in steemit •  9 years ago  (edited)


An Empire of Minds

It all begins with an idea, a most powerful of ideas. An idea that no weapon can kill, an idea that will burn in the hearts of many and will be inextinguishable. Dan and Ned, founder of STEEM and STEEMIT.COM have that idea. The premise of STEEMIT is to reward its user base for content curating and content creation using a proprietary crypto-currency called STEEM. But STEEM and STEEMIT.COM will become much more than just a social media rewarding site. STEEM will unlock the chains of poverty, will open the Doors of knowledge and provide an empowerment to its individual user base unseen since the advent of fire.

It is late in the year 2020 (obviously in the future). There are 10 Million STEEMIT users, and growing. The current price of STEEM is $100 and rising. STEEMS Market cap is now at $100 Billion Dollars and growing. At this point STEEMIT is growing so fast that by 2025 there will be 1 Billion users on the STEEMIT Network, putting its market cap near 10 Trillion Dollars. There will be STEEM TV and STEEM RADIO, all under the auspices of STEEM STUDIOS, and they will each have their own valuation.

STEEM will be Amazon, Walmart, Ebay and Costco combined. It will be part Wall Street, with it’s internal markets for buying, selling and trading STEEM and other crypto-currencies, and part main street with both brick and mortar as well as online retail sales. STEEM will be both currency and commodity, like what Bitcoin is Today. Some parts of the US government today consider bitcoin currency while others consider it more a commodity. In the future, STEEM WILL BE BOTH.



Our weapons of choice will be Ideas. Ideas will be used to conquer the maladies of mankind. Our 5 Star Generals, @dan & @ned will lead this new crypto-revolutionary army to victory over the ailments our society has failed to mend or dispatch. These societal problems which have plagued mankind will now be our enemies instead of each other. The Blockchain will record it for all to see.

Poverty and Education would be the first enemies to confront. With the advent of the Internet, education has become more readily available, so much so that you can now literally get an education all while online. Yet there are still many in the World today who have no access to the Internet, let alone an education. With the power of STEEM, the internet will reach the vast fringes of society, allowing access to the Information Superhighway. With more information and financial incentive provided by the internet, people will be able to pull themselves out of the mire called poverty. Less poverty and more education would mean more productive and functional citizens.

STEEMIT.COM will become a Media Powerhouse. Just like Google today, that has Youtube under its belt, so too will STEEMIT.COM have its media studios. This will provide STEEMIT.COM easy access to publicity, content creation and distribution. STEEMIT users will be able to upload a video to STEEMTUBE (name I made up) and receive creator rewards. Then go to the STEEM CHANNEL and watch a movie commercial free, while another user will watch that same movie, BUT with commercials while receiving rewards for “watching’ those commercials. Then both will be able to spend their STEEM on a product advertised on STEEMIT.COM. The STEEMIT Crypto-Economy will be in full swing.

Welcome to STEEM WORLD

BY 2025 DAN and Ned will be rulers of the World through non-violent Blockchain confirmed Up Votes. STEEM will be the currency most used throughout the world. STEEM will hold the largest Equities Market, will be the largest Retailer of all goods sold, will provide some form of income to 20% of the World and will be the World’s largest holder of individual wealth. The World will Not be perfect but the Holy Trinity of crypto-currency will be complete; The Triumvirate of Satoshi (on top and most likely really cold and in “heaven”) followed by Dan and Ned.
'Veni Vedi Vici'


Full $TEEM Ahead!


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We the People will rule the World with the help of Steemit!
Dan and Ned will only get rich ;)

@rittr And if they do, deservedly so, as STEEM will also enrich many millions of lives.


Good work Dan & Ned, all steem ahead!

"Human thought is material" (c) V. I. Vernadsky