It's Not Even An Issue Of Copy/Paste; "How About You, Create Something That Nations Of The World Seek To Copy/Paste?"steemCreated with Sketch.

in steemit •  7 years ago 

Does The History Matter On Steemit?

Many may say; "forget regrets", "forget the past" etc but on steemit the reverse can very much be the case. I will touch on the past just a bit as it is becoming important to.

The Past

Here are few things that didn't exist:

  • As many help chat rooms as there are now
  • As many minnows, whales or dolphins to help as there are now (There was to help you identify when whales are around on steemit)
  • Vote bots as there are now
  • Vote delegation as there is now
  • As Much peace and calm as there is now
  • As Many communities
  • As Many guilds
  • As Many contests
  • As many learning resources (Mostly only the whitepaper) 

What existed? 

  • Few whales with very large power.
  • Ups & Downs (From flag wars, steemcleaners & cheetah were so strict, reward pool got empty etc)
  • Curation guild (Mostly curie and at times when @curie visited, you could only get close to 25$ and only for a period because once your rep rises a bit, you lose eligibility. No earning for me, even up to month 7!)
  • Flags (Flag button was almost a toy; even whales accounts could get (- rep))
  • Fears (Flag-fears alone sent several users out of steemit for months, only for them to return when hard-forks adjusted matters)
  • Bots (Bots are awesome today and very helpful! However, before a hardfork that fixed matters, bots had most of the curation rewards as they always got to posts faster than human curators.)
  • etc

Too, steem was as low as 7 cents. Let me take you back to my first post voted upon by Ned Scott here! Then look at a comment from a steemian, who located that post today, in the person of @ambmicheal:

I am imagining the tons of comments and upvotes this might have generated if you have actually made something like this now....

Yes! It would have earned a whooping amount today with steem at more than 1$ and perhaps even more, because while you may focus keenly on the SBD amounts underneath posts, there is so much more to it! There is visibility involved too and triggers to exposure, potential, opportunities and maybe auto-votes etc. 

So you may instantly fret about the SBD amount the post gather even with Ned's vote but maybe my affinity was for the other things!

So was i deterred?

Hahaha a fat NO. i was minnow only based on stats, but i was "whale" myself. 

Too, everyone was whale to me, by my standards. Look here; in reality, even that tiny minnow that you aren't celebrating much after looking at his steem wallet, may have 500 bitcoin somewhere and can easily become whale the next day and if you where here in the past, you will understand this so fully; where someone bullies a minnow for being minnow, then the minnow reappears as whale the next day.

You know the story!

There is more! If you live in the real world, you will also know something "connection". Hahaha, one could be minnow but could be connected (brother, friend, partner, relationships) to all the whales. 

A whale is a whale, stats or no stats!

You Get The Picture

"So why do i have to check your wallet!" Hahaha, i am more keen on the human behind the steemian because like i said just yesterday:

 And when it comes to SBDs, its not necessarily about the amount of SBDs; it is more about the substance of the human behind the SBDs. 

"And if i am not looking at your wallet, why would i do my post to attract you?"; This was me as a minnow!

And if you have had chats with me, you will have known, that i would give your hours and pieces of me, whether you are minnow or whale! 

I won't jump up with joy cause a whale came to visit me in chat, except i jump up with joy as well, that a minnow came around! 
Hahaha, you know i will always celebrate you!

Too, my posts do many other things e.g a means to keep my dreams and innovation ideas alive in dream-bits. 

Hahaha, i am also leaving legacies; impacting others; developing myself; flexing my innovative muscles; creating visions; helping others build their dreams; stirring community; teaching; instilling in others, inciting others to positive actions; rehearsing CEOism & a time when i will be able to poke the earth from its outskirts with awesome happy vibes etc

I wasn't attracting Ned; i was marveling myself! 

If you start to marvel like crazy, at the work of your hands (your creation), then "greatness" erupts!

Even as minnow, my DM chats where getting flooded with chats and the questions to me where very different because these amazing steemians wouldn't ask, "how do i succeed on steemit?"; instead they would ask: "Terry, how can i be like you?"

Note that i was minnow but they were keen on being like me! 

Then, i would do hours in chat with them explaining the theme: "You are whale to me!" but just before they leave, my concluding theme is:

To be like me, you will have to stubbornly be YOU.

So you see; it so so so pleased me that time, that Ned voted for me but the real satisfaction was in that:

He marveled at something, that marveled me! 

Then comes my next advice to many steemians, when they ask me, "how do i become really impacting using my post?":

The moment you start to be shockingly marveled by your own creation, then you are doing great things and people get drawn in, towards greatness.

One more thing: By means of my post involving Ned, I was learning about myself, from another person! 

To develop in your substance, you may need mirrors! 

"Steemit hubs a community of reputable great minds, who are incessantly mining with their minds"; a ton of valuable mirrors!

I did something similar as was the case with NED, more recently in a @stellabelle-related post.

Then look at some more history:

Why did i write about Ned? 

I had my own model of a social network before i found steem. It was my gift to the developing nations. One that gives room even to spammers and sifts the good from the not-so-good; one where "abuse", even "flags" were heavy words; one that is filled with forgiveness and love and where IP locations wasn't a "relevance factor"; with gamification that applies a "behavior paradigm"; then i got on steemit and its steem blockchain had a very similar model to mine, so i landed and stayed!

But a major factor resulting in my staying solidly, apart from steem being just the best blockchain ever, is; "the human behind the steemian" and in this case Ned. 

I don't read "lines" in general, i read "between lines" and try to grasp underlying concepts and all i had, to accomplish this understanding of steemit & steem at the time, were blogs of Ned and this was my path to identifying the substance of the human behind this awesome being; the staunchness and span of his vision as well as his dream and why it was conceived. I wasn't reading whitepapers! 

I didn't read whitepapers but i tell you; "i may understand it better than you who knows it verbatim!"

The true state of the heart are in the tiniest elements of it! So if were dating you, i may get into your heart in a week, because i won't be asking you very obvious questions like: "do you smoke?"

What am i saying?

You can read this: 

What if there was no one on Mama Earth and it was all only YOU? Would you just wake up each day, awaiting the "falling mango" to munch on it or would you discover "gravity"

Won't you at least leave indications that "YOU WERE HERE" at least, so that if aliens fell from Mars, they will at least they won't go back bragging that they were the first to discover earth?

"Adam named all the animals!" He didn't accomplish that feat, just sitting down in one place breaking coconuts! He had had to explore, study, learn, share and i tell you, he had no audience, not even Eve; for Eve came later! 

Did he even know, that there will be more than 7 billion people today? Plain NO. 

He create a legacy, which is in use today! and if he impressed or attracted anyone; well, he was the only one in existence!

So why look for help? Why not be your help? Who says you can't push things yourself? 

Who says, you can't bring you own community of 500 friends and have them all power up, till each has 1000 steem and in a few months, have to 500k steem power that you can call your own?

What if you were on steemit in the past, when the reward pool went dry for a month and people lost their potential payouts prior to the fork?

Ofcourse, we all are bound to seek help but what when there is no help, do we have to get hurriedly deterred? Aren't there a ton of other reasons to create content? and please remember the history of steemit as seen above. 

There are a ton of minnows today, who have been here in the past, are still here and are even being buried and forgotten, for they have not earned; so why jump queues? 

Even if you are the most genius person in the queue, do you jump queues? 

What's Copy/Paste? 

"Are others longing to copy/paste your own work?" That should be the case! 

Create something that nations of the world want to copy/paste. That is the route to go! 

Many newer steemians get @cheetah visits but alas, it is not a bad thing! @cheetah grew heart and it has only visited, to teach you how to create content that others round the world, will long to copy/paste: hot cake stuff!

How to post researched content?

It is so easy! If you need direct help, simply contact me here! 


  • Look for your resources; then read, study, learn, develop/evolve; then share what you have learn with us; in a bid to lead, teach, impact, save, create a movement, stir change etc
  • Paraphrase well; i.e write your perception or thoughts on an existing topic!
  • Place URL reference to all your resources at the bottom of your post and render credit appropriately.

To find nice samples; visit @steemiteducation or @steemstem to see what participants do there!

"In general, these are the best times on steemit!"

@steemcleaners and @cheetah are currently in their most human-mode and in their recent post here, you will see the procedure for appeals, even if you got blacklisted for abuse, like incessant copy/pasting, plagiarism etc

Basically, you allowed to appeal with a chance of redemption, after you have behaved well, posting and commenting for a week. So don't despair much, if you have been called upon by them; just let's get to work more!

Ultimately, don't lose your "freedom" as you need your freedom to succeed on steemit.

@cheetah grew heart and same applies to steemcleaners. If they visit your posts, it is in a bid to teach! 

It's Not About Evading Cheetah either

Well, the aim shouldn't be to evade cheetah. That is stressful and not very much fun and when you are too conscious about it and with entertained fears, you will easily fail at it. 

The mindset to adopt when you write a researched post is this:

Awww, this is a topic i have always been interested, let me read about it; BUT it shouldn't be just about reading! How about reading it because you want to evolve; develop in your substance etc so there has to be learning involved! 

You should be your first audience!

Then, teach what you have learned!

For images that aren't owned by you; use, etc as they are many pictures on there, allowed for commercial use etc. 

If you are used to google, bing etc you can get free-to-re-use pictures as well. Simply looking for the search engine filter and adjust it:

Click on advance settings and scroll down to "usage rights":

In every case, mention URL source for the image because this tiny-looking effort, gives even curators more freedom to upvote. e.g even when your images are from; curators may not be sure about your image source, if you haven't mentioned it and may be reluctant to upvote. 

Too, curators have a responsibility and a reputation to uphold as well. 

In my case for instance, @steemcleaners come to me in the DMs, to mention some of these cases and i have had to explain to them, that i will be more careful in my next rounds of curation.


Even when a tag is getting curation efforts and upvotes, you can still choose to stay staunch on your route and lead there. "Mentality" is key! 

Always aim to have an edge!

If you need to post under a niche tag, do it for YOU, because you like the topic; because you want to learn, evolve and impart and not because you want to attract others. 

Simply put, be attractive even to yourself first and you will draw people in! This is a more testimonial route! The harder route but the more testimonial route!

Overall, my case is very different. I look for the good even in the not-so-good, so if you copy/paste my work, go for it! It will pride me to know that you give my work that much value. 

You can only take the words but the intention, vision & dreams are spanless and remain intact in the head and mind that produced them. 

If the vision is great, broad and intact, then why haste or shake; there is no completion; there has never been!

Your Boy Terry



My community effort is part of what i do as a steemit witness, thus, the use of the hashtag (witness category).

If you would want to vote for my witness, click here, then type in"steemgigs" in the first search box! You don't need voting power to vote for a witness!   


Consider choosing @surpassinggoogle as your proxy, to help you with choosing your witness votes. To do this, visit then type in "surpassinggoogle" in the proxy search box as seen below!    

  Join us on Steemgigs community on discord to contact me directly:  

Everyone has something to offer!

 @sunnylife's display of love 

 Join us on Steemgigs community on discord to contact me directly:  

Everyone has something to offer!
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As a newbie in the site, finding this post is very timely and informative as it showed different aspects. One that is particularly applicable is the insight of what type of posts to share.

I initially planned to write about my toy collecting hobby and movie opinions but somewhat held back as readers may find it boring. I mean, I am no film critic so why would readers even bother with my review of a film. As for that toy collecting bit, why would a 37yo dude even collect toys (my gosh right)!!!

But thanks to your post, I realize that I should stay my course. I love watching movies and a "Kidult" (kid-adult). Writing about these topics is comfortable to me and somewhat elevates stress from work :) Movies is relatively common but toy collecting is quite a unique niche. Here's hoping that readers will understand why I collect and that it can be a good thing (my posts will showcase the joys of toy collecting) :D

Anyway, sorry about the long comment. Thanks again for this very informative and insightful post. You have been followed and this post re-steemed :)

You will be surprised at the beauty you will create and you will unveil people who have similar interest as you but apply reservations. So lead there and turn it into something grand cos it will turn out grand. The niche is yours. Glad you met this post. Look here, you will grasp my comment better:

Hi Terry,
Sorry for the lateness of my response. I have just visited mentioned post and dropped my comment there. I hope you saw it though since the post already has lots of comments :D I won't post my comment here since it will become redundant, but basically, I said something about innovation, talent, and skill :) oh by the way, that particular post gave me an idea on what to blog. So thanks again for that :)

You are most welcome. i miss out on somethings but i try to go back, so i may catch it

Wooow, this is sooooo deep and true

What if there was no one on Mama Earth and it was all only YOU? Would you just wake up each day, awaiting the "falling mango" to munch on it or would you discover "gravity"?

Really, we need to dig further to stay relevant, it is indeed true, what if there was no booster nor much whales as it is today...

What if there was no @curie project?

Overall, my case is very different. I look for the good even in the not-so-good, so if you copy/paste my work, go for it! It will pride me to know that you give my work that much value.

God bless your sense of reasoning for this you know i was wondering if i could, but then i told you and you asked me to quote you in your last blogpost... I was like really.. Without minding my minmow status... Indeed you have a heart of Gold, i am glad we crossed path!!

Too, everyone was whale to me, by my standards. Look here; in reality, even that tiny minnow that you aren't celebrating much after looking at his steem wallet, may have 500 bitcoin somewhere and can easily become whale the next day and if you where here in the past, you will understand this so fully; where someone bullies a minnow for being minnow, then the minnow reappears as whale the next day.

Oh my God, does everyone reason like this?? It is soooo true, peoples worth are not really measured by temporary appearance for real...

Thanks so much for acknowledging me in your post and most importantly for always taking your time to create wonderful blog that people will definitely learn one thing or the other... Its feels really good to be on your blog...

All I can see and summarize of the post is, noble people still exists and @surpassinggoogle is an example of humility redefined. To whom humbles himself is an elevatory reward. He really is a role model 👍👍

Here you have me following , he @surpassinggoogle is such a great one you cant imagine to lose his post... he's great

Very sweet

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hi @surpassinggoogle Thanks for all your information. Very interesting, and I became more knowledgeable and my anxiety about the results of the post disteemit answered from your post. And satya is one among thousands of steemans that is affected with your writing. I Want to be like you, like my son who wants to be like batman, hehehe ... I really hope the science and the lesson of steemit from you .. I hope you will teach me.

I do not even know who the steemit CEO is, and from your explanation I know who the steemit CEO is. I was almost frustrated and lost confidence in myself. why I did not get a vote, but I did not make mistakes not even plagiarism. But no vote came. Until I ask for help from @sweetsssj in every post. in order to be a motivation for me to get better in the future.

Stay motivated. You will do great things eventually

I hope so and remain optimistic that I can do it here. Thank you terry, I am WAHYU from ACEH - indonesia. I'm a basic school teacher, I'm glad to meet you here sir. I have not had time to ask many of the curators of Indonesia, nor do I think they are busy so it did not have time to explain to me about what you described above.

You may like @steemiteducation

  ·  7 years ago (edited)
Hi @surpassinggoogle, Thanks for sharing another tremendous blog post for this mind blowing Community. You know due to your positive attitude and thoughts whenever your post comes 02 things happen at the same time: Full of joy & Tears[Don't know what is connection here of these two opposite emotions]. Your Heading must be Quote of the Day:

It's Not Even An Issue Of Copy/Paste; "How About You, Create Something That Nations Of The World Seek To Copy/Paste?
Believe me this is not only a Heading, indeed this is a very sound & positive message towards community. I once a gain appreciate you on thinking like that.

You wrote Present / Past things, Some other people's references etc. Actually in my view point: People make thing up or down. It only depends on their mentality. And mentality arises with Education or Positive culture around.

Here at steemit, I felt a very very Positive Culture everywhere. No doubt most of the people guide, support each other, which made this community unbeaten.

And no doubt you are doing almost a leading role here at steemit for the betterment of this community in all respect. You give respect, also show your unbelievable generosity(irrespective of people you upvote even a comment, and after that reply of that comment - This is unbelievable) Nobody can beat you in this regard. That's why this community is spreading speedily. 50% of the total, people joined steemit in just last 3-4 months. My all best wishes are for you. Stay blessed.

Yes, so yes!

@surpassinggoogle thanks for agreeing with my statement.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Thanks for such a useful post full of great information. I too feel like a whale on the inside and hopefully sometimes that will come out in a brighter light than in does now. But for now I am really happy with how things are going.Since I first got here 4 months ago I started badly with some shitposts because I didn't really grasp the concept behind steemit and how it really works. After some time I got the hang of it and decided to give a big piece of myself to steemit.
Steemit's community is like no other I came across on the internet. May it be fb, insta, reddit, 4chan or whatever.Where the community is filled with hate speech, trolls and bullying.
People here are really passionate, loving, giving, humbling, creative and really and truly want to help you and the whole platform to succeed.

When I realized that I asked myself what can I do to give something back and create value for the community.
I came up with @steemcreations
A project to ensure FREE digital artwork/photography and even services For steemians by steemians
It's just in it's beginning phase but a lot of users have already contributed some cool artwork and shared it for free with the community. To use for whatever purpose they like.
And that is awesome. I hope more people will join the project and create something special for the community.
I promote and give away digital artwork whenever I can on my main accoutn to bring more eyeballs on the project.
Things are moving slowly but they are moving and I'm really happy to see that.

Wow... Sorry for such a long rant. Anyway, thanks for the info, you really helped me with how to get free artwork that can be reused and modified. That is perfect for me as I do a lot in photoshop and adobe illustrator.

Have a great day sir.

No rant here. You are on the right track. Right mindset. Evident evolution and you are looking at the bigger picture and at steem itself as well, where beauty lies. Just keep pushing till its ripe, then you can look into your own interface. On steemit community is very very very key, so push and pace things till is ripe. In reality, with a great vision that's unshaken, whales will contact you. You can also be partner and apprentice even, but even at those times people with vision, will know of your vision regardless and everything will be 50/50. Ofcourse, we can go seek help, by why not go 50/50 like you said with strong evidence of the value you offer and let a whale be looking to gain too. Too, community is coming up later in the year and your name space will count and when #smt happens, even bigger things. Stay awesome!

I'm looking at steemit as a retirement fund of some sort (and I'm 22). I can see steemit going places in a couple of years but until then I'm hoarding as much sp as I can get my hand on as a student with limited budget on my hand.
It still seems like it is hard to connect with people on steemit. Because I am not the kind to ask for help or favours or anything else for that matter. But good things will come I'm sure.
Just have to be patient and persistent. And that's what I am :)
Hopefully college will leave me with enough time to contribute to steemit more than now because currently it isn't letting me :/
Anyway, thanks for the kind words and encouragement I'll do my best to make something great.

You will do great things. You mindset is perfect. I hardly ask help too. Connection is possible. I am always here and in the chats. Alot goes on there

glad you think so (:
won't bother you in chats but would love your entry for my little promo contest for @steemcreations I did on my main blog check it out here here and enter if you want to show some support.

I'm merely algae in this world of minnows, sharks, tuna, dolphins, and whales.
Literally the bottom of the steemit food chain ecosystem.

I've never had anything i created resteemed, I have however had a handful of comments and a few upvotes, but I am getting the hang of it.

Perseverance. Determination, Luck, but above all else, I try to maintain a positive outlook, and most importantly, create original, useful content.


I love you Terry. I'm serious! You are incredibly gifted with words...more that you are gifted at making your thoughts and ideas grow wings. And you have an enormous presence. You are absolutely right, you were always a whale.

I love this:
"Adam named all the animals!" He didn't accomplish that feat, just sitting down in one place breaking coconuts! He had had to explore, study, learn, share and i tell you, he had no audience, not even Eve; for Eve came later!

You are an inspiration to everyone on here...even now I just got an idea ;)

Hahaha i love you too. News soon!

Just passing by

Thanks @surpassinggoogle once again another selfless post to teach and educate us red fish and minnows on how to get ahead quick on steemit. If only more people were like you Terry as i am sure i have commented this world would be a lot better place. Thank you for the clarification on some key means of getting curated and making more sbd. I hope you enjoyed my last post. I guess not quite what you are interested in as far as curating. I will learn from this post my friend.
God bless you for all that you do. Which is alot!

Thanks Terry. I appreciate your support with my self help writings. ;)
cheers my friend.

Hello Terry, I have tried a few different things with this post using some of the info from your posting here. Please have a look my friend. If it is worthy now, and any feedback or help on making my posts more appealing would be awesome. You are my friend, so I am asking you. This is it Tolerance Please do what you will. I really hope you like it, and any ideas on bettering my posts would be awesome.
God Bless you my friend,

I missed this yesterday but glad u found it today. The concept behind your article was awesome. Using quotes to display the idea of others wanting to copy and paste your work just shows me even more how intelligently your articles are written. Some next level stuff and I love it!! I've been inspired by you to start a 30 day challenge and make at least 1 post a day for a month and see where I end up. I was liking the interaction but it's fell off a bit. I'm sure it'll pick back up with consistency. Thank you for a very creative piece today Terry. Your friend, Frank.

I am very hopeful that it will pick back up. These take time. People keep spotting you over time. E.g autovoters or curators have parameters. Many whales don't have time to vote manually, so they may put someone on an auto voting list based on parameters. They have limited voting power each day, so they are likelier to chose people who are defined over time e.g this person will post once a day and will not keep posting 10 times upon noticing that he is earning and drain all my voting power when i should vote for others too, or he will post on my topic "food" or about "himself" and i like him etc these things take time. The trending pages didn't just happen. say kingscrown and you know its crypto, say sweetssj and you know its about her and she is likely to post once even though she can post 10 times etc. there is a lot and i dont usually reveal these things in public, except only i know about the person and his mindset which happens mostly in chat cos info like this can also be misunderstood. its meant for a particular audience

I really appreciate it. I'm starting to see some of these things over time. Like the auto votes that happen right at 30 min from post for max curation. They really thought about everything when designing this platform, and I know some happened as things evolved but it really is quite the concept. Thank you for taking the time to explain a couple things to me, I'm not giving up that's for sure!

Great. Learning is earning too. I don't see any loss

Hi sir. Once again thank you for sharing a valueable post. This is very important as I have seen some people being flagged or downvoted until their rep hit rock bottom which is very saddening. Plagiarism is a very important issue in every topic, especially in the STEM category. No matter how good your summary is if you didn't cite your sources that's already plagiarism. And plagiarism is very much synonymous to stealing. Personally, I think that the platform is being lenient in the issue of citing the sources. Authors just needed to put a link or type the source somewhere in the post, we didn't even need to do some tedious formatting in the citations. Just don't be lazy and the most important thing is to learn from our mistakes. Don't blog for money, blog for the readers. Tens of minnow votes are not comparable to a single whale vote. But who knows, in time maybe 1 or 2 of those minnows will become whales and if they are following you... That's pure awesomeness. Haha! Again, thank you very much sir for sharing! Always stay healthy to write more of these :D

Thank you much

Hello Terry bro, your words most times reminds of a saying "no one is born more special than any other person". No one is born to blog nor write, we all at a point in time become one with what we do every time. The issue of COPY/PASTE is no a big deal to me, the big deal is why can't a copied work be put into different use. I am a big fan or originality and new things which makes me one among few that believed that green latern is not just a fiction but a reality that is been put into fiction. Believe me, I'm well aware of super powers. Thanks for this bro, take care.

wonderful post.. I wish all have the same attitude as you

Wish so too. I haven't forgotten your witness. It's on mind. My witness slots are full and several waiting too. but its on my mind

Thank you. I hope Some say i Can convince you as witness

I hope you like this.. my daughter made a fantastic contribution for Steemfest art festival

awesome post my friend, i really appreciate you thoughts especially the words "you only see humans behind steemians" is so deep, well i think that should be the approach of every steemian out here, we should have to give equal support and respect to every steemian out here it doesn't matter he is minnow, dolphin or whale the think which matter the most is that there are humans behind the steemians, i also like you thoughts about posting a research based topics no doubt we have to learn first and then post about that topic after learning it in that way we should get good results.

Now you also talk about @cheetah and i also like that service, it is the good development but i think their process of steem appeals is little difficult especially for new steemians and it should be lot easier than that, i try to explore the steemchat two to three times just to see what's going on there and i saw that when peoples go to appeals section there questions remains unanswered even for days and mostly no body present out their in steemchats to solve the problem, the cheetah and steemcleaner is very quick to down vote the content but when peoples ask them for a release the id no body their for help and this ends up in a huge discouragement for peoples, i think these are also "humans behind steemians" and humans tends to do mistakes, there will be someone there to solve the peoples issues at least within 24hrs, i hope this problem should be solved in a very near future. Now my friend @surpassinggoogle it's just you and me no bots involved what your thoughts on this problem.

you also tell us about uploading images and these tips are also so helpful to us, thanks for developing us slowly but surely my friend and i bet your work and effort surely gives steemit new heights, Stay happy and awesome my friend terry and have a very happy and cheerful week ahead. thanks for sharing

I hope they read this. There is always room for improvement. They have really improved too from how it used to be in the past

Steemit is not a SPRINT It's a MARATHON:):)
Share from you heart:)have fun in everything that you do.
As I grow here on Steemit, I learn a lot of things and still learning.
My reputation is only a number, just a wallet is just a wallet..

I like this quote:):)
" And when it comes to SBDs, its not necessarily about the amount of SBDs; it is more about the substance of the human behind the SBDs"

Keep Shining Kuya Terry!

Keep rocking. It greenery up here

Thank you!!! . You make me smile:) hehe

@immarojas, nay thanks also for guiding me about putting source/links etc

Mabuhay !!!

wow @surpassinggoogle , this is really superb,very detailed and precised information are put in here, a lot of things to learn and to improve for myself as well. This is really on point , resteemed this post , because it motivates me to become better and also it would help other steemians to be aware on the content to write on. Greatly appreciate your enthusiasm as a great mentor to many, thank you terry . I've learned that no matter how small the sbd is , we have to consider it a blessing and have a learning experience, maybe something wrong with the tag or information provided. And I agree with you that we all have to grow and stand up on our own because we can only help ourself not completely dependent on others. Yes! We mine with our minds, originality at its best!


thank you Terry :)

You are welcome

Hello @surpassinggoogle

Terry sir. You have proven to be a tough guy, the doer of what he preaches. To have survived such an Era where almost no incentive existed here is an eloquent testimony to your undiluted love for Steemit social program. Personally, I must admit, I may not have survived such a period.

You continue to exude inspiration. What a human! How tough! An applause

Learning your philosophy everyday. And trust me, I have acquired a great deal of it to keep me going.


Dear @surpassinggoogle, This sounds great in reading but actually, it's easier said than done: It's Not Even An Issue Of Copy/Paste; "How About You, Create Something That Nations Of The World Seek To Copy/Paste?" You sparked the required inspiration in the users, that's great but the real question is:

Why do people copy paste?

I thoroughly enjoyed reading your post. Also read about @ned. Normally, I keep a distance from bosses so that part was not much fun for me honestly. :D

You're doing an amazing job to help the lowest layer of the Steemit community get the piece of the pie many times in a week and this is commendable. I'm sure there are some other nice Whales doing the same thing but I'm dead sure not at this level. So, I salute you for doing this great work.

Wish you all the best in your life!

Happy Steeming!

Wish you the best too. We'll all have wow moments soonest

Thank You! Can't wait to meet you at the winning post @surpassinggoogle.

Everyone wins something. I have voted on almost all the entries already

Huge Respect!

As a newbie. I was hooked up because I thought this is a different community. However, sometimes technicalities of its system prohibits you to expand thus the democracy of just seeing the post and not even an upvote is put.

I wish there's more @surpassinggoogle person out their with this kind mind set.

Overall, connections and relationships need to be built and that takes time.

Praying for good health and more blessing so that you may reach out more like me here.

In Jesus name amen

You havent really been online today, amd even your comments lately are worrisome i want to believe everything is alright with you??

Many newer steemians get @cheetah visits but alas, it is not a bad thing! @cheetah grew heart and it has only visited, to teach you how to create content that others round the world, will long to copy/paste: hot cake stuff!!!

Lols, i forgot to quote this in my last comment, actually, i have had cheetah visit sometimes and i will be like is it a crime to just steal some piece and remodify or even post like that?? Then it dawn on me, the original poster must have sacrificed something to come up with the post, and if i work hard i would definitely write things even greater than having to copy...

I believe hard work pays really and it is not even overly good to reap where you did not sow...

Thanks so much terry

I think you need to see this its me talking a bit about hardwork...

Sometimes its not about hardwork, its more about playful creativity. You do without copy paste and still get cheetah on your post. Most of the thoughts especially for popular topics have been thought before, sometimes with the same string of lines. There was a period on steemit when i resorted to 6-words sentiments to break every string possible. this thing called copyright etc is subjective to me. Very even and is one steemit and decentralization tends to solve, some just take it extremities. In reality, you can't tell me i can't use google cos it is your brand name, if that is the case, take me to court but make sure the court case is in USA please, then you will tell me if "google" is not a word. Or i danced to a song and someone sprayed on me 1 million, then 3face comes to me and said his song is part of the composition, i have to give him 500k. The world is bigger than that.
Big people don't eat themselves up over nothing. "i can't see you" basically. Dan for instance, has create bitshares, then moved to steem and now to EOS.
This not everyone's style. It is my style though.
My ideas are here. Take it if you want. You can't beat me on my own idea. I will always have the tiny secret recipe. If my idea is beatable, i will refine till it isn't. I don't create something to protect it because it is not protect-able. I have seen people fighting others for using their steemit logos on the same steemit that we all promote. Even the owner of steemit aren't fighting. And your graphic design has the main logo hidden in it and you are confidently fighting another person saying he stole it.

As for my replies, i dont have 5 mins of rest in a day and have slept for a year. My life is a very tough one. At times, when my response has low tone, i am in recovery.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

This is indeed true i have seen case where 2 friends brought themselves to court with claims that his idea was stolen. The first guy claimed he had the idea and gave his friend the hint now the friend implemented it without it consent, now he is in court because he wants his friend to pay him as compensation for his stolen idea.
That sounded funny to me because i believe an idea isnt yours until it is implemented even when you implement it and its not copyright you still have no right over it cus its possible for people to be in the same room and share one idea.
My post has been flagged in cases where is is my own work but what to do i was not the first person to write it well i really dont know how fair this is.

Its all really subjective. So for ideas sit above competition. Create something that no one can fully steal

Wooow, this is so true... How come you know this much about life... You seem to me like you are experienced in all field of life and that kindda gives you an edge over others...

Please try as much as possible to get all the rest you can get... Really its important....

Hi @surpassinggoogle indeed you really inspired me on this one perhaps is good to trace ones steps to success back from the history,like in your case when you where a minnow upto today you are a whale and thats why you do appreaciate even when a minnow like me come around and check on your post,also the fact that there is no need of copying and pasting someone else work on Steemit since its not the SBDs that matters but the content created by the writer inorder to earn the SBDs is what matters for sure i do agree with you because yuo have taught me that i can research on a topic that i like and once i have found it,take my time and read about it afterwards share it with the rest of the community at large since Steemit is a platform of great minds mining with their reasoning power to create content and as a result of that an individual will end up creating something that other people around the world will yearn to copy,lastly thank you even for letting me know where to get pictures for my post and how to come up with posts that will inspire,teach,motivate and transform other fellow steemians on this platform indeed this is the greatest advice and knowledge i have gotten from a fellow steemian ever since i joined steemit and thats why i can't by pass your post minus reading it and understanding it fully because of the wisdom it will impact in me as an individual,trully you are such a blessing on Steemit mr Terry blessings @surpassinggoogle with much love from @davidkaruah.

Stay awesome

I will definitely stay awesome as usual my best friend on Steemit @surpassinggoogle indeed thank you so much for your responce towards my comment and support much blessings @surpassinggoogle from @davidkaruah.

Stay blessed

likewise my man @surpassinggoogle

Thank you @surpassinggoogle. Your history here in Steemit will always matter and your history through your journey here in Steemit. Your history is now a part of book in our life. If I do have enough time again (Maybe after classes period), I will go back to your history and read your all post from the start. I really wanted to learn from you. Though I'm not be able to be here in this platform as old as you are. But I'm lucky enough to have you here. Thank so much sir Terry.

You are welcome

Then, i would do hours in chat with them explaining the theme: "You are whale to me!" but just before they leave, my concluding theme is:

To be like me, you will have to stubbornly be YOU.

So you see; it so so so pleased me that time, that Ned voted for me but the real satisfaction was in that:

He marveled at something, that marveled me! 

Too much sauce/teaching in a post... I think we are now many, People are now seeking the attentions of the whales and dolphins. The reason being that if you don't do it, no one will come visiting. I could remember my post on things you need to know about me and my introduce yourself post was when Stella visited my post, I didn't stalk her to stay within reach maybe I love staying on my own, yes I prefer a whale visiting me than me chasing them like a fly chasing a baby poo.. Lol, I lost that touch maybe cos I was trying to be me, I totally forgot that there are people who will stalk and take the chance! oh well they succeeded. I only reply her content and I don't even remember her replying me. But to my greatest surprise she came visiting yesterday. I guess it was through the post you made yesterday. I am glad she did after a long while. I think I have started being me, comment on posts and leave, whoever visits fine, if they don't fine also... Like you wrote believe and be marvelled in your content. I choose to be a gold fish, there is no hiding place for one. Thanks for sharing👍

As simple as 1,2,3. One day soon, i will tell you of my path in full. Its testimonial but satan came around to try to shatter it all. Our lives in Jehovah's bosom

Its testimonial but satan came around to try to shatter it all.

This too shall pass once Jehovah's involved. Be strong.

Yep switie. Stay awesome!

Wow. Such attitude of a winner. You just blew my mind more with this.

I choose to be a gold fish. Thumbs up.

Thanks dear... I realized that not long ago.

I love ittttttttttttttttttttt! I choose to be a "GOLD FISH"
mmmm thinking mine?? how about a STARFISH???
hahaha rock n roll!!!
Stay beautiful!!! @sweetestglo-eu

Starfish is cool but I love the outstanding beautiful fish. The Gold one. Thanks beautiful. stay awesome and beautiful.

I love the "GOLD FISH" for u. It's suits you well.:)
I think I will use "start fish" for myself hehe
We are all beautiful creatures in the Ocean hahaha

Nice to meet you @swetestglo-eu
See you around:)

Post like this always have a way of putting me in a pensive mood for hours.

Hahaha a fat NO. i was minnow only based on stats, but i was "whale" myself.
In simple words, I think, therefore i am.

My mentality is the key, and once it is taken from me, then i will lose my sense of creativity.
It takes only an exceptional mind to challenge another mind into doing something exceptional.

@surpassinggoogle, pardon me, i have to say this, you are a content god.

Hahaha, i will just stay speechless. My 10q is 20

Lol. Men, thanks alot for being awesome.

Great post. Everybody is unique and has his own view on anything. Instead of copy pasting stuff you should read and internalize the article and write it in your own words. You could also use the help of a plagiarism checker site so as to avoid plagiarism.

That point on crediting image sources even if they are from pixabay is very helpful

Very sweet comment

Thanks. Love the work you are doing for the steemit community. It's priceless.

You are welcome

I've read your writing up to five times @surpassinggoogle , and I look at every word you say. Really this is an inspiration for me, and I become motivated with all the sentences that you submit in your writing above. The more I hope to be as successful as you are at #steemit and hopefully god will listen to my prayer. Thank you my friend (Tery)

You are awesome

This post made my day, facts been told; this is the longest post I have read in here without the prompting urge to skip.
You really did encourage me with this. And I must thank you for taking out time to put this up.
You are a legend bro, a unique class on it own.
Well-done! When I grow up, I want to better than you are now. 😊😊😊😊😊

You are awesome. I try to help in the flow, so that it is easy to get to the end. I see you doing awesome things

You are already awesome even already before when you're still a minnow. 7 months is a long time but you have endured it and now you're starting to reap the fruits of your awesomeness 😂 Learned a lot from you from this blogpost. Yey!

That's so true. Some people achieve greatness not by striving for it but by just being their true self.

Yep magandaness

@surpassinggoogle !You are one of the best writers I found on steemit .Hope to see you soon at the top of the witness list .Well done as ever.Best Regards .

Hahaha now i miss posting. I should post soon

Yes ,we are waiting anxiously no doubt for your next post .

Sounds good to me ;) lets start making something that can change the future :D


This is amazing, bro Terry. I have been trying to motivate young steemians here in Nigeria, but this piece by you is very concise, especially backed by your wealth of experience and history. I love what you are doing bro, so I'm going to resteem this for my fellows to learn from it too. Thank God I have slot to vote you as witness and I'm going to direct members of #promo-nigeria to vote you too because you have a good heart. Much love from #promo-nigeria.

Thank you much. Kosi wahala

Haha, bros I even wanted to ask you cuz of the name. I now know you are my brother. Don't worry I'm doing a lot of awareness and as people come in, you are the first witness to be voted. @greatness96

Hahaha my name is public. It's on my fb. Fb is on my profile. Plus, #nigeria knows me more than you may know

Wow, I'll check it out. I have heard some nice things about you. Though I'm yet to join ur untalented contest.

A W E S O M E! Need I say more? A lot learned. I'm better for reading this. I'm interested in knowing what goes on in your head and I'm so glad that you don't mind sharing. They are many so I'm certain you have a huge job in front of you if you hope to share it all.

I just wanted to say awesome! Thank you.

Dude, you just said the other part of my mind. He is awesome as always.

I love to read but I think reader just met his match. I will be back

Thank you. Reading. I will be back to tell you my thoughts on what I found.

Hahaha you find a ton. Yours coming soon

Yes I did find a ton. You do not rest, do you?

First one done. Receiving truly is an art and so is giving. Dreams are dreams but if thoughts objectify themselves, then with a little "stubbornness" dreams can equal reality. You know how Naija can crush people but it has not crushed us and will not because our spirit cannot be broken, only our bodies and for that we have prosthetics. We keep trudging on.

No beefs: but give me Mark Zuckerberg's grey shirt, Bill Gates glasses and one fluffy mattress and I may create "Macro-hard". Give them my shoes and they may not come up with "Facebooklets". No beefs

I hear you and I can totally relate.

Success must be measured by obstacles conquered and not by materials. If we insist on defining our success by materially, we do ourselves wrong and sell ourselves short. Those who know understand.

Thank you, my brother. I'm taking notes.

Sure. I will go through this asap. You know you should consider writing a book.

Trust me, the therapeutic effect it would have on depressed minds will make it a best seller.

Best part of this point of view is it's how you find yourself getting "lucky" on steemit. As in, that minnow that you engaged with your content and responded too despite there SP amount may indeed become that whale.

And yes, copy paste is a compliment. It happened to me a couple weeks ago and I was honored someone thought my post was valuable enought to copy past. Of course it also helped it got caught right away so, no harm either.

Yes to everything.
Hahaha to the later part.
You are awesome

Thank you @surpassinggoogle for this tremendous post, it really helps.
I can remember my encounter with @cheeter in my introduction post.
Perhaps, eager to write something on my introductory post or just put something up to let people see. So i had to copy and write exactly how the person that introduced me to #steemit @honourmaus wrote his. From A-z (it sound funny right?) yeah.

I was happy i finally wrote something on my blog, unbeknownst to me that @cheeter was after me, immediately i login and met @cheeter post, relating my post to @honourmaus post, i felt ashamed for disgracing myself because i wanted to put something down and let the world see.

I summoned the courage not to get discouraged by being myself , so i had to rewrite another post by myself with my head up there.
Since then, i know the importance of @cheeter because i used to run away from plagiarism.

Since then, my originality has developed and I've always being myself.
Thank you so much @surpassinggoogle for this, you are such a awesome leader sir. You always inspire me

Thank you for sharing. Stay awesome

Its my pleasure to hear from you sir

Terry Boy nailed it again! That was a lot of info I just "blink blink " my eyes! What more to add? Be a person and not just a post!


Thanks for this man it is very useful time to use this tips and create some amazing content :)

Sometimes i wonder how you are able to captivate and secure the minds of so many readers @surpassinggoogle then i think within me that adequate research is the master key,you have inspired so many lives all i ask for you is more wisdom.

Okay. The amazing this is "no books" involved. Please read my last post or last two posts. You will grasp better

Thanks stay blessed

Reading this is mind blowing. Steemit making me wow and want to have some more. Had to pace things in recent days...

I will like to ask

even when your images are from; curators may not be sure about your image source, if you haven't mentioned it and may be reluctant to upvote.

I have seen people using pixabay as ablanket cover for the pictures in their post. Would it be wrong to cite just alone and exclude the remaining url?

Yes. Even just "pixabay", so that even curators can vote more freely

Glad this piece didnt pass me,they all made sense.

Simply put, be attractive even to yourself first and you will draw people in! This is a more testimonial route! The harder route but the more testimonial route!

@gbenga once said something likely,he said steemit is not about seeking for notice and making noise but being original in your doing and without quiting, after that comes your victory.
Thats not his word exactly but what i picked out.

And truly steemit was far harder the earlier days,thats one of the things i use in motivating myself,if the present whales didnt quit in the earlier difficulty,why should i?

Yep switie. Just yes. I like seeing @gbenga spreading the good stuff.

Hahaha a fat NO. i was minnow only based on stats, but i was "whale" myself.

I am not a minnow, not a whale too.
I am a star.

That's what whale means. I am talking mentality, star, mindset, vision, things to do with life.

Yep. your quote above is really inspiring. I'm gonna be real stellar someday. :D

Right now I just don't know what to award you but giving some rounds of applause here. You're always on point. Great work to be Resteemed.

Thank you

I am quite guilty of copy and paste. I do it mostly for my research and assignments but I've never really thought that I was doing myself a huge disfavor until I read your post.

I could relate the issue of copy and paste to human relations with the earth. We keep using up the earths resources, cutting trees, burning forests and defacing our lovely universe. What if we create more than we destroy. Then we are leaving legacies not only for ourselves but generations to come.

This is also true about copy and paste.


I am kind of being a fan of your writings buddy ,i hope you are right and the things and the suggestions you have given they are indeed worthy and no wonder i will follow them as mch as possible ,well going towards the stairs upwards of Steemit only that person understand how much effort lies in gaining spirit .
Awesome post ,loved it

It is just a harder route but it works


Dear @surpassinggoogle
I will work with all my interest to make a post that people would like to copy and paste it
I will definitely put the url from my research at the bottom of the post
Thank you very much for your help and support of me and my girlfriend @artaddict
Much love

You are welcome. Stay awesome

I much appreciate
Will definitely do so!
Much love

You know I recently read a post of @stellabelle about you when she said as a minnow you had the heart of a whale but all you needed was to be noticed. I dint fully grasp her meaning till I saw this

So you may instantly fret about the SBD amount the post gather even with Ned's vote but maybe my affinity was for the other things!

You have it! What made the difference was your passion for value and not money or attention. This is enough motivation for me to carry on. Well done


  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I am, yet again, inspired... Not merely by the words, but the message. :) Doing something that you enjoy is always worth every effort, time, etc... You may or may not be awarded from it, but the happiness and satisfaction are always there! Why? Because you enjoyed and did what you love! ^^ Thank you sir Terry, for always reminding us to remain human, but go beyond our untalented self... ^^

What if there was no one on Mama Earth and it was all only YOU? Would you just wake up each day, awaiting the "falling mango" to munch on it or would you discover "gravity"?

I'll take this opportunity to enjoy earth by myself.. Who knows when I'm leaving the said planet?! hahaha

Simply put, be attractive even to yourself first and you will draw people in!

I couldn't agree more... it comes hand in hand with loving and believing yourself first, and othera would soon do the same...

Have a lovely day, sir Terry! :)

Read the part two on @stellabelle's page

I've read it, interesting enough to discuss.

Got it, sir... ^^

This is so much information. So much tips and I am lost for words that every challenge I have been facing since I joined steemit has been trashed out by you. Quality content and persistence is the way to to go. Thank you so much for this very insightful post.

@stellabelle said something in relation to this. Stay awesome

I should announce to all my followers to come down here and remain. You share so much honesty in your posts. Plenty wisdom and above all you keep our hope alive. I have always told myself I am whale. People around me who are yet to come on board marvel at how I refer to them as potential whales. I talk a lot about steemit and @surpassinggoogle. Minnow with the stats, whale in all. Thanks dear

You talk about me switie? So awww

Yes o! There's no mention of steemit without @surpassinggoogle. If I skip I get reminded.Lol

Who reminds you?

My aunt and Chris my cousin. Then his set of friends

I want to ask you for help one article only,
please help me my article,
I am very pleading to you

your post is very nice and interesting, I really like your posts
can you see my post about you, i just finished a cool design for you
I am very happy if you like the results of my hard work for you :) @surpassinggoogle

A post with a positive impact it will lead to the betterment of all thanks for sharing this valuable post :)

You are welcome

as a minnow every one thinks the same as you were when you was new at that time and the advantages and disadvantages you described like in the past there were no upvote bots add one more point there were also not too many supportive seniors like you and agreed there were no contest like these days i am not old i m new but as we join this community we get to know the history the bad thing these days that disturbed the whole community is flag whale wars and you know very well about the person i am talking about with a negative repotation so flag is still a toy for whales they just kill anyone without justifying i hate false flags ! flagging must be given too helpful seniors like u you must be given full authority of flagging i wish lets see what will happen in future sorry again for that long comment i hope it clears all my thoughts and you get my points 😉 thanks for reading lots of love to you terry bro 😘

It will get better

The words you gave are more than silver and gold. Even the title is the message that can change generations. Sadly ctrl+c and ctrl+v remains some people's best friends

Thank you

this is the post that actually every active member on steemit should look at and should understand it completely as it can lead to the better way and help them out thanks for this post very helpful :)

You are welcome

I do agree that one should create content that nations should copy/paste. You came along way and you are going up and pulling us with you. @surpassinggoogle

Thank you much.

copying anyone is a bad idea yes you can get the idea about it and can implement it in your own way but direct copy paste takes you nowhere


Over all
Withouth further a do,
Just be inspire to aspire
Thats what I get through the long writing
Stressed a lot of factor,

I keep my mission
To spread awareness of redfish rank!
And to become a minnow
But remain a redfish community builder

Great piece as usual. I can't really imagine what many steemians go through then. We are thankful to them really for believing in steemit and promoting it to what what it is today.


I agree with you, you should always try to find your advantage and try to fill this niche. Now I'm also looking for my direction, I try to esperify, it happens, sometimes I do not, but I know the main thing is that the time will come and everything will turn out. Of course, I understand that from scratch, it's hard to get to the top, but when it comes, satisfaction will be unlimited. Everything is in God's hands and our diligence. Thank you @surpassinggoogle

Yes, we will all have great moments with JEHOVAH in charge

Oh yes, I believe in this, because the main thing in us is God's conduct and faith in our own strengths and abilities. Thank you for being with us @surpassinggoogle

The content of this post is very interesting. @surpassinggoogle

Fantastic. I do think the continued adaption of big names and influencers is extremely important to the growth of steemit. These events should be acknowledged for their importance. Thanks for highlighting this

Although I am only a newbie and hence a minnow myself, I agree with this.

Great post
I am encourage to do more
It gives me a mind of whale
i am a whale myself
The battle is not to evade @cheetah but to be myself
thanks to @surpassinggoogle for another great pix

You are welcome. Thank you

Its a pleasure

Thanks for the advice. But in order not to be nervous, I always place only my own photos, although they are not of the best quality.

All good

Thank you for the encouragement to put work into what you write. I lot of stuff I see is copy and paste. It takes time to write good posts, but it is worth doing it.
I can understand that a lot of users don't do it if you have a couple of visits only every time you post. :-(

For me, i am not condemning. I am out to educate for this most part. I am sure a few will see this post and grasp some beauty from it like you did. Thank you. Stay awesome

this post of yours is too helpful for everyone specially on us that is newly here, thanks a lot @surpassinggoogle my bf @fvpjunel is right your one of the hero of this community.

Can i ask you something, STEEMGIGS can you give me some clue about it?

I am a better blogger today just because of @cheetah and @steemcleaners . I remember being flagged twice when i started posting on steemit.

Hahaha exactly. It is best to look at things that way.

I too have fallen victim to @cheetah. And the work was actually mine, just that I had posted on another platform before STEEMIT.

But, we all get over it, pick up and continue.

Yes is a different case. No problem is such cases. You can just state that it was published originally by you

This is a really long post with a lot of inspiring and useful information like the usage right stuff...i never knew about that...i agree with you on most of the points you highlighted out....i think everyone is a whale cox the basic defination of a whale is someone who owns sp over 50k that has a huge influence in steemit but come to think of it....whether big or small sp...ur voice is always heard on steemit....the rule is quality content!


Hello @surpassinggoogle I'm always thrilled everytime you say "And when it comes to SBDs, its not necessarily about the amount of SBDs; it is more about the substance of the human behind the SBDs. " I hope other whales have the same thinking with you. Regarding the copy/paste thing, I think it's okay to copy or paste something as long as you don't discredit the real author specially here in steemit, the posts are monetized.

Overall, it is better to say things using your own perception. You can play with creativity. e.g the frontal message in this post was copy/paste but i played with it in a way that has never been written. When you play, you change what exists. It is the thoughts that count but even when it comes to thoughts and very popular topics like "how to cook adobo", someone out there may have used exactly the same exact line of thoughts even as you. For such topics, you will have to play.

Thanks @surpassinggoogle for the google tips :). I love reading your post. Very thoughtful..

Thanks Terry, Again a good informative post. And Yes, when a lot effort and time is spend, for sure it will help. We all know nothing is for free (except the given from nature) and to achieve goals, energy is key. Finally we all benefit and have a nice steem platform


Very well said Respected @surpassinggoogle, everyone should follow your path, no doubt your thinking, sugessions, advices are worth. specially all the whales should make efforts like you for development of steem community. Thanks for sharing.

Everyone works

This is google himself. Many seek to pen down thier name to that great book but only very little can handle the pen.

It takes all totality in determination and hobby will(love to use this) to do so


Why you write so good that make everyone want to have that wonderful skill! Thank you for this post to the information and I learned once again. Thanks dear Terry... xxx

Thank you very much for such valuable information Sir.

You are welcome

True @surpassinggoogle
Be original and others will also copy from you.
One of my friends once said and i quote

"Reminds me of one of my GCE exams of those days when I was almost tempted to "spy" the lady sitting next to me. She was beautiful, wearing glasses (to me that is usually a sign of intelligence, even till date), and writing plenty stuff so I imagined she knew what she was doing.
However, by divine intervention I was able to recollect the answer to the question and I started writing fast. Only to have this lady tear up her sheet, demand for a new sheet and start copying my answer word for word. She even told me to shift my hand away so she can see more clearly!
Moral of the story: If only you can step back, think for a moment and be original, the people you envy will become the ones copying you!"

Hahaha a popular naija story.

Hahaha and yes glasses and bald head

In Naija copy o, else you will fail woefully

Sure boss.... Everything in Naija needs extra effort o.

About the glasses, we always see people with glasses as scholars and bookworms.

You are right when u said to my post that im gonna learn a lot to this latest blog of you.
@surpassinggoogle you are marveling all of us with your writing, in this steemit world full of "how to be you" i just wanna say #THANK YOU" for writing not just an article but an article thats move minnows to explore the deeper sea with confidence and faith to one's self. 🙏🙏🙏

How to be you po?

Hahahahaha @surpassinggoogle that's very filipino like kinda way of asking 😂😂😂

You are a masterpiece.

Yes! You are. @gunneresq is so right for calling you a content god.

You know that was the first thing I had in mind while reading this. So gunneresq has just done well in adding "content" to the god.

Yes, I have read the article.

I really can't wait till it gets to my turn but I guess it will take time because I dropped mine after 80 comments.

Well, I already got alot of gifts from stellabelle's gift.

Very loaded!


Bro Terry all your posts are always on point
producing content that will be sort after by all
i am a whale too in my own domain

I knew I would learn a lot from this post.
Thanks so much @surpassinggoogle

AWESOMENESS kuya Terry! 😀💖
Steemit is the best place I landed and I am staying as well.

Because of the,

The human behind the Steemian.

@surpassinggoogle marvelling us,

And when it comes to SBDs, its not necessarily about the amount of SBDs; it is more about the substance of the human behind the SBDs.

@surpassinggoogle full of wisdom to share.

Create something that nations of the world want to copy/paste. That is the route to go!

Thank you very much kuya terry! More energy and good health for you.

Love much,

@shikika 😀💖

Today on steemit it feels like a war is going on. Everyone is trying to become a whale but when does somebody cross the whale line anyway? We look for value under every rock to realize that it may or may not be there. We want a community aspect to this site which is nice however it is clear that some people have little to no voice on this site. I think this site is great but I would like it if we valued the little guy because if we do not then this site may be doomed.

The little guy is valued more than you may know.

Excellent article..

you do a good job and inspire for new achievements, thank you) to write a good unique post you need to make a lot of effort.

I am glad of read about you, here you have a great idea never we have something more great that innovation the creation is a quality of ours species we need create

most effective article ever explained each and everything for everyone's perspective thanks for that !!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Thanks for information! It's a high level thing. Which we can use in our post.

Hello surpassinggoogle you can look at my last post here.

thanks for this precious information terry very useful for me :)

hi @surpassinggoogle You have a lot of awesome posts, but this is by far one of your best ones man. I needed this one today! Thanks.

I am glad about that

Your @surpassinggoogle blogs are always awesome, so much of information, so much of motivation, and a way for minnows to stay tune to steemit community.

Thank you so much @supassinggoogle sir.

Steem On and stay blissful.

Stay awesome. Thank you

I am still learning in steemit so i don't know much whale's, but the few that i know of you are among the best not just for anything but for your good works and for the roles you are playing to better this community.


Another information from you @surpassinggoogle thank you very much... For sharing with us....godbless you always @surpassinggoogle.🙏😇😊.

Jehovah bless us all in Jesus' name amen

we all need to learn from the mistakes and never do it again the past speaks itself

wow.....Well say bro..... Upvote and resteem it

As always your posts are awesome and the people responding to your posts are also awesome. Hey @surpassinggoogle Can you check my blog and resteem my posts too ? I will be thankful to you.
As I am new in steemit, I need members like you who can help me grow here and support me to show the right path in steemit.

I think cheetah is actually lenient. Cheetah won't blacklist you if you abuse. Cheetah will blacklist if you abuse repeatedly.

@surpassinggoogle you have made so many valid points... We are all at least dolphins or whales at heart 😄❤️🐠🐬🐋🌊
And I can’t stress that point about learning to paraphrase! It’s such a bummer clicking on a Steemit post and it’s JUST a link to an article, and no commentary whatsoever 😂 Lame. You have my Follow & Witness Vote, now I’m wondering your thoughts on this weekly Fundraiser I’m doing for a newborn baby born with 1 heart ventricle. She is the daughter of my good friends and she is in need! Their GOFundMe page goal is 25K and I think if we get Steemit to come together we can raise more than their GoFundMe 😄🌐🙏🏽

Hey @surpassinggoogle
No more words.....
My dear friend....
Wel done and perfect work...