Steemit Sharks - Whales with teeth (and fake compassion for bait). His image says it all.

in steemit •  8 years ago  (edited)

Screenshot at 2017-07-02 20-58-26.png

Yes, I realize I am shooting myself in the foot here.

I am inviting the Malicious Whales (the Sharks with Teeth, using fake compassion as bait) to drop like a stone my reputation score and earning potential (that I have yet to even gain).
EDIT: Not all Whales are malicious, yet if we suspect we see one is it not our duty to call out and expose them? :END EDIT
Yet I have made the decision to do it anyway, in hopes that if it helps even a hand full of people to beware of these fools then it will be worth it.
Besides, I have the S.V.V. and an Ohm Coin Wallet to continue this experiment with. And at least with the S.V.V. the bulk of coins earned are by proving acts of kindness and good deeds (like feeding the homeless, picking up someone's bill at a restaurant, community service, gardening and planting trees, etc. etc. etc.) and puzzle solving, rather than investing into a system for the sole purpose of self-upvoting for maximum BLING BLING.
All I see this @craig-grant doing is bragging about how he knows how to take advantage of the system, to earn 1% off of government transactions and the like....
Screenshot at 2017-05-31 23-23-47.png
Image: Press Secretary Spicer's BitCoin Addy, the one labelled "spent"

.... bragging and bragging and showing off, all the while consistently upvoting himself for big gains while justifying it with the excuse he is doing good for others with the scraps he throws under the table.
As well, the formatting of his posts suck! Like they were done by an elementary school child. Not to mention the content itself just blows (the number 3 reminds me of boobs, look at all my cool stuff, I'm better than all of you and money is the most important thing in the world [paraphrasing]).
Screw him and his merry little band of crypto-mobsters. Or is it crypto-gangsters. Whatever.

Here's something you don't ever see on any of his previous posts....
Screenshot at 2017-07-02 22-09-31.png
Not the small value yet the Declined Payout... Even a Red Fish like me is willing to decline payouts on things I don't want to profit on but rather just seek to help others with!!!

He's been here for over a year, apparently since the beginning, yet is only following 24 accounts ?!?! So, how is his "but I do upvote others every once in awhile" excuse flying with so many? How can so many not see exactly what him and his small group of "steemit pioneers" are really up to?!?
I'll stick around for as long as I can, but I'm not falling for his crap any more (sure he has excellent advice, if you're interested in taking advantage of the system and draining the rewards pool without any consideration for those of us who are just stepping into this thing). And I sure as hell will not support, follow, or upvote his crap anymore (even when it means giving up a piece of his hundreds-of-dollars+ posts). And I hope many of you research it yourself and see the light - and decide to take similar action.
And yes, checking out a few of the 24 he is following and they are all Sharks... I mean, Whales - with teeth. Save for a few like @markdice whom have not been here that long yet have an obvious attraction to being in their following/followers lists (might as well add an Alex Jones and an Illuminati account to those you follow, what a prick).
S.V.V. All the Way!!!
Thank You for letting me rant, and I hope you listen and research it yourselves.
Adios for now!

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It seems like the negativity of your content has affected your reputation. Idk man, I'd relax and try to keep things all good. If you don't like whales, don't fuck with 'em. Stirring up shit when it's not needed usually doesn't end well, the hand that causes trouble ends up getting burned

Yes. In not worrying about value and voting power I neglected to think about the rep. I don't mind getting burned. But it's time to move on.

Right, of course. It all depends what your goals are

BLING BLING, the man who puts crypto before society and people in general.... he can go screw himself, I hope the market crashes and he's left with nothing but his own tears in his holy grail of selfishness (okay, I didn't really mean that - yet still, screw this guy!).
Screenshot at 2017-07-02 21-58-49.png

Are you kidding me... You are 100% jealous dude! You post a picture with him and his family, need to find some help and learn how to love even when things aren't going your way. I hope you get that hatred out your heart soon..or you will be broke forever.

I did nothing but post a screenshot of something he displays publicly. My future is secure, I don't need to earn here (did you not notice I declined payout for this and the previous post dealing with the same subject?). I could be wrong about him, yet looking deeper into it it doesn't seem to be. Even he defends himself by bragging how much he buys to put into the system each and every day. But if he's using those daily investments to primarily upvote himself then what good is he really doing for anybody else? These are not the actions of a hero as much as they are actions of a selfish liar who's got a lot of people fooled.
I've been broke my whole life, it's nothing new. I'm not looking to get rich, just hoping to earn enough for a better PC to create content with.

You do realize that if the market crashes a lot of us would be in that same boat. lets hope for something else.

Yes, I agree and did state that I didn't really mean it.
Just here for as a social experiment in the social engineering construct we have found ourselves in here. And though I have seen lots of light to support, I've also seem a lot of dark. It's almost frightening, money is the root of all something something something.

i don't think this is going to end well for u. Its one thing to dislike someone, its another to go out of your way to post a full feed of hi alleged transgressions. I think you are a little too invested. I say this as respectfully as possible.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

No disrespect taken, and you are most likely right. Just the risk I'm willing to take, I guess. Wouldn't be a social experiment without taking any risks, right.
I've admitted I could be wrong, asked him to show me where I am wrong... and all he keeps doing is falling back on the same "I invest daily" excuse while completely ignoring my observations of how he uses said investments to pad up himself and his gang.
I know it's his "right", I know we all have the "freedom" to do as we wish here.... but he's false advertising himself, manipulating so many. I could see things differently if he wasn't upvoting himself on everything he does & his fellow Whale buddies (with a high voting power) while actually doing very little for the Red Fish Minnow community (and at a very low voting power). And it makes me feel sick how many flock to his defence while completely ignoring the stats and observations I am pointing out. How many little fish have been suckered into throwing their support and what little voting power they have his way?
Our society is sick. The day I see him stop favoring himself above all, with his gang closely behind, and start declining payouts or running competitions for noobs or anything that supports the system while excluding himself and his friends... then I might believe he is worth having a little faith in.

I personally think the fact that he began all this by taking a screenshot of an opinion I said to someone else asking a question and presenting it out of context in a meme post (see STEEM POWER post by him) for profit really shows his true colors and intent. I did nothing to really antagonize him, clearly stated I was not attacking him, and yet his response was to attack, ridicule, and make fun of a Red Fish FOR PROFIT. Come on now.
I don't consider myself disrespectful until someone is to me (much as with trust, he blew it).