Surprise Feature Release: Crypto Market Feed

in steemit •  6 years ago  (edited)

coin market.jpg

Today we released a bonus feature we’re calling the “Coin Marketplace” which will now appear below the "Updates Log" in the sidebar. We know that one of the most common reasons why people leave is so that they can check the price of STEEM and their other favorite coins. For that reason we decided to give our users the ability to check those prices right from


One of our priorities right now is developing a roadmap for improving, one component of which will likely be how to better integrate community code contributions. But in the meantime, we wanted to begin adding features to the site that we were reasonably confident would be of value to users. has become the central hub for people interested in all kinds of different crypto projects. To quote @birdinc, it's "The Front Page of Crypto." Now those people will be able to stay on top of their favorite coins without having to leave .

Just the Beginning

As of now the Coin Marketplace feed will feature STEEM, SBD, BTC, ETH, and XRP, but next we intend to allow users to click through the feed into a page that lists the top 200 coins. But what do you think? Leave your feedback below.

The Steemit Team

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I think it would be great to use CoinGecko instead of CMC since they're on Steemit. They are also a witness.

What do you think?

Yeah I thought this was a joke, seriously, they installed the equivalent of a Wordpress widget that shows the price of cryptocurrencies, something I can make my smartwatch do.... Embarrassing that they release stuff like this as a "suprise feature"
Where is the Steem Tip Bot for reddit? Where is the OFFICIAL Steemit AND Ned Accounts on Reddit?!?!

You know how many people are on the r/Bitcoin Subreddit? There are like double as many people on there as on steemit! 10 times if you go with active users, and so thats OUR recruiting ground! And then theres even more people on r/cryptocurrency r/dogecoin r/eos r/ethtrader

Just please @ned and @steemitblog go post on and make a post about how youre ned and youre from steemit and you just want to offer some upvotes or give some reddit gold or better yet TIP them, like take 10 bucks, ill send you the ten bucks if your really dont have ten bucks, and give out 20 steem to 20 different people, thats a lot of people on reddit and when its all public, with a steem tip bot, or when you just use the existing btc and dogecoin tip bots, you'll get so much publicity for steem where it counts, the crypto subreddits.... thats where crypto was BORN, Bitcoin wouldnt be anywhere without reddit..... here we are on steemit which is basically the equivalent of reddit on the blockchain, lets get back to our roots, lets build into reddit, lets get a Reddit Steem TIPPING bot that makes reddit users signup for a steem account!

If we had a steem tip bot, thatd actually be a way for us to syphon users from reddit forever, something steem really does need... because those reddit users are crypto friendly AND many of them already COME with bitcoin, thats a HOT lead.... thats someone who might come into steem and BUY some steem.

I like the idea. I used to always have coinmarketcap open in a tab, or coingecko now. Would be nice to have it on Steemit, one less tab I need open.

How about allowing us to customize which coins and tokens to show, like the Coinmarketcap Watchlist?

That's certainly doable, thanks for the feedback! So I guess you like the feature?

That's great! Yep, I really like the feature, but as for now I will still have to check my Watchlist on Coinmarketcap every once in a while to see the other stuff that I have invested in. But Steem is my main crypto, so I suppose this will cut down my page impressions on CMC by a lot ;)

That said, great job! I think small updates like this (and previously the Update Log you guys added) are very important when it comes to getting more new users to the Steem blockchain. has not really changed much for a long time, so I think it's a great boost for the community to see that things are still being worked on and improved.

Yeah we definitely want to change that. People don't realize that when a site is growing very rapidly, and the back end database is growing very rapidly, just keeping everything running smoothly requires a lot of changes and improvements. That's why no one else has managed to do what we've done. Launching a site is only the beginning. Scaling it is the hard part. That's especially true when your backend is a blockchain. That's why we put so much effort into MIRA; so that we could ensure a consistent user experience as we scale to the next level through Communities and SMTs. That being said, the work on MIRA is nearly done, so we are really looking forward to getting back into Condenser ( development! Thanks again for the great comment!

Yep, it is a nice little addition. Perhaps one day there will be a set of similar tools (especially personal stats) that we can select and customize our pages with. It would be interesting to have it viewable by others also similar to the way we can see another account's feed.

Great idea!

Great idea.

You should integrate something like the Steem Toolbar I developed to make market (and other) information always visible.

Haha... good man. trying of obsolete your own work. :-)

It's so nice facilitating information that is a whole click away is so high on your development roadmap, I know you really have my best interests in mind.

next we intend to allow users to click through the feed into a page that lists the top 200 coins

Thank you for not letting this extremely difficult technical problem cause a delay in this life-changing release.

You're welcome! 😂

I wouldn't mind seeing the Steem/SBD price on all pages to be honest.

most common reasons why people leave is so that they can check the price of STEEM and their other favorite coins

Might wanna remove the CMC source link and list the other 10k coins too then.


By the way, why did you put XRP on there, that's not a crypto. 💩💩💩

It takes real commitment to excellence to get five immediate downvotes on a comment that doesn't even have upvotes yet!



Just my biggest fan, guess he keep hitting the wrong button. 😂

I wouldn't mind seeing the Steem/SBD price on all pages to be honest.

Not a bad idea.

Might wanna remove the CMC source link and list the other 10k coins too then.

We've considered doing a long list yes.

By the way, why did you put XRP on there, that's not a crypto. 💩💩💩

It just happens to be 3rd by rank right now on CMC. When it falls out of that rank, something else will automatically go in it's place.

Why XRP?

It's simply the 3rd by rank on CMC. When something else takes it's place, it will automatically adjust.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Can't we just manually switch out Ripple for EOS? Come on, Ripple? Its a bad bad look
Just lets manually switch that out @andrarchy or im guessing youll just wait to let us customize it? Hey can we get a steem reddit tip bot?

That's awesome! I didn't notice it before you mentioned it, but it looks really good.

You're currently getting data off CMC, which is good... but would it be possible to get your data from our very own @coingecko instead?

AFAIK @coingecko doesn't provide a free API, but they seem like a great team, I'm sure we'd be more than open to collaborating with them. Thanks for the feedback!

That’s a useful feature. Thanks. So...where is it?

Are there plans to integrate things like polls, messaging, and other common features/functions that are currently operating as separate apps? That would go a long way to making the preferred interface going forward and would certainly make it more attractive to people not currently using the Steem blockchain.

We haven't settled on our roadmap yet, so I can't say whether we will or won't do any of those, but speaking for myself I do think that would be a good approach. I think there's consensus within the team that the most scalable way to approach feature additions like those is to make sure that there is a process in place so that the developers of apps can know that if they submit a PR for adding their app to, it will be reviewed and either approved or feedback will be given.

Yes, sending messages to other users would be a great feature.

Very interesting would also be a search function to find old own posts (or also seek posts from other users according to different criteria, for example key words).

Talking about old posts: unfortunately I noticed that in some of my posts (especially in articles older than two years) quite some images are not shown anymore. In one of my recent posts I named some examples of old articles with missing images. What is the reason for that? Did it happen during migration process to another database?

And yes, to honor your efforts: I like the "Coin Marketplace"! :)

Same question here:

Thanks. So...where is it?

No link in the post.

From the title I had the impression that it's already released.

You can access it from the frontpage, on the right column.
Screen Shot 2019-03-26 at 10.02.20.png

Thank you! Now I see it after pressing the hamburger icon.

I'm not sure if this is the appropriate location for it. But let's see. They explicitly mentioned that the intention for these charts is so that users don't need to leave the site to check for the price.

Posted using Partiko Android

I’m on mobile and don’t see it anywhere. The site has also been wonky for the last several hours - I can’t leave my feed unless I refresh.

Thanks for the feedback. There was a minor bug that has been resolved.

As for mobile, the Coin Marketplace by design doesn't currently display on smaller devices (similar to the update log and other sidebar features). We'll likely incorporate these things into a format that is consumable by smaller devices in the future.

I checked my wallet in and steemitwallet via desktop. Didn't see it as well. Perhaps this feature has not yet been released and they are just asking now if we will be wanting this feature or not.

I hope @andrarchy can confirm.

Posted using Partiko Android

It appears below the Updates Log on the web app. We'll update the post.

Thank you!

Since you asked for recommendations about steemit delegation on chain, here it is.

Stop all delegation, even utopian-io, dump your Steem and let the market and competent people pick up the scaps.

The market is stupid, there are no competent people, is the best we got.

Simply put... I disagree with that course of action..

Personally I won't see ETH, BTS and XRP there! For me those are just BS! So better let us select which coins and tokens that we could visible there. But STEEM and SBD should be at top and no option to change them!


Now I feel bad because I reminded that the Steem price is going down :( I'm sure it will recover. Being able to customise the selection of coins would be great. Thanks for improving the Steem experience.

this is a cool feature. and looks great on the page. very clean. keep it simple :)

Posted using Partiko iOS

Thanks for the feedback Jon. I think it looks great too!

This is a great update. Keep stuff like this coming....

But what about "destiny"????

Posted using Partiko Android

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

what was destiny?

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Do you really think that is why people leave
I think this is a strategy to increase the effectiveness of advertising.

We do not want this. If we need to, we will open a new web page. Please concentrate on SMT progress.

A separate team works on the front-end application(s). Adding features to (the web application) does not distract from blockchain projects, such as SMTs. These things can both happen concurrently.

Thank you for your answer.

Great idea!

This is a pretty cool idea.

That's awesome guys! Sweet addition. Are these prices in real time?

Since wallet will be splitting, are there any plans to fix the wallet UI bugs and making it more mobile friendly?

Can you elaborate on the UI bugs you speak of? If necessary, make a new post about it, or even better yet, file an issue on github 🙂

Hi @justinw. Oh, I thought it was common knowledge that Steemit wallet UI doesn't display transactions properly. Mainly two things:

  1. Not all transactions in the wallet are shown. It is kinda random. ​For some, it goes back a few days. For some, it goes back a week or two. For some couple of months. I usually end up going to to look at older transactions.

  2. In mobile, in my case iPhone, memos are not shown. Again need to go to some other UI like or to see the memo.

I thought that was like that by design. Because this has been like that for at least a year. So I figured since wallet will be separate web app now why not make it display all transaction and also memos on mobile devices.

Thank you, Justin.

Thanks for the feedback @geekgirl - these are both things that we can look into for a future release.

This is a great feature. I wish the developers all the best. Cheers!

@andrarchy - I think that this is a great feature that provides great value. It will be even more impressive if/when we can customize the view to add/take away coins.

Quick question: What does the number under the chart represent?

In the screenshot below, 0.48 is next to the word Steem, but the last value of the chart was $0.45.

Look forward to your response.

Hi @sumatranate - this was actually a bug that has been resolved. Thanks for your feedback!

@justinw - thanks for letting me know. I appreciate you reaching out.

love this kind of news! shh yeah!

One of our priorities right now is developing a roadmap for improving

"developing a roadmap" sounds like a lot of work ...

Hey, @steemitblog.

After being here a while now and seeing mostly behind the scenes work up until this period of time you've been separating the wallet from the social part of Steemit, I'm okay with an addition of the coin marketplace. I have a large enough monitor I use that I can have multiple windows open at once, so I don't really have to leave Steemit, but for those who are working off a laptop or phone, this will help, I would think.

It's good to see an emphasis on working on Steemit after so much of last year (and perhaps prior) was spent on what seemed to be anything but Steemit. Again, I believe there were small visible changes and perhaps much more going on under the hood, but inevitably us users seem to only appreciate what we can interact with, and that if it's easier to use and makes us more productive.

We can be somewhat of a fickle lot, if I could put it kindly. But even so, we're still here, trying to make a go, and many of us doing that through Steemit. So, we can be patient and acknowledge progress when we see it. Okay, some of us can. :)

Very cool! Would it be possible to add a 24hr % change value next to the coin prices below the charts? That's the main addition that I think would be helpful to see when quickly glancing at the charts!

Nice to see some movement on, but I rather have some UI updates instead of this. But it's a start

More to come!

can't wait...

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

cool. i also leave steemit for work. can you fix that?:)

We'll do our best 😂

A very good addition. Wish list ... being able to see current vote power.

Good to see some progress on Steemit as well.

Posted using Partiko Android

This should be done a long ago.
But happy to see team is now working in adding features to ;)
Best wishes for you ;)

Every far journey must start from a point! This is a good move, and a surprise one for that matter!

We at Steemit appreciate this feature!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Looks good to me 🙌🏼

Posted using Partiko iOS

Great idea!

Just the Beginning

Let’s keep building

"The Front Page of Crypto."

This is the right direction, we don't want to become a place where people just circle jerk each other about Steem and how great it is, we want to become more like Reddit where it's platform used for discussion of any possible topic. That's the behavior we should nurture here.

We've "made it" once people come here for info about anything, not just Steem, and we've truly done it once Steem is very minor topic around here.

I love the thought process behind being the front page for Crypto! This would be great to build on! Great work!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Nice update to check price of top coins on steemit

Posted using Partiko Android

Excellent idea, and I think you are right.. being able to view the Top 20 Coins would be good.

If you can add in charts that would be even better!

I am ☺ you guys bring new features to Steemit. Keep up the good work :)

Posted using Partiko Android

Magic Dice has rewarded your post with a 70% upvote. Thanks for playing Magic Dice.

It'll be fantastic if you would make it like Bittrex @steemitblog

Could you make it such that someone could just type a coin ticket into a search bar and have the display on the side show what ever coin was of interest? What about allowing users to pick their favorites and display specifically those?

So good so great, Steem and Steemit are unstoppable.