Steemit, My Journey so far

in steemit •  9 years ago 

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I’m not going to tell you the story the way it happened, I’m going to tell it the way I remember it, because quite frankly, I don’t remember how exactly I stumbled upon Steemit, I’m just glad I did.

And in all honesty, I think that’s all that matters.

All I remember is that I was scrolling down taking a glimpse at the titles, and then I started clicking at some of them for the sake of exploration, and before too long I was already absorbed.

At times I found myself divided between those who were still amazed by this brand new platform, and those who started to see how great of a game-changer this could turn out to be.

My curiosity got the best of me and so I kept reading, I started with personal stories first, I remember reading someone confessing how they arrived a little late to Cryptos parties, but that they were so glad they found Steemit so early on, and I thought to myself: That’s exactly how I feel!

Let’s be honest, we all wanna be part of something revolutionary not because we want to look back from the future and say: I was there when it happened, but because there is something so singularly fascinating about watching inspiring projects take off.

So I kept reading, and then I decided to write my own post, and then the next day I wrote another one, and the next… I couldn’t seem to stop.

In retrospect, I think most of them had a decent reception which probably might have played some role in incentivizing me to write more, after all it takes only one person to tell you: keep them coming! for you to do your best the next day.

So I want to thank you, I loved your comments, your inputs, and obviously I’m very grateful for your upvotes and all the nice words.

It has been a two fantastic weeks among you, so I thought I should put together a compilation of some of my posts that you guys liked the most.

Want To Win Some Steem? Welcome To The Steemit Media Contest!

The Steem Media Contest

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The rules of the game are simple: The winners are those who get Steemit the most relevant media exposure, whether in an article, a guest blog or by getting Ned and Dan on a popular podcast or even television.

The prize

From June 21st until July 14th, you can submit your entry in the comments below for a chance to win a nice share of steem!

The winner, 2nd and 3rd place, all get rewarded in a pool of $1500 SP.

Good luck to all and may the best steemian will!

You Can’t Handle the Nanny

A comedic take on the Nanny State

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I get it, I really do, all they care about is keeping safe, keeping us safe from ourselves, from logic, from choice…

And from all these invisible enemies that keep putting our oil in their lands.

A Short Comedy About A Backwards Universe

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Luckily, you’ve got the Department of Homeland Security and their quest for protecting the citizens, they do their research and find out that cancer is the biggest cause of death in America, so they start protecting the public from anything but: Barber shops, lemonade stands, guitar factories... You name it, they've raided it.

Calling All Steemians, Let’s Come Together and Create Momentum!

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In the end, it all boils down to empowering the individual, people coming together to create buzz and build momentum, this could turn as easily into a community building adventure. Some of you creating the designs for the ads, others making creative videos, and others putting their marketing skills on display…

All contributing in something great while doing what they’re passionate about.

There Is Nothing To Fear But Fear Itself

A comedic take on media hype


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Again, remember all that hysteria immediately after 9-11?

Which begs the question, if your average man and woman are usually aware of how extremely unwise it is to make decisions in an altered state of mind…

And if any politician in the world will do the exact opposite, making costly decisions in the heat of the moment (the absolute anti-thesis of sound decision making you’d expect from a leader)

When does the wisdom part come in?

Want Your Mind Blown? Apply the 80/20 Principal to Politics

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The drone program accidentally murders nine innocent people by mistake every time they try to hit a target suspect. So far, nobody seems to find anything wrong with that.

If Amazon drones on the other hand were to deliver your package to nine different neighbors every time they try to reach your house, I bet it would be a totally different story.

A Little Comedy About The Wall

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Fast forward a little bit, the wall is at present built, it’s called the “Trump Wall”- in case you were worried some ego issues might be involved.

Finally the day has arrived and Donald Trump is able to tell the public that Mexicans can no longer cross through the southern border.

If only someone had told him that Canada was lifting all visa restrictions from Mexican citizens.

Now they could cross over from the North just as easily if not easier, if they really wanted to.

We’re gotta need another wall!

The Funny Crazy Experience Of Looking At Freedom In Reverse

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In England for example, up until the 1960s before the capital punishment was abolished, it was categorically prohibited for a citizen to kill themselves, and if someone were to try, then the penalty for that was death.

As you can see, mind blowing rationale.

In the U.S on the other hand the death penalty is still around and kicking, and before they give you the lethal injection, they swipe your hand with alcohol so you don’t contrive an infection.

God forbid you go running around in purgatory infecting angry souls.

That was the road so far, but this is just the beginning and the best is yet to come!

Stay tuned!

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Thanks! I checked out some of your posts that I had missed, they're very good.

You seem to write everything as a level 4 header. Please don't do that :-) Paragraphs are meant to be formatted as paragraphs, which makes them easy on the eye. This paragraph is written as a #### Header, you see, it's too heavy. Cheers!

Thanks @Markopaasila! And you're right, I should definitely pay more attention at formatting.

Another formatting tip, you can connect the quotes between lines by putting a > on the blank line between.

Thanks @pfunk!

A fascinating journey so far.

A great experience I would call it, no doubt!

loving this: "Let’s be honest, we all wanna be part of something revolutionary not because we want to look back from the future and say: I was there when it happened, but because there is something so singularly fascinating about watching inspiring projects take off."