RE: Steecky Thoughts #11: Steemit as a legal betting platform – a fun way to distribute SMD [6 min]

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Steecky Thoughts #11: Steemit as a legal betting platform – a fun way to distribute SMD [6 min]

in steemit •  9 years ago 

Yes, I was referring to the prediction aspect with play of the day. r/sportsbook has something similar. A lot of users have developed high reputations for handicapping games by posting their "play of the day" in a dedicated thread. People "tail" the high upvote high reputation folks and maybe make money for betting with them (off site, of course). Upvotes mean prestige there, but mean so much more than that here.

I was thinking of your idea in terms of limitations of what we have now, which is why I was thinking in terms of consolidating predictions to one thread. If subscribing to tags was implemented, I agree that would be better and work well for your proposal.

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