3 FREE Ways To Invest In Your Steemit business!

in steemit •  7 years ago 

Short on financial resources? No problem! By investing some time and effort, you can start growing your Steemit business today.

Follow these simple principles to take you Steemit blog to the next level. (This is not rocket science, but I guarantee that if you don't follow these simple steps, you are setting yourself up for Steemit failure!)

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1. Network with other Steemit Users

You may have heard, "It is not what you know, but who you know."

At Steemit, not who you know and what you know matter. You need to be creating great content. And, more importantly, in my opinion, you need to be building great relationships.

Engage other Steemit users by

  1. Commenting on peoples' posts
  2. Replying to people when they comment on your post
  3. Meeting people on Steemit.chat
  4. Joining a Dischord channel.

Some examples include:
Peace, Abundance, and Liberty Network
Looking For A Niche

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2. Learn How To Do Post Makeovers

You may have juste spent 10 hours creating great content, but if is looks ugly, people are not going to read it!

Formatting your posts is a crucial part of creating great content. Make your posts look pretty!

Invest in yourself and your Steemit business by learning markdown. Markdown is a syntax that helps you style your posts on Steemit.

The following examples are basic markdown syntax that can be used in your posts:

Text Formatting

bold and italics

List Formatting: Numbered or Bulleted

  1. one
  2. two
  3. three
  • one
  • two
  • three

Header Formatting

header 1

header 2

header 3

Github created a great guide called Mastering Markdown. Be sure to check it out!

QUESTION: Would anyone be interested in purchasing an in-depth online course about markdown syntax?

If you are interested, let me know in the comments section.

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3. Add An Insurance Policy

Plagiarism is not acceptable in the Steemit community. There is no debate! It is never appropriate to copy and paste someone else's work on Steemit.

But I see a lot of people using other peoples' photos and images. Only use images that are released under the Creative Commons CC0 license. This license allows you to use a photo or image for FREE, for both personal and professional use.

Two of my favorites photo websites are Pixabay and Pexels.

Before using images from any website, make sure that you have read and clearly understand the license agreement.

Now that you have a great image, you need to document where the image came from on your Steemit post. This is a pain in the butt, but you are adding another layer of protection to your Steemit blog/business.

Can you imagine what would happen if someone came in and claimed copyright infringement on a photo in your post? Bad things! Take an extra few minutes to document your photos properly.

Many influential Steemians are not documenting their images. Don't follow their example. Always, always, alway document your image sources.

I typically use a format similar to this at the end of my posts.

EXAMPLE - Image Source:
1 - I toke this photo personally
2 - url of photo found on Pixabay (I would include the actual url)
3 - url of photo found on Pexels (I would include the actual url)
4 - screen shot of my computer screen

Some people include an "image source" hyperlink underneath the image.

Bonus: Create A Customized Signature Block

I alway end my posts in the same way. There are certain pieces of information that I always want to provide for my readers.

Check out my example below. It is really easy to use once created. I just copy the text and markdown syntax from my last post.

Be sure to let me know if you are interested in purchasing an in-depth guide about Markdown syntax. I am willing to develop a training module if enough people are interested!

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Learn more about me. Click here to read my reintroduction post!

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I also write posts about my family and lessons I am learning about life, love, and money. Check out more of my posts!

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Image Source:

  1. https://www.pexels.com/photo/close-up-photography-of-yellow-green-red-and-brown-plastic-cones-on-white-lined-surface-163064/
  2. https://pixabay.com/en/painter-paint-cans-brush-paintbrush-1246619/
  3. https://pixabay.com/en/slip-up-danger-careless-slippery-709045/
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This is some great information! Thank you for the markdown tips, they will be very useful

@sunravelme, thanks for commenting.

Markdown is incredible! It makes our posts and comments stand out better. I really recommend that every Steemit user at least learn the basics.