No Such Thing as Abusive Downvoting - Steem Smart Podcast Ep. 9d

in steemit •  8 years ago 

People are complaining about abusive downvoting but does such a thing even exist on Steemit?

Stephen Polsky ( @shneakysquirrel ), Renee Nouveau ( @reneenouveau ) and George Donnelly ( @georgedonnelly ) have an animated conversation about the growing complaints around so-called “abusive” downvoting.

Plenty of ridicule and sarcasm here!

Next Episode: What Steemit Needs Now

Next time (episode 9e), we’re talking about Steemit release candidate 0.14.0, some new features its bringing and team voting initiatives.

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Great episode, guys! George, still collecting evidence for my "drama post"!

I want to be Renees cheerleader.

Made sure to upvote this. I'm sure the community would love to see you as a cheerleader lol.

How To Even Know
If Someone Downvoted You?
I won't be doing this
I Am Too Busy

Click on votes, see who voted you. If there is a minus sign then it's a downvote.

Thank You

Give me a voting decl of the whales. That would be useful. You should get Big Chris from the @cryptoshow on this podcast. It is already fun but it would be a real hoot!


Give me a voting decl of the whales

Sorry, a what? Can you explain that?

I think I know Chris, pretty sure I was on his show once but for the @steemsmart podcast, we're looking for people who have published well-received content on Steemit and have a reputation over 50.

voting declarations like this one show us what is acceptable to others

Interesting but if I wrote up my own voting intentions and compared it to my actual voting history, I think there would be significant divergence. I think this is going to be true of everyone. It's the different between explicit and implicit thoughts/intentions.

Also, who writes up a document like yours is a self-selected sample so I wouldn't trust it to make decisions on what content to produce. I'd go off of what's getting payouts. A lot of it also has to do with who is simply already known and popular and is cranking out quality content on a regular basis, by that I mean content that suggests some effort is behind it.

I was out at a meeting so didn't post for a few days and didn't see this podcast until now. I've been debating this issue for awhile. I just posted 2 days a go my ideas about down voting... read it if you want In a Free Market aka Laissez-Faire there is no such thing as a down vote. Ever wondered why?. I did get an up vote from Ned so I must not have been too much of an ass. ;)

Yes, it exists. Also know as revenge downvoting.

so, Renee Nouveau has an advanced degree in chemistry and biophysics, right? because she obviously downvoted that person as a result of her opinion based on appeal to authority, a classic logical fallacy. bring on the accountability, my logic is sound. "say what ever you want about me, as long as you spell my name right." P.T. Barnum

No one needs an advanced degree to spot pseudoscience. No advanced degree is required to learn how to do research and judge the credibility of claims and sources.

I do have a background in chemistry and biology. :D

do you even know what colloidal gold is or how to make it? what do you think of colloidal silver? many clinical trials there. nasa uses a form of it. it is showing up in socks, gloves, et cetera. have you actually done your own experiments or are you just saying you can, and looking it up on snopes? i have made it myself and have done my own double blind controlled experiments, and i can say i urge you to do the experiments yourself. wikipedia just won't do. i have had ongoing experiments over 5+ years. i have found some claims i cannot substantiate, but i'm not selling the stuff. i just got tired of hearing the pro and con sides call each other crazy or criminal. there is a sure way to know and, i can say, i know.
please look again.

If you claim it treats a disease, it needs to be approved by the FDA, which will validate your clinical trials and claims. If it's been approved to treat depression, BY the FDA, then please show me the proof of these claims. The onus is on the content creator to prove their claim if they are trying to state that they know of something that cures or treats a disease. It's not THAT hard to be published in a "scientific journal" (quotes because many of them are NOT very scientific). The difficulty is double-blind proofs of your claims being carried out by others. You show me THOSE published papers, along with FDA approval for treatment, and I'll believe that what you have is science. I'm not saying colloidal gold or silver dont have uses, just that they havent been proven for THAT use (treating depression).

i didn't claim anything. the FDA arrests people for telling the truth. all i said was if you want the truth do the experimentation for yourself. if you don't, then be my guest to use whatever deadly crap they are hawking this week. if you read closely you will see that i never once said it was good for depression. what i use it for is personal and doesn't have to be approved by any pretend authority. the FDA is anything but scientific. there is more proof of that than one person could go through in one lifetime. if you have not seen any it is because you believe the story you've been told and aren't looking at the evidence. it seems, that you will believe anything authority tells you and nothing i can say will change anything. just try not to hurt too many people with your ignorance.

I wouldn't throw around the FDA so carelessly. They're a corrupted authority and certainly far from the last word.

i just woke up, I must have missed it. got a link? im always up to see something like that. 8D

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment

now that's pretty funny

you didn't see me beating the muslims upside the head with the bible did you?

You go Girl! Cultish creepiness can't cure depression!!!

"Flagwillynilly" makes for a great username.

Thanks to SteemSmartPodcast, TIL:

the Bots have escaped and are permanently on the loose
Don't be a Dickbutt; that job is taken

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A whole 5 views on the video! lmfao! Im number 6.
63 upvotes but only 5 of them actually watched your podcast.
The cancer and ignorance of the opinions your voicing in your video amazing.

You support people flagging out of opinions you hold but if they flag out of opinions you dont hold, its wrong?

If you have a different viewpoint, share your reasons for it. Calling someone stupid does not add to the conversation. Have a flag.

I did share the reason for it.
You support people flagging out of opinions you hold but if they flag out of opinions you dont hold, its wrong?

Thanks for the flag and proving my point.
I added you to my post of flaggots. Your flag is adding to the point I am proving.

If you do and say stupid stuff I will call you stupid. Accept it or stop with the stupid.