The "I'm Broke" Guide: Top 3 Best Ways to Make Money Blogging

in steemit •  7 years ago 

So, you're broke?

Aye, we all feel like we're broke unless we are filthy rich and have no way to get rid of all the extra wads of cash.

On the other hand, there's no reason on why you shouldn't be ready to face your expenses if you have a solid work ethic and the ability to write.

Granted, you won't have much extra at the start, but play your cards right and you can even quit your day job...

Heck I did it 5 years ago!

I'm going to tell you how I survived blogging before Steemit. Of course I now have blogs of my own, but I started writing for others with no expenses and just getting paid to do it.

When you have a bit of a savings account to invest, you can think of developing your own site, but for now let's keep it simple and show you the TOP 3 BEST WAYS TO MAKE MONEY BLOGGING!

Freelancing Websites: And Here Are Some Tips On Their Use!

First of all, you have the obvious choice.

Freelancing is what most people do and what people think of as the only way to earn money blogging at first.

It is a good way to start, but you can't make a killing with it. There's just too much competition.

However, this can get you started as it covers your first months of expenses.

The website I was using was oDesk and Elance, but they were fused together to create UPWORK - so I suggest that one.

Once you're inside, you have to start applying to jobs in order to have a chance to be chosen to do one.

Since you're fresh off the boat and have no resume or experience on Upwork, I would aim at low rates.

Once you build up some experience and resume to prove you are a good writer, you can increase your bid prices.

Now, I never used these too much as I had a better option, and that's what we're talking about next.

Revenue Sharing Article Directories: How Do You Set Up Passive Income?

So, this is how I was making ends meet and getting passive income set up on the side.

The way revenue sharing article directories work is that you write and publish on your own name, but on the article directory site.

The site then monetizes it, with Google Adsense (Ads), and you get a percentage of the income from your articles.

This is great as you can build an article portfolio, build up your image as you sign your articles, be published and read and get money all at the same time.

Not only that, those generate money FOREVER... heck, I'm still receiving a monthly pay for my articles there and I don't write for those guys for 3 years now.

The one I worked with is HubPages, but there are more. I don't think any pay as well as this one though.

You should try this one combined with the others. As freelancing offers you a good upfront single payment, this one takes time to set up, but it builds residual income over time that will keep on paying everyday even when you don't work.

Granted, I'm only getting about $200 per month from my 60 articles, but it is something that pays that I dont have to work on anymore so I'll take it.

STEEM Blockchain: Are You Surprised?

Of course, topping the list is Steem.

The Steem blockchain is the best place for bloggers to write, period!

There's no easy way to get extra income online than to write for Steemit... well, maybe just own a bot in Steemit.

It takes the same effort as everything else, and yet it rewards people way more. At the moment, I could be on hubpages building my passive income stream some more, but I opted to leave that and come here.

Even if one article only earns for 6 days here, the amount it generates is better than the average article elsewhere, plus it starts compounding as your account grows bigger.

If you think blogging here is hard, then blogging isnt for you!

I hope you enjoyed this post and that you now know a bit more on how to get started on becoming a full time blogger like I am :D

If you liked the post, do give it a vote and a resteem.


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Great content and insight into how you started earning some cash on the side. Still figuring out my passive income as well. I'd definitely need to start writing a lot more to make blogging part of my passive income solution.

Yeah, my vast blogging experience feels like it was just a training for this blog though, this is where real stuff is happening!

Great post, and yes, the winner is definitely Steemit. I've made money on here for my writing for the first time ever. I've hired people off upwork and similar sites (though as VAs, not for writing) and know how they work from that end, so can imagine how they work from the other end. On there people are paying a pre-agreed amount for an article, but on here you never know how much you're going to make. I've had one article earn me $350 once STEEM is converted into USD. And that's as a very new Steemer, on here not even a month yet. At that point I was only on here a week!

I definitely recommend bloggers come to Steemit instead of those other platforms if they want to actually be paid to write. And you get to write whatever you want! Just make sure you read lots of help articles (of which I've written a couple) so that you can get started right.

Not everyone is making significant money on here.


Glad you also see it that way Indigo... it's true, it really is something else!

Exactly why I don't understand people that say 'I can't blog' or I can't write'. If they are occupied with something better, I understand that. You just write as you talk, there are diverse ways to edit on and off the internet now

There's no easy way to get extra income online than to write for Steemit...

I agree with this, I was a 'domainer', I am still a part time one. Steemit beats almost everything I have seen on the internet in terms of money making. Once you are ready to roll up your sleeves and put in quality time and work, you will be fine.

Great content once again.

Yeap, agree with you, there's nothing quite like it, it's wonderful!
Cheers and thanks for the comment Gold, glad to see you around.

This is great quality content. I may have missed it but thanks to @inquiringtimes who shared it with me. I do agree that we all are broke to some extent. Some are more broke than others but we all need some sort of respite. While online income sources offer some respite in this regard, Steem is a lifeline for me personally and for so many people.

I wish to share something with the readers who are interested in learning about blogging. I think they can gain a lot from applying this knowledge properly.

Blogging is something I have learned more than any online skill. I have tried to be good at every aspect of being a blogger. I have to say that Steem indeed is the best platform to blog and it costs nothing at all to start.

I did try a little with freelancing and rev share content websites but not too much. I didn't pursue anything more than blogging (Blogger, WordPress, personal blog, and then Steemit). It is a skill and learning it necessary to earn from it.

Nice post. I'll share it with my followers so that they can weigh their options as well.

Thank you for the resteem mate,

Hey there @spiritualmax!

I've check at Hubpages' website that I was quite interested to write my other articles there which you mention that it produce residual income.

Thanks for the info!


I agree that the Steem Blockchain is still the best!

No problem :D
Glad I could help!

Mate this was a verry insightfull lesson and image into blogging which I have no idea about. I am loving the concept of blogging and taking photos, it's creative besides stimulating my brain. I also enjoy what others are doing and contributing.

So Spiritualmax tell me what realm of contemplation are you travelling in now. What thought provoking atoms are scrambling in your brain to inspire your next acting blog.

For now, my atoms are colliding and screaming "MY GOD THIS INTERNET IS SLOW"!

Thanks for sharing max. I will try one of those and see if i can make some extra cash. Thanks again for sharing these opportunities.

No prob man, hope you get a few extra bucks out of them ;)

I did some freelance and even some recruiting for several companies that use Upwork to look for talent and is a good way to earn especially if you given it serious attention and the feedback on you is good.

Might check hubpages as anything that can still generate for articles done 3 years ago seems a good deal for me.

True on Steemit. The amount of exposure and rewards are unrivaled for now that any other blogging platform. You get the right audience, maintain consistency and quality and you can succeed.

It is hard but it is worth it especially when you have developed your niche and audience.

It's interesting, because the revenue has actually been rising... at the time I was writing there I was getting 1€ per day... now Im at 4€.

It's my only stream of passive income.

Funny you mentioned Hub Pages first and then Steem as a better alternative because I've always seen the similarity between the two. In fact, we should start a campaign to bring all the Hub Pages writers over here to Steem. They'll be better off, and we would be better off.

I agree, everyone would be better off. And their work would keep on generating income there so no losses.

LOL. You're writing resume sounds similar to mine. oDesk...Hub Pages...Self-hosted blogs...and now Steemit. Of course I tried Fiverr, but yeah it's useless for manking any money writing. And of course freelance work with my clients throughout it all.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hey Max ♡

If you think blogging here is hard, then blogging isnt for you

I think its hard but I also enjoy it and want to do it. I think for most it's probably hard at the beginning, figuring out their groove and the like.
Maybe it's not the blogging but rather the obstacles like time constraints and disorganization that are hard, haha.

You can blog diligently everyday 1 post per day on your own site and not see a single penny for around 6 months... it isnt hard at all in the beggining here. In fact, when more good bloggers find out about it, competition will start Im sure :P

Very true. Its awesomely welcoming here. Those that are here now are lucky to have found it :)

Thanks for sharing how you survived after quitting a day job! You're better than me...I just quit with no plan and went to Europe lol.

I mean, it worked out for me now...'cause I ended up doing e-commerce...but I still think you did it the right way lol.

Have you also used

Yeah I did Fiverr but not writing... writing wasnt paying too good there.

I mostly sold company slogans (hence why im good at it @moneyinfant) and company names.


Good to know about these other sites, thanks max

No prob Mateo, any time!

Upwork is difficult to get into these days, especially for those who don't have freelancing experience.

Then hubpages when I checked it out years ago, it wasn't open for my country.

Steemit is the best option for me so far. ^^

Hmm, interesting... never had a problem with HP, but Im in Europe...

Nice, definitely gonna check out hubpages, do they require complete control of the article? Like could we use steemit articles there?

Articles there can't be posted first on other sites and then in HP... so you can't use the steemit articles Jakey.

damn haha, that would've been nice, makes sense though if they pay you forever

there used to be a few others (Squidoo, Triond) but they have closed shop....

so Steem to the rescue I guess

Squidoo got bought by Hubpages and absorbed.

yes, that's correct. I loved Squidoo more than hubpages though

Yeah, Steemit is probably the easiest way to make money online. I never did freelancing, because I think you get too little for your work. Plus, if you have your own website and post articles there, you're in for some good rewards if you do it consistently.

It's not as easy as it seems though, having an own site and publishing stuff isnt enough these days, you need to advertise and market the hell out of it.

You can't put your steemit articles on hubpages?

Lotta food for thought here, thank you!

Nope, unique content only.

Do you retain copyright? I'm sort of wondering if there is a loophole to the unique content thing where I could reuse some stuff published there later.. or re-work it into another format if I ever decided make my own website

The Loophole is publishing on HP first, then only publishing elsewhere past some months as HP considers it natural to online articles to get copied from them,.

Would you recommend me putting my best work on hubpages after payout? Also thank you very much for the info!

They dont allow duplicate articles, you can only put original work there that hasnt been published anywhere else.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

This is fantastic, best information of the year. I will sure try them out and see how it does.. Thanks for sharing this life changing information. But for sure steemit remains the best that is if you get good upvote for writing interesting articles.

Steemit is definitely the best place for bloggers, if you want to have a financial reward out of your writing as well. Sure, it might not be so easy in the beginning, but if you are able to consisently provide valuable content, at some point people will recognize and reward you for it.
If you have a passion for writing, there is currently no better place imho.

Man, it's absolutely THE EASIEST at the beggining..

No one else can you enter and make an easy 5 bucks per day just by commenting.

I've heard of this Steem thing. Might see if it is any good!

Thanks for the comic relief you two. 😀

Hmmm, should we try it together? I hear you can get a free account at

Hmmm, looks a bit like a FB clone. Might be dodgy?

Priceless xD

Sorry, we hijacked a good article!

Yeah O.o I can't even find where to put my credit card details. Hmmm, this is a hard choice. Let me know if you want to try it anyway!

Nah, I'll pass. It seems to be powered by digital tulips.

:O But isn't that great!? I heard that tulips are the next thing, super expensive. I was ready to put my savings into tulips before the market keeps growing!

Pffff, tulips are yesterday's news. Take it from me, I know a guy who knows some girl who thinks this is the next hot thing.


Hmmmm, I haven't heard about it but I'll buy! Where do I put my money? I always trust my friend's friend's friend's judgement.

Wow, you just reminded me of Hubpages.

Haven't been to the site in ages ( about 3 years actually).

Good to know they are still performing.

Would pay them a visit now

Yeap, still getting around 4€ per day from them. :)

Hi @spiritualmax
Thank you, this is up-to-date information for many users. Not everyone can write interesting articles. But writing an interesting article is half the battle. Another thing is to properly submit it and find those who read it. You definitely have a lot of experience and do the "right" content. We all have something to learn from you.

Hello Franky!

I'm seeing you're growing yourself... heck, one or two more months and you'll be Rep 60!

Great to see hard work is paying off :D

Blogging on steemit is good but what would you suggest to newcomers or who have low following how to proceed and maximize thier earning?

Comment! Comment a lot!

Hey maybe the way a user should be paid for older steem posts is by embedding ads as a comment at the bottom of the post :P. Not sure how this would work though.

Hehehe, Don't know either, heck by this point even ad networks wouldn't know... decentralized is too edgy.

Years ago, I thought blogging was not for me. However, for over 6 years I have been a writer on platforms like Fiverr and others. So, I have actually been blogging (so to say). Writing for myself and clients has always been fun. Definitely, Steemit is where to be and continue this fun activity.

Yeap, I had a similar path, you're going to find out steemit is way more profitable.

I had no idea these sites existed. I am suprised every day by the stuff that people post on steemit.

You live, You learn! :D

Wow! What a great read! Thank you for sharing this info in a very relatable, and understandable way! I’m going to follow your advice on generating passive income! Which is one the things that I’m interested in the most!

Cool! Just bear in mind it takes some time to get started

it's getting more challenging for new blogger especially vlogger on youtube to earn with the changes on adsense requirements. Steemit is much easier to earn the first penny and reader/community have the ability to rewards content creator they like.

Indeed, Steemit is "onepercentbetter" a hundred times :P

you're so witty max =)

oh stop it you :3

I had no idea about the other blog writing options. Great info. Thanks.

Glad I gave you some new pointers.
Thanks! Cheers!
