It Is 2017 In The Philippines! Steemit's Road Map Lurking And The Best Recap Of Year 2016! It Is 2017!

in steemit •  8 years ago 

It is 2017! It is already 2017 here in the Philippines, so perhaps this post will rank in Google as among the first post for 2017 and perhaps the world will start to here more about steemit from the very first day of 2017! 

It is 2017; steemit's roadmap is in our amidst and lurking around but in the meantime, hear is the very best recap of the best moments from 2016. It is still 2016 in many countries, thus if i may missed on anything, feel free to add to this post in the comments!

Captured just below are the moments from 2016. Good or bad, we learn from it and grow:

As we embark on 2017, what have learned from 2016:

* The uncertainty of BREXIT happened in 2016, putting Europe in despair on what the near future held. It is 2017 now? 

* Orlando shooting got the world shaken and talking ('Pulse Night Club' came into the limelight but for the wrong reasons.Brussels, Dallas shooting, Kumamoto Earthquake came and went but left traumatic damage! Hopefully, humans have grown from the hate and 2017 will bring with it, more repairs; more love; more brotherhood!

* The Elon Musk interest spiraled up in 2016 when SpaceX, his aerospace company, tested their Falcon 9 launch vehicle and it exploded upon lift up. 2017 should bring more caution and more evolution, when it comes to preventing or reducing aerospace disaster.

* Syria's Aleppo took the world back a bit with the heartless bombing that caused havoc to innocent people. It is heart-wrecking to see such disaster brought to parts of the world in 2016 but perhaps, it helped us grow in our empathy; sympathy; human feelings and love as we are about to embark on 2017

* 'Trump is to orange' became official in 2016. "Throw away your apple, go suck an orange, for if you don't already know Donald Trump successful took over leadership of USA. We can only wait and see what 2017 holds for the world as a whole with the 'orange man' in power. I hope to be in USA in 2017, perhaps that will hold and that is a hugely good thing!

* NBA Cavaliers did it in 2016! They made history by climbing back from an almost impossible 3-1 deficit, to win Golden state warriors in a game seven to become NBA champions 2016. They are at it again as they conquered a Golden State warriors team now empowered with a Kevin Durant in their first meeting, this December 2016. The NBA finals however and the Giants who will be in it is something for 2017!

* PPAP trended:  A song composed of 'a pen, apple and a pineapple' was a phenomenon in 2016! Perceived as a silly video by some, didn't stop it from leaving Japan and trending round the world. 'Running man' gained storm as well; as people adopted the new dance trend including renown celebrities. Then 'juju on that beat', held its own featuring on Ellen DeGeneres talk show, stirring further groove in 2016 amongst people round the world. In the midst of the many losses, setbacks etc that the world faced, people put in conscious effort into enlivening people through music. What music trends will 2017 bring? What dance phenomenon?

* Olympics happened. Brazil and samba hosted the world in Olympics 2016. 2017 will certainly have massive sporting events round the world but certainly not another Olympics except the rules change!

* Chewbacca mum became a breakthrough story, a Texas mum in the Chewbacca mask made a video that took the limelight out of the Star Wars movie. 2017 will bring my own breakthrough and yours, which is always a positive!

* Life became more about turning your 'Lemons became to lemonade' in 2016, courtesy of Beyonce dropping a visual album and one hour film on HBO that told of her course in converting her lemons to lemonades. We can only wait to see what Beyonce has in stuck for 2017, perhaps Ivy Blue her daughter will drop her first album! One things for sure though, a reduction in the number of lemons is always welcomed!

* Water bottle challenge baffled us in 2016 as people took to tossing bottles more than ever. A very simple-looking yet utmostly technical stunt that had people tossing plastic bottles half filled with liquids, in a way that it landed upright. They gave it a twists by adding different technicality levels to this new found art, making it dumbstruckingly fun to watch! I wonder what 2017 has racked up?

* In 2016, the world became Pokemon hunters as Pokemon of the mid 90's replayed, with the release of Pokemon Go. People traveled more; lost weight more; got lost more; in their pursuit of Pokemon characters! 2017 could easily bring a new trend where PokemonGO characters become the hunters instead, with humans head over heals on their feet! 

* Lego minifigures: Little Lego people came to life in 2016!

* Golden States Warriors got new fans in 2016 by making history with the most win in a season with 74 in NBA. There are at in again this season but 2017 will prove if they can set a new record!

* @berniesanders happened on steemit in 2016! It still isn't very evident if our @berniesanders here on steemit is the same Bernie Sanders he who made a vocal impact in 2016 during his campaign to be USA president nominee but perhaps 2017 will tell us as we keep growing in our steemit learning!

* Miesha Tate and Nate Diaz, held their own for 'underdogs' as Miesha shut the lights out on Holly Holms, who we all know destroyed the once invincible Ronda Rousey. Nate Diaz trampled on the loud Conor Mcgregor, even though he took the fight on short notice, in the most watch UFC non title fight ever!

* Google's DeepMind AI AlphaGo mastered the ancient Chinese game of Go to beat it world champion Lee Sedol who uses human intelligence in a game of five giving a clue at the pace at which development in world is going an what the future would holds. AI bots are beginning to prove themselves even more and will definitely evolve more in 2017!

* David Bowe passed away 2 days after he released his final album blackstar. He is remembered as one of the most influential artists in modern music history 1947 - 2016. 

There were many prominent names who passed away as well. Gene wilder 1933 - 2016. Alan rick an 1946 - 2016. Prince 1958 - 2016: It rained purple again as Prince departed. The large character left Earth! 

Nancy Reagan 1921 - 2016. Muhammad Ali 1942 - 2016; wasn't only known for boxing but as much, for his love of humanity; his generosity and his quest to bring a measure of equality to humanity.

Craig Sager; colorful in all dimensions ranging from his positive outlook towards live, to his bare love for humans and life; to colorful tuxedos and multicolored decades of NBA interviews also departed. The world definitely lost some of its shine!

* Liechester city F.C a relegation team got promoted to the English premier league from second division and went on to becoming EPL champions amidst giants premiership football clubs like Manchester United, Chelsea, Arsenal, Liverpool, Manchester City etc but it wasn't only England that was shocked; the world as well as the odds of Liechester city winning the English premier league before the season started was as high as 5000 to 1!

* Game of thrones and Walking dead did their thing with new seasons, keeping the world glued to their seats as they built on the euphoria from previous seasons!

* Carpooling gained more prominence in 2016; removing the number of cars on the road and thus traffic and people can now share a ride and add karaoke to the fun. Lyft also came around, a ride sharing endeavor; reducing overall traffic in 2016. Uber afforded every human minutes of fame as car owners; plus the luxury of a driver!

* The first fully functional social network built on blockchain was founded by @ned and @dantheman

* Peep to peer online network that allows for everyone to get the luxury of easy residence as they travel became prominent in 2016 with Airbnb! 2017 may hold the ability to lodge for free in virtual residences!

* Cristiano Ronaldo helped Portugal to winning European cup with Portugal and ended up as the world best player with his 4th Ballon d'or award. Gosh, he won the UEFA champions league too with Real Madrid as they usurped their 10th win of that trophy!

* Black lives perhaps started to matter a bit more as the world voiced out their disapproval at the several high profile police killing of African Americans that inflicted the world in 2016.

* Finally this happened before 2016 ended:

What do we expect in 2017? What can we improve? What part can we play?

Really when you remove the labels we are all very much alike! 

If love happened for the three-toed sloth, a slow moving tree-living mammal in 2016, more than ever, then 2017; should more love in it!

It is 2017 here in the Philippines! 

Steemit's roadmap will be out this January, so 2017 has started beautifully! happening in Feburary, 2017!

Let's use Steemit's as our voice. Let's amplify our tiny voice as one using the the steemit platform to effect change as we can now speak without fear of being muted!

And if you are not on steemit yet join the 2017 trend; uncensored internet on blockchain! Don't lose out on the future of the internet!

Breakthrough is here!

All additional sources/credit to:

YOUR BOY terry


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Nice yearly recap. Happy New Year.

Sweetness! Thank you a lot. A nice way to start the year is your encouragement

Happy New Year. All the best. Stephen

Really nice summation, upvoted and followed.

yep @cyperpunk thank you. really encouraging! 2017 has started well for me with this. amazing things ahead and for you, if you arent in 2017 just yet!

Have a good New Year brother

thank you alot! have a blast as well!

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It is all good! 2017 began well!