Similar content - different votes, prospected payouts and curation behaviour

in steemit •  7 years ago  (edited)

We just celebrated the 200.000th account. This was reported simultaneously by @elyaque and @penguinpablo:

Both authors have a similar voting power:

@elyaque has 79% of 34,270.833 STEEM

@penguinpablo has 75% of 28,185.372 STEEM

It is interesting to observe and compare the different votes and prospected payouts.

At the moment @elyaque leads this "competition" with 71 versus 33 SBD.

Who is the better curator?

I took an arbitrary comment from @penguinpablo's post and pasted it as a comment at @elyaque.

I compared the authors' votes for these two comments.

It turned out that @elyaque is the better curator. He gave more percentage of his voting power.

But both voted the comment. There are also authors who don't ever vote any comment. These are the bad curators!

Isn't that interesting?


방금 200.000 번째 계정을 축하했습니다. @elyaque@penguinpablo가 동시에보고했습니다 :

두 저자 모두 비슷한 투표권을 가지고있다.

@elyaque에는 34,270.833의 79 %가 있습니다 STEEM

@penguinpablo는 28,185.372의 75 %를 차지합니다. STEEM

다른 표와 예상되는 지불금을 관찰하고 비교하는 것은 흥미 롭습니다.

현재 @elyaque는 71 대 33 SBD로이 "경쟁"을 이끌고 있습니다.

더 나은 큐레이터는 누구입니까?

나는 @ penguinpablo의 게시물에서 임의로 주석을 달고 @elyaque에서 주석으로 붙여 넣었습니다.

나는이 두 의견에 대한 저자들의 투표를 비교했다.

@elyaque가 더 나은 큐레이터라는 것이 밝혀졌습니다. 그는 투표권의 비율을 더 많이 냈다.

그러나 두 사람 모두 논평에 찬성표를 던졌다. 의견을 투표하지 않은 저자도 있습니다. 이들은 나쁜 큐레이터입니다!

그게 재미있는가요?


Az önce 200.000. hesabı kutladık. @elyaque ve @penguinpablo tarafından aynı anda rapor edildi:

Her iki yazar da benzer bir oy gücüne sahiptir:

@elyaque 34,270.833 STEEM'in% 79'una sahip

@penguinpablo, 28.185.372 STEEM'in% 75'ine sahip

Farklı oyları ve olası satışları gözlemlemek ve karşılaştırmak ilginçtir.

Şu anda @elyaque bu "rekabet" i 71'e karşı 33 SBD'ye sürüklüyor.

Daha iyi küratör kimdir?

@ Penguinpablo'nun mesajından keyfi bir yorum aldım ve onu @elyaque'ye yorum olarak yapıştırdım.

Bu iki yorum için yazarların oylarını karşılaştırdım.

@elyaque'nin daha iyi bir küratör olduğu ortaya çıktı. Oylama gücünün daha fazla yüzdesini verdi.

Ancak her ikisi de bu yoruma oy verdi. Hiç oy kullanmayan yazarlar da var. Bunlar kötü küratörler!

Bu ilginç değil mi?


Wir haben gerade das 200.000ste Konto gefeiert. Dies wurde gleichzeitig von @elyaque und @penguinpablo gemeldet:



Beide Autoren haben eine ähnliche Stimmrechte:

@lyaque hat 79% von 34.270.833 STEEM

@penguinpablo hat 75% von 28,185.372 STEEM

Es ist interessant zu beobachten und vergleichen Sie die verschiedenen Stimmen und prospected Auszahlungen.

Im Moment geht @elyaque diesen "Wettbewerb" mit 71 gegen 33 SBD.

Wer ist der bessere Kurator?

Ich nahm einen willkürlichen Kommentar von @ penguinpablo's Post und fügte es als Kommentar bei @elyaque.

Ich habe die Stimmen der Autoren für diese beiden Kommentare verglichen.

Es stellte sich heraus, dass @elyaque ist der bessere Kurator. Er gab mehr Prozent seiner Stimmrechte.

Aber beide haben den Kommentar gestimmt. Es gibt auch Autoren, die niemals einen Kommentar abstimmen. Das sind die schlechten Kuratoren!

Ist das nicht interessant?


Acabamos de celebrar la 200.000a cuenta. Esto fue reportado simultáneamente por @elyaque y @penguinpablo:



Ambos autores tienen un poder de voto similar:

@elyaque tiene el 79% de 34.270.833 STEEM

@penguinpablo tiene un 75% de 28.185.372 STEEM

Es interesante observar y comparar los diferentes votos y los desembolsos prospectados.

En estos momentos, @elyaque lidera esta "competencia" con 71 contra 33 SBD.

¿Quién es el mejor curador?

Tomé un comentario arbitrario de la publicación de @ penguinpablo y lo pegué como un comentario en @elyaque.

Comparé los votos de los autores de estos dos comentarios.

Resultó que @elyaque es el mejor curador. Dio más porcentaje de su poder de voto.

Pero ambos votaron el comentario. También hay autores que nunca votan ningún comentario. ¡Estos son los malos curadores!

¿No es interesante?

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I think you can not compare this one-on-one as there might be different circumstances - i think both are awesome - curating or giving votes on comments differs maybe because of left power or any plans people have with their votes. I would NEVER use such a test to judge whether one is better than the other in terms of curating. We could analyse every little piece by everyone but what is the aim of your analysis in the end? Do you expect everyone is voting on every comment? I try to vote a lot on comments including a couner comment but can not do it all the time, sometimes here is a lack of time, some people i consider spamming me will not get a vote, maybe a comment trying to educate them this is not the way to behave.

I just would like to avoid you drag people to certain corners of being good or not good.

Thanks for your comment. Perhaps you misunderstood me. I didn't judge anyone for any reason.
I only wanted to show these two points:

  • Similar content may lead to different payout.
  • Different behaviour may lead to different results.

The conclusion from these observation is up to every reader of this post individually.

hmmm not really - you judge them by It turned out that @elyaque is the better curator. He gave more percentage of his voting power. - it might be he was giving you more back on this dedicated post / comment - but you can not use the expression one is a better curator as the other as you compare on vote on one comment - this is a judgement - however i think i understand what your aim was :-) Anyway - let us all work on a great and even better community :-)

Si que es curioso si. Gracias por compartir