Lost in the Steemit wilderness will I find my way

in steemit •  9 years ago 

So here I am, somehow having found steemit and thinking it is yet another alt coin but what is it really ? I wonder over the various links almost like wandering down dark deep tunnels not knowing what awaits me there but it seems obvious now down every path I travel down the deep darkness there appears to be a brick wall at the end.

So what is steemit ? I find tons of articles posted by others some showing extraodinary amounts of money, where does it come from how do I get it also, how does it all work - these are the questions I find myself asking as I wonder down the dark deep halls painted in white there so much light yet a deep darkness overshadows it all?

Please comment fill me in take me out of the darkness and I will take the reigns from there :)

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In my first days on Steemit I was reading a lot about it. There are a lot of good technical explanations on Steemit. Also the Steemit Whitepaper is worth a reading. But the best understanding about Steemit gave me an interview with Ned Scott, the CEO of Steemit. Take a look at it: https://coinreport.net/conversation-ned-scott-ceo-steemit/

Thank you that really does help me allot :)

From the interview I got the impression, that the big blue whale @ned and @dan like to see good original content on steemit. Because of that people are comin to steemit and Steem is getting popular.