100 ways to self-motivation. The book specifically for Steemit authors. Part 1.

in steemit •  9 years ago  (edited)

3 ways how not to give up and continue to write

Hello, dear friends! I continue to talk about books and concepts that help people grow stronger and achieve success.

The choice of today's books from my personal library is highly relevant. I've seen a lot of posts tired Steemit authors whose work has not yet been seen. I understand these people, as I did yesterday, earned about $ 5 for the 12 hours of hard work. But I don’t give up, and now I'll tell you about a book that helps me.

When you write or work what you need the most? Inspiration and Motivation! To write and to work without inspiration is hard, but it is possible. Without the motivation to write and to work is impossible at all.

So let's see first what is the motivation.

Motivation - is the impulse, the reason for our actions. The answer to the question "Why do we have to do something?". Motivation can be external and intrinsicl. External - comes from environmental factors. Intrinsic - is our own decision.

So. Many authors Steemit begin with intrinsic motivation. I started the same way. This motivation is simple - the desire to make money. On this motivation you will be able to write 1, 2, 3, maybe 5 posts. And then a person can give up. Why?

Because the author sees no external motivation. Readers don’t vote for his post. And the author decides that it is not interesting and important. He believes that external factors are set against him. And this is a mistake. Error, because now not everyone understands how it works this website. Now not all understand the algorithm. So far, readers do not always choose quality. But this will all be changed. You just need to believe. You only need to wait. And do you know what is the way out this problem?

We need to work again on the intrinsic motivation!!!

How? That's what the book "100 Ways to motivate yourself". Its author - Steve Chandler, described the 100 options, how to find the strength to move on. This book helps me to write today. And I'm sure it will help you.

Of course, we will not consider all the 100 ways. But I chose a few that I found most interesting. I will make for you a few parts on the 3 ways in each, so you can choose the appropriate option.

Let's start with 3 helped me

1. Pay trouble in your favor. Problems and trouble - it's part of our lives. It is a fact. But let's try to look at it differently. If everything was always fine, would we develop and grow as a person? Of course not! No, because we would like to relax and just lay on the couch. Any trouble - it's a chance to change something and make us better.

I don’t know English. And I didn’t understand rules of the site. A couple of days ago, I used a tag that deprived me over $ 500. My work has been called spam. I was hurt and offended. But I did not give up. I realized that now I have to carefully choose the tags. And today I do tags relevant to my message. For example, this message about Steemit, books and soulbrain (It’s me). For this lesson thanks to @dantheman and @neoxian)

And you know what? If I had not got the time this problem, I would have continued to put the wrong tags. And I even did not know what I am being punished. So here's an example from my life.

2. Use the power of the will. Willpower - this is what distinguishes us from animals. Man if it wants to, it can aspires to it. Proceedings against the instincts. If the cat feels satiety 2 mice, it will not catch on the 5 a day. For her, it does not make sense. But if a person eats on $ 2 a day, he still knows what it can do better. And he begins to strive to exercise willpower. To then have a $ 5 per day. This is a primitive example, but I think you understand the meaning.

Today a great day in my country. This is my only day off. Sun is in the street. I really want to swim and walk. I can go outside at any time. I can. But I sit for several hours and write the text. And then I will translate it for you into English. This is the power of the will. I want to be useful, I want to achieve my goal. It motivates me.

3. Find your sense of life. The meaning of life - this is our most important "why". So, for what we are moving forward. If your goal is high, you never be stoped by difficulties. Because your faith is stronger than all the failures. At the bottom of this article I will give a link to the post where I wrote how to find the meaning of life.

My goal is to earn $ 100,000 for 1 year. My articles are often gaining less than 1 $. And do you think I give up? Oh no! Not me. I'd rather write useful articles 100000. Better, I will read more books. I'll tell you everything I know. But I will not give up. Because I have the meaning of life.

You, the authors Steemit, don’t give up too! Never give up! I believe that you can! I can! We can!

Use these methods of self-motivation. I hope they will help you!

After a few hours I will write another 3 great ways. You are sure to find your way. You are sure to reach the result. But don’t throw your creativity! Work!

Appreciate the time, enjoy life and be happy!

Best Regards, Soulbrain.

I wrote those posts for you:

How to find the meaning of life
My goal is $ 100,000

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