in steemit •  7 years ago 

You're at work wishing you were somewhere else, doing the things that YOU want to do not what others tell you to do. You find yourself doing the same things day after day, we normalise it, it's called a 'routine'. Things that just have to get done, otherwise who will pick up the slack?

Stop it, you are completely wrong. Life is what you make of it. For all you know, you've only got one life, so why keep wishing you had more, why keep telling yourself that you 'don't have time' to do the things you want to do, or maybe it's that you don't have 'enough money'.


Well, all of that is bullshit. Have you ever heard of the saying, "if you keep saying the same lie over and over again, you will start to believe that lie yourself, as if it were true"? It makes sense, right? The reason why you keep thinking that, is because you've been fed the same lie everyone keeps repeating to each other. If you truly want something bad enough, stop doing what you are doing and start doing what you WANT to do. Not knowing how you are going to get there is completely normal, it's a challenge, it's exciting. It's easy to get caught up in lazy thinking, just saying, "I can't do it,
I'm not good enough". That's wrong to feel and to think that way.

Once upon a time I thought I would never achieve the things I have, because people didn't believe in me, people thought that 'my ambitions are beyond my scope', they thought that because that's what they've been telling themselves their whole lives. The trick really is this. When someone speaks negatively, or tells you, you can't achieve the things you want. Instead of getting angry, upset, and fall into 'self pity' mode, use all of that as ammunition, let it run through you like petrol does in a car's combustion engine.


Even my own friends and family thought I was crazy, when I said to them, guys I'm going to graduate top of my class at university; and I did. It didn't end there, they thought the same thing when I said, in 2-3 years time I'm going to be earning 6 figures and be the CEO of my own company; again, I did.

  1. Stop what you are doing that is not making you happy.

  2. Make a list of goals, even ones that might seem far fetched.

  3. Stop being a parrot, stop being everyone else's "normal".

It really is that simple. You can go online or purchase books on all kinds of overly complicated ways to "get your life on track". They all come with these massive lists on how to get your shit together but the reality is, just start being more YOU doing the things YOU want to do and stop trying to be like everyone else.


For the last few weeks I've been on a beautiful island, with my amazing girlfriend because I said no to work and yes to me. Don't get me wrong I love my job, but sometimes we need to spend time on ourselves, and others.. I listen to what my needs are, and the needs of those who I love and support me. I'm travelling because that's what I want to do.






Be who you want to be, because you are worth it. Be brave, take the leap and become the ultimate version of yourself.

Thank you for reading!

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The Dajboz


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Awesome advice, my fiance and I were just saying how everybodies negativity is gonna be used as our fire because we do things in a different way! Great to read:)

Thank you so much! Happy that you enjoyed the read!

I totally agree with you. I don't have enough time to complain things that never happen to my reality.
What a great encouragement your post is!

Thank you so much :) glad you enjoyed it !

Absolutely true!! Action speaks louder than words ..

Exactly my point ! :-)

Great advice. Be who you want to be. Thanks @the.dajboz

Thank you for commenting !

Great post and I love the pics :0) I agree 100% we are responsible for our own happyness and only we can change things ourselfs.
Resteemed and upvoted followed. Thx for sharing

Thank you :-)

Truly inspirational, thanks alot !

Stop spamming this post in peoples post that have nothing to do with your's or their post