2 Killer Steemit Features I Would Like to See

in steemit •  9 years ago 

1) Supercharging your vote

We have the promotion feature and it is a nice addition but as @stellabelle and I have discussed this does not allow people to power up their vote in any way.  

My proposal is to allow people to "supercharge" their vote with Steem Dollars which would effectively allow them to vote as if they were a whale.  

Most people would never have enough money to be able to do this via powering up the normal way.  By allowing them to give special votes in this way you not only decrease the perceived inequality but you also increase the utility of Steem Dollars.

The money gets added to the value of the post like any other vote and goes to the author and curators without getting burned.

2) When you Power Up your SP Your Voting Power Percentage resets to 100

This would need to have a minimum value set on it to prevent people gaming it but if a decent limit of say 20 STEEM/SP was set I think a fair balance could be created.  It might need a trial period to get the balance right but I don't see any negatives to at the very least trialling it.

I think it is only fair to reward people for supporting the platform by powering up and this would create an added incentive for doing it.

It would be another reason for people to keep powering up and not power down.

What do you think?

I would love to hear everyone else's opinions on these features.  Have your say in the comments:

(Stock images are licensed from Istockphoto)

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Great idea I posted a similar idea like this over a month ago to allow all minnows to become a whale for 24 hours! https://steemit.com/steemit/@acassity/my-plan-to-bring-in-usd500-000-to-millions-in-revenue-for-steemit

That couldn't possibly work. The only thing preventing whales from exploiting the site (voting themselves/their buddies and just bad curation in general) is that they have a lot at stake. Becoming a whale for a day means you can give much more than ~$50's worth to anyone with a single upvote, including yourself.

It should be more expensive to Supercharge the account compared to the max reward it could give...

Where would that extra money go? It'd be burnt?

If anyone can come up with a possible implementation that's not exploitable, I'll be all for it. I just don't see it.

This "service" has the same problem that 99% of suggestions have: sybil attack.

A whale can supercharge their own post at no cost because they money comes back to themselves.

Some significant portion of the supercharged vote would need to be burned to discourage this kind of behavior.

There are other problems with this proposal that would result in massive abuse.

I've also expressed an opinion that "supercharging" (love your name for it!) your vote is really necessary here on Steemit! I've had several occasions when I meet a great post, I like it and it get's nothing more than it was. :( In those situations I wished I could donate some money from my wallet to support the post.

Absolutely - I don't know why we can't literally put our money where our mouth is on Steemit. Supercharging your vote should definitely be an option.

Thanks. It always seemed like an obvious feature to me.

Ooh I like the idea of supercharging your vote. Even charging it up a little. Sometimes I see posts that I really love and I wish I could give more than my measly little fraction of a cent lol.

+1 to that!

I like it.
Centered images by default would be great too.

Yes that would be nice. Particularly since the editor has a habit of removing centring if you switch views.

Great ideas! Maybe to implement we could give multiple votes to the same content, so if you want to sacrifice 5% of voting power on one vote you could. Maybe this allows the devs to implement your idea within the confines of the variables we have.

That would be another way of doing it but then that limits people according to their SP. This way people can directly use Steem Dollars to augment their vote.

Supercharging your vote

Not sure what you mean by this. I understand the concept of giving more power to a vote temporarily, but I don't see how you can implement it. If you meant to say that I could add SBD to my vote that would be transferred to the payout directly, that doesn't work. The optimal move then would be to always supercharge and upvote yourself, since you'd be getting almost all of it back. Whales would start doing it and it would make the visibility issue much worse.
If you meant something else, please let me know.

For #2, I'm pretty sure it can't be a fixed rate. You'd have to effectively pay based on your remaining voting power %. I'd have to think a bit more about this, but intuitively, I'd say that the cost of bringing your vote back to full power would probably need to be higher than anyone would be willing to pay for it.

If you were to empty your votes in a day with ~40 votes, then you'd think the cost of bringing your voting power it back up to 100% would be 40*avg_upvote_worth - but I could be wrong.

I like both ideas. I see a lot of people that are going unrecognized and producing great content. I would gladly pay to power up my vote to boost their content and I like the idea of utilizing the Steem Dollar in other ways. Even though it seems like tipping it goes further than that. like!


I really like both of these!
I've seem the discussion you've had before this on the supercharging/direct tip onto a post. I believe the main issue was preventing abuse of alt accounts 'supercharging' their own posts. But honestly, if there was a 'tip' slot separate from the payout earning, I would figure all parties would be happy.

On the second of resetting the vote power percentage on power up, also something I really like. This reminds me of getting a stamina refill on level up in various games. Again I could see the abuse issue of just constantly powering up small amounts like .001 Steem, but setting the 'refill' to occur at say every hundred SP or something might work.

I believe the main issue was preventing abuse of alt accounts 'supercharging' their own posts

Yes but that is no different from whales up-voting their own posts and pocketing the money. If it's OK in that situation why not this one?

Again I could see the abuse issue of just constantly powering up small amounts like .001 Steem

Exactly so there would need to be a minimum amount to trigger it. I think that would encourage someone like me to power up faster for sure.

I'm good with both of those solutions :)

Two great suggestions, especially number one.

That sounds interesting. So, basically we would have "power up with SBD" option next to upvote icon under the post?
And to what maxiumum equivalent of Steem Power would we be able to to instantly boost you upvote?

As much as you can afford to pay. I don't see why there should be a limit.

So it would be a bit like gambling-betting for minnows :-)

That's a great point. It would also enable them to get curation rewards when they knew they found a great post, thereby boosting activity This is a really good idea @thecryptofiend

Exactly. Thanks.

Well you could see it that way or you could see it as a gift to help raise the profile of a post you like with the money going to the author and not the @null account and you could also get a bigger curation reward if it succeeds.

Ok great, I'm looking forward to it :-)

Cool ideas. My concern with resetting voting strength is the whales could use this to game the system and get huge curation rewards via voting bots. I think it would have to somehow be balanced out so the amount paid to power up would make it a net negative, something only done if really necessary, like someone had a lot of voting they wanted to do one day while the next day they may not be around as much.

Yes it would need some controls in place.

Sounds good to me. More user variability in how they manage their behavior on the platform.

Sounds good, anything (imho) that helps add value to value is a "good" idea !

Although I like both ideas. Both of them have flaws and thus are not good to be implemented. Some variation of them could work, but should be carefully considered. Personally, I believe that post promoting and SP transfers are just what we needed.
First one, imagine whale on supercharge vote.
Second, if we could reset voting power all the bots that are curating for profit could power up and have their voting power reset, thus would earn even more curation rewards making manual curators, even more, usseles.

First one, imagine whale on supercharge vote.

I don't see the problem with that. Yes they can do that but they don't really need to. Why would they risk their money to do it?

Second, if we could reset voting power all the bots that are curating for profit could power up and have their voting power reset, thus would earn even more curation rewards making manual curators, even more, usseles.

No because it would cost them money to do it.

Here is nice proposal that is on track with your suggestion
And about the second part, again it's probably on the right track but it needs some work. Honestly I think that is not needed.
Keep up good work.

So the supercharge vote is essentially a tip? I'm not sure I see that much use, since nothing is stopping us from tipping currently .. you can transfer SBD and let them know it was because of that post.

Or would it get magnified somehow based on how much SP you have?

Sometimes you really like something a bunch and an ordinary upvote doesn't seem like enough. So maybe one idea is you can elect to use more of your curating power on one post. But I think an issue with finding a way to magnify a vote is the incentive is then just to give that vote to yourself (or to a friend and swap back and forth, etc). When all votes are equal it's at least more tedious and perhaps more transparent for people to curate that way.

No it is not the same as a tip. It is increasing your voting power by paying which gives you the ability for that vote to be like a whale vote. So if your SP gives your vote a value of $1 you can pay $10 and supercharge your vote to have a value of $11 for one vote. You are supplementing your current SP and voting power with Steem Dollars for a single vote or however many votes you want to pay for.

But I think an issue with finding a way to magnify a vote is the incentive is then just to give that vote to yourself

That problem already exists. Whales upvote their own content and get that money back. This would be no different. If it is fine in that case why not this?

"No it is not the same as a tip. It is increasing your voting power by paying which gives you the ability for that vote to be like a whale vote. So if your SP gives your vote a value of $1 you can pay $10 and supercharge your vote to have a value of $11 for one vote. You are supplementing your current SP and voting power with Steem Dollars for a single vote or however many votes you want to pay for."

I'm not really seeing the difference. You pay $10 in order to give $10 to the author. You can already do that by just transferring to them.

I guess the difference is that you bump up their reward in realtime in a way that's visible, like a whale can do?

I think what happens is people just donate to themselves to bump themselves. There would need to be a burn amount, even if a small percentage, so that there's some risk to bumping your own post.

I think with a burn amount it might be a good idea. If you want to bump your own post for visibility you can, but if other people don't upvote it then you lost money from it. And people could use it to increase visibility on their posts when they're confident that they're good.

"That problem already exists. Whales upvote their own content and get that money back. This would be no different. If it is fine in that case why not this?

That problem doesn't already exist because there isn't currently a way to magnify your vote besides having more SP.

Whales have a lot of SP, but they're not able to use all their curating power to magnify a single vote. They have to spread it out over their normal amount of votes.

I'm saying there would be even more incentive to reward yourself/friends if you (the whales, everyone) could concentrate all your curating power into one supervote for the day.

(The "use all your curating power on one vote" was just something I threw out there randomly. It was a different idea than the type of supervote you're talking about .. Sorry to make a complicated thing more complicated hehe.)

I guess the difference is that you bump up their reward in realtime in a way that's visible, like a whale can do?

Exactly. It is just boosting your vote. Not just tipping. If you tip that doesn't alter the earnings of the post and it's visibility on the trending page.

There would need to be a burn amount, even if a small percentage, so that there's some risk to bumping your own post.

That could certainly be possible it would make it more complicated as you say.

I like this features they seem interesting but the second one would definetly need a minimum amount of Steem based on the current price and vote value not just a fixed amount of steem cause a whale could easily power up 20 steem every 10 minutes cause his voting power being reset gives him lots more.

Yes it could be adjusted depending on prices.

Upvoting for the pic of supercharger. Steemit needs more automotive stuff :p


It's interesting how you have 70 votes but only $3 earned. This means that whales and dolphins don't like your idea.

I understand why. I think it would be better to just be able to tip an article and contribute to its payout. I think that would be better.

Who knows for sure? Yes that is an alternative the effect would be very similar.

Hey Cryptofiend, here is my 2cts. I'm a bit perplexed by your first proposition. I wonder why someone would pay to get more voting power during a limited period of time. Those who are willing to spend money have a lot of money or want to invest in themselves.

I would rather see a better redistribution of voting power so new users can directly see that they can have real impact.

I would rather see a better redistribution of voting power so new users can directly see that they can have real impact.

Me too but that will take time.

That's a fascinating idea. The more non advertisement real use applications for steem / steem dollars, the better. I like that there could be a way to "re-power" your vote percentage.

I feel that there should also be the ability to upvote once or twice on the same post if you really like it (not on their own). (It is our voting power and should be able to be freely used). I don't think you should be able to vote with 100% power (this would be a terrible idea for your idea since people could upvote their content and then spend a small amount to repower and upvote further).

I also think a possible non monetary vote that could raise popularity without using voting percentage (steem promo) where you would have a percentage weighted to your steem power that would allow you to make posts more visible, but not add more money. (whether or not that could / should be monetized could be discussed).

Great ideas. Would the steem from the supercharging also to to the @null account. I would still like to see a block feature as I suggested about a week ago.
💋 @halo 💋😇

No the Steem would go to the post like a normal vote.

block feature is a necessity now.