Dinamika Interaksi Manusia dengan Lingkungannya

in steemit •  7 years ago 

Kehidupan Mamusia tidapat dipisahkan demgan lingkungannya.Contojjmya.kita bernafas dari Udara dari lingkungan sekitarnya.Lingkungan mempengaruhi perkembanga kehidupan Manusia.baik langsung maupun tidak langsumg.Komponen Lingkungan dapat menjadi Lingkungan Abiotik,Biotik,Sosial Budaya.Lingkungan Abiotik adalah unsur Lingkungan hidup yang terdiri dari atas benda-benda yang tidak hidup,seperti Tanah ,batuan,Udara dan lain lainnya.Lingkunhan Biotik adalah Linhkungan hidup yang terdiri dari atas Makhluk hidup,seperti Manusia,Tumbuh .tumbuhan,Hewan dan jasat renik.
pada awalnya,interaksi Manusia dengan lingkungan lebih bersifat alami dan mencakup komponen -komponen seperti Abiotik (yang tidak dapat di perbarui)kalau Biotik (dapat di.perbarui ).
Namun jumlah Manusia dan kebutuhan terus bertambah sehingga terus menerus mengambil sumber daya yang ada di Alam.Kenyataannya tidak hanya jumlahnya bertambah,tetapi kebutuhan hidupnya atau gaya hidulpnya juga berubah.Makin maju kehidupan Manusia makin banyanbanyak kebutuhanya.Kebutuhannya tidak.lagi sekedar terpenuhinya kebutuhan Primer berupa sandang (pakaian)Pangan(makanan)dan papan(tempat tinggal),tapi juga kebutuha sekunder berupa Kenderaan,pakaian bermerek dll.Manusia menciptakan berbagai benda menunjang untuk memenuhi kebutuhannua.Benda benda tersebut menjadi bagian lingkungan secara keaeluruhan.
Bahkan,didaerah.perkotaan,lingkungannya didominasi
oleh komponen komponen kehidupan perkotaan sepertin Jalan,Jembatan,pemukiman,perkantoran,Hotel.dll sebainya.
Contoh Lingkungan Pedesaan.

Comtoh lingkungan perkotaan.

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Bereh that nyan,,,, teruslah berkarya,,, karena kesuksesan memang harus di gapai,,,

Life Mamusia can not be separated demgan lingkungan.Contojjmya.kita breathe from the air from the surrounding environment. Environment affects the development of human life.baik direct or not langsumg.Komponen Environment can be Abiotic Environment, Biotik, Sosial Budaya.Lingkungan Abiotik is an element of Environment consisting of on non-living objects, such as Land, rocks, Air and others. Biotik Circle is a living environment consisting of living creatures, such as Man, Growing plants, Animals and trivia.
at first, human interaction with the environment is more natural and includes components such as Abiotics (which can not be updated) if Biotics (renewable).
But the number of people and the needs continue to grow so that continuously take the resources that exist in Alam.Kenyataannya not only increased, but the necessities of life or style hidulpnya also change.Makin forward human life more banyanbanyak kebutuhanya.Kebutuhannya not merely the fulfillment of Primary needs in the form food clothing (food) and board (shelter), but also secondary kebutuha in the form of Vehicles, clothes branded, etc.Manusia create various objects support to fulfill requirement of them. Material object becomes part of environment as a whole.
In fact, in urban areas, the environment is dominated
by components of urban life components such as Roads, Bridges, settlements, offices, Hotel.dll sebainya.
Sample Rural Environment.

Life Mamusia can not be separated demgan lingkungan.Contojjmya.kita breathe from the air from the surrounding environment. Environment affects the development of human life.baik direct or not langsumg.Komponen Environment can be Abiotic Environment, Biotik, Sosial Budaya.Lingkungan Abiotik is an element of Environment consisting of on non-living objects, such as Land, rocks, Air and others. Biotik Circle is a living environment consisting of living creatures, such as Man, Growing plants, Animals and trivia.
at first, human interaction with the environment is more natural and includes components such as Abiotics (which can not be updated) if Biotics (renewable).
But the number of people and the needs continue to grow so that continuously take the resources that exist in Alam.Kenyataannya not only increased, but the necessities of life or style hidulpnya also change.Makin forward human life more banyanbanyak kebutuhanya.Kebutuhannya not merely the fulfillment of Primary needs in the form food clothing (food) and board (shelter), but also secondary kebutuha in the form of Vehicles, clothes branded, etc.Manusia create various objects support to fulfill requirement of them. Material object becomes part of environment as a whole.
In fact, in urban areas, the environment is dominated
by components of urban life components such as Roads, Bridges, settlements, offices, Hotel.dll sebainya.
Sample Rural Environment.