An Experimental "3 Seconds Meeting" Of Every Whale And Steemian On The Steem Blockchain! Please Join Us!

in steemit •  8 years ago 

Today, I decided to catch a whale. This may be the most scary thing I have sought to do on steemit and I hope I am able to bear consequence if it comes but my intention was lowly and noble. I silently pay interest to things that happen on steemit but mostly to see, if I can task my newbie brain into finding solutions.

image source/credit to:

Recently, I didn’t know of the experiment by whales, involving whether to spread voting influence among every steemian etc, until I was pinpointed to in a comment on my post, then i ended up seeing that people on steemit, have talked about it!







Too; here is a video by @fyrstikken, where he tries to explain the potential beauty of these whale experiments:

video source/credit to: @fyrstikken

There has also been alot of talk about, the demoralizing effect of flags or downvotes so to speak and especially, downvotes done, with the aim of affecting potential payouts or visibility of posts!

It is pretty evident to see, that this has been a talking point and steemians have varying opinions and proposed solutions. Steemians are concerned and according to me, mostly for solution sake!

For some, flagging or downvoting is normal and should exist as a normal feature in guilds. 

In general, there is no doubt that people are bound to have more responsibility than others, when it comes to decision-making. Ofcourse, in any kingdom, some people must have more power or influence than others. So is the case on steemit and according to me, this isn't bad!

For others, flagging or downvoting deters, for the most part and especially now, while steemit is in beta; and should be reduced or reserved for rare cases, to promote love and potential mass adoption and to encourage steemians to create.

(NB; Especially, if downvote comes from whales etc, it deadens many steemians confidence, even in their ability to create tangible content as ofcourse, everyone knows that based on steem power etc, the whales and dolphins etc are more influential. 

In rare cases, it goes beyond just demoralizing people! Depending on timeliness, a heavy downvote for no weighty reason and especially from whales etc, may disrupts heartbeat pattern and can lead to a heart attack. Yes it can be that bad!)

My view!

For me and perhaps many steemians; i feel there can be a balance, where the people who have power, control things but every steemian maintains his voice or 2 cent still and everyone feels good afterall! Peace reigns!

There is one thing, that I think solves everything, regardless of whether the whales decide, after all experiments; that they must be involved in curation for the good of steemit or to decide to leave voting and its influence, distributed to every steemian. 

I will try to explain this, in a drafty and very experimental way below:

The Experiment:

This could easily be the scariest venture i have embarked on steemit! Yes, i admit that is scary but same as the whales are experimenting, my experiment here, may give hints into possible solutions; so i am trying it. 

I am not crypto-inclined or anything but i do think, that the blockchain as i have seen it so far, involves algorithms. It is evident that bots play roles, which ofcourse is bound to happen for automation sake but these bots follow algorithms, i believe. 

Now the blockchain is like a public ledger and we are witnesses!

This experiment is to show that by means of the blockchain, it is possible for random and perhaps, unacquainted whales to gather peacefully for decision-making in the space of 3 seconds, to decide a posts value, before the eyes of every steemian, while considering the voice of every steemian, to where after 3 seconds, every party is feeling good!

It is all balance! Everyone is happy and the created steemit posts seat in their respective valued places. 

NB: I don't think there is need to look at motives. The model on steemit, involves that; where a voter may be influenced by predictions, to determine the value of a post! That is where the voice of every steemian counts; whale or non-whale!

So basically, we will be looking at the how the vote of every steemian can count; whale or non-whale; when it comes to determining the payout or visibility of a post. 

We will also have fun, looking at other amazing features of steem blockchain and potential services, that it will provide in the future. 

Remember, that i am blockchain novice, so my views may not hold water but i am letting go, in my playful experiment, for solution sake!

I truly still don't know all the whales. I don't know if @ned and @dantheman hold the whale titles or stand alone exclusively as ultimate decision makers but they are CEOs of the platform, thus, i call them to join us here. 

This is basically a 3 seconds meeting of the whales and every steemian, regardless of influence, let's see within this experiment, if a 3 second meeting on the blockchain, can happen peaceful; where everyone goes home happy and a created post garners its value, to the satisfaction of steemit and non-steemit viewers!

Here are some of the whales i have seen; please join us, with your 3 seconds:

@abit @smooth @berniesanders @engagement @thecyclist @blocktrades @tombstone @transisto and several others that i have missed out on.

Let's see how whales from different regions; with different schools of thoughts; with different interests and with different visions, on how steemit can shoot to the moon; can quickly gather virtually, here on steemit or on the steem blockchain; to make instant decisions, witness-able by every steemian; without hassle; without commotion and with the voice of every steemian heard; to attain a quick automated decision of the potential payout; visibility and quality of a post! Perhaps, this post!

This example, is just a guide as my insight is the insight of a non-crypto regular steemian, thus, i may not know, if this is develop-able or not but looking at it, the basis already exists for some algorithm of this sort, that could potentially satisfy everyone;

We have like a public ledger; so we can take advantage of its power, to where quick virtual meetings occur and decisions are attained, even while the whales are physically in a nap; and this meeting will go on peacefully, non-voice and quickly; with algorithms!

If we consider upvotes, to almost exactly represent, the views of the masses or each steemian; dolphin, whales, minnow regardless; then our solution is easy! 



Assuming the post above is to have its value determined, with every steemian on planet earth satisfied, including non-steemian, potential investors and investors; then:

It should just be a matter of ratios and if a whale etc, decides to visit this post for instance, to downvote it; 1 downvote from a whale; should not override, say the 100 upvotes from minnows etc, already given to the post.

 "There should be ratios". 

Overall too, it should not be only one whale deciding matters, it should be at least 3 or 2 at worse!

This can happen so easily, with algorithms:

So if ratios apply: then it can be; "let's say 1 whale-vote can only counter, say 50 minnow upvotes"; thus, this whales can only take prominence over aftermath; if there are less than 50 minnow upvotes on this post; else, it will just be a downvote but, with no effect on payout. 

So, if there are 100 minnow upvotes and one whale comes in, to downvote, it will just be a downvote but will not affect payout, except another whale comes around and downvotes the same post.


2 downvotes from 2 different whales, who didn't have a prior meeting, however; can now affect payment for the post, if it is still maintained at 100 minnow upvotes

Ofcourse, ratios will adjust to accommodate dolphins' upvotes as well, as required!

Now, if a post has like 300 upvotes, it will take the rendezvous of 6 random whales, downvoting this post, to disrupt its payout. In general, to an extent, a whales vote depending on magnitude, may keep having effect on further visibility of the post. But ofcourse, these are all just samples!

Various ratios should also apply, when the scenario involves orcas and dolphins etc. 

Perhaps, this could also improve whales curation; stir peace amongst whales; improve relationships for the sake of decision-making. "A meeting; physical or virtual!"

Now look at this: if 6 likely unaffiliated or unacquainted whales, have to come around, to downvote a post with 300 upvotes from minnows etc; then it is determinable, that the post, must be really bad or at the very least, that the whales actually, had sorta a virtual meeting or discussion, to conclude on down-voting this post. 

Overall, a friendly decision was made by 'whales with possible contrasting interests and views' and in the witness of every steemian, where each steemian's voice has been heard!

Now, decisions on the value of a steemit post, will no longer be just subjective as it is no longer the decision of only one whales or dolphin etc but the voice of each steemian, who considered voting on this post as the conclusive decision making involved multiple whales, with different interests or schools of thoughts and every steemians vote as well.

"The voice of the people can now hold sway and upvotes will be valued as now having additional influence!" 

Now the downvotes of the whales. may still alter visibility maybe or prevent it from going to the trending page or how ever is deemed fit; but should not diminish pay till ratio criteria are met!

Ultimately, this is just my experimental guide containing my contribution, to see if the whales can apply this experiments perhaps, on this post; to see where it leads to!

Experiments are definitely needed for the betterment of steemit and this is my experiment!

Sample Scenario Continues:

Now, if a post, only has 49 minnow upvotes etc, then a whale-vote can both diminish payment and visibility etc, except additional upvotes come in, to relinquish the effect of the whales vote. These are just examples. 

In general, the point is, it has to take 2 or 3 random whales at least involved in deciding a weighty downvote and not a singular whale-vote, instantly nullifying hundreds, even thousands of upvotes and since there are only few whales and they definitely can't curate every posts, the votes of minnows and dolphins etc should hold sway as well.

Ultimately, same as whales are experimenting right now and countering each other. A CONGREGATION of random minnow, dolphin, orca upvotes etc i.e when these are not a group of bots; should be able to nullify the effect of a whale-vote, depending on RATIOS! 

There should be some sort of virtual meeting from random whales to decide outcomes and a downvote and this can be accomplished using my ratio examples. 

The Bot's Upvoting

Now bot's upvoting may deter the implementation of my idea! 

But, if recently, a way to curb bot's upvoting as implemented on steemit, was to adjust the time requirements, "to 15 mins after post is upload" etc, for an upvote to be valuable, then perhaps, fluctuating this timer, will disrupt their mechanism a bit. But that is something, i will have to playfully think about. 

Your boy Terry

Now to the other talking point on steemit: 

Comments, Interaction and Community

As for the issues of comments and community and you know, giving steemians a more established feeling of ownership and perhaps, a space on the platform, they can call their own etc; even now, when community hasn't taken effect, this can be made possible, by means of some tweaks! Again, this is my imagination and simple contribution!

Too, i think this solution will lead to more inter-linking and perhaps, more ranking on and more responsibilities for steemians to engage in and the more reason for new people to join steemit.

It feels good to feel, that you can host you own virtual library of information and community connections somewhere here on steemit or the steem blockchain. 

Ofcourse, i don't know if my proposed solution is develop-able etc but i have to think of solutions without horizon and leave it bare here, without fears; to provide my insight and perhaps, trigger some develop-able ideas.

Long ago, i tried to touch on these issues in posts, when it bothered me big time; before i started to get the hang of things. I also have touched on the value of comments here on steemit and making them visible or giving comments, the ability to stand out as posts.

It is very simple to accomplish this in my mind's eye as i think steemit, already holds the foundation to make this happen. 

Note; the comments have their url, direct parents etc. Now note too; that hashtags automatically create their own url and clickable link. 

I will use #forgottencomments for instance; when you will click on it now, you will see that it holds its own url and that is why, it is colored blue as opposed to regular text! However, if you click on #forgottencomments; a new page will load up, with a dedicated url, in the url box, but upon reaching this opened page, you will also see that this new space or page, is empty! 

I am sure this wasn't your expectation. Too, upon seeing this #forgottencomments, i am pretty sure, you where inclined to follow it to where it leads! #forgottencomments looks tempting and like an interesting topic; how much more, if you saw something like #steemfest2, within someone's comment as you go through the comment threads? "I am pretty sure you will follow it". "More engagement!"

When you see #forgottencomments, you may have followed it, expecting to get to a new page or hashtag community so to speak, holding or hosting a bunch of forgotten comments and you may have been disappointed, to find an empty url. "This is bounce rate" as you got to a url, only to find nothing there and you instantly turn back! 

I don't know SEO well, but this may be considered bounce rate and perhaps, modifying this, will do some overall improvement on ranking!

I think there should be an instant way to have a library of the best comments, that we get to find on steemit and perhaps, keep them for our keeps or for the good of people in general, who decide to click on our newly-made hashtag etc. 

I wish i knew the technicalities i.e what is possible and impossible; so that proposing ideas can be more guided! For now, i speak merely from within my imagination.

I would so, so like it or wish that i am able go to an amazing comment and i am able to choose one dedicate hashtag, so that when i leave this hashtag in my replies; it will instantly house or sorta bookmark these comments in; in a space, even on steemit. 

So assuming, i saw a standout lengthy comment, that teaches something great and i want to propagate it as a post and perhaps, have it for keeps; it should be as easy as maybe, just putting my #forgottencomments as a reply on the thread of this comment or direct parent; so that whenever i visit my #forgottencomments, i can see the the thread of that comment and all other comments that i have saved using my #forgottencomments in several posts on steemit. 

I mean, propagating a comment on steem blockchain; should come easier than having to create an entire post, to advertise the comment as is the case, in this post. 

"This entire post, is based off of excerpts of comments i have made in the past, that i feel needs to be seen!"

Now i doubt if, anybody who visits a comment section and sees #forgottencomments and is inclined to follow it, wants to or expects to get to an empty url! Very likely, they will expects to see bunch of standalone comments or something related to the clicked hashtag. 

For instance long ago, someone said this, in a comment thread; "oh let #steemfest2 take place in mexico"; and upon reading this comment, i said; "oh maybe there is "#steemfest2 in Mexico" in the making, thus, i expectantly followed the hashtag steemfest2, only to find out an empty url. 

Ofcourse, #steemfest2 isn't a broken link and leads somewhere; but leads to an empty page.

Basically, what i am saying is; if i go to a comment thread and i see a comment that i like and maybe want to save it or read it later as well as want to host it somewhere, to keep it public for people to possibly read it; it would be fun, if i can accomplish this, by perhaps, placing my dedicated #forgottencomments for instance, in the comment of my reply, 

Then, i can always check my library of #forgottencomments, to read comments again and again or reference them if need be and people can be led to new worlds and new engagement as they see this #forgottencomments as a clickable link and instinctively follow it, to be led to a new paradise of comments and knowledge. 

This could easily be a new fun, gamification-way, to create additional interaction and community even now as well as improve learning; create more stability in terms of feelings of ownership and more responsibilities for steemians! More curation too and perhaps, better SEO. 

Overall, added incentive for new people to join steemit. 

"In general, people want to be bosses or CEO of some sort and for some; "an illusion of being this, fixes!" 

For all these topics touched on, in this post; i certainly don't know if my imagination is the solution but i just add my thoughts, to give further insight into possible solutions!

 I love steemit!


This post is experimental and a draft, thus, the thoughts may not be fully organized but they are thoughts still and can be sifted for underlying gem. 

"There is sense in nonsense!" @surpassinggoogle

Your boy Terry!

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What inspired YOU to join and what inspirations you have outside STEEMIT?

these are giant questions and the answers have to do with life itself. From the very beginning surpassinggoogle defines me. I have lived in places where it feels like your are the only one amongst myriads wanting change, something of life, wanting to be used to the fullest of your potential; in these places, there is no ounce of inspiration, there are no warm handshakes, hugs or pat on the back; thinking is so foreign, thus, to look for change, you turn to the internet to look for an enabling enviroment on the virtual internet and for a level playing field, for a team, for source of inspiration, knowledge etc but these days even the inanimate internet has choices and tells you to scram for being from specific locations; then you jump over the algorithms and look to people of social media and even they look at you as lesser human for being from specific locations. You exert your creativity and innovation still and because you are too lazy to quit and mostly cos you feel you are built for more regardless of location or circumstance, you keep searching and that is how steemit got involved. I wish you knew the conditions involved in being or steemit constantly or being on the internet for decades till you find steemit. in physical terms it is torture. no sleep for months, you pelvic core is shattered from too much stress, you love starvation cos any interval or intermission and inspiration dies and no one to re-channel you, so you do sitting on that chair on and on till you are done. steemit is more like a home and constitutes dreams. an my dream is of my and of my dad combined and this dream coming to reality is what an entire community is waiting for. i have not seen my family for more than 4 years now and i can see perhaps till eternity till i can bring whispers of good news to their ears and i tell you, they wait. they beleive in me. i am first son with 3 sisters after me. steemit isnt breakthru in terms of money. i havent earn a physical dime in my decade on the internet and i have not attempted to withdraw from steemit. when it comes to earning from the internet my hopes are up though i know it is possible, so steemit is more like an illusion, a sandbox to help me create an illusion that i am doing something even now. i have wanted even one of my many ideas to come to life but i have been alone in my journey and never with solid team, thus i havent been able to bring any idea to frution but according to my own quote, i wont toss my dreams underneath beds, like skunk socks or porn stuff, i will keep them alive in dream-bits. thus, within my every line even in my tiny posts on steemit are dream-bits or exerpts of one of my ideas, to watch then alive in a sandbox or the blockchain, to leeave evidence of its existence as legacy for someone out there, in the future. i have a story and it is evident in my tone and my story is one of a journey and life. my story can touch lives and fix, though i have not fixed myself. i can inspire and fix others. i turned into a really truly loving person after going thru with the school of life, thus in general i want to give people tears of joy cos i am defined enuf to know that for me, happiness is in watching others in happy state, perhaps, courtesy of me. for now steemit is home. i like the model of it and see it as genius and i have had the luxury on steemit that isnt elsewhere in terms of great minds and real people, like you who asked this question. THIS question is heavy as it come from somewhere. i looks like you heard the sound of my voice and perhaps my story in my post and @papa-pepper sees you questions as weighty as well cos he is an example of the valuable people you find here. I wont say i havent entertained fears about writing about myself here but it is getting dailyly obvious that people here tend to see you more as steemian than like a lesser citizen. i too know though that i am by no means lesser citizen, i am just in a location which will change cos it can. if i was in usa, i would say, if billgates made microsoft, i will at least make macrohard and viceversa, if bill gates was in my location, he may not have made microsoft. my gifts come from life and perhaps my ability to understand humans to the core. i do want to go to usa too. i have wanted that all my life and i am attempting it this year. i want to begin living and the reality is, i havent started living. outside of steemit for now, i have started to pair into cryptostuff, something i have not done before. i have learned new things and experimented but i am not guru. however, i am not lost in what's going on the internet in general. i can envision if something will work or not, though i am not techy. as for making wealth, i have not made one dime but i always know it is possible at the snap of a finger and i definely know a hudred ways to make it even on the internet but i have never had a team or an enabling environment. so i keep amassing my keypoints till times when they will be useful. i want to creating at least one thing that will fix humanity, so i always think in that direction. i have like a model in my head of my social network and steemit is open interface that completes my puzzle. human interaction is going to be key and steemit plays itself before me as i built on how i would want my own social network to be. and it is very obvious, i want to surpassing google and that definitrly involves bringing the human elements of love, comapssion, forgiveness etc back to the internet as human intel beats artificial intelligence according to me. my type of social network is not existence yet cos i have not seen any social network out there they considers people from third world and developing countries as a core part of its inception and model, for i tell you, the way people use the internet in these countries and their expectations from it, is differnet from more popular users in developed coutries. they entertain certain fears and countless other differences. steemit is the only social network that has comeclose in terms of equality, love and human. in real life, i have not drwan much inspiration from where i live but i do a lot of learn, in that i have studied the people to 90 percent. i know what makes them tick, i can predict them and this is huge knowledge which will come in handy in the future. i want to empower people and people here need empowerment. Overall, i want to do good, till people are reminded of a creator as a result of some good in this world. in general, i create new ideas or excerpts of it ffrom what i see in my enviroment. i can talk endlessly on this topic but i will stop here till you ask more questions. I lot of typos, it will stress you a bit.

You are generous great. From Europe to the Islands. Family knows no borders, love knows no borders. I wonder where is your family? Do you speak to them? What is this whisper of good news you wish to bring to them? Know you not you are the good news, you are the breath of life. I too have felt such pang. I have called it shame. It still takes hold at times, yet something has changed. I hope not to question the pain, only to focus as best I can on the healing. Worry not where the arrow that pierced your side has come, pull it out, and back into battle. Your family loves you. Let yourself be loved. If it is miles that separate you, technology now connects. But need you no encouragement from me, your heart will tell you better. Your heart will guide you as it has brought you here. As it has allowed you to meet and appreciate the light in you and ahead. As it has allowed you to encounter the @Papa-Pepper. What a blessed man and family are the Peppers. Yet they may tell you too, no thing is perfect. No day is without night. You will wake some day and embrace your beloveds. It may happen sooner than you know. You are here now. You are alive. You have this moment and this breath to be this YOU. May your pages pour out of you like water. I hope to follow this advice myself and judge not so harshly what comes. I hope to worry not about "rewards" and upvotes. They are apart of Steemit like wild animals on the hike. GO forth, and you will encounter rewards greater than money. Yet the beauty of STEEM is that it allows some harmony of financial and humanity. There are Whales and there are Lions. There are minnows and there are mothers. My own drama is not for this post. But it is raging waters of uncertainty. But I must trust the water and where it takes me. I trust I will see my Reckoning again. I do not have control of time, but trust in time all will be well. Your potential is powerful. Use it friend. Go do now all you can. Rest when tired, and rise to do what only you can do. Please stay in touch. We can help each other achieve more now with Steem and her cryptocurrency cousins. Please keep doing what you do. Be blessed and be well and let's all plan on live high fives at an Annual Steemfest someday.

yes, most definitely we will stay in touch. i heard your voice and your heart and the very person behind you and it is human. thank you alot. as for my family, gosh, they love me so so so much and gosh i love them so so so much but that is where it is a bit complicated cos of this love cos of the moments we have shared, i want to do a lot for them and yes i am their joy, me and being alive but it is me who can stand it, it is me who wants to fix them. like you said their will be breakthru and it is near and i wont lie i feel it and i do hope it happens cos it so can. i saw an add on fb with you logo here, so i am assuming that is you. there is lot to talk about and you have your story too and it is obvious. i wonder what you will write, if i asked you the same question but i will try it, lol : what inspired you to join steemit and what are your inspirations outside steemit?

We will continue our conversation. But thank you for your question. And to answer it, I feel this still holds some truth to the answer:

alot said in your intro. i will be reading it again fully. is improv refering to comedy? i know comedy by nature. i have a side question. what in my post, made you ask your question? the post contained stuff about steemit and ofcourse some other underlying things but was what you saw from this post or did you look at other posts and conclude with your question and if you question came from after reading this post, it interests me to know, what part of this post prompted your question?

Friend. My question is something I wish to ask many. Your post is generous and I appreciate that. So I asked. And I am thankful I did. Because now I have met someone new, someone interesting, the one and only you.

"What is Improv?"

Feel free to ask me more. 17+ years of playing and teaching, I am still learning and happy to share. I coach a team in St Louis. I will be playing and teaching at the Phoenix Improv Festival with my Improv Team, The Reckoning. I sometimes coach groups over google-hangouts. It is an opportunity to discover and remember joy. And sometimes that is enough.

Good questions!

hahaha really good question, really good! It is one that provokes thoughts. and i just remembered now @papa-pepper, i need the exact address for steemstock in Austin Texas.

Hi Jacob, i will respond in a bit. I just got to work and need to quickly get settled here. But in a bit!

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

I agree with you that:

  1. we need community features
  2. we need to balance the (voting) power in some way so that 1 individual cannot override 100s or even 1000s other individuals

All sort of solution are possible. Maybe some workflow in which 1 whale vote needs an ok from another whale to be ok-ed. Maybe it requires 2 other whales to ok the initial vote, up or downvote. Maybe whales should not be allowed to vote anymore. Maybe voting will not be rewarded in Steem/SP anymore (this will remove the bots from the network immediately). Maybe whales will be limited in voting power by setting a maximum voting power. Some are more challenging to build into the platform, some or less challenging.

All I know is that at this point in time we should somehow decide on how to move forward. I think (in more or less random order):

  1. the people from Steemit INC need to become part of the discussions, maybe even take the lead in the discussions and setup a program to exchange ideas and find a method to come to decisions; we (the community) can support on all levels and be active contributor to the discussions
  2. we need to test a set of ideas that we think are good for the platform
  3. we need to execute those tests and need to be managed by the Steemit INC people
  4. communication regarding all of this requires a special place within Steemit, eg some notice board and maybe even some notification to those subscribed to the notice board
  5. also a discussion board is required, again a special place where we can find the various topics and post and comments to those topics
  6. we all should stop talking bad about what is happening, but find solutions and communicate those to amongst us
  7. we all should have the same goal: make Steemit and Steem GREAT!

@dan issue distracted me just a bit but i am here now. You just resounded my thoughts fully. thank you reading and getting my gist. You do have all the solutions. One thing that would have helped in making solutions on steemit easy is like you said, a way to make clear, what is possible and not possible, then feedback and proposed solutions can be more defined. Too, we have not to entertain fears. before now, i will not come out in this type of post really. i did have fears. and this hides gems, like what you have here. Simple question can spark solution but i understand when people keep this redundant at the back of their heads as they entertain fears of reations from people with more power etc. i mean, would i have dared mentioning whales in my post before now? Definitely no. i will do that and be afraid of reading my replies for fear of something! lol

I think in a community like this (Steemit), based on transparency (blogs forever available without the change to change it through the blockchain technology), de-centralisation of power (at least the wish of many of us), 100% democracy (I suspect at least the wish for most/all of us), every voice no matter what is allowed and one shall not have any fear to bring this forward. When done with respect for everyone, even those who one does not agree with, shall not have any other consequences than positive attitude of everyone. In the guidelines for Steemit it is even mentioned to vote for any post that is good in the opinion of the reader, even those with ideas the reader does not agree to.

Please continue showing us your voice!

Excellent points! Positive possibilities. Please be invited to share these with others on Steemspeak where there is often conversation And please feel welcome to say hello with @Steemtrail. We are many curators who hope to see creators realize full appreciation of their efforts with Mighty STEEM. Captian Rick hosts a meetup every weekday around 7pm est/4pm pst. You can say hello and someone will greet you here:

I share these because they are meeting grounds for discussion. Sometimes there are different opinions, sometimes there is powerful momentum. But rags and riches, we are wealthy in humble effort to listen and grow.

Thank you for sharing your well thought out vision. STEEM on & Stay in touch friend.

I try and drop in one of these days. Thank you for the invite.

i am usually on discord, mostly weekends. i started out on steemspeak and steemspeak really helped me on my steemit journey. i spoke once or twice on steempeak, once with mughat and once with fyrstikken. also have been more recently on steemit talk podcast and votu. mostly weekends

i am speechless at how similar we are in these thoughts but i will be back to comment. You have covered many points. I will be back here in a bit!

This post has been ranked within the top 80 most undervalued posts in the second half of Mar 14. We estimate that this post is undervalued by $1.20 as compared to a scenario in which every voter had an equal say.

See the full rankings and details in The Daily Tribune: Mar 14 - Part II. You can also read about some of our methodology, data analysis and technical details in our initial post.

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