LAST CHANCE TO SUBMIT!! Steemit Artist Music Compilation | Volume 3 | Singer Songwriter

in steemit •  7 years ago  (edited)

Attention Steemit Singer Songwriters!!! :) 

Last few days to Submit an original Acoustic song to the Steemit Artists Music  Compilation Volume 3.  Digitally packaged and presented for free  download to the Steemit Community.    20 Tracks will be selected for  Volume 3 Acoustic Singer Songwriter.  An official clip music video will  be created by Sound Legion and also original digital Cover Artwork for  the Volume.  4 official promotions post will be showcased to the  community with 100% post payouts going to the artists on the  Compilation.     The purpose is to highlight and bring great original music to the  Steemit Community with 4 collection volumes a year of some of the best  original recorded music on steemit.    

Submit your song today

Deadline for submission December 8th.   

Volume 3 official release post December 15th

Send 1 original acoustic singer songwriter track (can have more than acoustic) mp3 or wav file to [email protected] 

Attached with the file please include (VERY IMPORTANT) Steemit Account name, Track name, Artist Name

 You can also create a submissions post if you like with a download  link for the track.   Use first tag soundlegion and title it Volume 3  Submission post. 

Check out Volume 1 & Volume 2 of the Steemit Artists Music Compilation

Available for free download on Discover and Share Great Original Music from the Steemit Community Volume 1 - Multi Genre  

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="

" frameborder="0" gesture="media" allow="encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Volume 2 - Hip Hop  With two successful volumes already the Steemit Artists Music  Compilation is continuing on and will be developing over time new ways  to promote, showcase and reward artists here on steemit.    

  <iframe width="560" height="315" src="

" frameborder="0" gesture="media" allow="encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Submit your song mp3 or wav [email protected]

Shavon Bonnie Legion 

Deadline for Submission = This Friday December 8th 

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I want to get on this one

This contest is awesome. Wish I would've learned about it a bit sooner though, my fault though. However, I listened to the above 1st and 2nd compilations and I am wondering what I would have to do to be able to feature these steemians and their wonderful work on my radio show (I want to feature original songs by musicians from steemit).

that would be incredible. it is highly encouraged for other steemians to use the material here in there content work as well. These two compilations can be downloaded on front page

Wonderful! Great I will definitely download them so I can share them on my live and recorded shows. :)

Check your email for a special surprise lol or... maybe 2....

wooo!!! awesome

Yes again quality of music will be collected and appreciated. What a work from your side and contribution for steemit. Thanks Soundlegion.

When will come the cover art contest for us?

When is the next one?