STEEMIT Card Game: Community Powered Laughs, Who's Your Favorite? Part II

in steemit •  7 years ago  (edited)

Here comes the second edition of the STEEMIT Card Game.

I ran a post here that I used to gather nominations for today's 15 cards. After those nominations were registered, I investigated the Nominees and made them part of my STEEMIT Trading Card Game.

You probably heard or saw my cards scattered around Steemit, and here are some to add to the collection.

We're starting to have a good number ;)

Don't forget that if your favorite Steemian isn't in card form yet, I'll hold another nomination round next week, so stay tuned.


A Cool guy with a lot of talent. Love his blues.
He keeps on pumping those DSound masterpieces, and the cardsreflect that.
His quote is also pretty baddass.


A Steemian that isn't afraid to resteem even the most anonymous of users. In fact, she resteems a lot so she's a good person to be friends with if you want to enlarge your audience.

Her quote is by Fellini, which she loves.


The man behind @smartsteem and @smartmarket. His platform's user interface is a big plus as far as I'm concerned.

A friendly guy that has been popping in my blog lately.

His quote shows you something which many people fail to notice... taking action matters!


The blockchain lord, Dan Larimer didn't bother to upload a profile picture to Steemit.

Strange is it not?

Well he needs no further presentation.


Blocktrades is used by mostly all of us.

The card reflects his ease on converting stuff, in this case, mana!

Blocktrades' quote represents its frustration in getting harrassed so much for their delegation market.


Hola Cervantes.

Esto es el hombre que la comunidad que habla castellano queria ver.

Perdona por mi español, no hablo este dialecto... perdona Cervantes :)


One of my most supportive whale friends.

He's the owner of SteemBlockTracker and as such has a tool that is used by thousands of Steemians.

His quote reflects that he wants to use his skills towards the improvement of the platform.

Hope to keep seeing you around mate ;)


An early adopter, he has a lot of Steem Power so he's not a poor octopus by any means. This gives the lucky player to have it enough mana to keep on playing the cards he needs to win.

I love coffee too.

This one I never talked to, present yourself to me Cryptoctopus, it's time we change that :D


Kevin Wong is also not a stranger to Steemit and he has over 1 year of age.

I stumbled upon him several times already, some of those times he was calling bullshit on obvious low effort posts.

The card reflects that.


Another whale I don't know myself, but he was cool to research.

Found his Shakira Karaoke to be hilarious, so had to feature that, sorry mate.

Make yourself known!


If you ever spotted this guy trolling in the comments section, he needs no presentation already.

For those who don't know him, follow him and you'll know what this card is about.

throws TP for your Bunghole


This is a big artifact...

Qurator launches his Daily Qurator publication every day with brand new high quality content you can read.

The card reflects that as it empowers the entries of the magazine.

The quote came straight from the future.


The creator of @ocd

His card reflects the synergy with his project on uplifting promising but unknown minnows on Steemit.

He doesn't shy away from tackling spam either.

By the way, his Mew Gif signature is just satisfacting to watch.


Steemit.Chat Admin, as well as a key figure in many other projects like Steemcleaners and Curie, Firepower is no stranger to the platform.

The card reflects the problem faces. Don't take this the wrong way Firepower, but I used the platform and it really has a lot of spam links.

Of course the odd connections made there can really help you.


Purepinay is a Filisteemian (Filipino + Steemian).

She charms everyone with her gaze.

So cute... sigh... can't even.

Well, thanks for stopping by to look at the latest entries to my Steemit Trading Card game.

If you were the one who nominated these guys, be sure to show them their cards.

I'll also deliver the enlarged files to every entry here as I usually do.

If you want to enter the game yourself or nominate someone for it, then stay tuned for next week's nomination round, usually happening on Friday.

I may reduce the number of cards per week to 10... I made 15 this time and that took me a lot of time.


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This is amazing!

My effect is actually really cool - and I would def. play myself!

The quote also fits perfectly.

A big big thanks to you, @spiritualmax - this just made my day!

Hey man,

Glad you liked it!

A 100% upvote from such an high-profile Steemit citizen also helped to make my day as well.... so, I guess I'll see you around. You'll definitely can count on me to continue using smartmarket.


Awesome! You play mtg too? Def going to add you.

i new here

love this post. had to add one of my own since you left me out. I think you always need your neighborhood yeti right lol



Now that's good marketing material right there man!

Boom right! Had to give u my version!

let me help you this week with a few cards. I'll make the time to come up with some cleaver old school abilities for some of these folks

Clever move ;)

Thanks! Seems we’re both artists in the industry... i added you too!

funny, haha! :P

Lol I laughed at @blocktrades always a good card to have!

I can't wait to see your mentor card @taskmaster4450

You should do @surpassinggoogle


I had already made @taskmaster4450 mate.

Wow, what a newb :P
At least you redeemed yourself with surpassing google ;)
Strike One, Strike Two, reach first on a error...

I love the humour in these cards. I can only imagine just how much time has gone in to researching and designing them. :)

Thanks! Glad you liked it.
I make these for the community's enjoyment and its a fun post to prepare and do. :D


Great job putting these all together @spritualmax <3
I laughed at the @blocktrades quote, haha!
Also wasn't following @cornholio before, glad I am now, tp for my bunghole was a common phrase said by big brother growing up, happy memories!
I'll be back next week fo' sho' <3

Glad you liked it!
I never interacted with cornholio, but I saw him around commenting on others.
Weird dude.

visits from cornholio means you're doing it right

I liked getting to know a bit about some of the big players here.

They're all brill but my fave card is...

da da daaaahhh

Kevin Wong

who places humiliation tokens on fake gurus LMAO

Cornholio gets an honourable mention because that's where I'm going next haha XD

Anj x

You hear that @kevinwong? :P

Thanks for stopping by Anjk"

Don't know how I missed this one. My favorite part about these cards is that they give me more people's blogs to loiter on, and here's a new batch. Thanks!

A new batch comes every week :P
Stay tuned!

Oh, I'm always tuned! Ha

Amazing cards, and the Idea is a cool one, maybe Im missing something, but can you play with these?

Not yet, but you can collect them :p

Cool Man!

I always thought the Steemian Cards were an awesome idea. Have you seen @kus-knee he also does a Steemian card series, but only does one at a time and actually has someone else make them. But they are real nice/cool.
Look forward to seeing the next ones!

Blockchain apocalypse! Too OP. All fun mechanics.

I assume the bot tracker one has good synergy with some interesting spells. Draw a card. If the next card is a bot summon it immediately and triple its health and power.

You get it :P

wow this is amazing I love what yo did its very interesting! hoping the best for you ;)

Thank you :)

Nice creation. Keep on posting some interesting stuff 👍

Will do!

Amazing man. The cards you made are great. I knew @kevinwong would kick ass, that's why I nominated him. :D

Hehehe, glad you approve of it man!

MTG + Steemit = Epic win!
This is awesome!


Glad you like it Fergus! :D

Wow!! I checked some of the cards and they have great content!
This was a great idea, Max!

giphy (8).gif

Yeap! :D

You welcome :)

I thinkned should ve banned he is ruining the meta, he is simply to op. If this is printed this will be a 100$ card.

I didn't make Ned though :p

I mean dan sry. I just mix them up sometimes, ned and dan are just to similar names.

I love your cards and can totally see them in a real game. :)

You know what? I'll nominate you for next round!

What about me lol

Yes! You did it! You make me laugh again. Thanks for your hard work. Cheers

Hehehe, glad you liked it Barb!

Good stuff bro :D

Thanks, glad you liked it :)

These cards are super awesome! Love the idea! Dan's card is like a super boss one haha Hope you are having a lovely day, hugs and sunshine friend!

Thanks! Hugs and sunshine to you as well Arte :D

follow me
help me newcomer.

Kevinnnnnn!! Your spanish has become gooddd hahaha. Thanks for the mention, we are rebranding our logo since the cervantes face look a little bit like a neanderthal thow :-)

I'm Max! :D
But thank you anyways man, I'm so glad you liked it :)