How to Save the Whales : Is Delegated Voting (DV) the Answer?

in steemit •  8 years ago 

The Problem

It seems everybody these days is either angry with the whales, critical of them or wants a piece of them.  

The problem is that there are only a few whales to go around.  They are also in some cases the very same people who are working on developing Steemit and promoting it which creates a conflict between curating content and development.  

There are only so many hours in the day and with so few of them (whales) there are always going to be limitations as to how much they can curate content themselves.

This creates a dilemma:  

The whales have a lot of voting power but without them using their considerable voting power to upvote posts the amounts raised on the trending page will fall significantly.  

Like it or not those large sums are a big attraction to new members.  

If I'm a new user looking at the trending page - seeing the top posts with a dollar or two is not really going to be a strong pull.  Seeing thousands of dollars is what will pull me in.

Until Steemit gets to the size of a Facebook or Youtube when there are enough minnow votes available to create equivalent sums we need the whales to use their votes as much as possible.

The Solution (or at least one possible solution)

That's why I think there should be a means of delegated voting (DV for short).  

How would delegated voting (DV) work?

Let's take an example of @ned who has one of largest wallets on Steemit with the greatest SP.  He is a busy guy and next week he is going to be spending a week at an international conference talking and spreading the word about Steemit (this is purely hypothetical I don't know his schedule).  

Unfortunately he doesn't have a lot of time as it normally and during this time he probably won't be able to curate any content on Steemit.  

Fortunately @ned knows another user - @notverybusyned whom he know is a good curator, has a good reputation and would be willing and able to vote while @ned is away.  

So @ned delegates his voting power for a set period (in this case a week) to @notverbusyned who is able to vote for that week with all his own voting power and that of @ned combined.  

During this period @ned is not able to vote and when the week is over his voting power returns and he is able to vote as he did before.

There is no reason this could not be applied to all users.  There will likely be many people who are time limited and would rather pass on their voting power to others (at least for limited periods of time).  

The advantages of delegated voting are:

  1. Voting power is not wasted due to time poor voters.
  2. People who would not normally have very high voting power but are good curators are able to have a greater voice.
  3. A more diverse range of content can get high value up-votes.
  4. Distribution is accelerated as a consequence of the above points.
  5. It reduces (but does not eliminate) accusations or the appearance of favouritism. So people are also happier with whales as shown above.

Other modifications to DV

Some other modifications that could be used in combination with delegated voting to enhance it's use would be:

  1. Take account of reputation as part of the delegation.  Limit delegation to certain reputation levels only(to help eliminate bots).
  2. In accordance with the above have delegation lotteries - where each month a high reputation member gets delegated a certain SP.  This could be built into the platform with a special "rotating" whale account that is delegated to a new member every week perhaps restricted to the top two reputation levels.


Delegated voting would be a useful tool in helping to make Steemit a fairer and more diverse place.  It would help to accelerate adoption by allowing those who are time poor to delegate their voting power to others.  By way of doing this it would also increase the diversity of content and reduce accusations of favouritism.  

A delegation lottery with an associated "rotating" whale account could act as a further enticement for both new members and the encouragement of good behaviour (by limiting to certain rep levels).

I am not a programmer so I cannot comment on the technical difficulty of actually implementing DV in Steemit so I will rely on other users who have the technical proficiency to discuss it.  

Please give your thoughts in the comments section below:

(All images used are public domain from Wikepedia.  Except for final image which is Creative Commons: Sea World - Orlando FL - Sept 1989 Photo by Alan C. Teeple : link for all images here)

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I upvoted You

Thank you:)

Highly intelligent post! I want to see this happen to be honest.

Thank you. You are very kind. I think it would be a great way of sharing the position that whales have. I also think the lottery would be nice little extra for rewarding people who are good curators and maintain a high reputation.

This, or some version of it, is a very good idea. At the moment, bot voting on lists of designated authors is a particularly blunt version of delegated voting. The bot list system has some advantages. But, inevitably, it means that, while these votes have enormous sway, the people who directly benefit from the votes have more information about post quality than the people doing the voting. In the long-term, that has the potential for abuse and to drive down quality.

One of the biggest challenges for Steemit to overcome if it is going to thrive long-term is this kind of information asymmetry - it's well worth reading about the Market for Lemons, which deals with this problem in the context of buying second-hand cars.

OK will give it a read when I have a moment. Thanks.

There's definitely some merit to the idea of vote delegation, but I'm sure there would plenty of people willing to abuse it too. With enough safeguards in place and a reasonable system of checks and balances you would in essence be creating a virtual system of congressional governance.

A Steemit parliamentary system is an interesting idea but we all know what happens when you give the car keys to the kids while you're away...

Unused SP while people are away taking care of things offline certainly does cause their SP to go to waste and absolutely causes worthwhile posts to be passed over because people do have lives outside of Steemit.

This is a great idea but a tough call. I hope more people see this post and have a chance to weigh in, because I can see the upside and downside to such a system.

In essence you would be electing a proxy in your absence and I'm sure the most qualified to weigh in here would be the people who hold a majority of the SP currently. Only they would know how they would feel about handing over their voting power for a week (or even a weekend) and you have to remember we're talking about some serious money to be made or lost via proxy...

I know that I for one won't even let others drive my car, but I know plenty of people who don't seem to mind at all. It's really a tough call but one that's definitely worth some consideration.

Thanks. Obviously there is always potential for abuse. In this case the hope is that the reputation system will help to reduce it. The other thing is that if someone does a poor job of curating under DV then they would be less likely to get it again - so if the "kids" crash the car they are less likely to get use of it in future.

we could make it so you could loan out steem power to people and they get 1/2 of the curation (or so) and with that both parties benefit and that would give even independent ones reason to do it.

Yes that would be a way of increasing the incentive for both parties. Great idea:)

A really great idea and if those who whine or angry about whales could take on the shoes of a whale even for a day would understand a bit more about what its like being a whale.

Great idea:)

I was about to sleep but couldnt let this great topic to be burried underneath. As it could be the answer for alot of us.

Maybe dv is not a good idea to be available for everyone as it could also be used by the bots to gather their SP in one single acount and abuse it. So should be a certain amount of reputation requirement is needed

Thanks. Yes that it why I suggested the reputation requirement. Delegation should only be available to higher reputation levels to prevent gaming of the system.

this seems like a great idea - hope the Devs/ Whale Devs see this

Probably not but maybe some day someone will suggest it to them - lol:)

I'm pretty sure the less they vote, the more everybody's SBD payouts are. That was my impression from reading the whitepaper, but I haven't looked at the code in enough detail to confirm it.

I didn't think that was the case but it is a while since I read the whitepaper. Will need to get it out again. The problem is still that those big dollar signs are what attract people and other votes (or at least it seems that way) because of how the default trending page is shown.

So why don't we let the bots do all the work for us by setting up advertising bots..? Bots that go around and share steemit and stories onto other platforms.

I don't know if that would help. It might end up annoying a lot of people.

It seems a great idea.

Thank you:)

Or... we just need more users, right?

I'm not sure if I would rather a whale delegating power or simply recruiting new users as fast as possible.

I tend to lean towards the latter because that is the long term solution.

Yes possibly but that will take time.

I agree. And, your suggestion is a possible solution. But, could there possibly be a solution that we can control instead of just hoping that those in power will delegate theirs?

Maybe but those in power don't like to give up their power - at least not permanently.

What I meant is finding a solution that simply involves our own creativity not relying on the power of others.

Is the witness page where you delegate your voting powers?

@christoryan You can't delegate voting power yet.