Steemit Needs Staff Deleting Spam? (mughat) (Should option exist to auto-mute accounts that reached a spam limit?)

in steemit •  8 years ago  (edited)

Yes? No?

We're all watching the mughat spamming, what does the community have to say?

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Everyone in steemit acts as "staff" or "moderators", everyone chooses what to upvote/downvote. That's one of its beauties. There is no central authority choosing what content should be viewed or not, everyone in the ecosystem participates on that activity.

yeeeeah.... I get that.

Do you get what will happen when they have 15-20 accounts spamming the same thing? I see at least 2 accounts doing that. Will we really be subjected to flagging as 3/4ths of our daily activity? What happens when it hits 5,000 spammers?

I don't think flagging is gonna cut it. No offense.

I personally don't appreciate the spamming, HOWEVER, I also am not sure what could/should be done for action on it to be appropriate

No. Us Steemers will take care of it. the community

How? Does flagging eventually ban an account?

Can people get low reputation on their accounts and eventually just have their posts hidden by default?

Now there's an option.

Say, if they get a high enough percentage of their posts flagged it can set a token.

Have your steemit account able to sort by that token with an option to show or hide. The benefit would be for accounts that have temporary issues, their posts would start automatically showing when their flagged post count dropped. Huge runon, lol sorry.

Right now there's a 'mute' option but you'd have to go back to the account and unmute and check to see, see if they're still spamming.

If someone decided to spam the whole system, how much would you lose by just muting them forever?

What if someone went on vacation and their account was hacked and used to spam?

Like I said, having it automatic would do away with having to even go to a spammer's page and mute them. likewise, it would auto-unmute when the spamming ceased long enough