Steemit Community Policing - To Flag or Not To Flag - In the Pursuit of Fairness [Steemit]

in steemit •  7 years ago  (edited)


- Just Rewards for All

I have not been on Steemit as much as I would like due to other endeavors, but I do try to check in as often as time allows. I wish I could post more, but lately I have been content with at the very least curating. During these bouts of curating, I also like to go to the NEW section to find young Minnow Steemians in order to 'show some Steem Love' and thus helping those same Minnows to stay interested in and possibly even become proselytizers of Steemit.

It feels good to give with an upvote, especially to the newer members here on Steemit, but not when these upvotes are going to cheaters and plagiarizers. I realize that is having explosive user growth, and many are joining thinking that there is 'Free Money' to be had here on Steemit. This excitement has some overlooking the rules or just completely ignoring them for the sake of this 'Free Money' not realizing that this Not welcome behavior here.

I can sympathize with @berniesander 's battle with @haejin . The Haejin user is posting many times per day, and they are primarily based on crypto coin price analysis. The posts usually receive high payouts, and Bernie argues that it is poor content and stealing from the Steemit Rewards Pool. I won't argue the merits of Haejin's posts or Bernie's point of view and flagging. What I can say is that Bernie feels this is unfair to the smaller users of Steemit, and possibly causing a poorer experience for these same users. Bernie is attempting community self-policing, and I can appreciate that.

So today I was looking for some New Steemians to help support with some nice upvotes that yield some small rewards/payouts. Since some are taking advantage of the Steem Reward Pool, I do have to be careful of who gets up-voted. So today I ran into @ravindraojha 's account and was going to up vote his posts but as I said, I researched his account before doing so. There I discovered that this user was using stock images and even recycling the said same images and earning small rewards from them. At this point I was forced to consider the Flag/Downvote. I wound up flagging most of his posts from the last 7 days.

I also found one image that was most likely an original image posted to this account which I up voted. I also made a few comments on different posts explaining that Plagiarism is considered stealing/theft and is not welcome on I explained that this is what led to all the flags and down voting. On the Post that I was able to Up Vote I commented as to why I up voted and that if similar original content was posted to contact me for further support. I prefer to up vote rather than to Down Vote.

So the point of this is to remain vigilant and supportive of both and its users as well. I believe this is the pursuit of fairness here on steemit, and encouragement (up votes and positive re-enforcement) rather than criticism (down votes and no explanation) should be the catalyst to that end. This is every Steemian's responsibility if is to continue to carry us, its user base, on its path to success.

Update: After posting this, user @ravindraojha has edited his most recent posts by removing the plagiarized images and posting unique images but if you look at his older posts, which he cannot edit any longer, you will see the pattern I mentioned in this post.

Full Steem Ahead!

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People who have the power will always dictate the rules.

By the way why steemit don't make the rule where amount of articles that you can post is based on your rating. So new people will have to climb up the rating before being able to post more than a certain amount of articles per day. And there will be less spam.

I mean... it's not a complete restriction, just maximum of 1-3 posts per day before they get to higher rating.

@yaan I like this thought, so I up voted it to the top so others can see it too. Great IDEA!

Heya @streetstyle,

I can definitely agree with you on the fact that this reward pool abuse is discouraging newer accounts, and showing many that it doesn't matter to play by "the rulez". I found one of my favorite artists @jcleff in the new section, and she is talented c:

I think it really does come down to doing our own part in keeping Steemit clean, but starting small- I am flagging spam comments on my posts. Other than joining flagging parties, I am thinking about encouraging creating better content.


Hello my friend! Hope all fine on your side! I have been away too since some weeks due to the opening of my bistro. But I do check from time to time.
I am with you with your way of helping out original content authors.
Happy to read from you!

Congrats on the opening of the Bistro, that is awesome @progressivechef

you are the great soul

Thanks for the post includes valuable information both of begginers and older Steem members. I totally agree with you and I wish everyone would do it like you.

Plagiarism is considered stealing/theft and is not welcome on

Unfortunately there are a lot of people who plagiarize..

Thanks again, all the best.

@cemke I agree that there are instances of plagiarism. If you see it you can let me know and maybe let @berniesanders know too if it is bad enough. We can try to address it but no guarantees.

Thanks for your considering @streetstyle, I will let you know when I see again this situation.

steemit is the best platform and we have to take care of it, thanks.

there is some issue with post content which is qualitiful but not getting attention with curation, other hand is just post anything which is paid more.
so there are always positive and drawback of every platform, some time we are helpless with the system and ethical laws. down vote and flag may impact to slow down their rocket race. but we are looking forward with small upvote.

Nice post friend and i agree with your thoughts, supporting new steemians who are producing original content is important for the growth of steemit and it also give more encouragement to new steemians, i also try to follow your points, thanks for sharing your nice thoughts with us, Stay blessed

Thank you for supporting people who are new in steemit just like me :) I totally agree with you. I wish you will post more. Have a nice day

It's a difficult discusion and I didn't see a good solution to the spam problem.

We get a lot of good income from Steam. So being interested in doing so many new jobs. It's much easier to work here, so many people are risking this way. But the problem is that Steemit is not accepting our country's account.

With great power comes great responsibility. I appreciate you giving a lot of thought before acting because your actions would mean a lot. With so many new users joining in and posting, it gets difficult to get attention from whales. That's when new joiners fall for bots. What is your take on using bots ? I tried some in the past few days, didn't help. Looks like the wait period is increasing as we add more users to the community.
My post which took around 6 hours of hard-work went completely unnoticed. Probably need a unique topic for next one.

I know there are a lot of different support groups here on steemit. Some free and some not so free. These services like Minnowbooster, @randowhale and @originalworks do help the new users when posting, but I also believe commenting and replying are going to be better methods in the long run. Making acquaintances and friends here on steemit is best as is great and original writing as well. Good luck and have fun @blog-beginner

Thanks for the free advice @streetstyle. I'm super excited about Steemit and ever since I have been approved I am all day thinking about it. Literally addicted. Want to explore every bit of it. Soon will even get into understanding the technology stack and try to contribute if lucky enough.

Hey @streetstyle,
Like you mentioned in your post, I myself am kind of new to Steem and I am often amazed by how much these spam posts make on a daily basis.
While they may not be considered 'spam' by everyone, but it does get annoying when certain bots posts dozens of times a day simply reporting the value of a coin or whatever.
I mean... if I wanted to know the value of a coin I'd just check and know exactly within 10 seconds.
There is no real value provided.

steem has changed my life

I hope it will change of mine. I always looking for new posts as every newbie do:)

well seems like a debate which will never end but someone has to come up with a stricter ideas

Maybe @cityslicker But there is nothing to discuss or debate when it comes to plagiarism......

i believe that the future of steemit is bright and Your posts are very interesting especially for the beginners, thanks for this informative post.

well some people don't even try to do even a bit of hard work they just spam the hell lot but a nice warning which help them realize their mistakes works in most of the time

there were many people who powered up and take almost all the rewards and many named their steemit account as reward pool rape how disgusting is that

spread love not flags but when someone make illegal use of someones eles content that should be flagged

Steemit changes my lifestyle 😎✌
We should use is properly!!

You have found a guy taking others content and you flagged it.
You found original one and gave upvote... pretty simple.
That's how it should be done.

Thanks @sadpotato I think it behooves us all on Steemit to be vigilant and proactive.

thanks for sharing this valuable and interesting post... i impressed to see your post... thanks for again sharing a nice post....

really nice work sir..i like it

steem is to stay with it

Giving upvote according content post is wonderful

wow nice post

good writting.

Generic comments could be mistaken for spam.

Your Reputation Could be a Tasty Snack with the Wrong Comment!

Thank You! ⚜

to conclude it all ~ with great powers comes great responsibility and this is a thing to think by every big member out here if there is spam that should be flagged

Thanks for giving the chance to enjoy this beautiful news!!

steem is really great

great your steem post

Postingan anda sangat berguna bagi saya, saya baru mendaftarkan akun steemit tapi saya belum pandai menulis, saya ingin berteman dengan anda dan ingin belajar, saya ingin membaca setiap postingan terbaru anda, terimakasih atas nasehat anda

Maybe this type of conditioning can work sometimes. But not all who falg are doing it in this way.

Salam kenal @steetstyle
Telah saya vote
Please folback. Tks

this is great investing sir and thanks for sharing this, this is something new to me.

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steemit is our best platform to keep each other

Yeah, this post to be education as son as good and not good

Lovely article..... Though I haven't read much of your articles but I think with this one I have read, you are of a good heart. Loved reading your post.