Hint For New Steemers - Don't Make reSteems the Bulk of Your Blog

in steemit •  7 years ago  (edited)

I have just noticed I have 6 or 7 reSteems in a row on my page.

Well, reSteems are a good thing; they show appreciation and increase reach for a post that you feel needs recognition. It's also a way of sharing information you think people could use.


if you are here to share your own work, you can waste that effort by flooding your page with reSteems. It's not that bad once you have an audience that has the patience to dig through your page, but if you are relatively unknown, you want to make sure that people can find what you came to share ;)

I am not saying that you shouldn't reSteem at all, but that you should do it with a little care.

A better "strategy" is commenting; I think we ALL love comments that show the writer that the blog has actually been read! Commenting is also going to introduce you to other Steemers on a more personal basis than your blogs. It's a good way to start building an audience of friends who WILL scroll through your page to see what YOU are saying.

Welcome to Steem, folks!

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Very good advice!

Aggroed Approved suggestion!

I think that when resteems are best when they are in line with your own theme,... so that in general anyone following you would be interested in the thing you are resteeming. In that case, they do not need to scroll through your blog in order to pick out your own work,...

that is a good suggestion, but I run with a pretty wide range of interest, and I'm kind of scatter-brained ;>

Excllent Tip :)

I've never been sure of the best way to use resteem. Does it matter how old the post is. Does resteeming bring the post back to life as far as voting and payouts go?

Does it matter how old the post is.

no, you can reSteem any post you find

Does resteeming bring the post back to life as far as voting and payouts go?

no, posts are on a 7 day payout cycle

I'm confused. How does one resteem? Is an upvote also a resteem? It's my second day, still learning.

How does one resteem?

its the sideways looking "U" on the right bottom of the post next to the facebook/tweet shares

Is an upvote also a resteem?

nope. the upvote uses your voting power; the resteem just shares the original post again

Welcome aboard!

Thanks, I figured it out. I wish we could comment on what we resteem. I love steemit, so many great people here.

You can, but you have to make a post about it, then reference the post you are talking about with a link

Thanks. I haven't made my introduction post yet, haven't had much time to devote, hopefully I make my first post before I go back to work on Wednesday. I have mainly been reading/watching and following those I like. So many good people searching for truth and information. Thanks again.

well, I followed you, but I've followed so many folks that you should link me your introductory post in the comments of one of my blogs once youre up and running

Thanks I will.

Thank you for the tip and help brother Steve, always appreciated! (I re-steemed 2 items day, but this was my first time using the function - and they were very important.) I will def. be very very careful in the future now! Thank you again good sir

I don't think you should put a set limit on reSteems, but kind of balance what you see when you first look at your page. I mean you could reSteem several items,and as long as you followed them with several of your own articles you'd be peachy ;)

Thanks for the comment!

Thanks! I am still trying to figure some of this stuff out. What about posting too much?

I don't think that's a problem; there was a limit at one point at which if you posted over, you got fewer and fewer returns, but I think they changed the system and stopped doing that

Hey men, thank you, your post was my big question a few days ago... Now its solved bay you. Great post.

Great post Steve I was just browsing the topics and came across yours, glad I did. Being new I think there might be a bit of trepidation at posting. Is it long enough ? Had someone already posted similar today? For me I am going to get a post in today .

All of which is nothing to worry about!

Some readers like things short and sweet, some want long and in-depth; if someone else writes about what you did...you can write another posts comparing the two!

So jump on in and welcome to Steemit!