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in steemit •  7 years ago 

I think the right phrase to describe Steemit is a CRYPTOCURRENCY-based Reddit / Kaskus Based Forum that Confirms Users To Spill Content While Building ATM Money. Simply pounding debar and excited once when sy have studied basically what is Steemit, and I think you also feel the same thing later ^ o ^ v

First of all we must first proof why Steemit it can boom really? One way is to look into the trading volume at CoinMarketCap. Currently at 09: 00WIB on July 13, 2016, Steemit has broken the trade volume of 250 million USD !! Sy still remember 3hari ago the value of Steem unit only worth USD 0.9 aja .... and holaaaaa is now worth USD 3.29 with a growth of more than 300%. I think this is strong data to prove that Steemit is booming!

Saya rasa kalimat yg tepat utk mendeskripsikan Steemit ialah sebuah Forum (Reddit/Kaskus) Berdesentralisasi Berbasis CRYPTOCURRENCY yg Membenarkan Pengguna Untuk Mencurahkan Isi Konten Sambil Membangun ATM Duit . Cukup berdebar debar serta excited sekali ketika sy sudah mempelajari secara dasar apa itu Steemit, dan saya rasa anda juga merasakan hal yg sedemikian sama nantinya ^o^v

Pertama tama kita harus buktiin dulu kenapa Steemit itu bisa booming banget? Salah satu caranya ialah dengan melihat ke volume perdagangannya di CoinMarketCap. Saat ini jam 09:00WIB tgl 13 Juli 2016, Steemit sudah mencecah volume perdagangan 250juta USD!! Sy masih ingat 3hari yg lalu nilai satuan Steem cuma seharga USD 0.9 aja.... dan holaaaaa sekarang sudah bernilai USD 3.29 dengan pertumbuhan lebih dari 300% . Saya rasa ini ialah data yg kuat utk membuktikan bahwa Steemit sedang booming!

So .. besides ketikanya we become a member in the forum Steemit and share content, we can also earn money. Nomimal dollar accumulation we live in Steemit forum is based on how many people who upvoted your posts and comments. Yops .. not just post we get paid .. but the good comments also can generate money.

Jadi.. disamping ketikanya kita menjadi member di forum Steemit dan berbagi konten, kita juga dapat mendapatkan duit. Nomimal akumulasi dollar yg kita janakan di forum Steemit ialah berdasarkan seberapa banyak orang yg upvoted postingan dan komen anda. Yops.. tidak cuma post kita dibayar.. tapi komentar2 yg bermutu juga dapat menghasilkan duit.

Very very many who want to talk about Steemit, even ane also took a lot of screenshots and a little as much as a useful tutorial step to help you understand more about Steemit. But because the essence of Steemit is still very new, that's it ane takes time to summarize everything as possible ... Jd this article will be discussed basically aja first about Steemit.

Steeming basically has 3 types of wallet that will be given to you after you register. First is Steem, then both are Steem Power and the last is Steem Dollars. Please note that Steem and Steem Dollar can be transferred to another wallet whether it's wallet users or wallet exchangers ... While Steem Power can not be transferred before 2 years have passed.

Sangat sangat banyak yg hendak sy bahas ttg Steemit, bahkan ane juga sudah mengambil banyak screenshot dan sedikit sebanyak langkah tutorialnya yg bermanfaat utk membantu anda memahami lebih lanjut ttg Steemit. Namun dikarenakan hakikatnya Steemit masih sangat baru, justru itu ane butuh waktu untuk merangkum semuanya sebaik mungkin... Jd artikel kali ini akan dibahas secara dasarnya aja dulu ttg Steemit.

Steeming secara dasarnya mempunyai 3 jenis wallet yg akan diberikan kepada anda setelah anda mendaftar. Pertama ialah Steem, lalu keduanya ialah Steem Power dan terakhir ialah Steem Dollars. Perlu diketahui bahwa Steem dan Steem Dollar dapat ditransfer ke wallet lain entah itu wallet users atau wallet exchanger... Sedangkan Steem Power tidak dapat ditransfer sebelum 2 tahun berlalu.

Well ... Speaking of Steem Power !! This steem power will determine how strong your upvoting quality is. In other words .. the bigger the steem power you have .. the more dollars generated from your upvote .. Then there is one interesting thing is ... This steem power is growing day by day ... So .. do not shocked after 2 years ... you will have so much steem power quantity you can convert to Steem which then you can trade. Perhaps ... another language that can reflect steam power is "hashrate" that is like the ETHEREUM miners who produce a number of Ether based on the strength of the hashrate they have.

Why do sy recommend you to join Steemit soon? Ok ... so ane will give you personal and selfish opinions, not investment advice so make sure you do research again. The main reason is when we list to Steemit for the first time .. we are given free Steempower worth between $ 3- $ 10 ... so ... without any capital we've got something. Secondly ... you just need to share content ... just write what you want to write .. share what you want to share ... and if your content is interesting, you will earn money. Sy saw so many steemiters who produced thousands of steam dollars just by writing content. Speaking of Steem Dollar, who has not sy sy talk ... he is the value of money equivalent (fix) with $ 1. So if you have 100 Steem Dollar it means it can be deducted to $ 100.

Nah... Berbicara tentang Steem Power!! Steem power ini akan menentukan seberapa kuat kualitas upvoting anda. Dalam arti kata lain.. semakin besar steem power yg anda punya.. semakin banyak dollar yg dihasilkan dari upvote anda.. Lalu ada satu hal yg menarik ialah... Steem power ini semakin hari dapat semakin bertumbuh... Jadi.. jangan terkejut setelah 2 tahun berlalu... anda akan mempunyai sangat banyak kuantitas steem power yg dapat anda convert ke Steem yg kemudiannya dapat anda perdagangkan. Mungkin... bahasa lain yg dapat mencerminkan steem power ialah "hashrate" yakni seperti para miner ETHEREUM yg menghasilkan sejumlah Ether berdasarkan kekuatan hashrate yg mereka miliki.

Kenapa sy merekomendasikan anda utk segera ikut bergabung dalam Steemit? Ok... jadi ane akan memberikan opini yg bersifat personal dan egois, bukan nasehat investasi jadi pastikan anda lakukan research kembali. Alasan utama ialah ketika kita daftar ke Steemit utk pertama kalinya.. kita dikasih gratis Steempower yg bernilai antara $3-$10 ... so... tanpa modal pun kita sudah mendapatkan sesuatu. Kedua... anda hanya perlu share konten... tulis saja apa yg mau anda tulis.. share aja apa yg mau anda share... dan jika konten anda menarik, anda akan menghasilkan duit. Sy melihat banyak sekali para steemiter yg menghasilkan ribuan steem dollar hanya dengan menulis konten. Berbicara ttg Steem Dollar, yg belum sy sempat sy bahas... ia ialah nilai duit yg setara (fix) dengan $1 . Jadi jika anda mempunyai 100 Steem Dollar artinya ia dapat dicashkan kepada $100.

The interesting thing about Steemit is he is still in BETA stage, meaning he still has a lot of potential to grow ... Currently Steemit has 200 thousand members ... imagine if Steemit can follow Facebook step ... where Steemit is decentralized / honest and transparent sy the feeling is not impossible one day he will become very very valuable.

Hal menarik ttg Steemit ialah ia masih dalam tahap BETA, artinya ia masih banyak potensi utk berkembang... Saat ini Steemit mempunyai 200ribuan member... bayangkan jika Steemit bisa mengikuti langkah Facebook... dimana Steemit bersifat desentralisasi/ jujur serta transparan yg sy rasa tidak mustahil satu saat nanti ia akan menjadi sangat sangat berharga.

semoga link yang saya bagikan ini bermanfaat untuk kita semua mohon follow dan upvote terima kasih.

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Hello, apa kabar @steemoel? Kami telah upvote..

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

kabar baik puncakbukit lama tak mengunjungi blog anda kawan sukses ya buat anda,sekali kali restem ya punya saya,,heheh pemula sekali.terimakasih ya vote nya