What to do about plagiarism on steemit?

in steemit •  7 years ago  (edited)

What do I do as a user if I encounter an account of someone that is just blatantly copy-pasting from all over the internet without ever giving links to his/her sources? Flag all the posts? Flame his/her mother and/or sister?

EDIT: One possible way to go is to inform the SteemCleaners about such posts. Check out their announcement here:
Announcing SteemCleaners, the Steemit Abuse Fighting Team!
You can even earn Steem for reporting genuinely bad content to them.

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Keep an eye out for the cheetah bot. If there is a comment from this bot, the post most likely contains stuff that was copy-pasted.

Check out @steemcleaners , you can report plagiarized content to them, and they even will pay for it, iirc. Definitely worth a follow. Flagging also works, but no one wants to waste all their power on negative. On the other hand, if we don't flag then the low-quality stuff will take over, and no one wants that. And flaming peoples' sisters should be a given, I think.


Thanks for the info @dtbahoney! In that case I'm off to do some flaming now ;)

Btw, how exactly do I report to them?

Found it. For others, here's the link to the original announcement from SteemCleaners:
Announcing SteemCleaners, the Steemit Abuse Fighting Team!

Glad I could help clean this place up!