A future without CENTRAL BANKING..!! Be careful what you wish for because sometimes DREAMS DO COME TRUE..!!

in steemit •  8 years ago 


Well .....”YES.... because The Future of Global Banking will look EXACTLY LIKE THIS..!!”

For my +3,900 Twitter Followers the pain they have had to endure over the last 18 months will soon come to an end.

I am very lucky and fortunate to have a great bunch of loyal Twitter Followers that have stuck by me no matter how much I have been banging on about the state of CENTRAL BANKING, the Global Financial System and the sheer diabolical state of the Global Economy.

For many of you reading this for the first time if you don’t believe me ask them, they will tell you that I have been raising this issue since the Global Markets snapped last year on August 24, 2015.

I was kindly invited by Max and Stacy to their London Studio for an interview on to the Keiser Report in January of this year to explain my concerns in particular to DERIVATIVES and the impact BLOCKCHAIN will have on them.

I strongly believe that CENTRAL BANKING has played a huge role in these toxic DERIVATIVES and  that their role as finally come to the end and will soon be drastically changed.

Don't get me wrong, I have nothing bad to say about CENTRAL BANKING but I do have something to say about a system that is antiquated and needs to be lifted into the 21st Century before the problem gets even worse.

CENTRAL BANKING was put in place predominately to act as a lender of last resort and assist Governments and States to achieve a stable Monetary Policy.

However since their overzealous involvement playing the "Big Boy" in 2008 by stepping in and bailing out failed Financial Intuitions with Tax Payers money without consent of the Public, in essence was the end of the Free Market and one that was Centrally Controlled.

In the last 8 years from 2008 things have got much, much worse and nor the Economy or Society has benefited at all from this involvement.

In fact I would go as far as to say that CENTRAL BANKING made a bad problem a real BAD problem.

DEBT is at an all time high and has grown at an unprecedented rate since 2008.

Against a backdrop of little or no GROWTH and little or no INFLATION, this DEBT is now disproportional to INCOME and is a MAJOR PROBLEM.

Step in BLOCKCHAIN..!!

BLOCKCHAIN will soon replace CENTRAL BANKING Monetary Policies, Models, Forecasts and Projections as real time DATA will be available.

There will be no more listening to the "Data Dependent, Transitory, 2% Target, blah blah blah" garbage that no one actually believes in anymore.

By the time BLOCKCHAIN replaces CENTRAL BANKING I would be absolutely amazed if there was one adult who actually still believed in the utter garbage they are being told about how wonderful the CENTRAL BANKING models and DATA were. 

This is 2016 not the 1970’s and let’s face it CENTRAL BANKING is old hat. 

They operated ok in the 1970's but this is 2016. CENTRAL BANKING is operating an ANALOGUE Banking System in a DIGITAL World.!!

If it takes 8 years for the "Data Dependent" DATA to be available then I strongly suggest that they get rid of the crappy system because with BLOCKCHAIN you will have all the DATA needed in 15 minutes..!!

In the future ALL Credit, Loans, Debt, Mortgages, Facilities, Overdrafts & Insurance will be on a BLOCKCHAIN. There’s your DATA. There will be NO waiting for any DATA..!! ....and no listening to any garbage..!!

Effectively the BLOCKCHAIN becomes the CENTRAL BANK..!!




Global Banking is undergoing a HUGE Technological overall and in the future Crypto Currencies will play a key role in this new and exciting environment.

As for the Global Reserve Currency the USD will be replaced by the IMFs Special Drawing Right (SDRs) temporarily until the new Global DERIVATIVES DIGITAL CURRENCY is put in place.

This new DERIVATIVES DIGITAL CURRENCY will then replace the SDRs as the Global Reserve Currency for Trade.

There are a number of videos available online where I have discussed all of the above. Please have a look.

I expect HUGE volatility in the Markets while the adjustments occur, effectively seeing some Assets go up and some Assets go down.

The last 30 years of gross MARKET MANIPULATION is about to come to an end and True Price Discovery is about to be found.

We are in very exciting financial times and the transition will be EPIC..!!

In the meantime, sit back and watch it all unfold right in front of your eyes.

I will leave you on a final note......

“You can ROB all the people some of the time, and some of the people all of the time, but you cannot ROB all the people all the time..!!”

Thanks for reading and please feel free to share.


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Yes. Bring on the Blockchain!! We can avoid future incidents like the one I posted:

Accountability for Fraud - How Does Nobody from Wells Fargo Go To Jail

The Financial Sytem is an "analogue" system in a "digital" world. Things are about to change dramatically. Central Banks will be abolished this I can guarantee 100%. Blockchain will take over and replace Central Bank's role. EXCITING TIMES ahead ..!! Stephen

This one is very interesting - upvoted! Finally I wrote an article I talked to you about the Great depression coming.... next year... here you go:


"Bring out the BLOCKCHAIN!!" (that big bazooka gun thing!)

I for one am looking forward to the transparency and accountability that the blockchain will force in the banking and investment industries.

Just shared this on Twitter✔ for my followers to read. I hope you don't mind. Thanks for the support. I really appreciate it. Cheers. Stephen