How To: Write A Good Post For Newbies at STEEMIT.COM

in steemit •  3 years ago 



Welcome to @steemist-ntv follow up for more interesting blogs.

Is someone or anybody else is so excited by that you wanna tell to all your friends about?

I told my friend who is not yet at because of COVID case !! shit 😥. I also told my father about it yesterday (haha, anyone else told their father yet?)

First Thing First.

  1. Be Yourselves:
    Not everyone is same, everybody has his own thoughts and skills. Tell me in comments about "who you are" - Why and How you join Why do you here 🤞? and What makes you happy here? 🤑

  2. Use Pictures: 🤳
    Posts with pictures are always more attractive (at least to me) than the posts that is just text. If you are ready to writing a post about a different kind of topic, it always looks awesome when people include a stock-photo for an eye-catching thumbnail. You can get stock-photos from a website like and others.

  3. Format The Text:
    By concerned images and text, using bolds, italic, making text more larger and presently your links attractively.

  4. Use Emojis:
    Not everyone📸 need this but to be frank dude, Emojis are best way to communicate other 🥂.

  5. Tag Smartly: is greatest because of that, you can post about whatever you like. Be sensible of that what you tag will impact who look at your post. 🎯 Reply to Comments: I love checking back on the comments after I posted to see who is commenting and what they are saying 🌍.

Dear Friends, Writing your posts should be fun and also a skill, and it should be something that you look forward to sharing story to the world. So get in touch at Steemitchat once you've made a post so you can share it.

Follow & Comments to grow me up.

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