This the beginning of the series "5 SteemHumans; 5 Questions; 10 Pieces of Advice", that celebrates the human behind each steemian.
You can read this post to understand the overall aim of this series
Each of today's 5 steemhumans where asked 5 directional questions and required to answer these questions on the spot.
Here are the list of questions:
- Who Are You? (This should cover (all or some) things like, your very definition; your existing dreams; your forgotten dreams; your aspirations before steemit; life before steemit; life since steemit; what you would like to accomplish on a limitless scale, if there were no odds and what odds there are or there have been; things you don't like about yourself; things that are unique to you; things people don't know about you etc. Anything at all that constitutes!)
- What do you write about the most on steemit and why?
- How did you find steemit and has it become your bus-stop and why did it become your bus-stop?
- Is there one person on steemit, that you can say, "as long as this person stays on steemit and keeps on active, i will be also stay active on steemit" and who is that person and why is it this person?
- If you had just one shot at "breakthrough" and it was your "very next steemit post", what would you write about?
The essence was to draw unadulterated INTEL from the elements of their very being and use this to dispense in return, "valuable INTEL" ("no books" involved/in the undertone of an illiterate) related to success both on "steemit" and "in life". Moreso, the entire endeavor is a curriculum to celebrate them.
Below, you will read about 5 steemians; their on-the-spot answers to 5 questions and 10 pieces of advice from me to them.
We implore you to spend today in specially celebrating these steemians with me. Kindly, make sure to follow each of the 5, leave them an empowering comment below this post after you have read it and join me in curating these 5 posts:
- The Core In Attaining Success Is To Know The Answer Of The Question, “WHO ARE YOU?” - by @sissyjill
- The Undiluted You - by @julietisrael
- @geeyang15: The Human behind a Steemian.
- Hurted Many Times, But I Will Trust Still! (My experience with Surpassinggoogle) - @mrposyble
Note: the posts above is separate from their on-the-spot answers within my post. The 5 posts above is the result of a follow up soul-searching activity, where there were expected to write that one post, assuming they had one shot at "breakthrough" and it was there very next steemit post.
1. @sissyjill
I will pick the very elements of her constituent and cook her some timeless heartfelt advice as someone who truly loves her.
Basically, i will celebrate her, highlight her own strengths and i will sift even "weaknesses" to find strength therein. Together, we will celebrate and empower her today. She will become our celebrity and we her fans.
@sissyjill: She spoke to me on the spot. She answered 5 of my questions below:
@sissyjill: I have been lost since my sister died. It seems like she is my everything: my inspiration, my mentor, my healer, my world. I am not me anymore or is it just that I have never come know myself since I always depend on her.
I can't question God for taking her, but it just hurts. She is the oldest sibling I have and now that she's gone, I am carrying with me all the burdens and pressure she used to have. Now I am slowly learning my own very self.
I am strong they say but at night I cry for missing my sister, for all the troubles I am dealing with but I have no one to run to, and many people have kept on pushing me down. But I trust myself, I want to return all the hard work of my mom and dad.
I love children and for that ever since I was a kid, I wish to be a teacher. That dream was long forgotten when my sister died. She told me before she died, "Please give mom and dad a child who is an Engineer. Please do it on my behalf". And now I am currently studying the same degree my sister took which is Electronics Engineering. All I ever dream of now is to be a successful and professional Engineer in the near future.
Before I knew about steemit, I have been contemplating on where should I work for part-time to at least have an income and give my parents lesser burden when it comes to financial needs. Then a friend introduced it to me.
By the time I indulge myself in steemit, I discovered a new part of me. All my life I needed someone that I can share my experiences and also learn from him/her. It was not all about the money that I can get from steemit, rather the involvement, new friends, discoveries, learning of how other people really are. Steemit showed me a new perspective in life and I'll forever treasure it.
I just don't like being so caring at all times. I give my very best to help who ever needs it as long as I can; I care for all those that needs someone; I give some pieces of my heart to those who feel lonely, but in return they turn their back at me and tend to forget that I exist without me knowing any reasons why. At the end, I am left with nothing but WHYs. But I am unique I guess. I love to love people around me without asking for anything in return. People never knew my troubles and they always believe that I am a happy-type of person, who does not deal with troubles. They also don't know that I am a cheerful person not because I don't want to show my weaknesses but inorder to make people around me happy.
I believe that success is not a destination but an inspiration to be better as an individual and a road to know who you really are.
I write mostly about travel since I love going to places and I really want to share my experiences on steemit; about science, technology and engineering because I love embracing the knowledge I gathered at school and I really want to let people have a wide view of things in life and not only focus on one thing; and also about arts, I learned it from a friend and every time I draw something I see a much colorful world.
When a friend introduced to me steemit, at first I want to be part of it to earn money but by the time I make myself involve in this great community, I learned great things from it. I now have a better view of life, a new perspective and a much meaningful world. I am not so used to interact with other people but I learned from steemit how to cope up socially. There are way better and meaningful things inside steemit than steemit itself.
From the moment I started to indulge in steemit, there was a man with a huge heart that helps minnows like me. I started walking towards a gate that leads to the road of success here in this community and it felt like I am a baby that needs to crawl my way in. It seemed that in every step I take, the gate also walked its way away from me. I felt helpless but a man spread his hands towards me and made me feel that he is there to walk with me towards the gate. After that, people started to know me. And it was strenuous to open up myself and learned at the same time but still I tasted the bumpy roads and people seemed have no interest with what I share. I almost want to not visit my account anymore but then I realized "How can people value and notice me if I stop now?".
So to have a new beginning, I joined contests. Within that span of 1 month, the man who helped me in my first day here never left my side so I was determined to give thanks to him. That very man with a very huge heart is no other than @surpassinggoogle. He asked me to be a part of @steemsecrets which is my greatest privilege. And up until now, he is still helping me.
Somehow, people were so endeavor in attaining there success in steemit community thus it would be a great success in their part indulging a breakthrough on their blog. If I were one shot at "breakthrough" and it was "my very next steemit post", I would rather write a post containing "everything", in a way that my co-Steemians would be satisfied and gratified by my post. I will focus more on sharing my knowledge or educating steemians through my learning(s). Why? For the reason that in this life, I treasure more, the knowledge given and shared to or by other people because I believe that it is the only thing that can't be robbed, snatched, stolen or taken away from you.
My Life Advice To Her:
The first thing to establish is; "you have a story". It's an intense story and you are young but i tell you, you have used this story to evolve. Your heart has pounded some more, your very being has stay afloat. It's tough.
We will discuss this more intensely in the chats, over the course of time as "life" knowledge takes time to dispense; is an entire curriculum and involves loads of stories etc.
Overall though, i want you to know of your beauty. In your many traumas and stories, i see utmost beauty. You've drawn out character. You have given your face more value because it now tells more stories.
You are your own person and you are beginning to find out but you can also afford to be like your sister cos if that ends up the case, it is not only beautiful coincidence but will constitute a "beautiful powerful success story" too. Overall, there is no real waste in giving up your desire to become a teacher, for "electronics" instead and if there is pressure, you can make it constitute worthwhile beautiful pressure.
You love your sister. Carrying her dreams and yours is weighty but....real love is weighty.
You are powerful too but you now have to see this power. You are still young but you are already figuring things out. You are taking responsibility and it won't go to waste. You are now two-women. That is power! To attain this power though, requires power but i perceive that deep inside you, you have "the power" for power.
So my only public advice for you now is this; "it is established, that you aren't ordinary, so don't settle for less".
Let those "traumas" count positively. When you hurt; afford it but don't be made to fret by it. Don't run away from it or try to forget it; take charge of it instead, like the powerful woman that you are becoming. Shed those tears and divert the hurt into testimonial use by "evolving", for each tear that drops.
Your tears should now have value.
In due time, you can put your "evolution" to use, in teaching and imparting like you always planned to, but i tell you, "the knowledge you will dispense will be new-breed"; heartily sought after even by the elites of the world.
Anytime, you feel weak and there's a scarcity of humans around, turn to Jehovah in lines of prayer and put your tears in those prayers. He didn't take your sister. It wasn't HIM.
I foresee a CEO in you within a few years, if you can tap into the power we refer to but it is okay to let time fly. Well, time is bound to fly, but we can't let this particular time, fly emptily by. Not anymore!
I see you signing autographs a few years away from now but you will need to start rehearsing your signature each day, now!
Ultimately, please note that "nations are locations". Don't let "locations or people in locations" put a cap on your dreams or your evolution. Don't rate your success by the norms in your location. Let your hallmark be world standard.
In this regard, steemit helps matters alot.
My Steemit Advice To Her:
Steemit success for you is very attainable.
You have chosen to establish "your own definition of success". According to you; you see success as an incessant incentive to evolve in your substance and gosh, that is just awesome.
At this point in your steemit journey thus, YOU should become or re-become your primary audience. Climb the ladder first!
As is already the case, you are allowed to try new things by means of steemit because i tell you, there is still so-so-so much that you can learn about yourself and you do love learning.
Hahaha sweetheart in your case, you see "black and white"; i see HD.
So, at this point (on steemit), let go! Be kid; be curious; attempt out-of-the-boxness, relegate reservations. You can even afford to be stunt(y). You can do so with your steemit posts; your very next post; each "every next post".
See your next steemit post also as medium to expand in your "learning" and be your own audience. Try the many other outlets steem offers e.g steepshot, dlive etc.
Use this period to play. Try electronics; try teaching; try!
Anytime, you decide to use your steemit post to air out your pain, do it like "@teardrops" style; don't just "write"; evolve and attain a new step on your ladder each time. Your first fulfillment for these types of posts, should come from the fact that you were able to define your deeps thoughts and was successful in airing them out in writing.
Then, read your posts after your tear moments and be made to marvel by them. Draw new-found smiles from them and new-found strength; then move ahead.
Do some more playful imagination with your steemit posts e.g using your minds eye, write a post where you tried to create the motherboard of a PC out of gold IC(s) and the eventual PC, when it went live, starting popping out gold bar whenever you pressed "ENTER".
Air "your youth" in your steemit posts.
You like travels; travel to Mars in your posts; review people's travels using your steemits posts and become lil miss Guilliver without leave your chair.
Shine! Then, as you start to draw in engagement to your post however sparingly, tend to them, with the sole aim of "further growth".
Right now, it is still very much time for you, to find your own person, evolve it, grow, then others will come around.
So, do "finding yourself" with each post, on and on and on, till you start to establish a "groove" (cruise-mode; glide-mode), to where "creating posts" becomes fun-easy.
Overtime, your definition will get clearer.
Overtime, you will attain a more deeply-rooted definition, to where "your every line (words)" oozes @sissyjill. e.g even if you say, "Jacuzzi is the new bathtub"; it would have a twist that oozes YOU.
Then you will start to really out-stand and draw people in because people can now see you in the midst of many. Then as more and more steemians flock in towards your frequency; look to lovingly impart.
In general, (life or on steemit), see nations as locations; "so expand your horizon fully". If you are in Cebu, Philippines, take on the world instead.
"The world" is on steemit!
With your stories, you can only be extraordinary but you need to use these stories right and you can use steemit as media to accomplish this.
Make steemit your "school of life". Learn "virtues" on the go.
Now as you play yourself out; the "steemit community of reputable great minds" as mirrors, not only will you evolve, you will either refine and deeply-root your existing vision; wake up a forgotten vision or find a new one that appeals to your inclination.
You will evolve in your very substance. You will become a hand-some. You will begin to be able to produce baritone: real womanhood. Powerful! Fly! Fire! Lit!
If after everything, you eventually find out that you are un-shakingly passionate about "electronics" and that is where your groove is, start to evolve your "electronics" and the possibilities it brings into span-lessness and gradually create an indispensable movement using your steemit posts and steemit as your sandbox or LAB room.
"Electronics Engineering" is still a rare niche on steemit, so take that niche at its helm and add your charm to it.
Write your assignments here on steemit. Prepare for exams here on steemit. Read your textbooks and come pour them out on steemit, off-hand. You will need to be consistent to create a movement but you will be consistent once you are starting to post these posts, for your own evolution and you are in the groove.
Create a tag around it and maintain this tag consistently for a period. Then, create a discord server and an eventual community and begin to take charge of it.
Stir others into doing the same, by virtue of the true charm that you now constitute. Have them join the community and create valuable content under the same niche. Instill in them the culture of getting into a groove too. Then, combine the power of the community's groove, into creating a company. Give your company name. Become CEO.
Forget about impossibilities. Possibilities are now all the more possibler with steem is gradually creating a space to help matters in this regard.
I will pause here on your case. Draw this in. Keep it timeless. Let's go.
About your sister, only Jehovah can heal us in that regard. Your Boy Terry
2. @julietisrael
I will pick the very elements of her constituent and cook her some timeless heartfelt advice as someone who truly loves her.
Basically, i will celebrate her, highlight her own strengths and i will sift even "weaknesses" to find strength therein. Together, we will celebrate and empower her today. She will become our celebrity and we her fans. @surpassinggoogle
@julietisrael: She spoke to me on the spot. She answered 5 of my questions below:
1. My name is Juliet Israel, a writer, singer, and a smile addict. Lol, I've always wanted to be a speaker. I've always loved to be known and respected for being a renowned speaker. Before I joined Steemit, my dream was to read, write and become better at writing. But since joining Steemit, so many things have changed. I would like to be a force to reckon with. I'll like to have a standing ovation whenever my name is mentioned. I'll like my words to speak volumes, impact lives and bring forth testimonies.
I don't like that I procrastinate a lot. It affects my productivity and a whole lot of things.
My voice is unique. When I talk or sing, people want to listen because it captivates. What people don't know about me is that I'm scared, scared of so many things, scared of falling in love, scared of what the future holds, scared I may not have sufficient funds to help my family when need arises.
2. I write most about anything; From personal development to relationship advice and even erotically fantasies.
3. I found Steemit or Steemit found me when I wrote a piece for a friend sometime in January this year. He said "Wow, you write so well. How about getting paid for doing what you already know how to do" and he told me about Steemit and that was how I joined.
Steemit has actually become my bus-stop because I enjoy the fact that it rewards me for being creative, for sharing my ideas to the world.
4. If there's one person that stays right on here and as long as that person stays, I'll stay, it'll be @surpassinggoogle. If he decides to leave today, then I'll also be quitting Steemit.
5. I'll write deeply about life. About how life seems so unfair; about how you had to struggle for almost everything; about how it affects one's view/perspective towards life and about how one can survive in this life.
My Life Advice To Her:
In "donkey-life", one thing that can obliviously get so pummeled is self-belief, self-worth, dignity. It takes sheer "too-lazy-too-quitness", prayers and "positively stubborn-genes", to escape half-humanism. @surpassinggoogle
Please apply the above words! Keep on lit regardless. If you don't have Versace yet, wear Terry and keep on "lit" still. You will have a Rolls Royce in the end; remember me. Stay modest. Stay YOU.
Alot of what you need has to do with "life knowledge" and i tell you, this is still very rare knowledge because a very special kind of depth is needed to process this type of knowledge.
All your answers are in the Bible to, but to grasp these answers (we can't all fully); is to meditate on examples in "lives" of Bible characters and this also requires depth.
You have many unanswered questions and many of your solutions lie in the answers to those questions but the answers are pretty scarce even though it lays very much all around you because, i tell you "the answers you seek are more find-able in the hands of illiterates like me or illiterates like a few other illiterates aound the world. What i means is; the answers to your type of questions are not in "books"; not in outer-space INTEL but in very down-to-earth INTEL.
Sometimes though, it isn't too of pertinence to find all the answers.
Depending on the make-up of the person, some questions are better left unanswered.
Your dream is so so so attainable. You already have a path and your definition is carving out and it is a powerful one. To touch the world positively & move it, is indeed a feat.
Thus, to make your path all the more effective, you will need to grow into a very solid woman; one with some baritone. This takes time and lots of stories. You will need to divert life's hardships and pummel them into testimonial stories.
You may need to put your finger in the fire.
No worries, you will still catwalk across that room like you love to but it will have to be "with presence"; thus, you will need to evolve your very substance.
Eve ate of that fruit; you however, will have to relegate impulses and take-chargingly say "NO". All this takes time, so i won't say much now but over time i will. What i will leave you with now is:
Amass those questions and even when you can't find answers, keep these questions alive and over time "answers" will play itselves out; but for you to establish them as answers, you will have had to have kept the questions amassing and alive, non-stoply.
My Steemit Advice To Her:
Use steemit to re-establish your self-worth into "your-core-solid".
You are a lot of beautiful things but this should never-endingly and unshakenly be known to you, by YOU.
You appear pretty-defined but most of it came later, upon your finding steemit. Your earlier definition shook just a bit, upon your finding steemit but it a very good way, in that, it evolved and attain new heights.
So i would say give it more time, inorder to take that dream into limitlessness and your definition into spanlessness and alot of that will have to do with you using steemit also as a media, to evolve in your very substance.
Your core must grow tight
Life is indeed hard but i tell you, it so much better now. Apart from steem, decentralization etc for the first time in forever, we now have many people fighting for us; fighting our fights so that we no longer have to fight too much; me being one. Keep that ingrained in your head even illusionarily and erupt those smiles that you are addicted to, but may these new resulting smiles be "new-breed"; felt from with your cores.
Then the next time, you catwalk that walk, let the room halt, because you walked in and your very presence filled it.
Alot of your power lies there.
To move the room with your speech, you will need more than beautiful hips. You will need to sway the occasion by virtue of your deep, inner-felt beauty. You will need to really rock that Versace and not let that Versace rock you. @surpassinggoogle
So as life is so much better now, let's use that to the full. Stay patient; hang in there. There is light in the tunnel. @surpassinggoogle
Note: is creating something to enhance our evolution. We will all become SteemGiggers (Dream-builders) eventually. Together, we will surpassGoogle.
3. @geeyang15
I will pick the very elements of her constituent and cook her some timeless heartfelt advice as someone who truly loves her.
Basically, i will celebrate her, highlight her own strengths and i will sift even "weaknesses" to find strength therein. Together, we will celebrate and empower her today. She will become our celebrity and we her fans. @surpassinggoogle
@geeyang15: She spoke to me on the spot. She answered 5 of my questions below:
Who are you? First of all, My real name is Ghea D. Buenconsejo.. I have my main account which is named after my real name. And we are also friends on that account. This is just my 2nd account which i made few years ago for some private reasons.. Anyways, who am i? Well, I am just an ordinary Filipina from Cebu.. i came from a NOT SO BROKEN family.. why i called it like that? Coz my parents are always fighting and i've witnessed plenty of quarrels between them yet they're still together.. Growing like this is never easy.. Both of them are always too busy for us. i only have 1 sibling.. an older sister.. Since we were little they have always been like that.. They didn't even attended PTA meetings or Recognition ceremony at our school.. Even if i got high grades it won't move them to come and get my report card.. I even get jealous seeing my classmates together with their parents during activities at school. Their parents are always there to support them.. Me? I just enjoy watching them, wondering how it feels... Sometimes i just cry at night, i cry silently, so no one could hear, my pillows are my tear-keeper.. haha, sometimes i ask "What have i done wrong?" " Why are these things happening to me?" "why me?" "What's the Purpose of my existence?" etc. .
All these years, I am trying my best to understand my parents.. I just put into mind that everything they do is for my own sake.. and they are working hard to give me a better future..
When i entered college, i didn't have an exact path.. The course i chose is not my choice, it my mother's choice.. Perhaps, i agreed to her decision. Though i know it wasn't easy at all, but i want to prove to them that i can,..
There are so many times i wanted to give up, so many times i have gone through difficulties, many times i was discouraged, but i never showed it to them. i chose to keep it to myself. I'm someone who never shows my weakness to anyone because i have learned so much from my past, I was broken and slowly putting the broken pieces back, but i know it will never come back to the way it was then. But i know i have grown strong...
When i love, I love hard, I love deeply and genuinely, I always care too much to anyone close to my heart.. that's why some people say i easily get hurt because i care too much.. But what can i do? Its me. It's just me. And I don't want to change it to become someone i'm not.
When i am with my friends, I feel comfortable, they always see me smiling, like nothing goes wrong with my life, they see me as cheerful and lively person, but they don't know everything about me and what i've been through coz i don't show it to them.
I'm not the kind of person that shares my personal life and family matters with my friends, and i don't even want to share personal problems, not because i don't want them to know but because i want to be happy. just being happy atleast before i go home. i don't want to bother thinking all of my problems every time coz i might go crazy hahaha. But seriously i don't want to think about it that much. I just make fun, my friends consider me as a joker in the group coz i make them laugh, they say i got the sense of humor. Maybe i should agree with the saying "Sometimes, the funniest person are the loneliest"..
There are times when i feel pressured, because, i am the only one my parents depends on. I am the first graduate of the family. my sister didn't make it through. When she was in college, she was like a rebel back then, because she was so affected with the situation of our parents always fighting. She has witnessed quarrels and seen our father gone through different vices. It has affected her so much that she left our home and went to her peers and she dropped her subjects. That's why my mother cried hard and got very angry at my sister. She stopped supporting my sister and my sister decided to stop schooling, she work as a call center agent, and years later, she has her own family and give birth to her child last year.. That's when our family got back together, we are living in one house together with her family, but sometimes they fight, my mother, father and sister, sometimes i can't concentrate on my studies when i am at home.
The thing i write about the most on steemit is about motivational writings.. On my blog i share my motivational perception. I want to motivate and inspire people who thinks they can't do any better, I want to show them that everyday is a chance to make themselves better than yesterday, that no matter what it takes, no matter how hard the situation could be, they can do all things with faith and if they believe in themselves.
I also share my personal experiences on steemit when i find it helpful to others, they might get valuable lesson through my experience.. As for me, I usually learn so much from other people's experiences, I tend to reflect on their situations and try to look up on their perspectives and life decisions. I don't merely look up on "the results", I look up as much as "the process leading up to the results".. not like other people who just see the final product and judge without knowing the process. Because i also experienced, being judged, many times, well, everyone else does, and i don't mind so much about what other people say.
Also, I post more of my artworks, you know, art is just a hobby for me since then, and ever since i joined steemit, on here i find my passion for arts. I spotted the difference between a hobby and a passion, where hobby is just like something you do regularly, passion is something you can't resist doing, that no matter how you avoid doing it, you still end up doing it.. hhahaha..
The first time i knew steemit is from my friend.. He introduced me to steemit. . At first i was intrigued when he started talking about it, he always shares his experience.. SO i decided to join the platform..
Bus-stop? You mean a past-time? hmm.. for me its not a past-time, but its my part-time.. hahah. Seriously, i take time just to read some post on steemit, when i get home from, before going to sleep, i drop by on steemit even without posting, because of tiring school work, i don't have energy to post something new, i just read some posts from steemians. How i wish i could be just a full time blogger and can post regularly like other steemians do, but in my case, i can't, i have also different things to do, and must-do(s), so i'm trying to balance my time management..
As for me, i don't want to depend on other person when it come to decision-making.. When i decide to join this platform, i decided to do so because i wanted to, not because of any person who's on steemit. i wanted to start my own journey not because someone else does it, but because i that's what my mind says. As long as steemit exists, i want to remain active as possible. This community have grown so much and there a lot of people that we can look up to.
For me, I will write about something that could make sense to anyone in or outside steemit community.. I will write something about anything that matters; something i find that could change the World for the better.. something that could open everybody's eyes and understand the underlying. I always look towards writing such kind of post, and make a portrait about it. You'll see! I will make a portrait for my entry on steemsummit. It is something that will help you relate to what i am talking about. i'm still working on it..
My Life Advice To Her:
You special. You have a lot of things about you that you still don't know. You have loads of stories too and you have really done well in diverting these stories aright. To take this to new levels however, you will need to remember this: "nations are location".
When it comes to establishing your true worth, the expanse of your definition, go "world standard" or just perhaps, "go out of this world".
This post is easily growing into more than a steemit block-size and may not publish successfully, so i will have to keep this short and continue your curriculum in chats.
Please read my advice to @sissyjill above. It very much applies in your case. Just grasp the underlying.
You can fly. I believe.
You can adjust your household; "i believe". Don't quit on them. When they err, forgive them a hundred times, for it is worthwhile. Breakthrough, even for your family to become the family you desire, is at hand. You have a role to play in that. Not the entire role but a role because you are the strong one.
I will see your portrait whenever it is ready. In the meantime, thank you alot for this portrait:
One more thing, you are not an ordinary Filipina. No human is ordinary!
My Steemit Advice To Her:
This one is easy. Look to keep "learning" like you already do; yes read as many steemit posts, in a bid to up learning, for learning is the ultimate earning.
Air your pain using your steemit posts but mostly in a bid to motivate, impart, fix and educate. Create testimonial use for those hard times, in the lives of others both on steemit and outside like you already do.
You can try out this tool on to do so. It is not perfect yet but it will be really soon. In case it doesn't open, clear browser cache.
Where you can't share your tough times, with your immediate friends because of "location factor", share it with certain people in the world out there and "the world" exists on steemit, so expand your horizon beyond borders; "cross the seas".
You do electronics engineering just like @sissyjill and i tell you, posting doesn't have to be a hassle. Please join her, by first reading my steemit advice to her just above and you two, build a community here on steemit, related to electronics etc gradually and eventually "a company". I want to see you two, CEO(s).
Note: the steem blockchain is not only for bloggers. So it may not always be about "full-time" blogging on steemit.
Let your family adjust, upon seeing "the shine" that are beginning to exude. Go on to bigger things now. When things around your household appear not-so-good; "you", keep on so-so-so good. You can, for in your on-the-spot elements, i spotted these amazing things about you. I tell you; you can fly; wings or no wings.
Stay awesome, your boy Terry
4. @mrposyble
I will pick the very elements of his constituent and cook him some timeless heartfelt advice as someone who truly loves him.
Basically, i will celebrate him, highlight his own strengths and i will sift even "weaknesses" to find strength therein. Together, we will celebrate and empower him today. He will become our celebrity and we his fans. @surpassinggoogle
@mrposyble: He spoke to me on the spot. He answered 5 of my questions below:
Who are you? My name is Ukejeh Aloysius Ejike. I am 27 years old. I am a Nigerian. Precisely, I am from the eastern part of Nigeria. My dreams; Since my early childhood days, I have always wanted to be a roman catholic priest. This my dream is what led me to here in the Philippines because over there in Nigeria, becoming a priest seems very difficult (unless you are connected).
In October 2016, A friend of mine who I have known for ages approached me and told me that since I want to be a roman catholic priest that he can help me to (migrate) to the Philippines, where I can study under scholarship in a missionary school. I accepted without any iota of doubt that what he told me was the truth. I gave the necessary documents he requested from me to process the admission and the money involved. When I arrived here in the Philippines, I find out that all he told me was a lie. The school he told me that gives scholarship, does not even accept foreigners and secondly, their tuition fees was super-expensive. When I tried contacting, him he told me that he is no longer in Nigeria, that I should do what others are doing to survive. And when I inquired on what he meant by “what others are doing to survive”, he told me Yahoo Yahoo (scam). Well, I couldn’t believe my ears. I then realized that I have been duped and fooled. I was stranded. I was frustrated. I was homeless, I was in hunger. The dreams I left Nigeria with, became a mirage. Life happened!
As all this is happening, I got the news that I lost my sister. Yes, that is life. I still have the dream of becoming a roman catholic priest but with my current situation and condition here, now in the Philippines (I cant even feed trice a day, let alone go to a missionary school), the dream seems unachievable and dead! I lost the faith to carry on with my dreams.
Life here has become so cruel, but, giving up and doing illegal stuffs in order to survive, NEVER WILL I DO SO! I have resolved that no matter how life becomes so hard for me, I WILL NEVER DO ANY ILLEGAL STUFFS TO SURVIVE.
Life before steemit? There has been life before steemit. Yes. But did I tell you that it was a life of struggles? Even with advent of steemit, life has been with even more struggling. I started steemit officially in January 9th (that was my first post). Honestly, I joined steemit because of the hype from people. But with time and after many talks with you, I realized that steemit is beyond just upvotes and SBD.
Did I tell you that I wanted to do steemit full-time and even invest in it?, Yes I wanted to but, it seems I couldn’t because of the finances involved. Well, currently, my next plan is to start investing any penny I make on steemit to POWER UP!.
Life on steemit has been awesome. Steemit has taught me big lessons about life which, i may not have learned without coming across steemit. On steemit, I learnt to believe in whatever you are doing even when it not paying off. Keep doing what you believe in, one day, it will pay off and you will be amazed.
What I would like to accomplish on a limitless scale? Everybody wants to be successful. Everybody wants to be financially stable, these things are generic. In my case, I want to be a successful website designer and programmer. I am already learning HTML Codes and CSS. About my odds? I am an introvert. I rarely socialize and for me, I don’t like it.
What I write about on steemit? I write often about having hope and trusting in God in whatever situation one finds his or herself. For me to survive up till now, means that it's Jehovah’s doing. So I write to give little hope to anyone who comes across my blogpost.
I came to know steemit through a friend of mine. He told me about steemit and directed me to contact @southparkqueen. When I contacted her, she gave me instructions on how to sign up and do my first post. And since then, it has been awesome!
I have seen the potentialities of steemit and I really want to key in to it. Steemit is a whole lot of opportunities. I hope and believe it will be my financial bus-stop.
Anyone who motivates me to stay on steemit? I am saying this without prejudice. After my first post, I wrote back to @southparkqueen and told her that I am quitting steemit. She asked me why and I told her because I have not earned anything. She promised me that she would talk to Terry about it. The next day, I logged in and boooom, my two posts has gotten $10 each. Hehe I was really overwhelmed and so happy. It may interest you to know that my first cash out was used to pay for my house rent. Yes, steemit came at the point when life was so hard on me. In fact, I realized that my acquaintance with you TERRY is predestined by God. Even outside steemit stuff, your advice and “FATHERLY” care to me and to all, is so much. Do you know that any time I speak with you, that I feel like I am talking to my father? Honestly, outside steemit and on steemit, you are a blessing to me in particular. I am saying this without exaggeration.
And how do I appreciate you? I have no high steem power to upvote your posts; I have no money to give and what do I have? PRAYER! I will keep praying for you and your family sir.
If i had just a shot at breakthrough and it was my very next steemit post? I would write about life, its challenges; about being strong and believing in what you are doing and above all, trusting in the omnipotent power of Jehovah.
My Life Advice To Him:
We have had several talks, so i will keep it short here. Also because this post is suddenly growing bigger than the allowed-post-size and may not published.
For one, remember this: "you are a man". Also, "you were made in Jehovah's image" is a weighty timeless sentence and so applies in your case.
I have done Philippines without homes; without nothing, so here: "life in where we are from is so so so hard but many of those things e.g no food can become simple fun-challenges because we have got to make them so". Look these things in the eyes and can't see them and they will scram.
I rarely eat. I try starvation instead. Now, not that this is not hard but it is nothing. We have got to turn it so and focusly deal with the nitty-gritty: "real suffering at its core" and i tell you most of where "real suffering" truly lies is in our case, is in "lost dignity".
Hence, all we need in your case is a drawing board and the right kind of of round table and we are on that path. Before that though, you will have to be able to afford "that some time flies", to evolve in yours substance. Let's patiently take that testimonial route and reduce suffering not only in our case but in the case also of generations who are yet here.
It is getting so so so better than use to be the case, especially now with the existence of steemit and its community etc
Afford some fears but let those fears move you instead out of that one-time meal and back to the drawing board. Use the round table for more things than daily bread.
Jesus' fasted for forty days and forty nights and on the 41st day, he still didn't go for daily bread.
While Eve fell for that fruit, the serpent knew that Adam, the man, may not have fallen.
While Eve would experience labor pains, man was to till the soil: "grinding; @teardrops and sweat". Dirt is good.
Let me pause!
My Steemit Advice To Him:
We have discussed the path. Let valuable time pass. Pacing is key.
Be able to afford that time flies but make sure any flown time is valuable.
As we have spoken of other facets of the steem blockchain and you like coding, go that route. Learn it and discuss what you have learned on steemit using your steemit posts.
@macrohard will be ready soon, here in the Philippines, a hangout to code with more swag etc.
You also need very much to establish an identity and may this identity grow into unshakenness. Not that your circumstance shouldn't define you. May your genes stay stubborn towards attaining awesomeness.
This way you will draw in opportunities but more importantly you will easily spot opportunities when they lurk around because you have an unshaken identity.
Don't jump queues. Evolve in your substance and the queue itself will pave way heartily for your coming.
This is not parable. This is real. I don't know where the Intel is coming from but "no books" involved and i tell you; this is real.
If you want to talk about life on steemit, look to use this portion of It is not all perfect yet but it will soon be! Incase, it doesn't open up, clear browser cache.
Your Boy Terry
5. @joeysison
I will pick the very elements of his constituent and cook him some timeless heartfelt advice as someone who truly loves him.
Basically, i will celebrate him, highlight his own strengths and i will sift even "weaknesses" to find strength therein. Together, we will celebrate and empower him today. He will become our celebrity and we his fans. @surpassinggoogle
@joeysison: He spoke to me on the spot. He answered 5 of my questions below:
I am Joey Sison, 28 years old, 3rd to 6 siblings. Married to lalasison for 5 years. Before I dream to be a scientist because since elementary I loved mixing elements with some sort of smoke in the cylinder glass. But now my dream is to become an inspirational speaker, a motivational speaker. Every time I speak in front of many people and see them inspired I feel satisfied. My life before steemit is just a routinary thing, will go to work, do some analytics stuff then go home then work again, again and again.
But my life since steemit; after doing my work I search for new thing to post in steemit. I tried to learn and explore new things. I am enjoying it!
Things that I like to accomplish are, I want to be promoted as Project Manager in our company, I want to have baby this year, I want to put up my water station this year. I want to complete my 12 leaders in church.
Things that I don’t like about myself is sometimes, I am very impatient, specially to my wife (my bad), I get frustrated if there is no one who could help me in doing something new.
Things that unique to me is, as far as my personal life is concern, I can dance, I can paint, I can easily do new things. Things that people don’t know about me is, I experienced 3 times near death experiences. People are surprised that I can play guitar, and a little bit of piano. I don’t usually do this that’s why they don’t know that I can do those.
I write about poem because it is easy to create poem than searching for some articles. I also write post about cryptocurrency because I am trading some coins. Bible verses, because every day I have my daily bible reading and I want to share the inspiration I get to other people.
I find steemit through my wife, she introduce it to me and the one that introduce to my wife is @ankarlie and @maverickinvictus. Yep, It became my bus-stop because it became my digital teacher in doing something new.
Yes, as long as @ankarlie @maverickinvictus @jon24jon24 @lalasison I will still do steemit. Because every time I have my concern or question in steemit they are the available and willing person to teach me. I consider them as my mentor.
The post would be about my baby. I am dreaming to have baby, and when we have baby already I will tell the world about the goodness of God to this gift. That is my very very very waited post.
My Life Advice To Him:
We have had valuable chats already and because this post is growing to long, i will keep this short. Please read my advice to @mrposyble and @julietisrael above and if you can afford to dig a bit more, please read the entire post but more than the skin of the words, seek out the underlying message, context and undertone. Again, this needs "digging".
I keep say the word "digging" to you for many reasons. In some worlds, it is not a norm to dig but in the real world that we are in, "digging" is essential. Other reasons why i say so, is "we are men", plus, you appear to have some high aspirations and you speak of the bible etc. Also, one thing you would like to do, "is teach life, motivate and inspire" and to successfully accomplish these things, you will need alot of digging: self-sacrifice, selflessness etc
Bro, as brother to you, i tell you, you will need to dig.
I will add you to my prayers. I strongly believe that you will have that testimonial post written about your baby but especially then too, you will have to dig.
Your dreams are so so so accomplishable but in your case, a lot of it will have to do with the word "digging". To find fine stone, you may need to break ground but note that, breaking ground in the era we are in, is so so so much easier now. Our fathers dug in much tougher era, so why shouldn't we dig, even if for them, to give them smiles.
They won't ask for a tour around Paris but i tell you, if we gave it to them, they will pray us a very special prayer.
Even within your very self, you will need to dig. Sometimes, it is not all about trying new things, it may be more about digging up the old things more.
In my message here, look for my undertone because it contains all love.
My Steemit Advice To Him:
You can wake up your old love for science using your steemit posts. Though it is hard, rub your "love for science" in and make the once-hard, fun.
Keep on trying new things too. Keep on evolving in your substance by means of steemit as well. Explore other facets of steem beyond the blogging.
To impart, you will need to learn and if you want to go "no books" in your inspirational talks; you will need to have truly done "school of life". There is "school lof life" right here on steemit but in the underlying. You will need to dig these stuff out. Continue to inspire and motivate even here on the steemit, through the power of the words in your steemit posts. You can also take your pre-written steemits posts into real world to keep on inspiring people on there.
Invite people to steemit and empower them by this means too. Then form a solid group of yours here and while you await a time to be project manager in the real world, you can have rehearsed it here on steemit by leading or managing your steemit group.
Again, "school of life" is right here on steemit.
There is segment for motivation and inspiration on
Your boy Terry
Note: The overall message and knowledge in this post can apply to everyone in relation to success "on steemit" and "in life", so please share it as far-reachingly as possible.
Please follow all the celebrated steemians and visit their 5 posts as enlisted at top of this post, to read and curate. Also be kind as to leave us all an empower comment underneath this post.
Your Boy Terry
We are seeking coders/developers to help, by means of utopian or direct contributions. I would like to invite all coders/developers, to show up on our SteemGigs development channel.
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I do need strength
Dedicating My Entire Steem/Steemit Journey To My Mum
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@surpassinggoogle, @sissyjill, @julietisrael, @geeyang15, @mrposyble & @joeysison, please accept the heaps of loveeeee that I am sending to each of you...
@surpassinggoogle the ability you have to carry the weight of the world while also looking into the hearts of each Steemian and unwaveringly nourishing the inherent God given beauty & awesomeness of each Soul never ceases to inspire & amaze me. Where most others would simply break under so much pressure (myself included) you always are able to adapt, rise, overcome, embody, and show the way for all of us. I hope and trust you can feel my sincerity when I say thank you for being a true Role Model for us all and 'giving us permission' to accept, embrace & celebrate the very essence of our Being. Thank you for your patience, compassion the magical way you lovingly draw out into the light our strengths that may still be hidden inside what we are perceiving as a weakness or limitation. <333
@sissyjill ~ I am sending the biggest warmest hug filled with love and strength your way. As I was reading your answers to the 5 questions asked of you by our boy Terry, tears began to well up in my heart and in my eyes. Although we are so very different, we have similar experiences in our journey and I cannot help but feel your heart very closely. I was 10 years old when one of my eldest sisters was called home to God. She was barely over eighteen and left behind her with us the gift of her then 1yr old son, my first nephew. i just want you to know that you are not alone, and that if you would ever like to chat, please don't hesitate to reach out to me. I know how hard it can be to not only birth the dream of another, but also in doing all we can to help ease the wound, and unfillable hole, in our parents lives. I pray for innerpeace & healing for your entire family. Thank you for not letting anything hold you back -- and for being so brave to fulfill your purpose in this life and helping us all get more comfortable in our own journeys by way of sharing yours with us. You are absoulutely amazing and I am honored to be a Human Steemian alongside you.
@julietisrael ~ you are radiant, beautyfull SiStar. I am excited that life brought you to Steemit and I am interested to share in your journey and cheer you on as you step into the full power of the force to be reckoned with that you already are. I love, love, love that you are keeping the door open to sharing a deeply about life and the ups & downs that come with it; having a wide variety of topics in your blog is a great way to explore, grow & injoy the adventures along the way. There is much we can all learn from each other for sure. I trust that as you continue building your momentum your focus will become so unshakeable that no distraction or procrastination will be able to slow you down. Energy is contagious and I am very happy that you kindly share yours with our community.
@geeyang15 ~ BeautyFull! your eyes shine like the stars in the middle of the night with a perfectly clear sky to compliment them. Your compassion and inviting nature is very palpable through your words and your photo. It is so true what they say about each of us is going through something, and that we shouldn't judge a book by its cover. You carry yourself extremely well and in my humble opinion the challenges around you are nothing compared to the strength and wisdom within you. I agree with @surpassinggoogle that you have the power to make a big difference and adjust things in your household. While it is not an easy task, it is very much doable. Simply by being You, you are already doing this, day in & day out. I am sending big hugs and hi-fives your way. I also want you to know that you have awesome talent. I absoulutely love your drawing of Terry. I am curious to know if you have already, or would consdier in the future, offering your art as part of #steemgigs @steemgigs? I am now following your blog and look forward to sharing the adventure with you my new friend.
@mrposyble ~ from one introvert to another... I feeeeeeeeel you, BroStar, and I am learning much from you already, even just from this one post. To have such faith, and courage, to make a big leap like that reaching for your dreams makes my heart race faster just thinking about it. To know of your struggle, and loss, I wish so much that i could make your journey on this path even just a little bit easier in some way. I pray for the swift arrival of Blessings that are I have no doubt are already on their way to you. I send you many, many warm hugs filled with love and with every bit of my heart I mean it when I say Thank you for Being You ~ our shared world is better, and more loving, because YOU are IN IT. Thank you also for not giving up and for holding true to your integrity even during the struggle. In doing so, you are inspiring me and so many others to keep going and keep it real. Much respect, always <333
@joeysison ~ we are so lucky to have Steemit as part of the school of life curriculum these days. It is amazing to think of just how much is really at our fingertips in each moment. Steemit has also in many ways helped me to break out of routines, learn new things and reach for greater awesomeness within me. As an introvert, speaking in front of crowds (and even just thinking about it) can be overwhelming for me, but this is something I am working on overcoming, and also something I admire about you. I appreciate your passion to motivate & inspire others and i thank you for sharing that energy around. I hope it will be soon that you & your wife will be blessed to have a baby and are able to share the announcement post with us :) Bright Blessings and Much love BroStar!
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I am one of your girls since the first one, ¿who am I?
since then I'm stuck here trying every time to defoliate and defoliate
until i find and take advantage of the germ of each message of yours.
and I say, what would Steemit be without the seed @surpassinggoogle?
It would be a harvest without substance, without nutrient.
You are doing a great mission here.
Life has its complexities, we all experience them here.
But i stay awake, defoliating and digging, disorganizing and organizing myself to find myself every time i get lost, then i meet again, nothing is flat, the road has highs, lows and stones, so we must learn to walk it. We never finish learning, life is a constant learning, so, let's continue digging ...
I have certainly checked it.
I invite everyone to take a second of their time, go to
and verify that your witness vote for steemgigs this fact. Do not take anything for granted. It may not be there!
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Thanks @surpassinggoogle for this inspirational post. I had to go through all their posts from the links you gave and I must confess, I loved them all and I'm inspired to stay on on steemit. I had thrown in the towel but this is a turning point. To this I say thanks once again.
One of the links didn't exist though; @geeyang15 doesn't have that post on her blog as well. Please can you rectify this because I really want to read hers too.
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hello @prinzo .. it's on my blog @prinzo.. :) here's the link..
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OK @geeyang15 I'll check it out.
@morbyjohn they really are sincere and inspirational. I'll do a post of same nature soon... I'm really impressed
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very interesting @prinzo. It was a big delectation for us knowing everything about these 5 steemhumans that were chosen by @surpassinggoogle. They are really sincere as they answer those questions and share everything about their life. It seems to be good to hear thise words from them
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@surpassinggoogle just for you guyz. I'm not his follower not his fan😞
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Well, everyone has got a choice to make in many, if not all, scenarios in life but I bet you @angelina66 having @surpassinggoogle on steemit is one huge reason minnows can survive here and would want to stay here forever.
If all big guns were like him then the steemit platform would have surpassed google by now... Lol, it may sound as an exaggeration though but @surpassinggoogle is an angel on steemit. Give him your support to keep other minnows alive as well as the steemit dream and I bet you won't regret it.
Vote @steemgigs and @surpassinggoogle as your witnesses that's all you need do. Thanks!
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I already vote him but he don't care to me😰
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Well, with so much comments to read, posts to read and attend to and other site development engagements you'd understand his busy schedule. Please bear with him and keep commenting and @surpassinggoogle would do his bit at the right time. I once felt the way you feel but trust me it's worth keeping the faith.
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I care but i want to know you are real. That you are angelina
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WOW! I almost cried. Sir @surpassinggoogle your life advices and steemit advices are so awesome! I found some of them relating to me to. My favorite is that part when you said, "we need to dig to find fine stones" Indeed, it is true. I can also relate to them because, for me, too, when I started to be here in steemit, I also realized that this is not just something about earning money and making blog posts. Because there is something beyond that. Thank you so much sir for being an inspiration. I will also be including you in my prayers. Keep the fire burning!!! :)
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definitely @creyesxtsa94. The way he does his advices to those humans are very sincere and inspiring. I like to read those advices coming from him. Well, thank you sir, I know its not just for them but these are all for us who wants to become successful not just outside this community but also here in steemit community.
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Yes, indeed. They're just so sincere and his words will really strike you straight to the bottom of your heart. :)
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My amen is on default. You are awesome. If dem tears fall, no worries, they now have value. Well, they always have had
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You are a really good whale sir @surpassinggoogle , you really deserve much prayer.
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Very well said, such a quality message..:)
VEry right and I have to apply it on steeming..
Thank you so much @surpassinggoogle.
Sorry for late reply and not being online on Steemit for few days, I'm just trying to look for more part-time jobs..
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Wonderful series you are about to start sir Terry
I have seen so many people has really taken steemit as a bus stop
This post is full of motivation from different stories
I wish I could be able to answer this question too...
I am martins, love to read alot and that is what caught my attention on steemit... Like I found a post on Facebook and decided to read and them I was told to register and be rewarded... So I found myself on steemit
I am a fresh graduate from the federal. University oye ekiti in Nigeria... I play drumz I love life..... I don't like talking about money and but I love it including cryptocurrency lemme stop be a use I can keep writing and not stop
I write Poetry mostly and majorly science and technology... Poetry because I can put my feelings in writing easily than speaking out and science because it's my passion...... Science fiction tho
I have said how I found steemit in number one....
So long I have @soorefunmi on steemit @papa-pepper, @samminator, @mobbs, @surpassinggoogle, @Pearlumie ,@genesisproject family entire..... I will not stop steeming
science fiction..... Artificial intelligence, neural networks and machine learning
Feels good doing this... Thanks to @surpassinggoogle
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Those questions are meant for us to dig deeper to ourselves, look within the depths of our inner self, and learn our very definition. It will feel better when you discover your very existence. You'll be amazed for sure for I also believe that you are an amazing person.
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Thank you very much
I am an amazing person I believe so
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I believe so too
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Thank you very much sir
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@surpassinggogle, you always inspire. I really felt touched by the loss of the first person @sissyjill.
It is always very hard to more on from the loss of a loved one, especially when the person is dear to your heart.
God knows that we need not be ashamed of our tears, they are the water that grows the seed of our happiness on earth making us even human.
These are all interesting personalities and stories. Thanks for telling them Terry.
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I am glad that I have touched your heart through @surpassinggoogle. I've been searching for some reasons to lift me up for my loss but I realized it is me who is refraining myself to be happy and my sister will never want me to be as sad as I am right now. As sir Terry told me,
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My most loved is that part when you stated, we have to burrow to discover fine stones Indeed, it is valid. I can likewise identify with them on the grounds that, for me when I began to be here in steemit, I additionally understood this isn't only something about gaining cash and making blog entries. Since there is something past that. Much obliged to you such a great amount of sir for being a motivation. I will likewise be incorporating you in my petitions. Keep the fire consuming.Amazing! I nearly cried. Sir @surpassinggoogle your life advices and steemit advices are so great! I discovered some of them identifying with me to
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Struggles are for real but it make us stronger. Five people with different stories, these are very encouraging experiences teaching us not to surrender in life.
Big thumbs up to you guys, and of course
to the one and only @surpassinggoogle
Thank you for all the tips and advices.
You are the hope of the minnows!
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Another secrets has been revealed and awarded :D Congrats to the featured ones :D
Thank you so much @surpassinggoogle for your undying support to us minnows and specially to your everlasting love :D GOD BLESS YOU
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Thank you for this article and for your insights. I was having a bad day, it's funny how one article can turn one's day around...thank you :)
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This is purely a milestones in my mind thinking that I have been what I am today, but upon reading those 5 questions it only brings me into deeper realization that not all things are simple and easy! Yes, I can also answer those questions, yes! I'am in for digging of what I can be, of who I'am today, never thought of a greater possibility that I want more but I guess all this time it made me admit that I'am halfway of discovering myself! Thank you so much @surpassinggoogle because you have really open my eyes and had help me in unlocking/digging my true purpose and inner beauty! Your advices has made a man dwelling now in a realm of being the best of what I can be, I will follow your advice to put or do naturally my own digging...digging..digging and just like you I can also find my own jewels beneath the hard stones of life. Thank you and more power!
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You grasped a very important aspect. In Ph, it is not very norm to dig but real life involves loads of it
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Definitely yes sir @surpassinggoogle! I knew lots of my students have really change and have made their mark to my amazement I've realized that they have certainly evolve into something they are into today because of their real experiences that made them who they are right now! It only proves that man needs to know more about him/herself! Super thanks and more power!
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It is hard to stay motivated lately and the stories and your advice help a lot. Thank you for this great idea to help us keep on track.
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Sir terry @surpassinggoogle you are a good counselor you always inspire us. You have a big heart to help people not by just a dole out but you enhance our skills and talents. You inspire steemians to get out our own shell to encourage co-steemians too through our talents and skills. Thank you and stay humble as you are reaching the goals and dreams in your life by the guidance of Jehovah
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Wow... I really love this phrase from your post. It reminds me of the story of a man, struggling and one day came to ocean for fishing.But suddenly this man reached the dark in the middle of the ocean. The background has totally covered by black that he coudn't see anything. He was scared. Then, a light came from the light house and the man get hope...:)
This story is very significant my journey in steemit, wherein when I lost hope in the middle of the night, a boy named Terry @surpassinggoogle gives light to see more hope.
Thank you very much Sir Terry for being my light house here in steemit!
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Another astounding testimonies, it never failed to speak to my inner me. I must say you are such a brilliant inspirer, You always look the world and everyone a special. It just amazes me how you cheer up planktons and minnows. Thank you so much for making us special.
We love you! Xx
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@surpassinggoogle also wants us to learn from ourselves and realize that all of us have what it takes to fly even without wings. These testimonies are our stories but what matters most is tour own story because sir Terry once told me,
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Flying without wings is just like reaching the stars without spaceship, aspiring words from his kindness.
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But if we believe that we are capable and have what it takes to soar high then spaceship and wings are of no need. @surpassinggoogle once told me,
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In this case, there is a spaceship
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Very sweet that quote. Really, thank you for keeping it. Sometimes, i lose track cos i just say them, i mean they erupt from somewhere but after reading it again somewhere, i read a valuable quote and smile cos i forget i say these things
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I really loved your post and because of it, I will support your recommendation for a witness, and followed each of the subjects of the post. I loved the "Right now, it is still very much time for you, to find your own person, evolve it, grow, then others will come around." In todays world, people are being told who they are and what they should believe, it's not about that, It's about finding yourself and being that person. OK, I'm going to stop here or I'll write a response longer than your post. Thanks.
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How can one put so much time andere effort into his posts? Unbelievable!
Great life tips man.
You seem always to find the right wise words for many situations.
Good work terry!
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For me, these efforts are his ways of showing and making us realize our own potentials. @surpassinggoogle did not settle to only one person and even if there are only five of us, those advices may apply to whoever reads it. It is a wholesome effort to adjust the world.
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Totally right, @surpassinggoogle is such a mighty being. Unique personality that makes him become a good person for all
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wow so nice to know all about these
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Hola amigo @surpassingoogle principalmente quiero mandarte un gran abrazo y un saludo de tu fiel seguidor Venezolano.
-Ahora tus preguntas me hicieron pensar y reflexionar mucho, en realidad nunca me las había preguntado ni yo mismo ahora luego de leer tu post me las estoy respondiendo no se si sea algo de locos jajajja.
-Me llamaron mucho la atención las respuesta de esas personas y como siempre me gusta dar mi granito de arena para apoyar cualquiera de sus proyectos me uní a todos sus seguidores para empezar a leer a comentar y a votar humildemente por sus post por que si todos ayudamos llegamos muy lejos y lo mejor es que no perderemos nada.
-Como siempre te digo debemos estar mas que nunca juntos y unidos para seguir adelante con el usuario de @ steemgigs y cada quien que aporte su humilde voto y colaboración que pueda dar, nos vemos en otro pot amigo mio algún día me gustaría que pasaras por mi blog y veas la informacion que publico seria de gran ayuda Hasta luego :D
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Wow, this is so great. I took my time to go through all the stories and the advices. They are really touching.
it is so sad, my comment is coming late. I was just aware about this today and decided to drop by. And I am able to hold many important messages from here.
There's is no doubt everyone got their own life story.
There are many stories I need to share here on the challenges I am facing on steemit Being a Newbie.
At times I wanted to give up. But was convinced by a friend who introduced me to steemit community.
Thanks to @surpassinggoogle for creating this golden opportunity.
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No quitting. Use it to evolve as person. That translates into rewards on steemit and beyond
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Yes. I will try my best.
thanks for your kind advice.
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You are the superman Sir that we can lean on Thank you for your kindness to us.I am just like a mother of you but I learned from you.
God bless @surpassinggoogle we are here backing for you @steemgigs @steemsecrets @teardrops #untalented and now im willing to hear your voice sooner again.
Thank you
There story inspired me so much.
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He also have #untalented sing-song. I also would want to hear him singing soon...
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These stories have made me believe that I still have a chance to grow up here and shouldn't stop to create and offer something even if people couldn't find it valuable enough yet.
Thank you @surpassinggoogle for bringing them with such inspiration stories to heat me up.
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I am grateful that our stories touched you deep inside through @surpassinggoogle but one thing is for sure, we grow each and every day so there always will be a greater version of you.
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You're absolutely right! Even sometimes we can't see it as the changes are sometimes very small but still, as long as we don't stop we're growing! I love your motivations💪 Thank you!
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your story very inspireing ans motivationall..i am respect your good knowledge thought.. your good heart and selflessness is truly one good reason some Steemians particularly minnows are enjoying the platform. Love your encouraging words... This 5 Questions and 10 advice is a great step for success in life..thanks to sharing fod your good post [email protected] well done friend...
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Very inspiring people. They really did a good answers to the question and they answer it broadly.
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To all 5 Steemians, thanks for sharing your life stories with us. Life doesn't stop here, continue to strive in life and you will prosper.
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They are all awesome steemians indeed.
The questions are interesting , it would be fun to answer those in a post and tag everyone to produce a long thread of this topic.
Our group had launched and closed a contest recently that really reach a lot of people within #steemit. I expect this will also create a very long thread.
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I have had the same feeling like @sissyjill when I have lost my beloved mom and she was everything to we siblings or family. We still alive without he as the show of life must go on.
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My post on steemit is mainly about my discipline. I write and speak on steemit just to show the real me to the platform. I know am a minnow but still am a whale inside expressing myself in the best way I can. but I will also follow your advice for better Break through
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Your taste when it comes to girls are good lol. Loven dem girls for real though.
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Hahaha, i pulled off a laugh
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Who do you like the most? Hmm all are sexy and pretty. I can't choose one bruh!
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Stories make and mar a people. Its in this same stories that we get strenght to move on when life is tough.
These stories above have broken me in tears and made me again.
Fellow steemians, read, digest and pick inspirations from the above stories!
All thanks to @surpassinggoogle.
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Thanks for sharing your story with us Val....
You are amazing....
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very inspiring, we women have fire inside and these are few examples, thanks sir @surpassinggoogle for sharing their stories
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This series is full of learning opportunity. Looking forward for the next articles.
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Wow, they are just a awesome people's. The way they express there feelings is just an amazing and it touch my heart :( i am just smiling myself by knowing that i am in wrong path till 8 months haha.
I learn many more things form these post and i am going to share this with my colleagues. Thanks alot sir terry have a good day
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sir your work is great and i appreciate your steemgigs and this blog question ..its my 1st comment and i don't like spam
@surpassinggoogle sir Such a wonderful and thankful work friend... Actually....I'm always respect to your works
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This is the must longest post I have ever read on steemit. Ride on boss. I have gotten some good tips here. God bless your hustle and more alert to your bank account.
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I find it great that you talk about VISION instead of PLAN. PLAN comes along with creating too much of a thought-made road map which not only shuts us close towards getting to that goal in wondrous and unexpected ways, but also do potential curveballs have the potential to catch us off guard and paralyze us due to our thorough thought-made plan not having calculated that unexpected obstacle. VISION is wothot thought-made road map, letting our Intuition guide us to the destiny. It will never mislead us.
The perfect plan is actually not having a plan, because only this way we can always flexibly adapt to no matter what is thrown at us! :)
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Very sweet comment
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Congratulation who answers it right to the question. I am happy to read those great entry..I am just reading and reading only. to see what is every one thoughts on this awesome question. I re-esteem this post to be play on great. but not to up-voted because i never have enough steem power to do so.
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Inspiring different stories, and very motivating and uplifting advice from you sir Terry, this is very heart warming considering your very busy schedule... thank you for your big heart for all of us... I am your fan to the moon - Avhy 😘😘😊❤️
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Life has a lot of questions..Our everday life is what I called journey. Steemit also a journey for me..everyday learning,everyday is a challenge.. But again life is meaningless if you don't know how to engage especially when food is already serve on your table.. Life has full of possibilities if circumstances were not in your favor remember chances are always there. And If I were to ask all of these five questions I preferred to answer it positively.. Thanks @surpassinggoogle you have once again opened the mind of every eteemians..
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Keep inspiring us sire
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these are very unique stories of 5 amazing Steemit individuals. Some has a very sad story behind which really crumpled my heart while some are really motivational. You giving advices to them is so special and life changing. May you continue to touch hearts Terry. Thankyou for sharing to us these wonderful stories from our fellow Steemians. ❤
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The way they shared their words really touches our heart. We might cry for the sorrows and sadness they are bringing but what matters most is how Terry advices them to become motivated always. Such a good person
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I am one of those above that shared my story to our great @surpassinggoogle and I would like you know that behind those stories and advices are world adjusting efforts. Those are meant for all of us. But for all we know, our stories are unique from each other but when we take account of all that are in there we will be amazed of how really great it is to discover the very definition of ourselves. We grow and evolve from t to time so learning ourselves is a lifetime process.
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Here is another wonderful initiative from a guy so devoted to helping others. You are a worthy role model!
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Yes! @surpassinggoogle surpassed google itself. His desire to adjust for a better world is one great proof that his mum is a great mother. She raised an inosent kid to a very loving, caring, strong and a realist type of a peron and for that I also admire his mum.
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Not only did these 5 special Steemians learned from you sir Terry, through this post, the readers also gained something from you and the 5 steemians who participated. ^^
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So on point! 👍Those stories are for all of us for one way to attain success is knowing ourselves and those advices strike to each and every person who read @surpassinggoogle's post. These wisdoms are shared to us to make us realize our very potentials.
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That's super true... And yeah, thanks for sharing your story with us... <3
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Oops!!! Those stories were truly inspiring.
@surpassinggoogle your good heart and selflessness is truly one good reason some Steemians particularly minnows are enjoying the platform. Love your encouraging words
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Really enjoyable to be here man. And I am very thankful for this guy @surpassinggoogle for the warmth welcome in this community
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where does Terry come up with these endless good ideas?? :)
'He will become our celebrity and we his fans. '
I like that.. and the 'power' to have the power struck me this time..
too many good things going on in this post.. i'll just go follow and greet them all now.
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Such an interesting kind of post.Liked your idea.
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This not just a post. @surpassinggoogle is teaching us to learn from our very definition in order to attain success. These ideas are way bigger and better than Steemit itself.
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You are really learning. How sweet
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lovely and inspiring to read different stories from different people testimonies here in steemit. Some tells about worst set backs, ambitions, dreams and seeking for themselves. Where all of these changed when they discover this platform and let them explore the bright side brought by steemit. Each one of us here have different reasons why we are here in steemit and one of the top reason that we cannot deny is financial aspect. But it's not only about earnings here it is more on self finding..
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From sir Terry. Always remember. There are bugger things than Money!
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@surpassinggoogle will surely like this. Thumbs up for that words! We all are here first to have extra income but by the time we indulge ourselves in this community we are able to understand that our very purpose is to discover that what we need to be happy is involvement.
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I love that thought, and I do very much agree. Because we were born empty-handed and when death comes, there is nothing we can take with us. SO yes, there are bigger things than money.
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Very sweet comment. Thank you
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These people found themselves really they are inspired, they seem to have found a voice through which they can speak and TERRY has given it to them
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Terry served as the intermediary to bridge the gap between the platform and the people. And to improve that network by his influence.. influences not by means of power.. but the influence of a great leader and inspires us towards excellence.
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One thing is common among people's testimonies, and this is the wonderful and loving gestures of @surpassinggoogle
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I love this advice of yours @surpassinggoogle . It is very thoughtful and everyone can apply this in their life. Thank you for sharing as always and stay awesome . :) <3 May god bless you .
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Yea, if we care only about the financial aspect of Steemit we will be blinded to other important aspects that will be far more rewarding on the long run.
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You do have a point there @tudors we shouldn't be blinded with only financial aspect here in Steemit . We should focus more on interacting to other people and enhancing our own abilities in this platform . Yeah maybe we don't know we can be rewarded by something in the near future . Reward doesn't mean only money . ^^ It can be in different forms such as knowledge, friendship and memories ^^
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that's his essence, you know he guided my footsteps the first time I came here very confused not knowing what is whar here that's his essence
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Oh his essence is always awesome @josediccus . It's is great to know that he guided you and everyone here in Steemit platform . WE should always appreciate him always and let's also support him . ^_^
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Well said @joancabz ..........I agree with you. Over the past few months on Steemit I have come to the realisation that @surpassinggoogle is the man they say he is.....a kind hearted and loving personality. I am not surprised why God keeps blessing him. He has really been of immense help to me.
I wish him all the best
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Thank you so much @cyprianj . :) @surpassinggoogle deserves all the blessings God has given him . ^_^ Let's all wish him the best .
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You are welcome
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Thus is really amazing, @sissyjill story about her sister death was a touching and apex point that heralded her steemit journey, it seems like she had really wanted a tonic to ease off her pain and steemit really came forth it's amazing how she could start anew with something as steemit and had really found peace because you Terry has offered her a voice to talk to the world she has spoken through to the world because steemit is a platform that stretches out to all part of the world
@joeysison part was truly from the heart he made sure to confess his weakness and pain to you, his dreams are really amazing and I think he can achieve everything he has set out to do I'm glad you reached out to him, you were able to extract him to speak from the the mind and you reached out to him beautifully.
It's hard imagining that these people spoke their stories, I mean you inspired them, and all of them had reasons to cry but in you they found a reason to smile.
This is the unadulterated you, it's always I'm your nature to reach out,
Thank you, and I will visit their blogs.
It's your evergreen friend @Josediccus
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Indeed! @surpassinggoogle believed in me even if I didn't believe in myself. He made me realized that I am capable of soring high and he gave me the wings to fly.
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Hi @josediccus, yes, indeed terry is getting the gold out of clay. He saw the goodness of someone. He can draw people to one direction, and that direction is for improvement. I am thankful that he teaches me to think out of the box, teaches me to see things in the bigger view. That is what he wants us to do.
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You got a good article analysis skill
Thumbs up bro.
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This are real first-hand experience and that's what makes the difference not some media cooked up bull story. It's inspiring when people open up their deepest soul to you and still have hope that the worst days are behind them.
I'm inspired, maybe I'll share mine too.
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Thanks for sharing your valuable thought sir.
Really i appreciated you and i follow you.
Have a good day sir!
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Thanks for following Terry, you can also vote for him as witness @tetas08
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the different advices you offered here will be helpfull for every person reading this post
one can learn alot from these valuable views
now it is up to us how much we remember and work on these suggestions
this post is full of knowledge ,
Proudly RESTEEMED! this post
more respect for you that you give such a valuable time
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One can really key into his numerous unadulterated concepts, they're like life coping skills, it helps you to maximize and no matter one learns and also become better.
Nice comment
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thanks for appreciating
his work is inspiration!
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@Surpassinggoogle has proven to be the minnow friendly person, how I wish I could do more than just voting him as a witness.
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This is a thoughtful series bringing light to people I probably never would have met and their steemit journey. I hope to tell my story someday.
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Indeed. Very true. Siry terry = hope. Helping minnows to become whales :)
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It's a very long post to read but reading it is worth one's time, knowing one persoe story and leArning from it is a great opportunity, this can be your guide and help you in many ways. @surpassinggoogle your advices were great and can apply to anyone who's open and willing to embrace it. This 5 Questions and 10 advice is a great step for success in life. Thanks for this and I'll make time dropping with the five post there, thanks for the share and God bless.
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Yes! And those stories are as great as yours. @surpassinggoogle is here to make an adjustment to a blury world. Those advices are not entirely for the owner of the story but for a wholesome cost. He is simply giving us the shots to fly even without wings.
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the five people were asked same questions and they had different, amazing and detailing answers to give, I never even noticed it was long, I was carried away by the emotional things I was reading, it's totally inspirational
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At initial moment I read I thought I was done only to see the next one. It was lengthy but it was worth reading
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Very good advice. These suggestions have made me a lot of motivates. . @surpassinggoogle
We should always try new things. . You are true hard worker which is doing all day night work to provide more opportunities to steemians....
Love You Terry ♥♥
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Exactly. @surpassinggoogle may not be 24/7 online but whenever he is here, he makes the most of his time jut to cater with his greatness as long as he can.
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All these stories are deeply emotional. It inspirational to hear firsthand experiences of what people are going through and their faith in God that things will get better. All these stories are motivational and proves that life can get only better. I too have many experiences and can testify to some posts.
Thanks for watching out @surpassinggoogle and for inspiring us with wonderful posts like this one.
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@resteem and @upvote done sir.
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Your FIVE questions are really sophisticated. We work on steemit daily but our starting story was also good.
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great post love to read it and i really inspired on your advice so thanks for this great post , this community really need you and i hope you will keep it up this great effort i also thanks to the steemians mentioned above for their lovely contribution and i give you full credit for their encouragement , guide and polishing them so once again thank you very much for this great post .
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Great content. thanks for the valuable post.
I appreciate your every post
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this one is mastepiece
this advice implies to every thing
knowledge ,steemit ,life
we need to keep diging to make an impact
this series will recieve alot of love from the steemians ,the knowlegde we will get from this is priceles
keep sharing your valuable views and suggestions .you are making every effort to make this place beautifull
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its great......i impressed to see your post......
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I do take this advice positively, and so steemgigs is another way to offer soemthing to the community. thank you very much @surpassinggoogle for all these.
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awesome post love to peruse it and I extremely enlivened on your recommendation so a debt of gratitude is in order for this extraordinary post , this group truly require you and I trust you will keep it up this incredible exertion I additionally on account of the steemians specified above for their beautiful commitment and I give you full acknowledgment for their consolation , guide and cleaning them so indeed much thanks for this extraordinary post .
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Hello sir @surpassinggoogle, please take time to read my post. I will wait for your advice sir Thank you so much sir.
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Thank you for your untiringly and undying support to us @surpassinggoogle you are a great person. I have no regrets that I voted you as a witness. You deserved it. If I have many accounts, I will always vote you. Iba talaga ang pilipino. Matulungin at mabait. Proud filipino! Thank you again kuya Terry ! @surpassinggoogle
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Thank you for this post terry. Noted I willd dig more and more.
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sir @surpassinggoogle you are really a great man...
you are always do supports minnow like me... i really appreciate you sir... i always by your side anytime you want i'll be there for you. thank you so much for so much support sir.☺
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All friends are good. In which some ideas are best.
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Wow. Another avenue in "digging" potential steemians. @surpassinggoogle never run outs of briiiant ideas. Good job again and congratulation to the 5 featured steemians.
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Thanks for the very nice post! I enjoyed the feedback and appreciate the advice! <3
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Beautiful cute baby
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@Surpassinggoogle , you are a chip of the iceberg , "esheun gan"
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It's good to read about people who are trying and finding hope in steemit. This is not an easy place to succeed, but anyone can do it with effort. I'm glad you are giving advice and it applies to most of us if we choose to listen and act on it.
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Hi! I do really appreciate your post. Lets steem together!
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thanks for your valuable blog and 5 question i like this blog.
We can take out a lot of information by your post.
By dint of we can increase our skill that is beneficial for all steemians.
I will always visit your site & wait for your upcoming post.
i appreciate your work ...steemgigs are so helpful
Thanks .
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You're so beautiful.😮
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stories from various individuals declarations in a post talking about success is one that really amuse me. A few tells about most noticeably bad set backs, aspirations, dreams and looking for themselves. . Every single one of us here have distinctive reasons why we are here in steemit and . In any case, it's not just about profit here it is more on self finding and been one self
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life is all about success and making it. no one has ever said it would be easy, Even if one was born with silver spoon, you will still have your challenges to face. So in that case advise for @surpassinggoogle is one to follow to attain success.
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This is a great work and a fantastic choice of words
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so pretty
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First and foremost i would like to extend my deepest gratitude towards Sir Terry @surpassinggoogle.. Not only for the advice you gave to me, but also for giving me this opportunity to define who am i.. For opening my eyes and let me see the colors that i kept for a very long time,.. I never ever see this coming but i am truly grateful that i was able to know someone like you..
goshh.. ever since you spill these words to me on chat, it echoes through my mind.. down to my soul.. like i always wonder how.. i mean, i understand what you meant to say, but i always wonder how.. i felt excitement whenever i remember these words, and i don't understand why but i do.. And i think it slowly coming up to me as you say,
And this is what i am trying to find out with myself, and i am still working on it.. Perhaps, i should also believe in myself because you believe in me, and i always believe in you.. :)
Thank you so much sir, I love you from the bottom of my hypothalamus! <3 :)
I have also read @sissyjill's, I knew her since we are in the same field. And because of herpost, i finally got to know her better.. She experienced many breakdown poinst but she keep being strong and was able to brace herself with great power and hope... And i salute her for that.. And i think when we have the same genre when it comes to attaining life's success.. Also, I am looking forward to work with this young lady @sissyjill.. :) I believe we can make out the best together.. :)
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@surpassinggoogle your work on steemit has no limit. from how you surpport we the minnows or your inspiring words and advice can not be over you choose the 5 steemhumans are amazing and all of them wrote well and also the part i love is that all of them talked about your impact to their survival on steemit and beyound.
may God increase your knowledge as you continue to touch lifes.
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I heard a lot about you @surpassinggoogle from abundance of fellow steemians. Everyone says you are good senior steemian amd they say I should upvote you as witness. Just found and followed you. No wonder every minnow is flattering you, what you do are incredibly helpful from any aspects for steemians. Such a noble one. After reading this post, becoming clear for me that you are the right person to be choosen as my witness. I will as my friends how to vote you. Thank you so much for your effort helping steemians all over the world. Greetings.
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really nice to know about it,,,,,,,,,,,,,
i liked.......//////
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Thanks @surpassinggoogle for sharing this post, it is always good to know this type of information, the answers of others.
Steemit is a large platform and every day helps many users to give to know and especially to share with each other.
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One thing that is great feature of steemit is that you end on a lot of conversations.. You come to know about different people... Give advices take advices.... In short you come to know about human character nature behaviour perseverance etc etc...
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@surpassinggoogle you're really an inspiration to all the steemians. I feel so touched c everything u talked about I've also experienced some. I really don't need to give up nomatter d challenges. Am inspired for real. Thanx
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Success is getting what we want but success is not easy...
You showing us the way of success in steemit in this content @surpassinggoogle... But i think , i am fail in steemit. I tell you @surpassinggoogle.. a short story . Hope that you read it...
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This is inspirational from beginning to the end. I will not try to furnish my comments, but just thank you Sir @surpassinggoogle.
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The questions are very unique.

But the questions agree with the values, It's a lot better to work with steemgigs.
@surpassinggoogle thank you so much for share with us
i love steemgigs
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