100 DAYS OF STEEM : Day 8 - Friday Roundup & Friday FollowssteemCreated with Sketch.

in steemit •  4 years ago  (edited)

We are now one week into the 100 Days of Steem project so it will be a good time to do a roundup of what has happened in the first seven days.

As a starting point we must say we are very happy with the response so far.

We see this project as the beginning of a new phase in the development of Steem.

This project is all about working with the community, engaging with the community, getting ideas from the community, and rewarding the community.

We won’t have the resources to put into practice all the good ideas that people come up with - certainly not during this 100 day project. But this is just the first stage in a new era for Steem.

Stick with us. There are another 92 days to go...

Friday Roundup

We’ve been finding our feet this week, but are delighted with the interaction and feedback on what has been started already…

The Community Curators Project

There have been over 30 applications so far from people and projects that would like to become Community Curators. Thank you to everyone that has applied already. We are still taking applications until 21 April, and then the first batch of Community Curators will be selected to start on 1 May.

As well as the initial English language post...

We have started our multilingual versions in Spanish and Korean...

And a big thank you to @muscara who has kindly been translating all the 100 Days posts into German…

The Weekly Content Challenge

We launched our first Weekly Content Challenge on the theme ‘Memories of My School Days’. There have been 25 entries so far. The challenge runs until Sunday so there is still time to enter.

The View From My Window Photography Challenge

To cater for those who prefer taking photographs rather than writing we also put out a photography challenge on the theme ‘The View From My Window’. We are delighted that there have been nearly 40 entries so far. This challenge will be running until Monday so there are still three days to enter.

APPICS Delegation

Steemit, Inc. has given APPICS a 1 M Steem Power delegation to help them set up instant accounts for their coming marketing campaigns and to reward users.

We announced this on Day 6:

APPICS gives more information in their post, which also mentions Zac Efron!


Steemit, Inc. has now set up the @steemcurator01 account with 1 M Steem Power to reward participants in the various challenges being run as part of the 100 Days project.

The account will also be looking out for other good content and helpful contributions to Steem.

When the Community Curators project gets going in May, @steemcurator01 will be rewarding the curators for their work.

Friday Follows

The 100 Days project is not just about what we’ve done, it is also about what members of the Steem community are doing.

So each Friday we would like to mention five people or projects that we have spotted doing good things during the past week.

Please do visit their blogs and give them a follow.

First up @muscara - thank you for translating all the 100 Days of Steem posts into German.

If you are looking for a new game to try out on Steem take a look at @radaquest - it is a fantasy Trading Card Game developed by @marcosdk. It has got some great graphics too.

For anyone wanting to improve the formatting of their Steem posts check out this post by @cmp2020 :

While you are visiting @cmp2020’s blog take a look at his latest post ‘Where do we take STEEM from here?’. He has included some thoughts from his father @remlaps and from @whatsup and is inviting discussion...

Long time Steemian @xpilar raises the issue of commenting on posts. Is it important? Do we do enough?

In these troubled times of Covid-19 @team-mexico is raising funds to help people in Venezuela affected by the pandemic.

  • Donación de @cristo para la iniciativa "Dona y apoya a Venezuela para Covid-19". ¡Muchas gracias!

The Steem Community Hub mentioned on Day 1 is still being worked on but there are a few other elements that need to fall into place before it is launched. More news on that soon.

In the meantime have a great weekend and stay tuned for the next 92 Days of Steem.

Steem on,
The Steemit Team

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It's been nice to see things leveling off and moving forward. Thanks for the first 8 days!

Thank you @whatsup.

The potential for positive progress is growing by the day.

The Steemit Team

Nochmals vielen Dank für die Übersetzung.

How about giving me some credit for the #FollowFriday idea? I did loads of those posts. I and others did lots to try and build the Steem community.

How about censorship Saturday?

Thank you @steevc for your comment.

The #FollowFriday concept has been widely used on social media, especially Twitter, for many years long before Steem came into being...

There was even a 2013 film about it...

The Steemit Team

  ·  4 years ago (edited)

Yes I know, but you will find that I have done it far more on Steem than anyone else and fairly consistently since I joined in 2016. Did you not notice? Unfortunately I do not feel I can continue it on Steem as you are freezing the accounts of people who helped build the community and censoring their posts. That is not what I expect from the platform.

Thanks for the mention!

You are welcome.

We are looking forward to seeing how Radaquest develops.

The Steemit Team

Some great ideas here @greece-lover, thank you.

We will definitely be picking up as many of these as we can.

The Steemit Team


Comparto con ustedes mi vista de la ciudad... Es hermosa, soy afortunada.

Una vista desde mi ventana

Yo me anoto en los planes de reformar la casa... Construyamos redes sociales, conozcamonos, apreciemos los contenidos y ganemos recompensas por ello. Muchos queremos ver cambios y seguro que este es el mejor momento. Saludos @steemitblog

Gracias por tu apoyo.

My native language (Bengali) translation is here:


There are so many people from Bangladesh is here on steemit I hope this translation will be helpful for them.

Thank you very much @apon6431 for doing this translation.

We hope many more of the Bangladesh community would like to get involved with the 100 Days of Steem project.

The Steemit Team

This post earned a total payout of 1.666$ and 0.833$ worth of author reward that was liquified using @likwid.
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Hey @steemcurator01 and @steemitblog,

Hindi version of this post is now available and I will try to translate very post of steem 100 days link of day-8

Thank you for this.

Hello @steemitblog. Great initiative, this is definitely causing and will have a great impact on the community, I have no doubt that it revitalized our beloved platform.

I ask that you take a look at the work that the Project HOPE community is doing and consider it in your future plans.

Thank you, good to know that STEEMIT continues to grow.

Thank you @fucho80.

Will Project HOPE be making an application to become a Community Curator?

I think the community administrator @crypto.piotr is going to apply for our community project.

That will be great.

Thank you @fucho80

Dear @steemcurator01

I'm planning to post our application tomorrow :) Sundays are my fav time to catch up with work on steemit.

All the best

Thank you. Will look forward to reading it.

I am sure that the best of steemit is yet to come and many are looking at what we are doing and they know that there is union and a platform is being built. We wait for you back. We invite you to grow together. Let us work for the union of all as a community. The bad times are over. they are part of yesterday.



Thank you for your support @electrodo


I can't help but think your failure to decline rewards on these posts and your curator account are schemes to rape the reward pool to your own benefit instead of promote good stewardship of the chain. The sock puppet witnesses are still a major concern, too. While I appreciate the appearance of community engagement, it has the stench of further self-aggrandizement and profit-seeking at the core.

Please find a way to demonstrate otherwise if I am mistaken. Talk is cheap. Actions matter.

  ·  4 years ago (edited)

I must take this time to commend the team for this kind of initiative, really this is what steemit needs in this trying period and believe me in no time, the rejected stone will be the corner Stone.

When we place value on the members of a community, naturally,the members authomatically will feel belonged and the support will be massive.Most of this contest is what enables newbies grow and get noticed.

Keep up the good work @steemitblog and the entire management. One step at a time, we will get to the promised Land. I am confident that before the end of this 100days is steemit, there will be a drastic and significant growth, participation and support by many.

It only gets better as we move on. At the beginning,it may seems tough and bumby but perseverance, commitment, optimism and dedication spurs anything to greater heights. We will get there, I am with steemit all the way. We move!

Thank you @mekkeyz for your support.

Keep following for the next 92 days...

Para todos aquellos de la comunidad hispana que quieran participar en los juegos-electrodo están invitados hay grandes premios y tal vez los visite el amigo @steemcurator01.

Por aquí les dejo el link.




Good luck with the contest.

It is good seeing that steem first seven days was a success. It is true that this is a new era for steem and together, we have to make things work out here.

I will be waiting for your daily posts and i will be doing my best for steem.

GodSpeed 💙 Steem ♨♨♨ On !

Thank you @bluengel

Thank you very much for the mention. And for supporting our initiative that is for a good cause. They have had very good ideas during these 8 days, trying to reactivate the activity between communities, giving incentives, inviting new people and supporting them. Many good things can be done to grow, we are grateful. :)

We will be following progress.

Thank you

Its an amazing and superb first week, waiting for next days.
Thankx for moving forward steemit community

I have took part in all challenge's now waiting for new one. I hope upcoming 92 days will be amazing for us…

This post earned a total payout of 0.404$ and 0.202$ worth of author reward that was liquified using @likwid.
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A great weekend/week to you too.
Goid there's a German translation. 💕

Thanks for doing these things. It feels like the steem/steemit community is getting a redo at this point, where different ideas and theories can be tested to see what actually helps bring in new and more users.

Do you plan to integrate steem into any other existing companies or websites?

Any suggestions on the types of companies or websites to integrate with?

  ·  4 years ago (edited)

I would say the low hanging fruit would probably be getting a video game to integrate steem as a base currency. Though my guess is an SMT would be much more appealing to them since they probably will want to name it something else.

In game currency would be one, another would be any kind of social sites that would like to reward their users. Again, an SMT would probably work better for this though too.

What is the status of those btw?

Getting those done would open up a world of possibilities for getting companies, games, and websites onboarded to the STEEM ecosystem.

I trust that a good work will be done for the support of the platform, the value of the steem and the fair distribution of the rewards, especially in post of very good quality. My hopes set and all the best vibrate for this project and the new life to Steemit. Without wars, in peace and let's make a real community.

  ·  4 years ago (edited)

It's now possible to see the various projects running again and revitalizing the platform. Congratulations to all the people who presented projects and posts for the initiatives. And congratulations to the people showcased in this post.
The best vibes for this new stage in the platform, much succes and satisfactions for everyone!!

Great. Let's see how it goes. I'll check if our Nigerian community is still alive. If yes, then I'll apply as a community curator. It's been a while we did that.

We will be interested to hear how it is going with the Steem community in Nigeria.

Nigeria has more than 5k users who backed out due to no delegation community support to support those who where promoting steemit with their time, services and funds. The only surviving hope was @curie and other witness support. Nigerians can't not just keep up with the whole activities here when we can not get a return in investment.. But all hope is not lost if steemit is willing to support.

Disappointed you didn't mention ForkYou-Friday: you censored my @felt.buzz account, yesterday, after I left a comment on yesterdays post.
ZJVZzD7AX37EMQ9WSwsLaUVnWj5v4rfuehQsoVtukrb5zwdXbo5aA1Ad39Ag3xeAuev6ZKf2AYqxQGkx2QANAG11sTwgr8yHZF8qeccop3582202020200319T131810.898 1.jpg

Now The steem is moving and I'm very much happy with the things going on, Hopefully this won't stop and lead us to ultimate success in the future @steemitblog.

Hi @steemcurator01

A great start. I look forward to the next weeks and months of new steem

Wow. I really appriciate ypur effort. Hopefully steemit become more popular over all the world. Thanks for your daily update system.

Do doubt the 100 days of steem is a master mind idea to grow this great blockchain based social media at high level. Very soon lot of amazing people will engage with steem community. Steem on

Resteemed :-)

Thank you

Translation of this post in italian link below , And i will continue translate all Steem 100 days post in Italian.
I hope people of Italy will be join the 100 Days of Steem project.



Thank you for this.

Do you speak Italian?

Lots of mixed feelings going on here.
On one side, I am very unhappy with how both sides played their respective hands over the last few weeks. The stories of censorship and freezing on funds ... etc... on the other side, I am happy to see that steem is leveling off.
I do and did have a lot of faith and excitement in what Steem means and what it can do. (*Sorta invested my life savings into this project).
With this said, after next week if positive progress is still on the track and, with luck a rebound in Steem price... I may once again invest in steem and its ecosystem by powering up.
Keep on the 100 days of steem. Tell us some good news to help us moon.

92 more days to go. Stay tuned...

While I don't like what you and/or JS are doing, I appreciate that you at least try to communicate to what's left of the community

@muscara Respekt, du hast es auf Steemitblog geschafft :P

Thank you

Hatte ich nicht doch aber gar nicht auf meiner To-do-Liste ;)

Und das wo du ständig gegen Steem warst und eigentlich noch bist und groß auf Hive geschworen hast. Da hat aber einer schnell sein Fähnchen in den Wind gedreht. Aber passt ja, so kassierst du auch deine Silberlinge.

My comment has been intentionally delayed until now @steemitblog. First, to give credit where I reasonably can, it is great to see you actively working to improve curation efforts towards those working hard to add value to the Steem blockchain.

It will be interesting to see your final decisions on who you have chosen to support to accomplish this objective.

What I would like to ask about are your future plans to address the opposite of curation. Surely, you either are or at least should be aware of accounts who abuse the reward pool. For their own benefit. At the expense of others.

Your long term success will be dependent upon actively and effectively addressing both aspects of how others choose to "participate" here on the Steem blockchain. I do not need a direct answer. Many of us will know, based upon what you write about this topic in the future, whether or not this is deemed to be important to SteemIt's plans.

Thank you.

  ·  4 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  4 years ago (edited)

I would say the former witnesses never held back Steemit at all. They have always had the ability to do this type of thing. In fact, many others have been doing exactly the same types of things for a long time and many of the witnesses have supported such efforts and urged Steemit to do the same. Steemit (who has always held the majority of Steem) has for the most part failed in this endeavor. It's good to see it change.

That being said, this could happen without the need to centralize the chain. The recent actions of Steemit such as its role in freezing accounts, censoring accounts, pinning propaganda, and implementing central governance of the blockchain are still worthy of criticism in the same manner that their good efforts are worthy of praise.

Absolutely agree! And I have been critical of the Steemit Team:

The Steemit Team: A Chicken With Its Head Cut Off

But I don't know if you were around to hear some of the interviews from the past that the former Witnesses had with the Steemit Team, and all of the abuse that the Steemit Team took and are taking from what I refer to as the HIVE Minions. The Steemit Team and the Witnesses should be separate entities, with separate responsibilities. I do not believe that the Steem blockchain was decentralized prior to the Tron Foundation entering the picture; nor do I believe that we should be so fundamentalistic about decentralization.

I was around and listened to the meetings and interviews. What I saw was a general lack of understanding and a reluctance to act in a de-escalating way on the part of Tron players. They wanted to force technically impossible rules and refused to act in ways upon which they had agreed to act.

The Steemit Team and the Witnesses should be separate entities, with separate responsibilities.

I see that we agree on this, which is why I'm so critical of their actions. Justinsun said himself that he didn't want to participate in governance yet still refuses to give governance back to the community.

You are right that the chain wad not centralized before, but it is at least 1000 times more centralized now than it was back then.


Fundamentalistic? This place is fully controlled by a single entity. There is nothing that is decentralized about this place. You say that as if we should consider compromising on some of the decentralized aspects left on the chain. Should we ask Steemit to vote themselves into 100% control of the reward pool? There aren't many more ways for us to be less fundamentalistic about decentralization.

I'm sorry for not having been more clear; I was referring to the interviews and interactions in the past years, not when the Tron Foundation stepped in. The former group constantly hounded the Steemit Team about the price of STEEM, and wanted more money to come into the network. It was always about the value of this, and the value of that, and what about my ROI. Lip service was paid to bringing on more users, but then it would go right back to changing the reward curve, adding the downvote pool, proposals to distribute funds to projects; all the while 1,000,000+ accounts were being abandoned.

I think we are focusing too much attention on demonizing Justin Sun; he is a Dynamic Aggressive entrepreneur, which is exactly what the Steem system has been missing, and the lack of which has been stunting the growth. He's no Saint, obviously, but he will do a better job than what has been done thus far. And Justin Sun could not possibly give governance back to the community, because we never had it!

This place was never decentralized; I really wish people would open their eyes and look at this reality in its face.

I don't disagree that it wasn't decentralized, but it was also never centralized. A person like Sun could be good, as long as he has bought in to the system...which might just be a good byproduct of all of this turmoil. I truly believe that his intentions were to move it to Tron.

I think Sun has bought in to see if the Steem system can become more valuable to more people. Even if the intention is to go to TRON, we ought to consider that TRON has a better business model, with a better distribution of the token; I have always said that STEEM is overpriced, and this prevents more people from joining. If we want to have millions of users, we need the entry to be much easier, hence a lower price. I know this upsets the "pro traders" and "ROI junkies", but mass adoption cannot take place if the product is not accessible to the masses.