Why is it so hard to add a photo to my post on steemit?

in steemit •  9 years ago 

I'm new here and I have a lot of trouble posting.. Is it just me????

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Thanks a lot!

I use [http://photobucket.com/]. It's a much cooler alternative to Imgsave and others.

I guess we just have to get used to ![image name](image url) type of style. It's not perfect though but it's okay after you practicing it for a while.

Ok i'll try, thanks!!

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

It is a little complicated initially, but isn't so bad when you get used to it after doing it a few times.

It's easiest to do it in markdown. To do that, you should go to http://imgsafe.org/ and upload your photo and then use the link from the photo in markdown. See how to add an image in markdown here.

Yes ok, i will try. Thanks!

go to www.imgsafe.org mate!

Ok thanks mate!

I will check that, thanks!

When you are typing your story or post, just above the textbox by the right hand corner there's text saying "Editor" clicking on it will show options. There you will have the option to upload a picture.