Dealing with the current frustration of Steemit

in steemit •  7 years ago 

I have noticed in the tone of conversations that a lot of people are getting frustrated at many of the goings on at Steemit and I have to admit, things do get to me quite often also. This is especially true because a lot of my interest areas require looking at behaviours and challenges and when there are so many, they do tend to rub off and affect moods.

Having said that though, overall the system is working relatively well considering how few believe it. Distribution is very slowly happening, as is onboarding, app development, SMTs and finally, some action on the dealing with some of the worst community members. Where it all leads is anyone's guess but I feel, upward.

It has been over a year since I joined Steemit and the platform is coming up to its second year birthday, there have been many ups and downs yet, look at the general trends and you will see that it is decidedly positive. Not that it has much value in the comparison but, Facebook was founded in 2004 yet, most people didn't actually join until 2007 as it was a largely closed group of users from a couple universities. They have 2.1 billion users now but, it took a lot of time.

This is a startup type environment and the beauty of this platform is that our investment isn't upfront. People seem to continually forget this. Yes, there were early people in and some of them mined or bought in but, that is the benefit of early adoption. Would you behave differently if it was you?

However for most investment opportunities, an upfront amount is required and that amount is gong to be locked into the investment for some period of time with no immediate returns and no guarantee it will provide any return at all. Most do not take the risks, even if they happen to have capital free to invest.

How many of you bought Microsoft in 1977, Apple in 1979, Google in 2000 or Bitcoin 2011? Did you hold? Those years are each two years after the companies were founded and if you had bought in and held, you probably aren't reading this post.

But, here we are at Steemit and for the vast majority, we did not buy in with anything other than the work we provide yet, many of us are earning something along the pathway. People don't seem to understand the gravity of that here, they think buying in is easy yet, they forget that the money to buy in with has to be earned also, often by doing much more difficult and soul sucking work than writing our thoughts, talking about our interests, showing off our artistic talents and creativity.

If you work in a terrible job and had a few hundred dollars saved up at this time last year knowing what you did then, would you have invested it into Steem, would you have bought 7c Steem after it had crashed from 4 dollars? Would you risk your hard earned capital on this investment?





So, would you invest in those companies in their first two years listed knowing what you do now?

The beauty of Steemit however is that it draws us in, makes us feel connected, holds some of our power so weak hands are a little less likely to sell. There are plenty of weak hands though, plenty looking for the short gains without thinking long, plenty thinking that this money is free so has no value. This is not true, it is earned and hopefully has a much higher future value.

Look at Microsoft between 2000 and 2010, talk about a dip... Look at Apple.... did you hold? Or, did you have the capital to buy? Did using Windows or iOS day in day out increase your investment in the company without ever having to purchase a share? You must be rich by now .. Didn't think so.

We all get frustrated by the immediate circumstances we face but the cure is to look long. No, no, no... longer. No, longer still.....

We are two years in. Only.

[ a Steemit original ]

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It's written very nicely and from an angle that many fail to see it. So many people here for the short gains, and only a small core portion of the community is here for the ideology, movement, progress and development. If people want to sell, sell, fine with me, i'll buy. Since i had no capital to buy, i had to earn it, it's not easy, and earning fiat other places are not too either. System of course has it's flaws in token distribution and concentration but that was unnecessary evil. Anyone could have bought steem for 4c Nobody wanted, i did not know about it.

SMT's will roll out eventually and they will even up things. I am glad Steemit Inc decided to go for scaling issues first, as with the effortless on boarding the snowball will start paired with SMT's. Feeling small with 1k SP or 2k SP? Well wait a bit, people felt poor with 10k BTC back in a day.

Jealous that somebody has got 100k SP or more? Well then it is your problem and you will most probably be miserable for the rest of your life. Life is not fair, but get the most you can our of it. All it takes now is an effort.

Yep this is a great comment. I'm new but I've been online since 1995. I swear! Dialup, disks in the mail for a free hour of internet. I believe today, this can be a long term gig. ALSO the fact that Steem isn't that easy to buy. Meaning not on many exchanges I believe will help it's value long term.

gotta run to IRL work but I will bump this to the top.. thanks mate.

My issue is, I want to see how much of the reward pool is being distributed to everyone and not just back to the main earners.

The issue is that it seems a majority of big accounts are giving a majority to themselves. Even some Witnesses which are paid 96k SP a year, are still giving over 50% of their voting power to themselves.

If everyone does this, a centralization of funds will occur and it will be off putting to too many people.

Why join the STEEM economy when it is just a smaller copy pasta of what people veiw the real world as.

A place where the rich get richer and those at the bottom have to win a lottery to get into any sort of rewards.

While I haven't given up on STEEM, I feel anyone who invested in the beginning and is only up voting themselves, or majority up voting themselves, are just hurting the growth of the platform.

When a new person joins, and for weeks has gotten nothing and quits..... While someone with the ability to make a change in that person's life just gives to themselves....

That's an issue.....

I agree and have written a lot about the same issues. They are unfortunately role models of the platform and how many perceive they got into the positions they did.

Since we are the earliest members, steemit still has a long way to go, with lots of adjustments and value hype.
I believe this is just the beginning just like all of those big companies had some rough beginnings.
Just being strong for now, it's not all that too bad after all.

it's not all that too bad after all.

It really isn't but people quickly forget what it was 3 months ago.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Well, the microsoft graph looks a bit like steemit, at least the beginning.

"Having said that though, overall the system is working relatively well considering how few believe it. "

Yeah that is something that surprises me too. Maybe I fixate on all the bads and not the goods and miss the bigger picture

Yeah that is something that surprises me too. Maybe I fixate on all the bads and not the goods and miss the bigger picture

I do too so I have to remind myself to shill personally more.

A balanced and thoughtful piece here, as usual. As one of those, ofttimes frustrated people it's a good read and reminder that we are, all of us, on what is essentially the ground floor of this new concept, with plenty of scope for elevation. A good reality check.

Oh, what else make's me feel frustrated is how your photo's look so much better than mine! Now, that's frustrating.

on what is essentially the ground floor of this new concept, with plenty of scope for elevation.

We have opportunities here that may not exist for us elsewhere.

Oh, what else make's me feel frustrated is how your photo's look so much better than mine!

All done with smoke and mirrors.

how your photo's look so much better than mine! Now, that's frustrating.

I take a shot with whatever camera, it's just good enough to cause nightmares to children during Halloween.

“Good enough to cause nightmares!” :) Funny.

Really great points man.

You know I also have some discrepancies with Steem but I mean honestly have you ever found anything that is perfect?

I haven't. What I have found is Steem which all in all is the best thing I have found. What actually really annoys me is all the people complaining about something that is so awesome just because its not perfect.

Rather than complain do something is what I say. There is always something we can do and we have to do more than just say what we think should be done.

I am hopeful and grateful for Steem∞

∞§∞To SteemFinity and Beyond∞§∞

Rather than complain do something is what I say.

I agree but most are unwilling to get their minds dirty in the intricacies of the platform and instead 'just want to post' for reward. As you know yourself, there is a lot more to it than that but those who spend their time working on posts alone will never see the back end work many do.

Imperfect yes but, there is so much opportunity for better.


Great to see you understand and are trying to help others get educated for success. I do that also but not enough. I have actually been doing a private paid series training people how to succeed on Steem but will be realizing a lot of it on the blockchain soon to help this community I care about so much.

Agreed, it's the opportunity for those who do. Though I do think many here are savvy.

This definitely gives me another "burst" of energy for the platform. I feel like I used to be earning so much more than I am now, but I know I am still continuously growing. When the value raises it will be insane!

Many don't see it from your perceptive and all they want is easy money. Spoken to some persons about steemit and asked if this is another ponzi scheme. Then i replied, is facebook a ponzi scheme.
you have been on facebook for over 10 years and yet you received nothing from them as appreciation but Steemit gives you the oppportunity to earn through posts. The cent might be little but is deeply appreciated.

I choose to be here, with Steemit I stand both Ups and Down. Only a matter of time, the world will know Steemit

Facebook is a Ponzi but the users who create the value have no chance at ever cashing out what they put in.

AND if you promote your business on FB today, it's a whole new game. They enticed us into creating pages and inviting customers and now you can't even get seen. Never build your customer base on Facebook or any other website you don't own.

With what I have gained since I joined steemit, I know it's only going to be better. Listened to Ned's speech and I was filled with positivity .

If I had enough money ,I should have bought in on steem but I don't and so I have decided to put in work. 5th of next month will make me 3 months on steemit and I have been able to earn 92 steemshort from post rewards and so I know I am going to do better.

With the prospects steem has, even a fool should know to think long term and not just for the now.

Weeping may come by the night, but joy cometh in the morning.
No frustration last forever rather, it attains to a greater height of wonders.

With time steemit would grow to compete with the likes of Facebook if not surpass them because i dont think there is anyother platform that pays people for their ideas

Birds don't just fly, they fall down and get up. For every venture set up, there are bound to be shortcomings. It's part of growth. You're only a failure if you Quit.

I bought Facebook at $28

Good observations, @tarazkp, well stated.

I certainly hope to HODL to the extent possible...



Don't we all :)

I was thinking of investing largely into system before the current drop in value, coupled with my previous experiences with pump and dump schemes makes me a little skeptical with the whole idea but reading this post brings more confidence. Thanks for sharing

Remember to never invest more than you can lose.

I believe this is in it's infancy. It's complex for sure. You have to have steem to build steem power or I think it's going to be a lot harder. I'm learning to buy steem when it's lower, and holding til higher then turning to steempower. What do you think of that? I did buy Ebay stock early on. Wish I still had but sold it for a house downpayment in the 2000's.

I power up a lot and convert probably 20-50 of SBDs to Steem too, maybe more as I buy off platform too.

I was happy to get it at what I considered low, but i should have waited before powering up-- Unless the price moves steem power too?

Hmm I need to get steem dollars too. I've been sticking to steem and started on a platform then just bought direct through here.

price moves steem power as it is just 'locked' steem.

SBDs are really good for buying steem but not much else for me

so which is best for steem power, steem or SBD?

Steempower is Steem.

If you are converting SBD from posts into steem to power up, that is good. If you are buying Steem on an exchange to bring in and power up, that is good. if you are trading SBD on an exchange to get higher amounts of steem, good.

SBD is meant to be pegged to one dollar US but has broken the constraints which means using it to buy steem now is a good idea but, SBD is very unlikely to be a hold coin. Steem is the valuable one imo.

THANK YOU! All of these questions are going through my head. I appreciate you answering them. Still confused about the advantage one creates over another.

There's was a a poem written by Rudyard Kipling title 'If'. In it was a line that says: And so hold on when there is nothing in you except the Will which says to them: ‘Hold on!’
Steemit is too early and already has delivered much for people to worry too much. The future looks brighter but then its in our hands to make the community last. For the number of users, just give it a little more time, this place will be crowded. I run utopian-io visibility on Steemit and you would be surprised that so many people never heard of Steemit yet. So with the current energy put into running this campaigns, its just a matter of time before people pour in. My advice to those who are frustrated now would be to take this time and gain on their niche before the crowds pour in.

Sage advice.

Its still in beta (I would call it Experimentation Stage), yet to go public and still within first 1000 sites. So I don't think, steemit is doing bad. We don't know, when the public release is coming. However, I think, it will certainly rise after public release.

But the most important point as you said, being Connected. That gives us a lot of value, isn't it ? We have been able to make many new friends, and literally most of my day passes with them. So we are earning that happiness as well. In my opinion that has a bigger value than the post earnings.

Absolutely true. The number of people on steemit is growing continuously which shows its acceptability. Even thou I barely made money here I still see a lot f motivation in myself since it gives me a platform to share what I'm feeling, things I loved and want others to experience it.

Not to forget it's still in beta so a long long way to go.

significant & phenomenal!

i hope this frustration will not long last


It's difficult because honestly it could go either way..... but I'm definitely thinking this year we're going to take off Like a Phoenix rising from the ashes into the million dollar Horizon.

Those are good points. It's easy to have a very microscopic view of things. "The market is down this week" or "BTC dropped again" and freakout mode sets in. This is a long-game model where you have to put in the work today to get returns later down the road. It could be 10 years before Steem is big, but at that point, how much will our stakes be worth then? Hopefully, many, many steaks! :)

Nice post! :)

However for most investment opportunities, an upfront amount is required and that amount is gong to be locked into the investment for some period of time with no immediate returns and no guarantee it will provide any return at all.

Exactly. For me Steemit is a creative investment opportunity, and for that, long-term thinking is necessary. If I try to explain to my friends what I'm doing here, they call me crazy or they say I'm wasting my money and time. But they lack long-term thinking and the mentality of taking a risk sometimes. I love writing and I'm glad I can express myself on this platform, but on top of that I really do believe in it's future. i'm in this for the lang haul and I guess we'll see where that gets us. And if it happens to fail sometime in the future, i'll be sure I still had a damn good time.

But they lack long-term thinking and the mentality of taking a risk sometimes.

General lack of work ethic without a guaranteed return.

And if it happens to fail sometime in the future, i'll be sure I still had a damn good time.

This is why it is so valuable here, even in failure there is a victory of sorts.

Im still pretty new here but I see tremendous potential even though I am reading a lot of negative posts about the lack of quality content on Steemit. I think people want everything perfect now, but they dont remember how horrible facebook was when it started. I remember how basic it was back in 2007! I know that Ned and others are working passionately to make Steemit the best it can be. I trust that they have the best intentions for the future of Steemit at heart. This is still new, things will change. I am trying to remain as optimistic as possible because I am not only dedicating all my investing money (buying Steem) but my free time too in the future of Steemit. I have spent at least 40 hours a week on here since I started a month ago. I think with that amount of passion and the uncertainty of the future people focus on the problems that they see on Steemit. People had almost nothing to gain from Facebook's success..on Steemit we all feel like we have everything to gain with its success. Thats why people are so positive, or negative about it.

This is still new, things will change.

This is something to remember for everybody, staked or not, supported or not. A lot can change quickly.

Good points

a very inspirational writing sir... thank you his information.

Great points there. I may not be well versed in investment, but I as I observe the people around me personally, online or know of because of their success of some form the people who become successful in anything have the common thread of hard work and the wisdom to learn from mistakes, grow from them, and focus on the long term goals rather than instant gratification goals. In a world where things can happen so rapidly, it really is important to learn the value of patience in all areas of life.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment