Who Wants an Auto-Mute, for Accounts That Reach a Certain Amount of Flagged Posts!!

in steemit •  9 years ago 

Steemit has a 'mute' function. Yes. You have to go to a spammer's page and choose that option though.

What about an option to set on your account. One that will auto-mute accounts that have reached a certain flagging limit?

I'm not exactly sure how it would be implemented or what limits would trigger it, hoping someone else has good ideas on that. :)

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Maybe the limits could be user definable?

I was thinking something of the same.

Perhaps a percentage of flagged posts? Sliding scale from 0% to 100%?

What about number of flagged posts within a time period?

It could all be up to the user.

A simple check box that reads "Auto Hide Flagged Posts?"
And when the user checks that box a menu below becomes available

A dropdown box with options like;
"Hide posts based on percent flagged"
A slider here to adjust percent from 1% to 100%
Another dropdown box that reads "Time frame" with options of
Any, 1d, 3d, 1w, 2w, 1m, 3m, 6m, 1y.
As well as an option to enter your own time frame.

An option to check a box that hides all flagged posts.

Now there's an idea! :)

Awesome :)