Attitudes to copyright

in steemit •  7 years ago 

Hi Everyone,

Lately i have an urge that can't be controlled or explained to start posting blogs on some incredible engineering/ mechanical innovations that have been occurring silently, without praise throughout history (sounds boring but some of these things are truly artful and awe inspiring).

My aim is to give these innovations the spotlight, however small to the innovators behind this inventions and hopefully along the way inspire and educate people.

Issue is a lot of these posts will require a lot of content that i haven't created, youtube links etc.
What is the attitude on steem to using content that the poster hasn't themselves authored?
I've seen posts that have just been a link to a youtube video and a sentence or two, is this viewed as acceptable?

I figure fair use may start to come in to play as my posts will be mostly written by myself with some youtube videos/ images/ patents etc. interjecting thoughout the post.

Aside from the legal side of things, what is the sentiment on Steemit of this kind of thing?

Thanks for listening, if my future posts sound like something of interest let me know!


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