in steemit •  7 years ago  (edited)


ART: @rocksg

So the story goes: May, 2017

I got a call one day from a NY headhunter, looking for web developers experienced in Javascript. I told her I would be interested, and would agree to talk to Ned. She described a social networking site I believe, but I really don't remember talking to her. She immediately set me up and Ned gives me a call. Ned is calling from the East Coast, which is unusual but one reason I was interestd, was it was for remote work and I could live anywhere.

So Ned called me one day. And he started describing something like Quora, Reddit, Medium, built on top of a blockchain and having a sophisticated front-end web client with a web wallet.

It took him about 3 minutes to describe this in an overview, and I instantly understood what he was talking about. A new Killer App.

So he and I really connected quickly, and I thought he was an excellent salesman. I was hooked. He had me. And I went and looked at the site, and it looked like. Reddit. Only much more simple. And not anything like facebook. And I was thinking, ho hum... no big deal. It was unimpressive at first.

And I'm looking it over, and there was just so much about it that was not intuitive. It was rather a mess, and I began quickly to give feedback on this, it just seemed so obvious to me. But Ned understood so many reasons for why things where the way they are, and it takes months to learn all the various issues invovled, years.. not a 1 hour phone call even.

So I talked to Ned a few more times, and he put me on contract for a 1 month trial. And I agreed to those terms, and I felt it was going to be a great learning experience. One reason he and I connected was because I did understand BTC and ETH. And I understood how DPOS was so different, there could be no fees. The first time Ned attempted to explain DPOS vs POW, I was lost, but I looked it up that evening and started to educate myself immediately. And I watched interviews with Dan and Ned, and I read the whitepaper, etc, etc.

And for 1 month, I joined the team. It was a great experience, although I soon realized I probably don't want to be an engineer anymore. Engineers don't get out much 😉 And they don't have much time to socialize either. So I was busy studying 16 hours a day, and using STeemit and posting and really trying to understand the app. And the security. And the permissions, and the wallet and the currencies, etc, etc.

It was difficult and I'm a seasoned software engineer, and I understand bitcoin and ether. But there was just so much to know. And I realized I really just want to work with the STEEM BC and contribute articles to Steemit, and I can make a living from doing that.

Frankly I can't imagin much else making me happier. So that's were we left it, and it's all good.

But the view from the inside did inform me to some extent, and I try to help others with that knowledge of what is in the roadmap and what features might create a better user experience on Steemit and for STEEM blockchain in general.

I worked with Tim Cliff (@timcliff) and some other amazing people. Meeting Tim changed my life, and I never told him that, but it really did. He was very patient with my questions and is one of the coolest people on the planet. I was asking him if he might go to Anarchipulco, and he said "no, I don't get out much" 😉

I knew the feeling myself. And NOW, I'm putting some changes to that situation myself, and moved out of California for a while. Spending time with my family, at the beach and with people I’ve been meeting on Steemit, like @azkza and @truestory157.

I plan to make friends all over the world, travel and meet a few of them in person. I want to start communities on Steemit, communities that host the best parties on earth, and really have some fun. 😉ARTzone was last week, and WAfrica will be next week! ARTzone is already over 2400 followers in 2 weeks!

Of course, in many ways Steemit was Dan’s and now Ned’s baby. They are both visionaries, no question. I hope to see Steemit release both mobile and executable apps on all platforms, as well as the best STEEM User Experience on the web.

STEEM is a new model for the social internet, and it was first; history will always remember it as such. At this time, I do not believe it has a viable competitor, and it now has a wonderful thriving ecosystem. For developers.

Less so for typical users. There is not currently a viable replacement for Instagram and it’s competitors, and that seems to be a real FAIL for STEEM. But APPICS will ICO next week, which could be the first SMT ICO so that will be quite a milestone as far as I can tell, but not sure it will be issuing SMT at that time. https://appics.com

And EOS?
Until I see it actually attempting to compete with STEEM, and STeemit, we really have no idea if that will happen or not. And if/when it does, it could be years behind STEEM in many ways and take years to catch up.

Meanwhile, SMT is exciting.
If it really can create a better ICO platform than what exists with ETH, it could be a game changer. I assume reorganizing ICOs will be one of the first use cases for SMT, but there is much we just don’t know yet about how SMT will work, the regulatory issues involved, and if SMT can somehow be rolled into the new Communities feature, even if thru a separate domain name somehow (to personify a separate business entirely).

hindu temple on artzone.jpg

Photo Credit: @pijon

surfyogi on top of the world.gif

Art: @web-gnar

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Your beginning experience with steemit is really interesting. I always regret why i'm not early adopter of steemit but i think there are big thing are yet to come on steemit. It still very early. Thanks for sharing your journey, i have joined steemit 4 months ago and it really changed my life like yours. I love steemit.

IF you are here now, you are an early adopter as well!

Definitely interesting to read about you past steemit journey. Now you most satisfying with steemit growth. Currently seems some down trend currencies but will gain soon I trust. You've lot of experience there and met some genius steemians there. Thank you for given your story tale @surfyogi.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hi @surfyogi I can imagine how it was for you, my first time on the platform steemit I had never seen anything like it, even with all the developments a whole lot of friends I invite here still see things around here like some technical jargons, the learning process is continous for us all as the platform is still on beta.

I am really exited about appics i really cannot wait for the first smt ICO to begin.

Hi @surfyogi beautiful image for your post God luck

Well I have big plans for you, I need organizational help and you can make all your dreams come true...

Im sure you do 😊😊 . I can't wait to get to work!

travel and meet a few of them in person

I want to meet you in person too and take beautiful pictures with you.

I want to start communities on Steemit, communities that host the best parties on earth, and really have some fun.

Fun and Love is something we share in common.

You inspire me in ways you do not know. We all have our stories on steemit about all we have learnt and all the amazing people that have come our way.

I know that someday, I will have even more beautiful story to tell about you and your impact in my life. I also want to make some impact in your life.

Keep Steeming @Surfyogi!!!

And really a great story it was. Am glad to read the contributions you have made to this great platform both from the developers end and blog posts here. I also really appreciate the works you are doing in building African communities stronger.

Though I didn't contribute an art article to the @artzone myself but I enjoyed going through the tags to see some creativity, and you put a lot to make that happen.

It's great that you are socializing and meeting and having fun. I don't know if this is just common with all computer gurus and programmers in some way. I have a friend here who's put down a few codes, I have to put an extra effort for him to even go out now and try a little party. Well, that's that and am glad am the party animal that I am.

I know there's so much more to do on Steemit - especially from the community end. I hope to see you continue doing great. Do enjoy the rest of the show.

@surfyogi, Actually you given most encouraging information indeed article. You've much longer experience in steem blockchain. You've got great learning experience from here since start time. @ned, @timcliff both are best developing steemians in steemit. You met both and discussed lot provide things. Finally you created #artzone community and then try to promote skills of steemians. Part of the confusion with Steemit lies in the different ways that the currency is presented to users.At the root is the currency Steem, which is the typical transferrable, fungible, freely moveable token akin to bitcoin, Ethereum or any other cryptocurrency. But that same Steem can be put into two different types of smart contracts depending on the particular utility an individual wants. Steem blockchain seems massive gain it can looks from Alexa's ratings. Also after coming out Smart media tokens steem blockchain would be awesome and will grow much. Thank you for giving long information to us.

You have massive experience in social medias. Also you know long information about medias, software engineering, cryptocurrencies and anything. It's important to us improve there with your sharing experience. Experience wanna great opportunity to improve ourselves. Basically develop steemit, need to being our main purpose. Thanks you @surfyogi.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

So I was busy studying 16 hours a day, and using STeemit and posting and really trying to understand the app.

It’s taugh to be involved in steemit comunity and have a full time job. I’m certain for your friend choosing this comunity is definitely worth. He must be very thankful to you @surfyogi and to Ned. His ideas and opinion about steemit is exactly what I already know and am as much excided abot steemit comunity. Just like for your friend to me steemit is a sanctuary of free thought and real life. A place where you can just blog about what you have going on in life and complete strangers wish you well and root you on. You can talk about things that are important to you and others from around the world can comment and share experiences. Steemit is a destination for journeyers. People that explore around the world. We like to read about new things and different perspectives that we can't get from the news or from other social media. When it comes to EOS and SMT, I completely agree. Time will tell.

wow lucky you who gets a call from Ned and goes to meet up, you must have a real talent and programming skills, Ned is a real investor and genius @surfyogi...
about EOS > it could be years behind STEEM in many ways and take years to catch up

that's true i agree but slow and steady wins the race, i wish him luck for EOS, a new platform is coming 😊

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

"A Hindu Temple" that's my photography. I am really honored that you share my photography on your post. It is the best thing ever happen to me since i join Steemit.

Thank you so much for this honor.


I love that photo so much! Thanks to you!

I am really honored that you love that photo, it means a lot to me.
Thanks again.

Beautiful Photography

it takes months to learn all the various issues invovled, years.. not a 1 hour phone call even

lol. Nice pick....
Short story seems to be a game changer ,that how great people have worked to make this project happen....thanks for that. .
I myself am waiting for the app to show up....coz i know when that happens it will change the whole game....

Thanks for sharing your steemit story with us @surfyogi.👍
Now, I now I'm the only one who found steemit and it's terms a little difficult in the beginning.
I read and improve everyday.
Steemit has also helped me to get out more and meet fellow Steemeans.
Your story is a source of encouragement to me.
Just what i needed today.☺️🌞

great story, excellent post,beautiful art,
my dear friend @surfyogi,
i love this post all time, thank you for sharing with us,

Nice story @surfyogi with beautiful art designs. You have been so wonderful especially in helping people on steemit with #artzone. I'm always your gallant follower @surfyogi.

Your companion must be extremely grateful to you and to Ned. His thoughts and assessment about steemit is precisely what I definitely know and am as much excided abot steemit comunity. Much the same as for your companion to me steemit is an asylum of free idea and genuine living. A place where you can simply blog about what you have going ahead throughout everyday life and finish outsiders wish you well and root you on. You can discuss things that are essential to you and others from around the globe can remark and offer encounters. Steemit is a goal for journeyers. Individuals that investigate far and wide. We get a kick out of the chance to peruse about new things and alternate points of view that we can't get from the news or from other online networking.

What a story, its not easy changing your life and forget your profession and coming to steemit. Like you said, Ned was a good salesman. I will tell my story too one day

Its inspiring reading all this.. Thanks i found Steemit its a GREAT platform it makes people more confident. I am a medicine guy, i spend most of day here in steemit

It will get better and better. Cheers \o/

This little stories are great experience for us,thank you so much.

Wow wow wow... What an amazing story. U'r such a rare gem @surfyogi and I love every littke thing about you. @ned is just awesome. Wow

You've got lots of experiences. The mire reasin why I chise you as one of my mentors here.

Wow Consistency is the word mehn. Rome wasnt built in a day. Steemit is actually a full time job. Lol. How amazing.

As for me, no matter the matter, i'll steem to the moon.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

To be honest I'm excited about the launch of EOS. But I also think it'll take time to catch up to steem, if it ever does.
Steem is the role model now which all others are trying to follow...
That's a great journey you shared.. I wish you the best of luck

Certainly fascinating to peruse about you past steemit travel. Presently you most fulfilling with steemit development. As of now appears to be some down pattern monetary standards however will pick up soon I trust. You've parcel of understanding there and met some virtuoso steemians there. Much obliged to you for given your story @surfyogi.

What a great story! I love hearing how people changed lives. I know it always makes me all warm and fuzzy when I hear that, especially when I was not even trying- just me being me :)

Really cool to read your history with Ned and Steemit. I’m excited for the future of the platform.

Totally intriguing to look at about you past steemit travel. Eventually you most fulfilling with steemit progression. Beginning at now has every one of the reserves of being some down illustration money related measures however will get soon I trust. You've heap of appreciation there and met some virtuoso steemians there. Appreciative to you for given your story @surfyogi.

Interesting look "behind the scenes" @surfyogi; certainly explains why you seem to have a better understanding of how things work than most people.

I find myself (reluctantly) having to agree that this is a great venue-- for developers. For social content creators and social media users... not as much. It's a slightly frustrating experience to sit here in 2018 and be hard coding content pages in HTML in order to get proper formatting. But hey, I'm still enjoying myself.

There seem to be "whispers in the wings" (evidently attributable to @dan) about a "Steemit 2.0" eventually coming to EOS, but whether it's much more than rumors at this time, I don't know.

Enjoyed the story and insights!

I recently received my great artwork Mandala Stone from you.
It is a great life treasure and I hope you will share such things with many others.
THANKS to you!

Glad you liked it! It's cool to be part of just a little corner of trying to build an economy here-- something other than just trading cryptos and building apps. I believe Steemit needs all parts to work in order to thrive.

We need to drink a beer my friend!

Hello @surfyogi

That's an interesting story from you. I really thank God you have come this far and also for that singular call that connected you to Ned. Being inquisitive of is a virtue. Without this, you wouldn't have being here. And when I thought about your level of impact in this community, I thank God that you are here.

Thanks for being a whale with humane touch; thanks for being a True friend of struggling Steemians, for always looking out for ways to better our arduous experiences. May God continue to bless you as you are already blessed.

@eurogee, the founder of @euronation community & The Host, Show Us Your Witnesses Weekly Contest

This is really a great experience and thanks for your contribution most especially to African steemians. We love you @surfyogi and I will personally love to meet with you someday sir.
Keep doing the good work

Im sure you will get a lot of fan following of engineers, though Im an engineer too, i too believe that's not it, their is much more i can offer and after reading your story, i just got a lil spark back in me that i can do it, maybe it will a little long but it will happen someday , i have to keep trying.What your soul yearns for , that's meant to happen someday, but gotta be honest with every bit of it

Wow, that's a great journey...
I totally get what you're saying about not wanting to be an engineer anymore. All work and no play never was good.
I'm also excited about the SMT's..
Let's watch steem and ourselves grow together

Great Story. You are part of the history of Steemit. So great to know you!

Steemit to the moon

Firstly amazing art work of @rocksg. Thank you introduce impressive art work. I'm lucky to follow you because your every details important to improve my steemit journey. Nice your past steemit story. I'm interesting to read it twice. #artzone improve art skills. Also cryptocurrency information is important to see.

What an incredible story! I adore hearing how individuals changed lives.

Beautiful sum up of a great journey,
m very excited for SMT.
Best wishes for the future @surfyogi. Have a nice time.

Wow that means you have worked with @ned in the process of steemit. That's real inspiring, so you have most definitely contributed to steemit. I can understand how difficult it was for you at first but now you are one of the champions .
And about EOS , I don't know how much time it will take to set up, let alone competing with steemit. @surfyogi

That is really a great Wonderful story and I will like to be a never ending part of it. I have not talked to ned or dan, but for me you are the greatest personality I know here on steemit.

Glad to have encountered you here on Steemit, you are definitely a game changer!


I am such a huge fan!
All my dreams come true on STEEM!

Dream big brother! Blessed!

What a story tale @surfjogi, spending 16 hours making research and blogging? I must say that's a huge one. At the end of it you have grown so much in reputation and in awareness. That's cool hard work really pays.👍

Hahaha.... Its so relaxing to so know that someone else can relate to that feeling of being confused joining steemit for the first time.

For me, it took about a week to publish my introductory post. It was oh so confusing 😂😂

But im better at steeming now learning new things everyday but with so much more to learn in the nearest future....

Thanks for sharing this sire @surfyogi

wow that's something really interesting i came to know today wonderful story that was thanks for sharing your experiences you keep evolving over the years :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

@blazing is one of my all time devoted followers and maybe the most devoted Steemian it is my pleasure to know?!
3000+ followers, she is legend and I am so fortunate to be on your reading list!

I am glad I heard this story from you before!

That is an amazing story of how you met Ned and Dan and how lifechanging it was for you to talk and be mentored by Tim on the Steem BC.

I see a lot of wonderful things on this platform indeed. I am excited to hit that 1 Million user and for the SMT to roll out and a better communities feature.

With Steem it is possible for us to change the world one vote at a time.

@surfyogi, I must confess I don't understand anything about all this SMT, EOS and all that stuff you are talking about, but if you could throw more light on it, I would greatly appreciate that.
For the Steemit experience and exploits you are doing, I greatly appreciate your person and the love you are sharing here on Steemit through your projects/support for communities, continue the great work.
Finally I would love to reach out to you, I don't know if you will be kind enough to make time to talk with me either on discord or telegram over some issues, if yes then I would love to have your discord handle.
Once again I appreciate your person Sir.

Still your boy @royaltiesboss-eu

@surfyogi so many amazing things about you and Ned. You men are simply amazing.

Guess what... I have a little secret. (I'm making a drawing of you). #Lol

You're so gonna love it. Expect it soon boss #shy

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I have big plans you Debby!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Wowwwwww... Interesting... Hmmmm I cnt wait. Your surprise is loading too.... 82% done....#smiles

Great story,this one is gonna have real impact on me.

Woo......@suryogi, this is really a wonderful story of you meeting with @ned, I have to resteemed on my blog for other steemians to see.

There are friends and people who you meet in live that change you positively, you have taking the right decision and choosen the right friends.... Welcome to the Africa world.

No thought you most satisfying with steemit growth, i'm equally impressed to read about your interesting past steemit journey this this awsome with your experience and others you've mate so far n steemit it realy show that steemt is uniting the world again and again thanks @surfyogi

Wow, a very interesting read about your Steemit journey!

I think that it's always important to try out many things before deciding what you really want to do. It allows us to have a clear overview of the possibilities, not to mention the wide knowledge and connections.

I'm looking forward to the party communities! 😊

All these terms SMT, ICO etc I wonder when I will understand them fully. There is so much to learn about steemit and the block chain. Sometimes I just go about it doing my thing and having fun without trying so hard to bother myself about the crypto concepts. I enjoyed reading your story of how you met Ned and timcliff though.

That's cool you got to work with the guys. I've met some of the developers and they seem like great people. It's a bit out of my sphere, but it must be a really interesting project to work on. Obviously you need top people to work on the blockchain itself to ensure security is not compromised. I'd contribute if I could.

Very good writing friend you do an extraordinary job in each of your post I appreciate that well

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Your partner must be to a great degree thankful to you and to Ned. His contemplations and evaluation about steemit is accurately what I unquestionably know and am as much excided abot steemit comunity. Much the same with respect to your buddy to me steemit is a refuge of free thought and veritable living. A place where you can basically blog about what you have proceeding for the duration of regular daily existence and complete pariahs wish you well and root you on. You can examine things that are fundamental to you and others from around the world can comment and offer experiences.

it's really cool, thanks for sharing.
I will upvote and restem

You have used a very simple English in this article maybe because you want this article to be read by every Non-Native English speakers all over the world. Thank you for that!

I saw the interviews of @dan , @ned and @timcliff ..I didn't know you worked with them . You can be proud of being a person who acted as a cornerstone of this platform. I can see you supporting so many people all around the world. Hats off!

Steemit gives me a hope. I expect whatever I earn today might be something bigger in future. So I continue to power up all that I get now so that I can be of great help to the community in future.

Wow ,,, this kuar can, this information is very good, your post is very interesting to read, with your post I belih understand and bertabah science
You meet both and discuss many things. Finally you create,artzonecommunity and then try to promote steemians skills. Part of the confusion with Steemit lies in the different ways that the currency is presented to the users. Thanks regards from @mr-taleb

You have massive experience in social medias. Also you know long information about medias, software engineering, cryptocurrencies and anything. It's important to us improve there with your sharing experience. Experience wanna great opportunity to improve ourselves. Basically develop steemit, need to being our main purpose. Thanks you @surfyogi.

Waw this is a very good news, hopefully remain successful brother, please guidance me from Indonesia @surfyogi

First of all, this was such a nice read, have seen lots of funny post and stuffs which you normally used to post. I love that you shared about your history on steemit .It's cool. You are right

Engineers don't get out much (especially network or IT engr)

Would love to be in one of your parties anyway! keep up the good work :)

Hi @surfyogi You have a lot of experience in social media. And also you know the long information about the media, software engineering, and anything.It is important for us we are still a beginner to improve there with your sharing experience.Experience wants to have a great chance to improve themselves. because Basically developing steemit, need to be my main goal which is still beginner and other friends.Thank you, @surfyogi.

It is good that u had something like steemit there to help in those days.. Something to have a parallel balance with studies..U said it right Engineers don't get out much... Haha..

Learning 16 hours just to understand show why you are ahead in knowledge from most of the people here... Its just investment that you put in firts (the time) and now you are taking returns from it.

The Appics token prices is set to 0.15 USD, I thought, every SMT would be traded at par with Steem. Or more than Steem. Am I missing something ? Could you share some of your insight ?

And what a nice reality of your association with Steem.

Thanks for sharing your story with us @surfyogi, it really touched my heart and really I got some encouragement and lessons from it. Thank God you made it. Keep the good work @surfyogi

Well that is kinda great and nice memories as far as I can tell :)

While the dream was big and here we are with that great initiative :)

While I am really looking forward to to APPICS :)

Great story. Awesome photography and art.


Thanks a lot for this information


steemit is my life....
very helpful......

I really dont see myself as a revolutionary or a visionary. I live in my own little world writing and thinking of what to write. Steemit changed my life. Since joining steemit I've been exposed to previously strange things like SMTs, APPICs and EOS. I've become determined to know more and follow those at the forfront of these things because frankly they arent my area of expertise. Thank you really.

very beautiful story! i like it!

I discovered steem as the best platform and infact it us griwing very rapidly.... Lets see the effect of EOS too...and the title suits best as "how i met nad-surfyogi".... Too intresting @surfyogi... Thanksss fir the post

very nice bro good post

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I hope Trump listens to this story some day before he starts WW3! lol

Interesante post, y para los recién llegados es muy grato leer sobre el crecimiento de steemit a nivel mundial, y comparto el hecho de generar amistades en todas partes del mundo, conocer las expectativas de cada uno y lo que desea alcanzar, estar en aprendizaje constante en esta red, gracias por compartir.

excellent post..thanks for sharing your steem...

We all had our fair share of not taking Steemit serious when we first heard about. Thanks for the experience shared.

Thanks for sharing with the steemit community @surfyogi

I am starting to know who is who and what is what in this Steem BC.


Nice post friend greetings

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Source: https://steemit.com/steemit/@surfyogi/i-tell-you-a-little-story-how-i-met-ned-surfyogi-and-steemit#@hanief/re-surfyogi-i-tell-you-a-little-story-how-i-met-ned-surfyogi-and-steemit-20180323t012803328z

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Hey, why am I mentioned in the link..
I don't understand this