(#ima); Similar To That Seen On Reddit Will Help Steemit Grow! I'm 'Terry'! My Shoutout To All 'Terry(s)' On Steemit!

in steemit •  8 years ago 

To all the terry(s) out there and especially to terry(s) here on steemit, i write this as one terry to another. I am convinced that upon meeting you, i will instantly have a soft spot for you, and to a large extent; solely for the one fact; that all the coincidences decided to coincide once; to make it possible that your parents connived to name you 'terry'. 

I implore every 'terry' out there to, reach out to me as i am out to inspire you! As for any 'terry' behind the steemian, i so, so, so, want to meet you! 

It will please me to know that statistic. "How many terry(s) are there on steemit!"

Let's connive and storm earth with our creation as one ginormous 'TERRY'

(Terry is the big dude on the right, playing D)

One category, i wish we can build on steemit is something similar to the #ima category as seen on reddit.

(#ima is simply 'i'm a')

 In a previous post here, where i am wishing to build something like a steemit GIANT Laboratory; one where steemit's great minds, can gather to create something or steemit invention, that will fix humanity; this ima-like category will be very essential as it will help us, fully exhaust all our steemit resources!

#ima - "Let's know who offers this and who offers that"; here on steemit!

This knowledge will help us establish fully, the wealth and depth of our steemit resources.

Knowing all the resources steemit offers is the beginning of real growth! 

I think still think, that we haven't come to know fully yet, how much wealth of information we are afforded daily, here on steemit and once we get to establish fully this tiny knowledge, it will change everything and our entire steemit journey positively. 

Haven't you ever marveled at the dynamism of your feeds as you watch it grows incessantly! 

Knowledge is power!

Okay, look at this:

Imagine all you know are the people below and who they are and what they can offer and each of them is your close friend:

@good-karma is a developer; @lemouth is physicist professor; @jlufer knows spanish; @everlove knows how to take you, way back into the garden of Eden; @sirlunchthehost provides jobs for steemians; @hanshotfirst is a geek, dad, husband, special education teacher, child of the 70s and Star Wars fan; @jrcornel is a content creator, online curator, golf instructor and stock trader; @barrydutton is realtor and has stay one since 1991, owns the domain 'barrydutton.com', and is a liberty, crypto, bitcoin, blockchain and bushcraft enthusiast; @ericvancewalton is an author as well as a poet; @stephenkendal is an advocate of BLOCKCHAIN technology & the application to Global Financial Markets in particular the effects on DERIVATIVES & GLOBAL  TRADE; @allmonitors is also known as Rex and is full-time father, husband, brother, son and friend; @dwinblood is a Network Engineer, Game Developer, Musician, Anarcho-Capitalist, father and grandfather; @knozaki2015 is a full-time Steemit Blogger who loves food and travel; and hahaha, finally @ats-david is a gentleman and scholar!

If the above, is the only knowledge you have; what do you think you can create with just this tiny knowledge?

Hahaha, you just saw that, "this tiny knowledge is indeed huge and there is so much you can accomplish with it!"

Perhaps, we can start small with #ima; similar to #introduceyourself but with a twist!

 Reddit has that category as a place that allows people to say who they are and it keeps it open for people to ask questions! 

#ima for a start, will help us build more defined teams and eventually, Our Giant Steemit Laboratory, like i envision; can come to life; where we will have fully taken advantage of our great minds and incessant rendezvousing, in creating a steemit product, that will bring relief to mankind!

Who knows, we may develop cure for HIV/AIDS in our very own steemit virtual laboratory!

This post was done at work within the very tiny intervals i got, thus, formatting is poor but please read between my lines!

I also mentioned a few people seen on my feed!

Your boy Terry

Saying a heartfelt warm 'HELLO' to the Terry(s) here on steemit and around the world!


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Welcome. Knowledge is only part of power. True power is within the use of the knowledge and how you apply it to your life. Knowledge is nothing without action. Good intro. Too many tags to run through however I am sure your friends are awesome. :)

Of course, I totally agree but what when you don't know fully what knowledge you already have or what knowledge is available just around. Finding that out is part of the application. Thank you for engaging. Everyone on steemian is my friend. Even you!

Agree. Awareness and growth is all we have. Seeking to be better everyday should be main goal as people. It is our journey and we only get one. May as well do it well. :) Have a great day.

Yes! Thank you a lot. Hope to hear from you again. Will be seeing your posts on my feed soon

The only Terry I know about is Terry Pratchett ;-)

you? i jst saw username on another post where you were recommended to be voted on as witness. how amazing!

I am glad to hear that :-)

i never went the route of voting witnesses. i was a bit too noob for that at the beginning but i think i will try that but i don't exactly what good it does. does it change anything?

Yes, it does. It is like with any other voting.
The Steem blockchain requires a set witnesses to generate blocks and uses a consensus mechanism called DPOS
Of course there are some people that think that your vote does not matter but after I read your post I do not think you could agree with that.
Better take a look at What's a Steem Witness and Why Should we Care post by @sykochica or many other posts covering that subject.

I will and will look into voting! and for you too. you sound cool. @sykochica was to one to help a lot on steemit and too explain loads of stuff to me, when i was struggling. i will read the posts in a bit. so does every witness like do mining of steem?

and is terry you?

No, I am Gandalf :-)