How to comment on a post past "Great Post!"

in steemit •  7 years ago  (edited)

Most of the time, when you read an interesting blog here on Steemit, you find something in that blog that you can comment on - to share additional information, a counter-argument, or just that you agree with the post.

Authors love that! It shows that the reader is actually reading the work that the creator put into the post. I did a poll last year, and slightly more than half of authors actually would choose a comment over an upvote IF they had to choose just one reward for a post they had written.. That is amazing considering the payout potential. (FWIW, the reSteem came in last after the other two).

Comments are an excellent method of networking and building followers to your blog. Minnows and new Steemers need followers if they are to swim up to Dolphins and Whales.

And yet some comments can leave the writer (or artist, etc) feeling a little cheated:
Great Post!
I like this
Cool, Please follow me

And if that blogger is suspicious, and checks the comment history, and finds a trail of such comments left indiscriminately all over Steemit, that commenter is not likely to be rewarded with an upvote, a follow, or an answering comment.

But sometimes you as the commenter are being like the post, but don't have much to say. How to overcome that?

  • In your head, summarize what the main point of the articles is; compare this to your own thoughts. Is there another point in the blog that you think is more important. Explain why; it doesn't need to be a dissertation. Some bloggers like long answers b/c it does add value to their post, and I think others don't want to lose focus on their own post.

  • The best Markdown there is -the ">" symbol. Leave this bad boy at the beginning of your line, and copy the line you find most important to the message of the blog. The resulting comment will look like this:

Leave this bad boy at the beginning of your line, and copy the line you find most important to the message of the blog. The resulting comment will look like this:

This shows that you at least skimmed the damn post ;> Plus, when you do this, it will kick your brain up a bit, and perhaps create a real comment on your part in answer to the one line you chose. You can do this more than once, and point out contradictions or connections between the quotes the author missed...but...

  • Don't be a dick - I come across as starchy or wise-assed...I have to pay attention to what I write and how I write it. Some comments are better left unsaid (see my earlier post There are times when you don't want to post, and times you really shouldn't). Your goal on Steemit is to contribute to the value of the community. One objective in this goal should be to make the author feel good that you read the post; that doesn't mean don't be critical, but when you do so, be polite and avoid language that may be misunderstood.

  • Speaking of adding to value - So you've read the blog, considered the main points, like the work, but still can't find anything to add? Well thank your Duck Duck Go. Do a search on the topics, and find an article that supports the author's blog. The format for linking an article is "open bracket[" "enter the title as you like" "close bracket ]" "open parenthesis (" "copy/past URL" "close parenthesis )".
    If that is too complicated, you can just copy/paste the URL in, and Steemit will create it into a link for you, like this:
    You can add links to your own Steemit posts, but they had damn well be relevant to the author's point...or instead of leaving your criticism of his post on his post, you write that on your blog, you can say something like:

I answered some of your points on this URL

  • A picture says a 100 words - find a pic or a meme that speaks for you. Copy/paste the URL of the pic into the post and

    you have just contributed to the discussion w/o writing a word

  • Be a smartass, not a wiseass - How about cracking a joke? Don't do this on sad or morbid posts, but we all like to laugh. Just in case you haven't read this in the post relevant!


We love comments, really, For the author, it is measurable appreciation, and for the commenter, they can add value to the post and make personal connections. Comments can lead to digressions in the thread, but as long as the author is helping direct the digression, that's fine. An author can be annoyed when his post becomes the nesting site for something completely away from what he wants to say.

That copy/paste Great Post! you see so many new Steemers do in every NEW post?

Don't do it.

Stay relevant

Add Value

Thanks for reading today!

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There are a couple of other things you can do to create quality comments:

  • ask about something you're not sure of (you may want to do a search engine check real quick to make sure it's not a dumb question, even though most folks don't mind one or two basic level questions
  • something I have forgot three times now - once writing the original, once commenting on someone elses post, and now after thinking about the ask a question

Thumbs up for the reference to DuckDuckGo ;-)

"Nice post"

Ha ha! That was my little joke that I thought was appropriately done! 😎

In all seriousness, I appreciate your article because we should always be striving for content that is meaningful and relevant to the actual post we are replying or commenting about. Quality over quantity!


LOL I was betting to see who the first person to do that would be ;>

You are MUTED sir! did you hear me? MUTED ;>

OTOH, since you clearly read, appreciated, and contributed to the post, I will follow you instead!

😄You're welcome!

Thanks for following me, @stevescoin

Be a smartass, not a wiseass

Tyson beating the dead horse...or was that his live wife? LOL

Hahahahah. You have given some good advice here. I would use > and memes in comment for sure.

Great post! (insert tourettes stream of thought here)

wait? isn't Torurette's supposed to include cursewords?



Sometimes a quick comment ain't enough lol. I would think voting power is sometimes enough, but it doesn't delve into more complicated subjects

some of us like in depth discussion on our blogs - I have written many a new post based upon discussions in the comments.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Great Post!
I like this
Cool, Please follow me

Lol, just had to do it, I am sorry 🙃

I have only been here for 5 days and have started seeing this type of comment on some of my posts. Sometimes my mother's words come back to haunt me...

if you can't say something constructive don't comment on posts online

Or something along those lines. It is a struggle sometimes to express exactly what it is you like about a post. In such cases I would rather just leave it at an upvote 👍


But hopefully, this post has some constructive tips to get past that struggle. YMMV ;>

Thanks for the comment!

Indeed it does. I never before considered replying with just a picture - it seems kind of obvious now.

Thank you for the follow @stevescoins

A mini post

A comment should truly add something to the post, not just be another here here post that none likes. A comment can perhaps come trough with little less tought through than actual posts, but should also aim for the same thing... people liking them. They are sort of mini-posts :)

Whenever I comment I try to think on a few things

  • I like this, because!
  • I have encountered something similar, explain!
  • It affected my thoughts on the topic, because!
  • It inspired me for the future, so I will do this!

A comment should be complementary!

It's a perfect way to add my thoughts on the same, hopefully interesting, topic. I can add more to the discussion and drive people towards the same thing.

Finally, great post @stevescoin. As we gain more and more people on the platform posts like these are of great value. We want content, but great content. There has been a few posts about that, but you raise the bar on comments as well!

Aim for no less than perfection!

A comment should be complementary!


your "mini-list" are all excellent suggestions that can make comments stand out

and your response brings to mind something else a good comment can (should) include:
formatting and organization

Formatting is key to your main post, why should my attempt on a miniature post, or comment, be less thought true than yours. I want to be seen as much as you want with your original post.

Great opportunity for synergy

If I add good content to you, your post gain more, and i gain more, and you gain more good content, and I ger more exposure... You see my point

Followers for everyone

I can even get more followers by making good content on a popular post. But that can't happen with poorly written content. And everyone knows that formatting and organizing is important to be seen.

We work towards great goals, together.

You're making my point better than I made the point...which is kind of the point ;>

Your most welcome ^^