Minnow And Data: A Steemit Tale Part 2

in steemit •  8 years ago  (edited)


She went inside the motel and a giant orca with Swedish horns and an unnerving laugh told her it would cost 30 Steem Dollars for the night. Minnow hadn't thought too much about money but she remembered she’d set up a free account at the Fishbank earlier. She opened her account booklet and discovered that there were already three deposits in it which totally surprised her.

10 Steem dollars was from the Nerd Shepherd, 10 was from the donkey-eared tuna and 10 was from the tiny clam that she helped get unstuck from a crevice. She had exactly the correct amount to stay at the motel.

The big Swedish orca gave her room keys and told her that funny songs and videos played on channel 3. But the orca also told her that if she watched the videos, she would have to pay an extra fee.

Minnow thanked him and quickly retired to her room for the night. She couldn't watch the videos because she had run out of money.

In the morning she was shocked awake by the big orca's booming voice and bangings on her door. He said she had slept 10 minutes over the checkout time and that she now owed him an extra five Steem dollars.

She told him that she didn't understand and that she was not aware she had to check out at a certain time. She gathered up her things and told the orca she was sorry but that she didn't have anymore money right now. The orca started screaming and cussing her out, calling her a “Bucking Fishfitch!” and a “Cucking Spotted Funt!”


Without wasting a millisecond, Minnow swam as fast as she could away from the angry orca, gasping for breath, adrenalin pouring into her veins, helping her harness whale-like strength and speed. That was certainly the last time she would be staying at the Swedish motel.

After she calmed down a bit, she remembered that she was supposed to be in school. She knew her parents and her classmates might be worried about her. She also knew she might be in trouble but she was just having way too many adventures and couldn't see any good reason to leave the cave yet. Plus, she hadn’t found the Octopus yet. And she hadn't figured out the meaning of the shimmering whale's symbols. There were too many mysteries needing to be solved.

Instead of going back to her school, she decided to go in search of the Octopus. She saw more unusual creatures on her way to the Octopus’ lair.


Then a very small Fangfish appeared out of nowhere.

Minnow instinctively knew to dart away from him for his face was dark and scary and had two long, skinny fangs hanging from each corner of his mouth. As she was almost in the clear, the Fangfish made a quick dash for her and one of his fangs pierced her metallic scale, ripping it off. The flesh underneath the absent scale began to bleed and sting. As she swam away, she briefly looked behind her. She watched the Fangfish slither away, back into his dark hole in the seabed, her shredded metallic green scale clinging to the corner of his hideous mouth.

After her close call she immediately took notice of another small fish who was waving hello to her. She recognized his scales because they were from the same school as hers.

The small fish approach Minnow and said, “Hello there. You may not know me, but I know you. I saw you leave our school and I decided to follow you here. You do good work and I'd like to help you with your mission. I also saw the complex structure that the shimmering whale was building. I don't yet understand all the symbols, but I figured out the meaning of a few of them.”


Minnow said, “Fintastic! I'm so glad you found me because it was awfully lonely in here. I'm really excited to hear what you discovered about those complex whale symbols, too. Hey do you want to come with me to find the Octopus? Have you visited her yet? That's where I'm headed right now.”

The small fish whose name was Data replied, “No, I haven’t found the Octopus yet, either. Let's go together!”

So Minnow and Data swam on in search of the Octopus. After many twists and turns they finally arrived at the sunken ship. They entered the ship and immediately saw a purple tentacle greet them.

“I've been waiting for both of you,” said the Octopus.

Minnow replied, ”Thank you for welcoming us here.” Data also expressed his gratitude.

Octopus led them to a lavish guest room and they all sat down and were served tea and crumpets by a little blue crab.

The Octopus pointed her long tentacle to a window and told Minnow and Data to look out. They saw huge stretches of tiny fish waiting in long lines for the whales’ soup. Many fish were waving signs that read “PLEASE READ AND FEED ME” and they were kneeling on their fins begging for attention from any creature who happened to pass by.


The Octopus looked Minnow and Data dead in the eyes and said,

“Do not do as they do. Do not beg. Do not make yourself less than you are. The cave will not benefit if you think small. Take these electric black swan amulets and wear them every day around your necks from now on. As long as you show the amulets gratitude and pay attention to your dreamworld, they will guide you to the internal treasures. But the day you take your amulets for granted or start ignoring your dreamworld, is the day your external and internal treasures will begin to fade away. Go now. I have nothing more to say to you both.”



Part 1 is here


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I don't know how many of these you have planned but just let me say that this series is what I think should be " trending" with thousands of upvotes and associated dollars.
If some posts are worth more than $1k each, I would double the amount for the outstanding creativity shown here.
This is a fitting example of what is dysfunctional in the current voting system.
If there were 1 million users on Steemit, most of whom were not crypto enthusiasts, what would do you think would happen to stories like this?
We desperately need some way to let people outside of the Steemit ecosystem know that this kind of content is welcomed and can earn significant money over time.
I hope my enthusiasm here encourages you to double down on this type of effort and content.
Steemit will quickly blow away everything else in today's social media landscape by finding a way to properly reward, promote, and syndicate this type of content along with other of the excellent but undervalued content (in terms of votes and money received) I am seeing here lately.
I could go on, but I think you get the picture!!

Yes MANY people would agree with this.
I would also add that a MAJOR problem with the voting system I see, is that to get significant curation rewards one must UPpvote the content that "is going to bank" so this encourages people to either strictly use their votes for "proven" money makers or use non full power votes on other content.
I have had posts with 150 votes worth under $2.
So this means people UPvote accounts that are every day making 100's or 1,000's of dollars to get curation rewards. I see people upvoting not only content they haven't read but content they don't even care for.
This keeps exposure and adequate compensation from reaching lots of quality content.

Though, while there are problems there are also solutions.
One is that we can compose unique content here in Steemit and promote these articles all over the Internet. This not only brings in more support for us here in Steemit, but also lets the world know about Steemit and that diverse and interesting content is here.
We can also commit to UPvoting and sharing/supporting the content we really do find valuable, despite the regular $$$ of the account postings.
I do see groups forming and friendships being made. Lots of this is with "schools of minnows" and some "dolphins" and because these accounts don't have much SP relative to whales, they still don't have to much influence, BUT every day we are growing, indavidualy and as groups.
Great things take time~*~

"I have had posts with 150 votes worth under $2."
This is a major problem.

Yesterday I saw a post with 43 upvotes and 0.00 as a payout. I upvoted it -lifting it only to 0.03.
I think there is a lot the 'middle' (dolphins) who have around 10-100MV can do directly to promote content they like. One is upvoting.
But you can also throw a few SBD to promote a great post.
Comment so that they at least know their work was seen/appreciated. In some cases with artists etc it can also be possible to purchase artwork with Steem. Like @andrarchy did very early on. I think I remember you also tried doing things like this directly with people? With Golden tickets.
This doesnt solve the whole problem by any means -Just some thoughts for what we can do Right Now, to support amazing creators, so they continue to create here on Steem.

Yes I am sure others have had similar experiences and I guess I exaggerated bit but here is a post that got 67 uproots worth .30 which is almost as bad. https://steemit.com/life/@quinneaker/quinn-s-choice-quote-of-the-day-the-trouble-with-being-in-the-rat-race-is-that-even-if-you-win-your-still-a-rat-lily-tomlin

Here is a post with 100+ upvotes and less than a $1. And a really cool artist too.

I suspect it has to do with the system correcting after the initial overpayment period. Not sure behind the maths of it all, but I did read the White Paper today, and a lot of the regulation is upon us the users. :-)

Not only do I get the picture, the picture is pretty much etched into my skull. I am probably going to be publishing these on Amazon, as I think children need a way to understand complex concepts like "blockchain" "extrinsic vs. instrinsic reward systems" "how to treat people" "consulting the collective to make decisions instead of creating an aristocracy" "free thought" "how to cultivate and grow curiosity". A lot of what's in my story is also in the picture below:
artist is Arthur Berzinsh http://www.berzinsh.lv/

That is great and would certainly fill a void online. I applaud your efforts!!

I love this art...glad you found the artist--deep stuff.

I've been playing my own game since I got onto Steemit: #1. People #2. Engagement. Platforms come and go, but people will follow you to whatever new cave you haunt, as long as your content isn't shit. I've playing the same game that I've been playing my entire online life. The rules haven't quite caught up with my internal game.

Awesome. You are a great role model for me to follow!!!

So, the Angel/Devil voice in my brain, is saying... I am very interested in this Steemy thing, but... If I feel it is off kilter, and I know it, and I stay... Am I part of the problem?

I am not poor, I will be okay either way...

Love this story @stellabella! It's super creative and I was very impressed with how many data points you seeded it with while making it entertaining.

Note: Usernames are sprinkled within the article and parsed out by going letter by letter until the username is found. It also appears that some of the same users found voted

Nerd = @ned
Shepherd = @pharesim
donkey-eared = @donkeypong
complex structure = @complexring
The ... “Bucking Fishfitch!” = @tuck-fheman
purple = @purplehaze
etc.. etc..


It is too true to be trending.

I guess nothing much changed here in the last week ;)

Sadly true. This should have made much more $. Very creative.

I WANT AN ELECTRIC BLACK SWAN AMULET!!! Hahahah!! Excellent article as well as Artwork!!!

Thanks for being awesome!!!



hahaha @bigedude awesome idea

Wow! This was worth the wait! I wonder who the Swedish orca is ? :thinking: Oh! I think I know ;)

And I think I know the school you missed its classes.. You still go there once in a while.. The owner of the school has been quiet recently and gave a philosophical reply to the question of him joining the cave.. Hmmn.. I miss the friendly octopus.. I wonder who data is ;)


Of course YOU are Data. I think I already told you that. And the school, well, I think I left without graduating (meaning i never met James). I think you've figured it all out. Actually, the Octopus has yet to be identified, she is the unknown character, or maybe a character not even in here YET.

This story is very interesting. I am just newbie but i can imagine what the story is about. with no full understanding . anyways. I like it so much . Honestly. I up-vote your post only by the 10% because I really don't know how the system works so far. my vote pays 30 cents. I considered to increase it to 20% and I canceled my first vote and reward has more than before. :) (probably somebody else did.) then I tried once again to cancel previous one and increase for another 20%. my vote just top up your reward about 2 cents. I don't understand that at all. if 10% is 30 cents and another 30% is just 2 cents. I don't get it. I gave you 100% because I am tired from this technical stuff and I think your post is best today. please do not stop. We like your stories.

Another great instalment. This is really easy to read and I do think both kids and adults could enjoy it.

My favourite bits:

The orca started screaming and cussing her out, calling her a “Bucking Fishfitch!” and a “Cucking Spotted Funt!”

Made me genuinely LOL.
Also this:

It's so funny because of the expression on the whale's face and the way he is holding the ladle. It just really made me laugh.

Very nice job. Also brought back memories...from 2 months ago...lol

You got this!!

True story!

it is true.

This is eerie, and I've been haunted by black swans for some time now

Interesting. Love the art too.

I love the whale feeding the minnows pic, too funny.

If the minnows swim to the other cave you will see the whales begging....

Staying true to yourself.., acknowledging who you are -- your beliefs, your values, principles... Even if get swayed away by the green-eyed monster from time time.., staying true yourself will always lead back you on your journey. You should definitely publish these on Amazon -- there is a dire need for young minds to absorb what's truly valuable. Plus, I love a good fairy tale!

Cool story, I like it a lot.

Ooh the art in this one is even way better than the first!

I am hoping to maybe have an artist want to collaborate on this.....the art could be waaaay better...

Noooo! I love the art; it adds to the whole character and voice; collaborate by all means, but please keep your own art in there as well... :-D


ok thanks for that! Art is weird.......it never comes out the way i envision it...

A VERY good point that I agree with and was kinda saying while acknowledging artistic refinement.

hahaha yes by refined artistic standards the art could be way "better" but its still cute and most importantly honest~
I am sure there would be PLENTY of artists that would want to collaborate with YOU!

do you know the hidden meanings?

I feel that there are many that I do, but my comprehension is just mine. I am sure u are showing things I don't see.

@kaylinart springs to mind as one possibility. She's a great artist.

@stellabelle No way your art is perfection for this story!

Loving this epic allegory~!

have you identified the meaning and the characters?

I think so.... @donkeypong definitely lol. Minnow and Data are great names... as that is the role of a minnow. The others I am working through still as I am terrible at tracking people lol.

I love the pictures. It reminded me of this work by @phoenixmaid


Just a lot of fun and the animation storyboard at end was fun..... I am sure she has the creatures around still..... maybe she can help?

oh, cool, I never saw this! thanks for showing me...

I think I have part of it. I'm still too green here on steemit to fully understand the characters but I believe I understand the general meaning :)

Where can I get one of these amulets?

I don't know how I missed part 1. Very well written, illustrated and much enjoyed.

The art is awesome!! Thanks for the entertaining post.

Amazing Art !

Wonderful! Still trying to figure out who is who. :)

This series painted great images in my mind :D thanks for writing this - and so would like to see this made into an animation/with/music as well!

awwwwwwwwww this made me crack up AND cry! “Bucking Fishfitch!” and a “Cucking Spotted Funt!” ROTFL...good stuff Stellabella! Reminds me of those good ol' Uncrap blue tears xoxo

Hi! You've been featured in my post.
Petition to take down EARNEST

Thats what I am talking about Stellabella!!!!!!! You are workin it gooooood!!!

Hi Stella! You rule!! Awesome art and story. :)

Tea and crumpets? bahaha you're so funny.

I enjoyed reading this. I can't imagine how much time it took to paint, and write the article. Great work!

You are such a talent dear @stellabelle ....A year plus and this Tale of a Minnow still cracking me up

The Octopus pointed her long tentacle to a window and told Minnow and Data to look out.
Many fish were waving signs that read “PLEASE READ AND FEED ME” and they were kneeling on their fins begging for attention from any creature who happened to pass by.

I think we still have this problem as persistent.