Composite Stock Price index (IHSG) has finally closed down 30,65 points or fell by 0.52% to $ 5,863.96 after a day of moving in the negative zone.
Throughout the day trading is as much as 9,37 billion shares changed hands with a frequency of as much as 293.666 times with a total transaction value amounted to Rp6. 77 trillion.
As much as 94 listed shares closed higher and 244 other stocks declined, and 115 shares are not experience movement.
Stocks in the top gainers today include shares of ACTION, which rose by 25%, then the stock CANI up 19.88%, and INTD stock rose 17.14%, the next JPFA stock up 11,21% and NASA-W rise of 8.07%.
While stocks in the top losers i.e., stocks RMBA down 23,33%, the LEAD fell to 15.45%, then the stock INCF down 13,64%, then the stock CENT down 12,28% and the DART fell 9,78%.
source : IQplus
Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) akhirnya ditutup turun 30,65 poin atau melemah 0,52% ke level 5,863.96 setelah seharian bergerak dalam zona negatif.
Sepanjang perdagangan hari ini sebanyak 9,37 miliar saham ditransaksikan dengan frekuensi sebanyak 293.666 kali dengan total nilai transaksi sebesar Rp6,77 triliun.
Sebanyak 94 saham tercatat ditutup menguat dan 244 saham lainnya melemah dan 115 saham tidak mengalami pergerakan.
Saham-saham yang masuk dalam top gainers hari ini diantaranya yaitu saham AKSI yang naik 25%, kemudian saham CANI naik 19.88%, lalu saham INTD naik 17.14%, selanjutnya saham JPFA naik 11,21% dan NASA-W naik 8,07%.
Sementara saham-saham yang masuk dalam top losers yakni saham RMBA yang turun 23,33%, saham LEAD turun 15,45%, lalu saham INCF turun 13,64%, kemudian saham CENT turun 12,28% dan saham DART turun 9,78%.
sumber : IQplus
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