Steemit - Helping Overcome International Barriers and Disadvantage

in steemit •  7 years ago  (edited)

G'day team,

Today I thought I'd write about something that's a little out of my usual field, and is more tied to my experiences here on Steemit.

Specifically, I want to chat about how the Steem network allows many of us from advantaged nations to learn about the lives and hardships faced by people who're less advantaged than us. By learning from, listening to, supporting and spreading the voices of the disadvantaged we not only help overcome prejudice and ignorance but thanks to the mechanisms of remuneration on Steemit, actively combat the problem!

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Let me give you an example!

Yesterday while scrolling through #introduceyourself I found this introductory post by @saifuddin07. I'll leave you to read it yourself, but Saifuddin's story is one of determination in the face of constant hardship and setback.

This is not a story I would hear every day. In fact, before the Steem network, this is not a story I would ever have been in contact with, short of actually traveling to Aceh. What's more is the #introduceyourself tag is full of stories such as this. An real insight into the world beyond our own doorstep. There is no longer an excuse to remain ignorant of the advantages that those of us in the first world have. Through steemit we're able to hear everyone's story, not just the ones the mainstream media decide to report.

What's more is that through upvotes we're able to actively support people who're less advantaged or facing hardship. Ultimately financial security is an incredibly important part of any healthy lifestyle and a small amount of security allows people to stop searching for work and settle down to build their lives, families and education. All of which adds to not only their wealth but the wealth of their communities. Through Steemit we can avoid the self-aggrandisement that so often comes with active charitable contributions and simply fairly reward people for the work they are putting in and content they are creating!

Networking and Learning

Steemit is a platform for sharing and spreading stories, knowledge, and information. But unlike other forms of social media which promote popularity and are open to manipulation by political and financially motivated players, Steemit's community has thus far protected the network from extreme outside influence.

On this platform, we're not only able to hear the stories of those from developing nations, but of other often marginalized or oppressed individuals and groups too. Whether it be gender, sexuality, religion or political affiliation we live in a world that often pushes aside certain sections of our community. On the Steem network these people share their stories and allow us real insight into life on the other side of the fence.

It's for the reasons outlined above that Steemit works as an incredibly useful tool for not only broadening our horizons but actively networking internationally with people who share our interests or work in the same areas of expertise. As a medical student, I can reach out to understand what healthcare is like in Mumbai, or how infectious disease is combatted in rural China. There is no end to the learning possibilities that Steemit presents!

So! I encourage everyone to head over to the #introduceyourself section of steemit and read some of the first posts that people make. It is here that I've found people really pour out who they are and speak about their lives, their culture and their passions!


Thanks for reading team and I really hope everyone takes the opportunity to explore outside their comfort zone and make the most of the potential of this amazing platform.



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100% Agree Tom! A fantastic post that truly captures the essence of Steemit. The ability to give a voice to those who may be less fortunate and then have the opportunity back it up with multi layered support is amazing.

Thanks very much guys! I appreciate the support :)

Couldn’t agree more Tom. I happen to think and talk about helping the world, but do I really do something meaningful? I do not think so... And you are right, we can help people like this as well- supporting them by learning about them, their lives, cultures and struggles. I think that it is something that anyone that works in medicine or science wants to achieve – make the lives of others better.
Great post, resteeming.

Thanks very much! I'd agree that I probably spend more time thinking about doing good than actually taking action. I also think it's really important to help in a way that doesn't belittle people... last time I was in a third world country (Nepal) I was reminded quite starkly that just because people grow up in abject poverty doesn't mean they're helpless or without pride. An offer of financial support was often turned down, but an action such as offering a helping hand or supporting a business really went a long way! I guess Steemit offers the same opportunity by allowing us to support good content, no matter where it is produced.

I don't want to sound like I'm against charity lol. It's definitely got its place and giving is a great thing, but people often don't want to be patronized by having money thrown at them and supporting their enterprises and initiatives results in a much better outcomes for everyone :)

Thanks for sharing this story. I remember being in an argument on Steemit a month ago about Internet as a basic need. I was being called narrow minded because I said that we should first focus and clean water and food for all which are the real basic needs. Of course, the person I was arguing with lives in a country where free wifi is provided in public parks and I live in a country where we still shower with a bucket every time electricity falls out. And our country is actually considered to be one of the more developed ones of our region.

I think you're right. People who grow up with all the advantages don't recognise that there are placed in the world where 'rights' mean the right to life-sustaining resources/ fascilities, first, and anything beyond that is a luxury!

Exactly! The irony of it all, people are happy without must of the luxuries of the Western world. But hey, we live in a commercialized world. I myself get caught in the spectacle and buy things I don't really need thinking they are a necessity :).

I mean who doesn't though! I think humans are innately bad at recognising the difference between 'want' and 'need'!

True. Very true :)

Exactly my thoughts! It's such a blessing to be able to see the hardships...and actually have the power to change the outcome and the tide...from anywhere in the world. The potential to learn and to understand other viewpoints and perspectives directly from the more powerful than some seem to realize at the moment. <3

Looks like you forgot a space in your formatting in your closing sentence. :D

Also stopping by to say that you have been featured and curated for MSP Community Curation: Top Five 'Positive PAL Posts' - Week #06

##Thanks for picking that up (pun intended :P)

And thanks for the recognition! I really appreciate it :)