"Teach Them How To Fish"; Is More Empowering Than "Giving Them Fish". Steemit Growth In The Philippines Continues.....

in steemit •  8 years ago  (edited)

"Teach them how to fish" i would say. "This is a more valuable and long term", i would also say! 

This is very paramount even when introducing people to steemit. Many will say "join steemit to earn", i prefer to call the whole journey of joining steemit, "empowerment" instead.

How Do You Empower People

Right now, one simple yet solid way; is to get them onboard steemit. 

It is also human nature that you may not want to do so. Well, it is possible that you may want to keep the "positives" to yourself; "the less the competition the better"; but there is a huge sea and there is fish for everyone. 

Ulitmately, if steem attains mainstream adoption, then steem will go to the moon in return. 

You can also look at it this way; We are all stakeholders on steem, so building your own train as it only does you good as much as it helps steem overall.

More recently there have been many charities on steem, in a bid to use steem/SBD to empower lives as well as accomplish some awareness to steem among other things but the reality is: real empowerment comes in getting these people on steemit. "Teaching them to fish"

A simple example of a way to tackle this, is in how we went about it with @steemph in the recent outing to support Red Cross Philippines.

Ultimate aim is to get the leaders from Red Cross Philippines to steemit, to fully empower them, so that they can fully empower others! This we will try to impart in our next meetup likely to host 93 youth Red Cross Philippine leaders.

I have also seen @steemitph and i have started the motion to see how we can really impact people, by means of their charity efforts by bringing these people who are being helped by these charities to steemit. 

This is true empowerment! 

Coming upon steemit to find yourself, develop in your knowledge, practice expertise while getting rewarded in different forms; from a truly better life, to true connections and friendships, is the real empowerment!

You can also offer your expertise for SBDs as has been the case, with the many steemians supporting #steemgigs

We also contacted with @denisechips, who left USA to be in the Philippines with her family for charity work. There are ways to fully apply steemit in this regard and the simplest true way, is by getting these ones that we help through charity, to steemit as well. 

There also other forms of gifts that we can give out as well as food and clothes; we can also give them things like education, internet connections, computers, books created by steemians etc 

This is something we will try to work on with the steemgigs community over time!

Many of these people have talents too, how much more lasting fun it would be, if they can also earn by honing this talents on the steem blockchain.

We also like the strategy of @shellany who has integrated some steemit into her teaching curriculum.

We got to speak also to @hiroyamagishi, a Filipino in Japan, discussing more effective ways on how he can get his many Filipino friends who reside in Japan on to steemit. 

He reiterated the language barrier and i reminded him of how Filipino steemians can feel free to speak their mother tongue and how good it will be for steemit growth in the Philippines, if more Filipinos kept joining steemit after finding answers to their questions on the search engines, from steemit posts written in Tagalog.

Here is a simple post he did, to explain steemit in a video using Tagalog. He would like to show this to his friends and the support it got; so we encouraged him by supporting his post and encouraged him to keep on doing more.

He is becoming the Tagalog version of @jerrybanfield, which is good!

Finally, @jassennessaj & @themanualbot have been the bomb, in driving steemit growth movements in Cebu. Today's orientation in their University was a success with around 19 sign-ups. 

Ofcourse, there is that technical barrier e.g things like "where does the money come from" etc but we spoke on how to be effective at this point, by cutting down on technicalities till these new ones are signed up, while steemians (the steemit community) continues the onboarding process by sustaining these newbies with support and steemit knowledge. 

He will apply this to the next orientation on Sunday, prospected to have around 90 attendees comprising of secular workers.

image is for: @jassennessaj & @themanualbot 

They also made sure to maintain a spreadsheet of attendees, so that there can be follow ups on others that weren't able to sign up, by means of a Facebook group to be created for this purpose.

Ofcourse, awareness to steemit was attained as everyone in attendance had steemit-powered souvenirs.

A Few Hours Later....

I will also try a quick steemit meetup later this morning, starting with a group of ex-co-workers. I will be treating them to a free meal courtesy of steemit and trying to get them over to steemit. 

In my case, i will basically help them see how to evolve as humans, stop their vices and meet a world of great minds by simply joining steemit. They are my friends, so i can present steemit in this manner and let's see how it goes!

Please join the comments to leave any suggestions for growth of steemit in the Philippines. Too, if you are considering budget steemit meetups and signups in your area, consider contacting me here: https://discord.gg/feucZRj. I am still @surpassinggoogle on there as well as on www.steemit.chat

Your Boy Terry



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This is a great way to spread Steemit offline :D

We need do this to make Steem grow up!

You are a great promoter and spokesman for Steemit!

Thank you alot Kus-knee. I know soon, i will be settled enough to visit you more often. Thank you for your patience with me in this regard. i also have a witness too, it is called "steemgigs", so another learning curve there.

I agree!

Great concept bro awesome thinking nobody think as you

Really? Hahaha

Yep bro good caption bro well done

You are a great representative of Steemit, followed @rishherbalist
PS: Love the Username.

Thank you alot


I don't know how you did it guys, but you did an amazing job!
I can't even convince my friends and family to join steemit lol. I offered all kinds of help and now I am burned out after spending all my energy explaining one at a time because everyone's stubborn to join a chat group lol. Maybe it's not about how much effort you put into explaining things to people, it's also their willingness and open mind. Another factor is I have to show good result, which I just realized now, I have to work hard on my account. Maybe I will okay working alone, actually, I am not alone here I already made good friends, maybe I'll start helping my self out and the people that are also helping me out. So, I have to start now lol

Thank you for sharing this =)

Hahaha, if i am to tell you want to do here, there will be too many words on the page. I can tell you my testimonies. Like you said, you need fire, you need to be fired up, you need to feel your beauty in its substance from within you and let it whirl up and then catwalk that walk and let your very presence fill the room. It is not about too much effort. Like in life and humans, it is about substance and substance comes with knowing who you are, tapping into their depths of your spanless minds and defining and redefining etc at that point, anything you touch is gold. Applies in everything, steemit and beyond. So yes, you need to grow in your love for steemit, understand its beauty, wealth and depth and let this knowledge get deeply-rooted, then when you conviction holds sway, you will walk that room and tell the audience follow me on to steemit, with just your "come over here" index finger and they will follow you, steemit & beyond. On the side, family is hardest to bring onto steemit. I have 3 sisters and they aren't here. Well, one is! But they will follow me here eventually. I am always reachable in the chats. I teach life though, more than i teach steemit and understanding life and humans, that applies anywhere. Many times, when you are on the path to growth, you need mirrors. "Mirrors" is a role, like to play!

You had given me another insights 😊

Keep on steemit ! Nice to know you help peple in your country :)

You have some good ideas here. This could really help everyone!

Thank you alot!

Congrats keep up the hardwork!!!

You're such an inspiration..... Thank you a lot

Where and how did u get all the white tshirt?

They printed out. There many shirts around, depending on your location. You have the #steemgigs community created the designs, then what will be left is printing

You're extremely awesome. Thanks for the feature @surpassinggoogle. It really helped a lot! :)

I feel your passion @surpassinggoogle and I share that passion you.

I believe we at @steemph may have a plan to increase steemit growth and empowerment for all. I still need to finalise details with the family but hopefully we can start out trial run soon.

I'll contact you directly to discuss details <3

Have a great time at your Steemit dinner! Pics! Pics! Pics! :)

Yes, i know of some of the plans. Yes, we will talk!

Really I enjoyed reading your post, and upvoting on your witness..
My appreciation for you, followed done.
Have a look into my blog, may you like any of my posts :)

I will look! Thank you for loving the post and for supporting the witness too

Great work you are doing

Thank you a lot. Your comment inspires!

You're such an inspiration, @surpassinggoogle! :)

I so want to inspire! I so want people to see the beauty they have. I mean we were made in Jehovah's image.

I also want to inspire, we may get along. :D

Yes we will! Will visit with you guys whenever Jasse invites you guys to the discord. He has the link to it!

wow inspiring post,i will have to do something like this for my country Uganda too.This is inspiring and at the same time challenging me to help out our people and bring them on Steemit,currently am just talking to friends and some,but will embark on massive recruitment soon hehehe.

Yes, contact me when you are ready! We can brainstorm ideas.

Will contact you soon.

you are doing great @surpassinggoogle I am sure steemians from philippines and other part of the glob will do much better here with your guidance! Liked the title of the post very much! 😃

I agree totally with you 😃

AMAZING!!! I like the way you shared this message. Yes, everyone​ need to empower other people, to help them live their dreams and be a part of their way to success. I love to empower people and will also write about this topic ​because​ it's​ so important it will set free amazing power in people. Upvote for you.

I love that alot!

This is great.


You win my witness vote! It may not mean much right now. But it means a lot to me.

U r indeed one of a kind @surpassinggoogle

  • I still remember one of your previous comments where you pointed out the meaning of @donkeypong (it was an interesting story. I mean, really interesting story)

Woah, you really know me then. Thank you for reading the post. And voting on my witness, that is something i will treasure and it does mean a lot too.

Oh... My error its @steemgigs not @surpassinggoogle i just looked your post over again.

Voting the witness now! Thanks for your comment. I appreciate your taking the time to respond

Thank you a lot for effort

Ehmmm, about voting you as witness, i tried but it kept saying the account @surpassinggoogle doesn't exist. Is it just me? Or did i do something wrong there. Please clarify. Thanks

Good afternoon, I really think the work done and the incentive that is generated in the new members and the existing ones, it would also be a great contribution that, if possible, would offer comments and help in the Spanish language, since I assure you a large part of The members are Spanish speakers, keep going.

Buenas tardes, realmente me parece excelente la labor realizada y el incentivo que se genera en los nuevos miembros y los ya existentes, tambien seria un gran aporte que en lo posible ubiesen comentarios y ayudas en el idioma español ya que les aseguro una gran parte de los integrantes somos hispano parlantes, sigan adelante.

Yes no doubt. I believe that will happen soon.

A good follow up on new babies on steemit is very necessary to get them to stay on the community, because it could be really discouraging when you get to the plat form and for months you have nothing to show for it. I am glad people with good hearts like yours @supassinggoogle are helping in keeping members in the community.

Oh you have something to show for it. By being on steemit, you have advanced in your knowledge way more than your peers. Talk and let them feel it. I can teach you!

I will feel really honoured to be taught by you sir

Very cool :) I hope soon in Estonia I see this too :)

Definitely! We can always brainstorm ways for that to happen in the chats

Cool :) I would be happy soon :)

In Latvia too!

@surpassinggoogle cool post congrats! overall Steemit is a platfor where content is of much quality than tweeter (which I reckon is becoming oldfashion), snapshot...didn´t realy took off (only for teenagers) and Instagram (where I only see many accounts with attention seekers...just them their selfies, their food plates, and so on).
We are in the right platform which is months away to start getting massively popular!

Yes one that helps you grow as a person.

@surpassinggoogle indeed I belive his platform is far better than the others, I feel as the interacting among individuals here are far better. I like the concept of having followers and that all posts are open to the general public rather than fb where there is so much restriction and privaciy on contect but at the same time FB itself keeps hords of data from each memeber. Thanks decentralization is making it big and it will be adopted by the masses soon.

I think it is also important to orient new sign ups that earnings does not come overnight or instant/easily when you sign up to the site.
That is the usual reason why there are some who will easily quit a site because they are over expecting and/or did not get want they expected. Ending will be, they will leave the site and not believing on its potential.
I have been working online for years and a lot have asked me where do I work and what I do to earn online. Giving them the sites, they easily jumped into the conclusion that they will earn by signing and it will be easy compared to offline jobs.
Just knowing a legit site being recommended to them is already an advantage if they just only knew how many are scam sites compared to the legit ones.

Yes, you have maximum points. And yes, i do a ton of that even with my posts. I also do lots of that in the chats. Gosh, there are ton of rewards on steemit and according SBDs is the least of them. Exactly what you have said happens here alot and we'll try adjust that over time

Your argument is very rational and in order sir. This is why I am one of your great follower. Plus drop me the link to vote you for wigness

Thank you Eurog. There is no direct link to vote for a witness and a witness vote isn't voting for posts, it doesn't consume voting power. To vote, you will need to visit https://steemit.com/~witnesses. then type "steemgigs" in the search box, to find me witness!

This 'teach the man to fish vs give the man fish' is a great philosophy and a great lesson for everyone to live by, I'd say :)

Great to see you guys are Empowering the people as you had the power to Empower and this is incredible thing to do :) My best wishes

Thank you!

Keep on steemit..................You're such an inspiration............thanks for share

I can teach you how to be way more effective with your blogposts. Let's start here, you don't seem to have an intro post yet, so do one. Try to be expressive and shine, you can write about you, what your mission is, goals, how you feel you can impact steemit, where you need help, aspirations, talents etc. If you are okay with not being anonymous, you can upload a picture as well of you holding a steemit paper, like steemit, date and your username etc and you holding it or perhaps, a link to your facebook profile etc. Then you can leave me a link. Then we go from there. You can reach me in the chats too. Link is underneath my recent post!

You are too kind sir..... i will inform you .... And when i do what you say than i send you a link ....
I wish you can help me ......

Okay, yes!

Dear Sir ,
This is my facebook link https://www.facebook.com/bipul.basak.397

i do what you say...... i upload my photos and write about me .... This is my steemit link .......... https://steemit.com/@devrajlove

if i do anything wrong than please inform me ......

Steemit can empower people to help them help themselves.

That is the whole essence in reality. Empowerment however, is more in the growth of learning and becoming the best version of ourselves, else even money won't mean success!

I agree with everything you say here, a very good post

I am grateful for that!

Giving someone the fish is like training them to become lazy. Teaching them how to fish is training them to be industrious and not dependent on others. :)

@surpassinggoogle Great post!!!!!!


Well said. I am also trying to influence my sister in the province to join. She is very active in promoting Jehova' words there and has a lot of connections so I think she may be able to fish. However she is not that tech savvy and fluent in English and internet connection is poor also, my little brother has the same predicament.

How come u r not there?

Oh, it's too far away from the Metro, an 8-9 hours bus ride. I am just communicating with them using FB messenger. Hopefully next month I can make a visit.

Tech saavy is the least of the requirements really. My journey was like that. I think similar to yours. It was a huge struggle and at a time when steemit was so tough. Internet can be an issue as well but it will get better. "Improvisation"

Hehe can relate to our struggles during those tough times. I will go home to the province this September and will help my sister set up. Cheers :)

Great to hear!

I just learned you are also curating non-English contents so she will not have a difficulty twisting her tongue hehe.

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great post about how to encourage people,
followed and upvoted.
here is my recent writing, if possible please have a look. thanks :)

it would be a perfect world if everyone could do what they are talented in. And this people help it to become true! thank you for this!

Yes. We are building just that with #steemgigs or @steemgigs

im following @steemgigs to be updated :)