to give those my attention for the most part now.

I know you do, I just put up a post of the falls I showed you :)

Because abuse is everywhere...

It wastes to much energy to do ! I try to push forward and find the good in everything! I followed and upvoted! Check out this New Free Way To Earn Crypto!

I don't call out abuse because I don't want to draw attention to my abuses, also if I find a good scam I don't want to get it shut down before I get to try it.

I do not believe you

Or you're just scared of downvotes


Just pulling ya legs

Lol. You must be new here...


Why do you say that?